
Author Topic: Napoleon Dynamite  (Read 9155 times)


  • Kansas
« on: January 28, 2005, 08:24:14 PM »
The movie "Napoleon Dynamite" has taken the US by surprise. Its odd ball characters and outrageous themes make it the perfect movie for anyone. We all, cool or geek, root for Napoleon throughout the movie.

No surprise, unforgetable lines such as "I see your drinking 1%, is that cuz you think your fat? Cuz your not." have spawned from this hillarious movie.

Many hate it with a firery passion. I do not understand why.

What are your thoughts on the newest movie on my top 10 funniest movie list?

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« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2005, 08:36:25 PM »
Lord, how I HATE THAT MOVIE....

How do people think it is actually funny?
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2005, 09:46:37 PM »
That is one of the best movies I have ever seen, not just in the sense of it being funny, but it's just a really good movie. Some people, such as Vid, just don't get it.

Time slowed and Reality bent.
But on and on the Eggman went.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2005, 10:33:03 PM »
I totally need to see it.

"Don’t look into car headlights and freeze, because you might get run over or shot."
That was a joke.

« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2005, 10:38:35 PM »
How can you not like this movie? It's so "Flippin" hilarous and "Sweet". The movie has a flippin cult following along with merchandise at Hot Topic. How can you hate Napolean, Pedro, Deb, Kip, Uncle Rico, Lafawnduh, and Summer? They're all so funny and weirdly interesting that you can't possibly think they're boring. Look at these flippin' quotes:

"Napolean, gimme some of your Tots!"

"Whatcha gonna do today, Napolean?"
"Whatever I feel like doing, gosh!"

"Girls only want boys with skills, like nunchuck skills, bike jumping skills, computer hacking skills."

"Napolean, don't be jealous that I've been chatting with hot babes all day"

There's a lot more and the movie doesn't depend on drugs and sex humor to be entertaining. The only people who could possibly hate this movie are probably the ones who thought, Soul Plane, Catwomen, and You Got Served were good. I very well enjoyed this movie, by the way. thus, ends my flippin rant, GOSH!


Dang Jackie, I don''t want to kiss a short, pale and poor girl.
-Michael Kelso, That 70''s show_
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.

« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2005, 11:07:37 PM »
I saw Napoleon Dynamite on DVD at a friend's house.  All I can say is that I didn't laugh once thoughout the whole movie.  The only thing that I thought was funny is how little effort seemed to have been put into making it.

By the way, I didn't even THINK about seeing Soul Plane, Catwoman, or You Got Served because they all seemed to be horrible movies.
"There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people."

« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2005, 11:56:15 PM »
I'm serious when I say this :Best,Movie,Ever

Guess who's back? Back again?
Munky's back!
Tell a friend!
...What, don't you guys like Eminem?
 I always have the latest info.Did you know that I farted?PPPPPPHHHHMmmmmmmmmhhh!!

« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2005, 11:57:54 PM »
My fav character is Pedro.

Guess who's back? Back again?
Munky's back!
Tell a friend!
...What, don't you guys like Eminem?
 I always have the latest info.Did you know that I farted?PPPPPPHHHHMmmmmmmmmhhh!!


  • Normal
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2005, 11:59:03 PM »
I liked Napoleon Dynamite.  If you watch it more than once, it makes more sense, like why that cow was shot.  There really weren't random scenes, but I thought there was the first time I saw it, which was late one night with my brother and his friend.
I also like the moral.  It was about following your heart and not caring what other people think about you, or changing the way you are dramatically for others.  I don't want to cite specific sources, or that'll give away parts of the movie.

I also want to know how to make those boondoggle keychains!

Edited by - Markio on 1/28/2005 10:03:19 PM
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2005, 06:32:05 AM »
*cringes away from misquotes*

Time slowed and Reality bent.
But on and on the Eggman went.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2005, 10:04:47 AM »
It was/is so big at my high school that we (the teachers) are discussing possible having a Napoleon Dynamite theme or at least a skit(sic?).  A lot of student had "Vote for Pedro" shirts during the week of our homecoming election.  I missed the movie at the theater, and plan to buy the DVD, but Columbia House doesn't have it yet.  I hate how they push their own movies, but wait weeks or months to sale other movies.  After I buy ND I will cancel my membership.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Invincible
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2005, 11:26:02 AM »
I watched it with my parents, and everyone enjoyed it. After <spoiler>Pedro got a wig</spoiler>, just the sight of him would make me lose it.

Six thumbs up.

« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2005, 01:26:22 PM »
It is the best movie.

I have to give it seven thumbs up.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2005, 02:16:03 PM »
Actually, a lot of the movie is based on the director's childhood/teenhood. If something in the movie didn't happen to him, it happened to someone he knew.

"Good morning. And in case I don''t see you again: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night."- Truman, The Truman Show
This is a secret coded message.


  • Normal
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2005, 03:40:59 PM »
They have Napoleon Dynamite merchandise?  Are there any shirts with dragons on them?

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."
