
Author Topic: Four Swords  (Read 3210 times)

« on: June 09, 2004, 09:45:19 AM »
I got Four Swords for Gamecube yesterday, and I have exactly four (no pun intended) words to describe it: Best... Zelda... Game... EVER!!! Also, I reserved it so I got a cool t-shirt with an NES Link on it that says "Sword Play". Unfortunanently, I wanted to invite three friends over, but one couldn't come, and RIGHT WHEN ONE FRIEND LEFT, THE OTHER ONE CAME!!! So, I didn't play with any more than one other person, so I'm going to ask my mom when we get home if I can have a "school's over" party (ends for me on June 16th), invite about six friends, and the thing I'd wanna do most is play Four Swords (followed by Pac-Man Vs.). What are your opinions on the game? So far, the only two things I don't like are 1. competion and 2. not being able to choose your color. But I really love the fact that if you're playing with less than four players that you can pick up another Link and have a partner.

Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let''s do the Mario all together now! You got it! It''s the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again! Let''s do the Mario altogether now! Come on now! Just like that!
Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let''s do the Mario all together now! You got it! It''s the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it''s time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again! Let''s do the Mario altogether now! Come on now! Just like that!

« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2004, 11:52:00 AM »
I would not call it the best Zelda ever, but I only play with the same group of four people beginning to end (on Level 5 right now) and it does have even more of the madcap action that the original perfected. I can see it definitely not being as fun single-player, though, because it would move pretty slowly.

Things I don't like: They took out the Gnat Hat, which was my favorite item. I kind of miss being able to go anywhere you want at any time in the level like the original, but with the one TV screen you couldn't have implemented that so it's okay.

Things I like: This game is probably the best co-op game ever made and the second game to truly get connectivity right. The first was Pac-Man Vs.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2004, 02:06:34 PM »
 I'm still waiting for mine to come in; tomorrow, at the latest I'll have it.

 And three other guys, and myself'll be playing it all night on Friday.

 But, I trust LD's words, and am sure it'll be great.

 Though, I think it'll be tough to knock Contra (NES) from the "Best Co-op" game spot.

« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2004, 05:29:38 PM »
Heh heh, a bit after I posted that I actually started thinking about Contra III.

Four Swords Adventures is the best co-op game this generation, at least.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2004, 05:41:36 PM »
 I can go along with that.

 I was almost tempted to put Bad Dudes up there, too, but then again, it wasn't very Cooperative, having to take turns. But, just mentioning Bad Dudes is enough.

« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2004, 05:52:56 PM »
Bad Dudes! Thanks for mentioning it. :)

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”


  • In flames
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2004, 07:48:06 PM »
Actually, 1-player mode can actually be much faster.  It depends on how stupid or uncooperative your friends are.

I imported this game so I could play it before classes were over last semester and so I could get Navi Trackers as well.  There were a few points that got tricky without knowing Japanese...  Anyway, my roommate even bought a GBA just so we could have a 4-player game because it's so awesome.

« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2004, 11:46:57 AM »
I learned what MEGAߥTE was talking about last night, as our party had a major breakdown and devolved into me and this other guy constantly throwing each other into all cliffs, fire, and poison water that we came across. The other two tried to catch us and drag us along. This lasted for a ridiculously long time until someone shut their GBA off (ending the stage) and made us sign a contract. Then the guy I was fighting (he started it for being anal about me accidentally walking over a few of his Force Gems after he died right in front of me) just sat around getting no Force Gems ever and just moving along when we needed him to. This made for a boring stage (5-2). After that stage, the GBA SP user's battery died. So we tried to play Melee but that one guy wouldn't play and I hate 3 player Melee (1, 2, and 4 are good) so I left.

Without being able to read, a few places would be impossible, like the Deku Scrub that you must bring three items to in order.

Tell me about this Navi Trackers. Is that what used to be Tetra's Trackers? I wondered where that was.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2004, 04:10:07 PM »
I still haven't gotten mine either! I paid for 3-Day Shipping from and those sleazebags still haven't gotten it to me yet.

As for me, I've been having an "End of the 'year Party" every year for the past 7 years.

As for Four Swords, I'll probably invite two friends over, and have my sister's boyfriend (who's almost always at my house) play. Either that or one friend, my sister, and her boyfriend. Or my sister, my nephew, and her boyfriend. Or my nephew, my sister's boyfriend, and a friend. Err.... you get the idea.

What part of the chicken is the McNugget, exactly?
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.


  • In flames
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2004, 05:06:25 PM »
Yes, we had to go to Gamefaqs' message boards to find the translation to the Deku puzzle.  We were up literally all night trying to figure out what the heck to do.

Navi's Trackers is what Tetra's Trackers used to be except you can have more "navigators" than just Tetra now, like King of Red Lions, so they changed the name.  The depressed guy from WW makes an appearance as well.  (It does not feature Navi, thank goodness).  It's obviously not as fun as Hyrule Adventure, but it's an interesting diversion.  Basically, the game is a big treasure hunt.  You start off with a mini game in which you collect your starting items for the main game.  Then each person runs through the level on their GBA trying to find the pirate specified on the main screen (and there are other objects to collect as well).  The map and navigator who yells stuff at you (in Japanese) are located on the TV screen.  I suggest checking out a Gamefaqs walkthrough to see the depth of the game.  There isn't any good reason for Nintendo to not have given it an American release (since they showed it mostly done with English voices at LAST year's E3).  Some speculate it will become a pre-order bonus for the next Zelda... otherwise it isn't worth it as a standalone game.

« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2004, 05:36:25 PM »
Never thought about purchasing this game....
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2004, 08:41:48 PM »
 Hm, well, I had paid for 3-day shipping, as well, and received mine today.

 I've only managed to get a little time in, with 1-player, but I've enjoyed it quite a bit, so far.

 Thus, I can only imagine what sort of greatness Co-op will be, tomorrow.

« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2004, 12:57:35 PM »
We beat Hyrulean Adventure a few days back. Then we started our assault on Crystal Chronicles in an organized fashion and I realized how much better Four Swords is.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”
