
Author Topic: Gunblade's Poetry  (Read 3214 times)

« on: January 06, 2005, 12:48:35 PM »
EDIT: Sorry, I just needed to say that you shouldn't be scared away by how many there are. Oh, since I posted these on another Message Board, I had commentary as I added, you can choose to ignore that if you want. XD

Ebony Tears

Pitch Black
Constantly do I feel the need,
Pains do I not lack,
I just want to lay and bleed.

As dark as night,
Under the sky,
Without a fight,
Nor a sigh.

Just accept it and go,
Do not linger or fear,
Simply forget and let go,
I just want you to be near.

Stupid does it sound,
From all of the pain,
But I have found,
A way not profane.

You say no,
One of my many fears,
Can you help me understand. . . no.
Just cry Ebony Tears.

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade88
6/17/04 (REALLY LATE)

Yeah, I can take criticism...just don't make me feel like an idiot...heh. Yeah. Well, there's my first original poem.


Decisions to make
Chances to take
Places to go
But I put myself below.

Smiles to create
Uncertainties to abate
Hide what's real
Simply for the thrill.

Temporary is this
When I create my own bliss
But I know this for a fact.
Simple....don't think, but react.

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade88

It's different. I dunno, just felt like writing another...tell me what you guys think.



One perfect moment
Two become one
As water with cement
Not stopped nor undone.

Creating a perfect bond
Between two lovers
Do they not correspond?
This they do discover.

The luck that I know
Is none of this kind

Is it for me to blow
As a bag in the wind?

Will i ever know the perfect passion.
Or am I as a shirt to just go out of fashion?

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade88

Sorry it's corny, but sometimes i get in that mood. heh.


Space to call my own
For when I'm grown
To give when we fight
When I admit you're right

Space while we love or hate
When we are too late
That only you can give
So that I can go and live.

Space for my maturity
For my many insecurities.
Not only to forgive
To also think and relive.

You cannot hold me forever
So let's make things better.
Let's stop this endeavor
And allow me to learn and be clever.


Aron Gann A.K.A.: Gunblade88

Umm...this one is more towards my dad...a kind of request, but hey, he'll never read it...don't know why i wrote it...just a release.


Unreachable Beauty

As the man is to the moon
With it's splendor and beauty
Unreachable, Untouchabel
Completely beyond my grasp
I know it's there
No question about it
But there must be a way.
Get away from the Earth
It's what's keeping me here
Get over my fears, go out and explore
Simple to say, harder to do
So I have no choice but to wait.

Someday soon it will be mine,
Splendor and beauty completely divine.

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade88



As we drift apart
Farther and farther away
We don't understand alot
And don't know what to say

Simple but hard
We can only dream
The way is barred
Only escape is through a torn seam.

Indecisions are difficult
But we do what we must
Only do we see the result
When we both have each others trust

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade88

It's short, I wrote what i was feeling. . .dunno, i guess it's kinda bad.



Too many Choices
Too many mistakes
To hear the voices
And learn from the heart breaks

Voices of reason
Simplicity's edge
Yet I commit treason
By continuing this pledge

The Venom subsides
And I'm left with nothing
I must decide
To cooperate, or something

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade88


I like this one. It's one of my favorites.


I'll be here for you,
Whenever you need me.
Right here, no need to persue.
Completely devoted and all but carefree.

Simply put, I'll be your wing,
to carry you in downtime
and uplift you when you gleam.

Corresponding Day and Night.
I'll be here for both.

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade88

The Knight

Emptiness creeping up,
Provider of comfort,
Blowing across the landscape
A wave of helplessness
A defense for others
Coming out of the battle
Torn and Battered
Does the knight care?
Fighting on, Fighting fatigue
Completely selfless
Destined to be the one
To guard and protect
His most prized of possessions
The treasures behind him as he battles
torn and battered
Still alive, recovering
Still caring, defending
Cornered, he fights
Continuing his struggle
He has yet to lose
The struggle that becomes him
Overwhelming but required
Destined to defend and protect
The things he loves
Outstanding does he look
As he stands on the hill
Foe temporarily maimed

Vagrant and grand,
The knight doth stand.

Aron Gann

Death To the Knight

Regaining consciousness
The enemy does rise
Not surprised at all is the lonesome hero
The fight continues
The wounds increasing
The blood flow rising
Not much more can the knight take
To allow such a minor foe
Overwhelming and slow
The tides doth turn
Battered and bleeding
Corrosive is the evil
That stands before the knight
Slowly eating at him
Continuing the massacre
The beast will not die
Ripping apart the hero
Fading away, he feels the presence
Of his possessions and his fears
A last breath effort. . .
Does succeed

None of the loss was in vain
To see the loved on the land that he claimed,

Alas the hero,

To die where he lay
Continuing the battle to this very day.

Aron Gann

Life In Itself

Opposing forces silently pushing
Collapsing the defective whole
Grasping the imperfect being
Juicing the body of the soul

Desolate may the fort seem
But a lonely soul does roam the halls
Room to room, beam to beam
Silently you can hear the calls

Weak in appearance
So subtle and gloom
Strong in coherence
A flower doth bloom

Spreading it's seed overtime
Growth and wealth overcome
Beautiful life so sublime,
God, what have I become?

Aron Gann aka: gunblade88


"Secret Truths"

To keep on going
I must persist
Can't continue showing
The feelings that I've missed

Simply true but often ignored
Hid behind the missed
And now it remains stored

No longer do the elements tryst

The feeling is broken
A jolt but not a shock
Until the day it's spoken
It will remain under key and lock

Aron Gann aka: gunblade88


Blinding Memories

Memories of unknown figures
Rekindled By Mere Mention
The corrosiveness creeps in measures
Causing the greatest of tension

Of Past and Present
They are compressed
Waning into a crescent
Sorting through the last

Loving presence
Depleting without light
Mourning essence
Left with no sight.

Aron Gann aka: gunblade88



Okay, for the first time, I couldn't think of a name for this poem. It's really from the heart and I couldn't find any words to fit it. . .weird.


To spread my wings
Opening my eyes
For what it feels
The very first time

I see and feel
Things never felt before
Absorbing what's real
Believing I'll go there

There'll be no end
To the joy that I've felt
Learning for sure
The lessons that'll lead me

The friends that I make
Feelings at stake
But in the end
It'll all be worth it

Soaring high and soaring far
Lapsing the time
Learning my own lessons

Forgiving those, who need to be forgiven
Loving those, who just can't find their way

I am on my way
To find myself
A journey which
Has no end

Even when I'm gone
Which seems so far away
I'll know I spent
My life to it's fullest

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade

<img src="">

Edited by - gunblade88 on 1/6/2005 10:55:33 AM


  • Party Star
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2005, 04:14:49 PM »
wow....these are really good. :) Great job.
It's Mario's world, I just live in it. :)

« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 12:18:11 AM »
why thank you :) I was afraid that no one would reply :P I'm glad I'm not the only one on here that likes and reads poetry. I hope your not the only one that replies though, cause i want to get the opinions of many people so I can begin to get better at poetry :) But thanks for the compliment :D

« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2005, 12:27:23 PM »
Four new poems, (hopefully this time some of you will read them. . .)

One Ring Added:

The tree sways in the cool spring gust,
defiant as always; the limbs break.
As time passes the wounds adjust,
and shortly the tree is back at its peak.

Soon the leaves have fallen and the tree is bare;
the tree shivers and is ending its youth.
The chill under its wings; it did not dare
to challenge anything so uncouth.

Winter’s icy breath bears down on the tree.
Hope has almost gone very close to bereavement.
Standing but traveling; it is almost free,
from the very thing that caused its attachment,
To this sad, sad world.

Spring returns and there is not much to grieve;
leaves back two-fold and limbs thicker than ever.
The tree has done more than stand; but achieve,
The one ring that illustrates this endeavor.

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade


Defensless: Untriumphant

Draping, Gliding, Creeping.
The end of the road looming,
over the thoughts and dreams of my mind.
The shadow prepares to overtake.

The door opens and nothing is seen.
The door opens and nothing is heard.
If only. . .If only we knew.
The shadow prepares to overtake.

Cursing, Muttering, Hexing.
Murdering the tenuous thoughts.
The very thoughts that would be. . .
The shadow prepares to overtake.

The blinds are pulled,
Covering our eyes to the sights.
The sights of the cruel object we call reality.
The shadow begins to overtake.

Pulling, Forcing, Draining.
WHY!? Why can't I defend?
Must I continue this?
The shadow has begun.

My mere name is not mutterable,
underneath the shadow.
My mere breath has no volume.
My mere thought has no essence.

Deafening, Overwhelming, Killing.
Cruel, must I contest,
The brutality of this monster.
This monster that I have created.

Aron Gann aka: gunblade88


The Demons of Our Minds

The threshold to my mind is open,
though the room may be empty,
the space helps with the coping.
Things happen I'm unable to forsee.

The door splattered with blood,
unkown are the hands that slaughtered
this creature from which naivity did flood.
Though greater has my mind endured.

At the thought, no stir has my mind.
At the belief, no one could be so evil.
At the misconception, I feel the tears.
At the cruelty, my heart is broken.

Fate at the just hands of the mallet.
The demon awaiting his sentence,
from the ever varying pallete
of hope that would end the suspense.

Why do I attempt to gain,
When all of this struggle
has been in vain?

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade

The Feeling
The Last Dedication to You

Don't Fill Your Glass
Too Full.

How can I continue
Moping down my sorrowful path
I wish I could only renew
The events before this dreadful crash.

How can I fight
This losing battle
When I haven't the might
To bring myself to embattle

Pulling me away from myelf
I have nowhere to turn.
Set upon my desolate shelf,
Where I can only yearn.

For that feeling,
The very feeling,
That puts me through
This misery.

Aron Gann aka: Gunblade

There they are, the newest brain excretions of Aron, read em and enjoy them. .that's an order!! ;)

Mr. Melee

« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2005, 01:42:17 PM »
Who says no one reads poetry? I do, and poetry is cool.
[22:36:29] <Mr_Melee> The day I sell my soul will be the day I sell my hair.
[22:36:44] <SolidShroom> So when you go back to Christian School?

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2005, 02:40:57 PM »
I liked it. I never heard anyone say poetry isn't cool. I do poetry sometimes too.
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa
