
Author Topic: New/Returning Members Post Here!  (Read 1221283 times)

« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2005, 12:21:47 AM »
Uhh....... I can't very well be called new.... maybe..... sorta....... actually not really, but I have yet to introduce myself..... I am Master Mario XP........ If you really get to know me on a first name bases(meaning you can put up with me enough!) Then you can call me Austin....... I like TMK and always have for nearly 5 to 6 years! (I know I said three years on my old computer, but I didn't want to sound like some over-obsessed psycho or anything.) I'm loads of fun to have around...... I'm just random! You never know when I might just revive a dead topic or some crazy things like that! ^_^

Why is Super Sonic invincible and Super Mario gets shrunk?
TMK fan since three years ago!

« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2005, 07:43:52 AM »
Wow!  Someone actually remembers my frst topic!  You should look in my member profile, I have a funny reference to that topic.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2005, 09:19:28 AM »
Wow, I forgot that I even made this thing.  And now it's a sticky topic too?  Hmm, interesting.  Who's in charge of making topics sticky, just wondering?

Since I never introduced my self to the forums I feel like I should now.  "hey, i'm Yoshiaurus Rex!  gret site you got here.  its awsom and so kewl that it makes me drool hahahahahaha!  you have the best mario stuf EVER. mario is the best and i think hes the best!!!  go mario yay!!  hey where's the secret paget?  okay, i have to go now!  by!"
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2005, 04:45:49 PM »
TMK/Fungi Forums-Maniac since 2002.

Mr. Melee

« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2005, 05:39:35 PM »
Am I still new, as I've been here for 1-2 weeks.
[22:36:29] <Mr_Melee> The day I sell my soul will be the day I sell my hair.
[22:36:44] <SolidShroom> So when you go back to Christian School?

« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2005, 09:08:39 PM »
It kind of annoyed me... that Master Mario XP... kept talking like this... I just forgot until now...
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2005, 12:20:12 AM »
Master Mario XP is cool. I know him on Kirby's Rainbow Resort (as "The Creepin Kirb" or "Shyguy").
GEIANDGIRLCO DIRECT - The Sensitive Alternative

« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2005, 12:32:55 AM »
He annoyed me. A lot.

It was fun to watch his reactions after the word "BANNED" was mentioned, though.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2005, 12:50:16 AM »
He was banned... The day before my 13th birthday.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2005, 04:15:21 PM »
Can I make an intro here? When I made a intro topic it was at GMc, so I want to start off again.

« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2005, 09:14:11 PM »
No one noticed that I was new. I posted my first post on Bird Person's "How to improve SMB', and only one person relized that I have even posted. Now, not much people notice still...

How much time or posts does it take until people start noticing you? I am 3 months old here, and still, not much notice me. Not that I REALLY care, but it kinda saddens me. Oh well, gotta keep my rep grwoing.
Most Wishy-Washy


  • Inquiring
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2005, 11:20:59 PM »
Better to be unknown than to be known in a bad way--annoying, rule-breaker, etc. ;)
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2005, 11:30:18 PM »
I think no one knows you're partly a n00b because you don't act like a n00b. ~Peasant's Quest time~
You don't POST UNCONTROLLABLY like a n00b.
You don't USE IMPROPER GRAMMAR like a n00b.
And you're certainly not BANNED like a n00b.
When you're those 3 things, come back to face DEEZER the ADMiNiSTRATOR.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #43 on: November 20, 2005, 07:32:08 AM »
Thanks guys, I feel better. :-)
Most Wishy-Washy


« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2005, 08:50:08 AM »
Better to be unknown than to be known in a bad way--annoying, rule-breaker, etc. ;)

Am I incorrect in thinking you are making a sadib reference?
