
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 229792 times)


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #510 on: December 16, 2008, 07:55:16 AM »
There was a play going on. I was supposed to be in it, but I kind of forgot, so I ended up being in it as someone else, and another person took the role I was supposed to have originally. That role placed a big emphasis on the character's glasses, and the person who replaced me one-upped my performance in rehearsals -- he was wearing a pair of glasses and holding two more pairs with the hand he was carrying his cane in. All of those glasses belonged to me. My dad, who was my mom, was also in the play, and was supposed to be very quickly drawing something on a piece of paper perfectly. He who was she was doing quite well, but when I leaned in a bit closer to see it, I saw the trick behind it -- there was a big, textured metal plate behind the large sheet of paper, and so s/he was doing pencil rubbings of that big metal plate.

My part was over, and I got off the stage and snuck into the audience. Some short people came up to the left side of the stage and tried to get into the play. I told my dad who was now almost entirely my mom that I knew how she did the picture thing.

Somewhere around here, I was wearing a little bit of clothes and had two towels wrapped around me. I was in my dorm, but as I went downstairs, it became my house. I wanted to go across the street from my dorm to the cafeteria across the street, so I went downstairs to the family room, where the main door is. On the way to the door, there's a big coat rack, and one coat was hanging about five feet diagonally out of the coat rack and swinging around, with an enormous leaf insect on it -- one that I had apparently seen earlier. I finally got past it, after much squeaming, and went across the street to the cafeteria.

There were clear plastic boxes of cereal. I put some mustard and mayonnaise on the end of a piece of bread and dipped it into the box, picking up pieces of the cereal, which was either Golden Grahams or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Then I noticed that some of the mustardy-mayonaissey pieces were still in the box, and I figured I should get them out for the other people's sake. At first, I was still dipping the bread in, but eventually I just resorted to grabbing large swathes of creal out with my hands and dumping them into the trash. While I was doing that, I noticed that some pieces were orange. I didn't think much of it, but later I found out that someone had been dipping Cheetos in there.

There were a few other people in the cafeteria, and all of them seemed really tired. One of them left a kitchen sink running and then ducked under it to look for something. The sink started to overflow. I wasn't sure if I should do anything. I pushed the faucet handle down a bit so it would overflow slower, but I didn't go so far as to turn it off. Then a mysterious woman came in and shut it off for me, as I slowly backed away from the sink without really moving -- sort of a Hitchcock zoom.

The play sort of became a movie that I was watching/living, where this group of people was stuck at this house in the wild west that apparently used to be my grandma's house before everything started getting weird. There was a guy, his wife, and his mother, and her mother had apparently been kidnapped by Indians awhile ago. They went inside, stepping on and breaking some toys that used to be at my grandma's house on the way in.

Sort of concurrently with this, my mom tried to tickle me, and I spun around and flung my arms out, one of which was holding a pencil. She said "Hey, stop it!" I said "Well, stop trying to tickle me!"

Inside, it was my grandma's house all over again, and I was playing with a baby who's apparently my nephew in this weird dream world. There was some kind of weird warning screen or something before. He was a bit wet, and my grandma was telling him that I was called Uncle Big Daddy or something like that. There was a sort-of-playpen-ish thing, with a roof and walls and I think open to the grass on the bottom. A baby could walk around in here, with a cord connecting him to the ceiling, sort of like a bumper car. On the other end of the cord, up in the roof, the cord ended in a little round connector. It went on a hidden track through many little square compartments, leaving a trail of string behind as it went. It was a rather complicated mechanism, but the idea was that you could look back on it years later and see where your baby went in it.

I started imagining a baby being in there and going around. I remember thinking that this part was a cartoon. The baby walked around, until it got to the southeast corner. Here, the round connector at the other end of the cord no longer went into small boxes in a grid but one big square for the whole corner. Probably represented freedom from parents or something. In there, the baby's mother got a call from a pregnant friend of hers. We only heard this side of the conversation, but it was pretty clear that the friend had just miscarried. The mother slowly dropped down to the ground. Her pinky finger, which was mine, was inside the playpen and the baby started sucking on it. She said "Right now, either everyone can hear me, or no one."

Somehow I ended up back at my house, where I had set up a computer on the porch. On the computer, there was a chatbot that was apparently a late-DOS-era Jellyvision CD-ROM game, which I had set up to talk to ALICE on its own. Meanwhile, someone was playing Zoo Tycoon. The chatbots were commenting on it. A woman was playing Zoo Tycoon and had been trying to save the life of an alligator. I was sort of helping, but I also felt as though I had seen it all before. Eventually the alligator died, and I heard her anguished cries. The way the game was programmed apparently, there was just a big list of diseases that were randomly selected as the cause of death. The alligator's cause of death was listed as homophobia.

I went back to the chatbots. Several times during the Zoo Tycoon session, they had finished a conversation, and a screen would come up offering you the option of saving the conversation in one of two slots. I had already used one slot, so I saved this one in the other, and then planned to open them, copy everything, and save them outside, probably posting them on here.

The screen where I was copying them from became an aisle in Walmart. I was supposed to be filming a documentary or something in here. The TV there was playing something from either Discovery or a local news station about finding the perfectly preserved body of King David -- who they kept calling Baby King David for some reason. I was looking for something that looked like a gold box, and in the board games aisle, I found a large square Mad Gab box, which had two skinny yellow boxes on the sides. I filmed it, and as I did, a guy, who I think at one point was black but may have been fluctuating between races for a while, appeared in front of it. It turned out that the Baby King David thing was being filmed right here. This guy was an expert they were interviewing. He was twitching a lot. At one point, he was silent for a very awkward twenty seconds. After he'd said his piece, the reporter, who may have been Michelle Malkin, and her cameraperson turned about 25 degrees to interview another guy. I looked over there, still through my camera, and then back to the guy in front of the Mad Gab box, who now had his own, bigger camera. We had a semi-serious semi-joking fight, using the cameras partially as weapons, and yet capturing the whole fight on camera and making it look really cool.

I think eventually I dreamed that I sort of woke up and was going to post all that ALICE stuff on here, but when I got here, someone was complaining that I had bumped the ALICE topic. And then I really woke up.

I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #511 on: December 16, 2008, 04:38:51 PM »
Using cameras as weapons while subsequently catching it on film = weirdly awesome.

I had another dream last night, but it was one of those dreams I only remember a few scattered bits and pieces of. I seem to recall a party at my house, cookies with green-and-red sprinkles, and houseflies. And surprisingly enough, as far as I can tell, there wasn't any bold, dark blue.

Oh, and I just remembered something about the second phase of that previous dream. Somewhere around the end of the second paragraph, it showed the movie's end, where these people (none of whom were in the movie) were cradling this new baby, and then a small, green-and-red monster with tons of eyes crashed through the ceiling and landed on the dining table, implying that the sequel will be about aliens. Wait, that going to become the new BDB?
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 04:40:33 PM by Reading »
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #512 on: December 16, 2008, 08:19:20 PM »
I had a dream when someone told a very funny joke, and it was so funny, I woke up laughing. I then went back to sleep, and said to the guy who told the joke, "stop telling jokes! When I laugh, I end up in a different world just like this one except I am not god."
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #513 on: December 17, 2008, 07:40:19 AM »
All I remember about my last dream is that Knuckles had a small, broken shotgun.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #514 on: December 17, 2008, 08:03:50 AM »
If they come out with Knuckles the Echidna in the same vein as ShTH, you are deemed a prophet.

EDIT: I had a dream (I think it was last night; I don't know how I can't recall) that I got a new CT, one that was fairly long and mentioned TEM at some point.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 08:08:03 AM by ShadowBrain »
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #515 on: December 20, 2008, 09:06:35 AM »
I was naked, running through my dorm, and I made it back into my room just in time to not be seen. Once in my room, I was talking to someone online who claimed to be a girl who was clearly flirting with me. She mentioned something about Colbert. Then my cell phone had Colbert-themed games on it, as I was running around trying to find the place where we were taking a mock test. One of the games was a car full of 17th-century British comedians making crude jokes. They stopped at a red light.

I finally found the right door, and the test proctor pretended to be rude. First there was a paper test. Someone gave me a piece of paper that apparently many other people had already written their answers on, and I had to struggle to find room on it. I started erasing some stuff on one part, and ended up rubbing so hard that the paper started to turn transparent. The proctor began to read question ten. I asked her if she could give the first nine questions again, but after I asked it, the person who asked turned into Colette from Tales of Symphonia, who was sitting across the table and to my right, and who had apparently come with me. The proctor shrilly told her that she couldn't go back that far because too many people were asking questions and giving running commentaries. The proctor then realized that there would be less of that now that Jesse was asleep/dead/something. Then Jesse woke up and said "No I'm not!"

The test turned out to be Tetris Party. First there was an extremely large play field, and quite a few odd-shaped pieces mixed in with the standard ones, including some one and two-block pieces that seemed to move entirely of their own accord while I was already on the next piece. At some point, it turned into two play fields, and I wasn't sure which one I was playing. Then I was controlling an ugly-looking Mario who was running around on the top of the blocks and tried to get him (who soon became a multitude of Marios) to jump up on trampolines falling from the sky to eat as many trophies and stickers as possible.

Back in the test room, we started playing Mafia, with an addition that I don't think I ever played with: Bachelor and Bachelorette cards. As best as I could figure out, each of them proposes to someone each night, and if they pick each other one night, then they get married and the townspeople win.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #516 on: December 24, 2008, 08:38:51 AM »
I was a pirate captain. I thought I was on a ship, but it was really just a cement porch with railings on it. I was walking along the side, outside the railing on the narrow edge, and was apparently wearing high-heeled boots. There was another pirate who was also sidling along the edge, coming toward me from the other side. I thought that there was a pirate rule that when something like that happens, the lower-ranked one defers to the higher-ranked one, but it turned out that was only while playing card games. But he got out of my way anyway. As I got to the other side, someone handed me a $10,000 bill. We were in the 1800s, and I apparently knew I was from the future, but was playing along. The bill, though I didn't realize it at the time, looked like it had been printed out on an inkjet printer. I started looking it over to see if there was anything on the back that wasn't on the front.

I was in the present, and my mom and I were in her room. I decided I would use our printer/scanner to print out copies of the Constitution, the $10,000 bill that I still had, and that picture of the fat baby angels. We started talking about how those so-called cherubs look nothing like the description of cherubim in the Bible (four wings, four faces, flaming wheels), and pondered whether anime had anything to do with it. Suddenly, I realized that the scanner had been set to blow images up by about 1000%, so the stuff was getting printed out on lots of pages.

Somehow I ended up being/watching a guy who was time traveling on a pirate ship, along with a girl (I think they were supposed to be based on Emil and Marta, because toward the end I saw something and thought about how different it was after two years, and although I thought about Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts at the time, overall it fits TOS:DOTNW better). So we had been time travelling around, and were worried that, because we are incorporeal in times other than our own, we might be too weak now that we're back in the present, so we went to Japan and got some Capri Sun. Then we were briefly inside a Japanese grocery store.

Finally, I somehow ended up in a real-life version of something sort of Metroid Prime-ish, where I was simultaneously three people, whose personalities may have been based on Sagi, Guillo, and Milly from Baten Kaitos Origins. We were screw-jumping through grates in a futuristic basement, all the while hearing, but never seeing, a big monster just above us. Finally, we got to a place under a big glass floor that the monster, which looked a bit like a rancor, was walking on. As the girl, I reached up and knocked on the floor to get its attention, and the glass felt weaker than I expected. The monster stuck its face on the floor, and its mouth became an enormous flat sucking implement pressed up against the glass. The So Weird theme song started playing. I was worried that it might break through the glass, so I made myself wake up.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #517 on: December 27, 2008, 10:04:47 AM »
There was a lot more to the dream than this, but all I remember is the end. My mom and I were in a grocery store in a city, about to check out. I was drinking a Coke and looking at the magazine racks, trying to find a copy of Luigi's Mansion. I gave up, and joined my mom, who had now advanced through the line and gotten to the register. She told the cashier that the Coke I was drinking was already paid for, as was the box of Junior Mints wrapped up in a napkin that she had just put on the counter. She pulled out some Post-It notes to prove it. Every time I bought a Coke at this place, they gave me a Post-It note that said -5 on it. Apparently I had bought a lot of them, because my mom was holding about seven or eight of them. One of the Post-It notes said -50 on it, and had a big list of non-Coke things. My mom couldn't figure out what it was at first, and the cashier lady offered to help identify, but then she remembered: it was a receipt from a different grocery store, from the time she had dressed up as a bat.

We left the store and started walking through the city. There was an ad on the wall for a church men's group, promoting an upcoming series about great male heroes. I pondered whether it would be better to have groups like this or to have a council of seven or eight people preaching at the same time, joining in when they have something to say. I put my half-empty Coke bottle into a tote bag I was carrying, and remembered that I also had a toy lightsaber in there. I held on to that information for later.

As we were walking down the street, there was apparently a costume party somewhere, because lots of people were wearing costumes. One of them was a girl about six years old, wearing a Jasmine costume without the top. Her brother's head appeared, sort of like a low-key version of the Wizard of Oz's head. He was talking about how she was supposed to take the top with her and get it attached to her somewhere, but she didn't, but now, they don't need to worry about that anymore, because he's got this new glue that will let them stick it on her right at home. Suddenly it became a commercial for this glue, and I was watching it. As the commercial continued, I thought to myself "So... if you ever need to stick something onto a little girl's nipples... I guess this is what you need. ...Yeah." The girl and the brother were sitting at a dinner table, and Michelle Obama came in. She was apparently supposed to either be or be playing their mother on the commercial, but at the time I said "Wait a minute, the Obamas don't have any sons!" Michelle tried to sit down in a seat, and missed. She laughed and swore.

There was also something in there about finding a restaurant.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #518 on: December 27, 2008, 11:24:51 AM »
How often do you have these dreams? What causes them? It almost sounds like you're making them up.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #519 on: December 27, 2008, 02:21:38 PM »
I feel like I probably have them most nights, I just don't usually remember them. If I knew what (if anything) caused them, I'd probably be doing whatever that is every night because they're so fun.

Do normal people really not have ridiculously incoherent dreams like that? I never thought there was anything out of the ordinary about them (in relation to other dreams).
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #520 on: December 27, 2008, 03:51:24 PM »
Well, to be fair, last night I dreamed I was trying to make amends for something and wound up washing dishes in a restaurant without pants. >_>

« Reply #521 on: December 27, 2008, 05:55:53 PM »
The other day, I had this one:

I was in school, it was 7th period (AKA the last) and it was an assembly about...stuff I don't want to talk about. Normally, I would be in gym during that time. Oddly enough, I go back to my locker, but forget my gym clothes so I have to rush to get them back (apparently, my locker was moved so it was literally on the other half of the school). I finally got them, so I go outside for the buses. Unfortunately, I was too late and I missed the bus. So I whipped out my iPhone and called Mike Shinoda (the rapper guy in Linkin Park). The conversation was something like...

Me: Uh...hey, can you pick me up? I missed the bus.
Mike: Sure.
Me: Okay.
Mike: But I'm in a meeting.
Me: Oh.
Mike: I'll have someone pick you up, but you have to meet them "at a checkpoint". (WTH?)
Me: But I can't just leave the school!
Mike: ...Okay, I gotta go. Bye.

So instantly, it gets dark. I decide to run home. ...And then it gets light again. Nothing really interesting happens during this time (unless the part where I find the bus which goes right through the grass.)
Finally, I make it home, slightly before the time it would have normally taken me (this is somewhat understandable considering I'm the last stop).


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #522 on: December 27, 2008, 10:24:47 PM »
My computer Internet broke after a mysterious update failure, so I haven't been able to be on as much (I'm using my Wii to post this right now). I haven't had any "major" dreams since the last one I posted, but here's a little one I had a while ago.

I was with my brother, and I needed to play Chapter 2-2 of Super Paper Mario to refresh my memory of something (perhaps relating to my story?). I started a new file. I remember that 1-1 was a bit more dark and purple than usual. At one point, 3 flame jets came out of nowhere. In 2-2, when Mario entered a large door in the "below" hallway (that isn't actually there), the screen switched to previous Paper Mario-style 3D and tons of white rats came through the door with him. It was strange.

If you're wondering, my dreams usually have a fairly coherent, but often unstable plot (as I demonstrated in my previous dreams), with a few random, nonsense elements thrown in there. If I've been doing or thinking about something a lot, it'll often show up in my dreams.

Speaking of which, I got "Sonic 2006" on Christmas. I played it all that night, and yesterday, that was pretty much all I did. Oddly enough, no Sonic 2006-related dreams have come up yet. If my past dreams are any indication, though, it'll appear sooner or later...
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #523 on: December 27, 2008, 10:51:24 PM »
My dreams are nowhere near as incoherent as CrossEyed's. I do have frequent instances of things turning into games/TV shows when they were something I was experiencing a moment before, and things turning into other things but making perfect sense to me, but my dreams are usually about one thing happening and not some crazy narrative.
That was a joke.

« Reply #524 on: December 28, 2008, 07:58:32 AM »
Yesterday, I had a dream about Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) and he was fighting Jubba (the fat four-eyed alien). Jubba was driving off in a white jeep, so Stitch ran and started shooting at the jeeps wheels, which didn't bust. Then, the jeep did a u-turn and was trying to run over Stitch, but he leaped feet-first into the jeeps front window! Glass shattered everywhere and Stitch started punching Jubba, then something yanked Stitch up through the sun roof. And that was it. I woke up and the right side of my brain was was so weird.

Also, I haven't seen that show in 2 years! Verrrrry weird. 
"It's vital to reflect occasionally on whether one is overdoing whatever it is one person is doing." ~Toadsworth
