
Author Topic: You are All Deluted.  (Read 2010 times)

« on: September 23, 2004, 08:28:56 PM »
I am not saying the Game-Cube is all bad.  I am just saying it doesn't compare.  First off, there is no spell check here.  So don't go on a grammer which hunt and say if I can't spell I'm an idiot.  Hypotheticaly I can fully comprahend a telaphone, even if I can't spell it.  So lets get past that.  Second, I didn't start this console war, I read the "Top 10 Reason GAme-Cube is Better," and found almost all stupid like, "It has a handle?!?"  You may not be persicuted for haveing a Game-Cube, but in my school people are, so I guess that's regional.  Just because a game is Rated "M" doesn't mean it's good.  But to say they are pointless and plotless is also wrong.  Moral Kombat has a great story line, worthy of 2 movies, most people don't have the intelegence or the patients to look into each characters bio to read it.  I beleive in the first Admendment, freedom of speach.  Therfor I completely condone Mortal Kombat, Grand THeft Auto, and all like them.  Much like modern day rappers, I respect those that push the envolope, instead of adhearing to rating bashing a the all-too-popular "Video Games make people kill."  Mortal Kombat teaches, and I beleive, that "Every human is responsable for his or her own destinay."  Video games didn't make him or her kill, he or her killed.  Nothing can make anyone do anything.  The person CHOOSES, that's what this country is all about.  USA

Blood doesn't make a game, there are many games with blood that fails.  But it shouldn't bee banned.  Is everyone here a Democrat?

I play all types of games, at all ratings.  I love Mortal Kombat, 007 Goldeneye, to Kingdom Hearts.  Fighters, shooters, to puzzles.  By your limited veiws on the beaty that gore can have in it's bluntful truthness, then you are deluted as a human being.  Games Such as Eternal Darkness and Mortal Kombat are beatiful.  One only for Game-Cube, the other bes on PS2.

Lets see, Mortal Kombat, 007 Everything or Nothing, Twisted Metal:  Black, to name a few games that go online.  "Not nessisary."  About as nessisary as going to the Moon.  If you don't seek a new world to explore, then you are dead as a human being, in my opinion.

I gave credit where it was due.  But Nintendo DOES NO LONGER MAKE THE BEST GAMES.  They where once a cutting edge company, careing and compashionet.  They are no longer.  Online play is a huge new realm that Nintendo has yet to take advantage of.  Nintendo lied.  Their oficial web-site section for the Game-Cube SHOWED online adapters.  It's been three or more long years, and they are still not here.  I had my Dad buy me this system way back then in TRUST Nintendo would make good on THAT PROMISE.  They did not, broke my trust, and I now side with Sony.  It is the most functional of the "Next Generation System," and hasn't broke a promise yet, at least not to me.  Someone should seriously sue Nintendo for false advertising.  A company should not promise system specs, then cop out when it gets too costly.

You are all deluted, so close this too, your narow mindedness only prooves my point.  Considering PS2 is the most popular, playable, and advanced system to date.  Aside from computers themselves that is.  :-)

« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 08:48:23 PM »
YOU are deluted.
1. You don't need a speel check to spell good.
2. You are being very, very, very oppionated. There are thousands of people who still love Nintendo. The thing you said about them not making good games, THAT IS AN OPPINION! Oiy!
3. I think your changing your maind around a little. The way you wrote everything on that last thread was almost opposite of what you're saying now.
4. PS2 is not necessarilly more popular. Like I said, Nintendo still has thousands of fans out their all over the world. Also, if it wasn't for Nintendo, there would be no Playstation.
5. In my post I never said that M-Rated games have no plotline to them. I just said that MOST games don't. Most fighting games like Soul Calibur and Mortal Kombat have great storylines, but Grand Theft Auto 3's storyline seems a bit cliche.
6. Like I said before, you are being way too oppionated. It is not bad to voice your oppinions, but when you try to turn them into false facts, it just ain't cool, you know what I'm sayin', man?

Not that anyone is trying to diss sony or anything, we're just trying to make you realize that the three nex-gen systems all have their own ups and downs. For example, X-Box has a great graphics generater while Nintendo has a wide selection of trademark. Yes, Krueger, there are network connections out there. I have seen them online. Trust me. And the GCN, PS2 and X-Box are all equally up-to-date, you snobby little brat! That last comment was completely uneccesary. Someone should ban this guy!

If you wanted to make a message board account just to diss the GCN and Nintendo, you should've done it on GameFAQs or IGN, not on a Nintendo-related site.

As an answer to Meowrik''s sig: After the McChefs tear off all of the loose meat that we normally eat, they scrape the leftover meat on the bones off and into the breading. My Bro told me (he worked there) and Chup says that he''s probably right.

Edited by - gamemaster79 on 9/23/2004 7:52:53 PM

« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2004, 09:15:59 PM »
I come back to these boards almost a year since I was last here and people are still coming just to bash the GCN? Man, some people just don't learn. Nothing good'll come of this. No offense to anybody, it just gets old.

It's A-Me Mario
It's A-Me Mario


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« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2004, 09:23:56 PM »
Um, I'm not deluded.  Also, your post was all opinions, which is fine, as long as you don't say them as fact, otherwise the Guinness Book of World Records would be very messed up.  As for spelling and grammar and all that, I don't care, but these other forum-goers are harder on grammar than your meanest English teacher.  As for my opinion on consoles, they're all good, as long as the person playing is entertained and not subconsciously taken over by subliminal messages or something.  I mean seriously, why does it matter if people don't like all the same stuff?

Oh yeah, and welcome to the forums.

Everything is as smooth as sandpaper pajamas.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


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« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2004, 09:57:15 PM »
I could argue your points, but your other topic was closed, which means DON'T START ANOTHER TOPIC ON THE SAME SUBJECT.  This is a warning.
