
Author Topic: Mario: Shakespear style.  (Read 6057 times)

« on: April 15, 2004, 07:30:02 AM »
It's not hard. I write part of a story. Someone else continues it. But it has to be written like a Shakespear play. One of the few times when I encourage writing in script form.
Normal rules apply. Humor is encouraged. Disgusting or profane jokes should be kept to yourself. Try to keep on topic.

(MARIO walks in from the left. TOAD, from the right.)
Toad: What cheer?
Mario:(mournfully)Our lady has been ta'en to the vile den of the dragon, Bowser.
Toad: Aye. Tis thrice this week he hath offended.
Mario: His forked toungue doth spurt lies.
Toad: Forked indeed, for also he speaks truthfully when't suits him.
Mario: My noble brother and I go to-day to get her.
Toad: My lord. Taketh thou your servant as company.
Mario: And what servant is that, that giveth his life for his lady? Tis a noble one indeed.
Toad: The very same as stands before ye. Or doth he stand below thine eyes?
Mario: Let us away. Nay, I neglect. Wherefore is my brother? He who is oft' prompt and seldom tardy. Why today has fate decided that he shall not arrive the hour his presence is most needed? Has he some errand of greater importance? I should like to see such a great quest myself!
(LUIGI enters from left)
Luigi: My brother! And Lady Peach's Servant!
I fear I dissapoint thee for I was occupied.
Mario: How so dear brother.
Luigi: My alarm clock didn't go off.
Mario: Oh.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2004, 02:09:55 PM »
Luigi: We must to the vile castle of Bowser hurry.
Mario: Aye, but forsooth: wherefore is my Super Mushroom?
Toad: I have taketh'd thy Super Mushroom into the castle yonder; but surely the great Mario has no need of it?
Luigi: Thou shalt have to departeth without it, for the Princess is in dire need.
Mario: Alas, therefore to the castle of Bowser that is great we shall fly, and I shall take great cautions as I have not partaken of the Super Mushroom.
Toad: Let thee not tarry longer, lest some dreadful thing happeneth to the Princess.

IBM: Inferior But Marketable

  • Guest
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2004, 05:48:57 PM »
Interesting idea Screech.


« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2004, 07:15:40 PM »
But alas, thou doth not posteth an addition?

IBM: Inferior But Marketable

« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2004, 08:40:15 PM »
Bowser's castle.
Peach is sitting on a bed.

Peach: Mario. Mario. Wherefore art thou, Mario? What side quest doth keep thee from thy duty?
(bowser enters)
Peach: Soft. Who goeth?
Bowser: tis not one that thou needst be afeared, for I wish thee no ill. Why hateth me so doth thou? Hath thou yet made a request that I have not performed? For Peach need only say 'do this' and tis done. Would that thou were more grateful.
Peach: Would that thou were not so dim. Thou art a koopa. And I could never love thee.
Bowser: Aye. A koopa yes. But What's in a name? That which we call a bub-ulb by any other name would smell as sweet.
Peach: Yet, t'would not be so humorous.
Bowser: Thine own humor offends me most.
Peach: It is not thy name that I loathe, tis the forked toungued creature to which t'has been attatched.
Bowser: I do not have a forked toungue. Tis an old and an annoying expression.
Peach: Thou deserveth punishment a thousand times more.
Bowser: Yet each time I have offended, I have answered it.
Peach: Away. I grow weary of thy toungue, forked or not.
Bowser: As thou wish it, Lady.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Normal
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2004, 01:01:56 PM »
(Bowser starts to sneakily exit the room.  Peach looks at him, accusingly)
Peach: Whither goest thou, rogue Bowser?  Off to commit more villany?
Bowser: Thou dost wrongs me.  Methinks a drink of water would clear thine throat, so I was off to the drinking fountain.
Peach: Forgiveth my accusing behavior, but if thou hast secret plan, I will soon know of business.  Get thee gone, wastrel.
Bowser: WASTREL?!  I haveth no quality of a wastrel.  Thou makes thine heart ache so.
(adds in a sarcastic tone.)
Bowser: And I'm considered the cruel one here...
(Bowser exits.)

Signature under Construction.

Edited by - Markio on 4/17/2004 12:02:38 PM
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2004, 12:41:14 PM »
Huh? I can NOT understand ANYTHING from Shakespere's time so don't expect me to understand it mixed with Mario.

I''m Sonya! Sonya the hedgehog! I''m Sonic''s lesser known sister and I''m the keeper of the Plasma Emerald!
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2004, 05:19:54 PM »
(Enter Mario and Luigi, Bowser's Courtyard)

Mario: I sense villainy afoot here!

Luigi: Aye, brother, 'tis the Keep of that Cimmerian wretch--wherein has there not been villainy afoot here?

Mario: Hush, I espy a troupe of villains embarking from yon stairwell!

(Mario and Luigi HIDE upstage left behind a statue of Kamek. ENTER Koopa Troopa 1, Koopa Troopa 2, and Para-Troopa)

Koopa Troopa 1: Mine ears do hear a sound of unlikening qual'ty!

Koopa Troopa 2: Art thou mad?

KT 1: Nay, be not vain--there werein here a sound of intruders!

KT 2: I heard naught.

KT 1: Let us look about, hence, and we will make a wager; if there art not a soul hither, I will keep night watch.

KT 2: Agreed... Para-Troopa, wilt thou confess this bet, should treason arise in it?

Para-Troopa: Verily I say I will not--I swear not on the presence of Lord Bowser's safety!

KT 1: Coward--thou art a braggart before him, anyway!

PT: Then let the gods support my braggartery, I will be the one who finds the intruders and will therein claimeth the reward!

(The three go searching. Meanwhile, Mario and Luigi run behind statues, evading them; it is dark, and Luigi trips.)

Luigi (whispered): Alas, I am fallen and injured. Thou wilt have to pursue on with't me not.

Mario: Nonsense I acclaim; if thou would have it, rise.

Luigi: I cannot, I am sorely injured.

PT: Halt, I hearken to the voices of italian swashbucklers! Who goeth thither!?


Weee, that's fun.


Mario`s adventure is over for now, but,

Mario`s dream lives forever...

Dream on, Mario... dream on.

Edited by - Super Mario on 5/2/2004 4:23:05 PM

Kickin' it since 2000.


  • Kansas
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2004, 05:09:01 PM »
(Enter MArio and Luigi)
Mario: Draw thy long sword, Ho!
KT1:                        Ay, our
    Enemy is here!
Maroi: Coz! Draw thy long sword!
Luigi: I have it not. The enemy has much to fear.
KT2: I have not the slightest inkiling of Whom thy speak! For, you know not thy pain. Hast not our hate been o`er looked?
Mario: No! Thy pety words of pitty haveth not a single effect upon me. No draw thy long sword, Ho!
KT2: `Tis a shame, `Tis a shame!
Mario:(aside) My anger is Swelling!
Luigi: Mario!
(KT1 Jolts at Mario with a sword)

Push button...
Receive Bacon!

Edited by - Koopaslaya on 5/6/2004 4:10:10 PM
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου

« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2004, 07:09:45 PM »
PEACH: Mario, Mario, where for art thou Mario?

MARIO: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Peach is the sun. See how she lays her cheek upon her hand. *sigh* If I were a glove on that hand, then I might touch that cheek!

PEACH: What is a name? That which we call a Fire Flower, if called by any other name, would burn our bottoms just as badly.

MARIO: To be or not to be? THAT is the question.



ME: Ok. *presses key*


ME: Grrrrrrrrr!
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2004, 03:52:36 PM »
Mario: Why Peach! How dids't thou find us out here?

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Kansas
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2004, 05:02:11 PM »
(Shakespeare is turning in his grave right now...)
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου

« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2004, 05:13:48 PM »
"Cursed be he that moves my bones!"

Yup. We're gonna burn for this.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2004, 05:03:45 PM »
Actually Shakespeare, being the fruitcake that he was, would probably find it both inspiring and humorous; that is to say, if he knew who Mario, Luigi and such were.

"Word I was in the house alone,
Somehow must have gotten abroad:
Word I was in my life alone.
Word I had no one left but God."
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2004, 06:25:34 PM »
Fruitcake? Super Mario, you and I should have a talk.

"Good News: Ten golfers are struck by lightning every year."- George Carlin
This is a secret coded message.
