
Author Topic: Mario and TMK Unite!!  (Read 16333 times)

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2005, 05:17:56 PM »
Hey, if there's ever a huge battle scene, can I hit somebody with a guitar?

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2005, 11:55:09 PM »
Bad news. It. Has. Been. Erased. I'm re-writing it- I'm up to Chapter 5. However, I managed to save the intro and first three chapters.

Ledzeppelinrocks: Sure. Just one problem- how can I make a scene with Reezed's henchmen and a guitar?

Chapter 4: 100%
Chapter 5: 17%

You know perfectly well that there should be a signature here. Well, I know too. Don''t get yourself caught up in the illusion that this is a signature- because it''s not.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2005, 01:37:11 AM »
Ledzeppelinrocks: Yep. The scene will be in Chapter 6.
Kirby (Cheat Wizard): Gack! I guess I must've had someone else's nickname on my mind- oh well. Can I call you just plain Kirby?


Chapter 4: It's below this post, moron!
Chapter 5: 100%
Chapter 6: 0%

Chapter 4: Armageddon

The man jumped the crevice, many of his friends behind him. He made his way through the maze of the wrecked building. Koopas and Goombas came in front of him. Remembering the game, he jumped on them, and used a Koopa Shell to take out most of the bad guys. He found the limp form of another man. "Good job, MEGABYTE," said Toddathon. "You got Deezer."

"Good luck," said Luigi Simpson. "You'll need it." Luigi nodded. "Yahoo!" And with that, he triple-jumped off to fight Bowser. Koopas tried to stop him, but they were easily defeated. Suddenly, Luigi heard a loud Thunder sound. It was Smithy, with one of his various attacks! Also, Kamek appeared, and fired a spell at Luigi. He ducked. However, next thing he knew, Luigi was down on the ground. Then he was in the air, and fell down. "I suppose you haven't met me?" a shadowy figure. Luigi was slammed into a wall. "ARGH!" he yelled. "I'm Reezed, master of Time." Luigi was too weak to speak. His neck hurt. His back hurt. In fact, the only part of him that wasn't hurt was his courage. Reezed could be defeated. Luigi looked over at the cell. "Luigison," he yelled, "I need you to try and get out!" Luigison looked at Luigi Simpson, who in turn looked at Luigi. "Any ideas?" "Enough talking," yelled Kamek, "I can't exactly kill you- you'd be much better as my ally!" Luigi backed up, towards the bars of the cage. "CINTRALEI MAXIMUS!" yelled Kamek, pointing his wand at Luigi. Luigi was hit full-on by the blast, and the force knocked the bars off the jail cell. When the smoke cleared, there was only Luigison and Luigi left. Luigi Simpson was nowhere in sight. "You... killed Luigi Simpson?" muttered Luigison. Kamek looked oddly at Luigison. "To answer your question, he probably couldn't take it." Luigison clenched his fists so hard, his hands bled. "DIE!" yelled Luigison. He rushed at Kamek, but Reezed stopped time and punched Luigison directly in the stomach. Luigison noticed Luigi's eyes- they were bright red! Luigi had fallen onto the Dark Side! "KILL HIM!" yelled Kamek, once time returned to normal. Luigison punched Smithy, only to have several techniques thrash him through the wall, and over a bridge. He landed against a wall. Luigi jumped straight through the newly formed hole. It was amazing how much energy Luigi had gained since his battle with Reezed, Smithy and Kamek. Luigison felt that his legs were broken. "Time for your hero to show his stuff," said Luigi in a mocking voice, slowly advancing on the helpless human. However, Luigison, looking up, realising that his only hope was right above his head.

An axe.

Watoad continued his descent. Wind was breezing through his hair. Life would be a dream- if he wasn't a long way above an unforgiving ground and losing a lot of blood through his arm. 'If I flap my arms hard enough,' he thought, 'I'll fly out of this!!' Watoad then realised he wasn't a bird. 'Man, I'm delirious!'

Many metres below, Chupperson and Sapphira were falling in a similar manner. "I didn't think I'd go this way," he yelled. Suddenly, a green blur came, and flung him back up into the air! 'Wha--' thought Chupperson. Sapphira soon came up after him, and the green blur came up as well. It was flying! The green blur picked them up, and flew them to safety on top of a skyscraper. Sapphira was dazed , but Chupperson remained wide-eyed and focused. He watched as the blur picked up Watoad, and put him on the same building as Chupperson and Sapphira. But as the figure flew off to face Giga Bowser, Chupperson realised who it was.


"Having fun?" said Reezed, smirking at Deezer. "Just be quiet," said Deezer. Reezed, however, wouldn't leave him alone. "I bet you're thinking about life in the outside world, aren't you?" Deezer suddenly thought of a question. "Are my friends OK?" Reezed laughed. "I'm just inside your head, remember?" Deezer then thought of a solution. "Hey-- what are you doing?" yelled Reezed. He stopped the tiume inside his head. "I still rule!" he yelled. However, he was flung backwards. An invisible figure punched him across the face, followed up by a roundhouse kick to the shins. Reezed fell. "What's wrong," yelled several voices. Standing around him were about 100 Deezers! "Can't you handle the horrors in my head?" Reezed got up. "How... but I am the Terror of Time! The Sultan of Space! The Maestro of Mind Control!" The Deezers chuckled, in a creepy sort of way. "Not anymore..." Reezed yelled, as his influence was ripped from Deezer's mind, and as Deezer awoke, he yelled one word: "Watoad."

How can Deezer defeat Watoad's evil twin? How can Luigi be in two places at once? And, why on Earth do I persist in asking questions that only I know the answer to? Is it a result of me being stupid? Or is it just a typo? Find out in the next unusually serious chapter of: Mario and TMK Unite!!

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2005, 04:15:59 PM »
...And why isn't boomstix in your story?

If a tree falls in the woods, do all the others laugh at it?

« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2005, 10:21:46 PM »
Sorry! There's just so many frequent posters here! You'll appear in Chapter 6.


Just check my last post. I haven't done anything new.

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2005, 04:02:18 PM »
LS, do you mind if I use your progress chart idea for my story?

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2005, 07:51:15 PM »
Sure. It's not as if I've copyrighted it... not yet, anyway...


Chapter 5: Read below
Chapter 6: 100%
Chapter 7: 100%
Chapter 8: 1%

Oh, and including secret chapters, introductions and epilogues, there will be 18 chapters.

Chapter 5: Counterattack

"Time slowed, and reality bent- but on and on the Eggman went." TEM was reciting his sig for some unknown reason. "I've got a better sig," said Luigi #98. "Just be quiet," snapped Sapphira, which shocked them both. "Deezer's resting. He's probably been through more than any of us." Luigi #98 rolled his eyes. "Stop acting so... well, you know..." If looks could kill, Luigi #98 would've had several daggers through his chest. "What are YOU hinting at, you little twerp?" Luigi #98 smirked. "Nothing..." Fifth sighed. "You know, getting trapped on an island isn't my idea of fun. We've all been through a lot. In fact, some of us were reported missing." Lizard Dude looked over from the television, where Kirby (cheat wizard) and Jon were going head to head in Mario Kart: Double Dash battle mode. "You mean, some forumers are still on that island?" Vidmgchtr nodded. He put his hand over on a plate to eat a baguette he had picked up from the cafeteria, but there was nothing there. Markio was also missing a slice of cake. "Hmm... must be some rats." There was a loud crunching sound- definitely not rats. "Hey--" said Suffix, pointing. There was a trail of cookie crumbs, leading around the corner. They followed them. However, when they saw the culprit, their eyes were wide. "Yoshisauraus Rex!" yelled Vidmgchtr. "You stole my baguette!"

The two mighty titans were going head-to-head. "Wow!" yelled Chupperson. He was sitting on top of a roof, watching the battle between Luigi and Giga Bowser unfold. "This is amazing!" Luigi dealt a fierce Cape Spin to Giga Bowser's neck, but the giant lizard retaliated by using his Fortress attack to blow him away. Luigi, not having the Wall Kick ability, crashed straight into the building. He used Thunder, but it was blown back by Giga Bowser's Fire. However, Luigi jumped straight into Giga Bowser's stomach. He followed with several Thunder attacks, then Green Missile. Giga Bowser devolved into Super Bowser, and another savage-looking Koopa stood next to Bowser. "My name is Giga," the Koopa said, hunching over. He grew enormously, almost to the size of Giga Bowser. "And I will be your doom, Mario Brother." However, Chupperson noticed something- Luigi wasn't wearing his trademark green cap! Super Bowser smiled. "I'm going back to the Mushroom Kingdom- so I can conquer it! Giga- finish Luigi." he said, pulling out a Warp Whistle. "Not if I can help it," yelled a voice from behind Chupperson. Bowser scowled. He jumped in his Clown Copter, which was warped with Bowser to Earth. He flew up to Chupperson's level, and up to the voice behind him. Deezer. "And what are you going to do about it?" bellowed Bowser, smirking. Chupperson knew what he had to do. "This!" he yelled, kicking the Warp Whistle out of Bowser's hands. Bowser, obviously sensing defeat, used Koopa Claw on Chupperson. He fell to the ground, badly hurt. Bowser caught the Warp Whistle. "I always thought I was good at playing the flute," boasted Bowser, holding the Whistle up to his scaly lips. Everything seemed to go in slow motion for Deezer. However, in the last possible second, Deezer decided to jump at Bowser. Touching him just in time, both were warped directly to Peach's Castle!

Thunder rained down on the human. Luigison rolled out of the way just in time to avoid a nasty shock. Luigi, relentless in his attack, did a Hip Drop straight through the bridge, but used a Super Leaf to float to safety. Luigison jumped, but Luigi jumped much higher and used Cyclone. Luigison was sent sprawling into a cage- the very same Peach was in when she was first kidnapped by Bowser, who was then known as Koopa. Luigison pulled the cage shut, and locked it. Luigi pulled out a Power Flower, and Luigison realised what had happened- he was stuck inside a cage, with his enemy easily able to get in and destroy him. However, a fireball hit Luigi in the back, and he turned around to see Mario! "Grr... my worthless brother. I will see to it that you will be burned!" Luigi got a Fire Flower out, and started to fire at Mario. Mario jumped over them, and pulled out a Super Mushroom. Luigi, sensing his winning streak was about to end, pulled out a Feather, and decided to fly up on top of the cage. Mario grew in size, and smashed the ceiling as he jumped. Luigi flew out. "Later... loser!!" Luigison's cage began to lower into the lava! Kamek and Smithy escaped, but Reezed stayed. "I expect for you to die. And... my expectations usually come to fruition." He stopped time, and chopped the bridge with an axe. However, the high heat was making him dizzy, and he lost his control. Weakened, he collapsed in a heap. Mario managed to jump from the falling bridge, and smash the cage. Just as his Super Mushroom ran out from the intense heat, he caught Luigison and jumped across the Lava Pit to safety. "Well done, Mario," said Bowser. His face was magnifyed on a computer screen, which was wall-mounted. "However, you haven't realised- I have taken Peach's Castle. You do not stand a chance. Also, I have rigged my Castle with explosive devices. You have 10 seconds to live. Pray, or try to escape- whatever you humans do. Then, after 10 seconds, the fire'll come a'calling. Enjoy." Mario, looking around in desperation for an exit- a couple of walls for wall-kicking, a hidden key and keyhole- but there was nothing. It was over.

Oh, and Ledzeppelinrocks, your part has been moved back to Chapter 8 or 9. I'm so disorganised! :(

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2005, 08:59:14 PM »
That's fine, I'm just happy you actually took my idea into your plan.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2005, 12:03:58 AM »
Oh, and is anyone still reading this? It's just not many other people are replying...

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2005, 11:09:35 AM »
I'm reading.
I think your story is great!

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2005, 11:26:11 PM »
Thanks, Screech! I never posted in the original thread, but I think Ketsueki Mario is a brilliant story.

Chapter 6- Read below
Chapter 7- 100%
Chapter 8- 100%
Chapter 9- 100%
Chapter 10- 100%
Chapter 11- 0.5%

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.


  • Banned
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2005, 12:18:25 PM »
that was really good story!!!
I like play mario games

« Reply #42 on: April 22, 2005, 12:23:01 AM »
More people to include... *grumble*. In fact, I need more people. So...

Chapter 6: Forgot to post it! Read below.
Chapter 7: Lucky you. Double chapters! Read below.
Chapter 8: 100%
Chapter 9-11: 100%
Chapter 12: 0.0000000001%

Chapter 6: Battle

Watoad looked worried. "Deezer hasn't been back for hours now," he said, looking up the flight of stairs. "And, to top it all off, all stairways have been blocked. We can't get up to help Deezer and Chupperson." A nurse came in, cradling what appeared to be a platter with a huge steak on it. "Steak?" inquired the nurse. It then hit Watoad. "Wait a minute," he said, scratching his chin. "That was in Eng--" She lifted up part of the steak to reveal a butcher knife! Holding it in front of her, she smiled in a creepy, distorted way. "My name is Ruby," she exclaimed, surprising Boomstix, who was sleeping. "I wish that my enemies were dead," She went into a throwing stance, moving her target from Luigi #98, to Lizard Dude, then settling for Sapphira. "And I ALWAYS get my wishes." Ruby threw the knife, but Sapphira ducked. It tore the pillows behind her. "Fine then," Ruby bellowed, rushing at Sapphira, "I guess I'll have to take you head on!" She executed a roundhouse punch, but missed and when she realised that, she had a face full of bed. Sapphira scrambled backwards, but Ruby used a Tornado Kick to knock her through the tape that barred off the stairway! "Goodbye, Sapphira." Ruby said, backflipping through the window and into the waiting arms of Giga! "Now, Giga," she said, "Take me down to the ground, and call reinforcements." The door burst open, and MEGABYTE, rather than rushing at the newcomers, stayed put. "Who are you?" he bellowed, standing in a combat pose. It was Sadib! "Hello," he boasted, strutting towards MEGABYTE. "I suppose you don't know the odds?" MEGABYTE, sensing danger, decided to take a defensive pose against Sadib. "Chupperson is going to die, Deezer is already there, Luigi Simpson was gone long ago and Luigison doesn't stand a chance against the Elite Koopa warriors, but you still insist on fighting me?" MEGABYTE's only answer was a swift kick to the stomach. Sadib was sent wheezing onto the floor. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Sadib," MEGABYTE said, advancing on Sadib.

Mario and Luigison were in a grave situation. Not only were they in a castle that was set to explode in mere seconds, but there was no way out. All there was was the hole that Kamek escaped from. Reezed was still in a heap on the floor, unable to move. "At least Reezed will be gone, right?" Luigison looked for a positive side to their situation, but Mario remained quiet. He pulled out the only item he had left- a 1-UP Mushroom. "Listen carefully. I need you to go over there." Mario beckoned to the other side of the bridge. Luigison walked over to where Reezed was. "I've got an idea," he said. He threw the 1-UP Mushroom up in the air. Luigison, however, heard a faint noise. Ticking. Of a clock. The explosives.

Well, you don't have to be a genius to figure out what happened next.


The flames enveloped Mario, but for some reason, Reezed and Luigison were unharmed. What Luigison saw shocked him. It was a portal. Taking a deep breath, he stepped through. Reezed, however, crawled through. It lead to the real world!

Peach was huddled in a corner. The fierce King Bowser Koopa was advancing on her. "Mario is about to die in- hmm... let's say- NOW!!" There was a faint explosion heard in the distance. Debris flew everywhere. "MARIO!!" screamed Peach. "Not even Luigi can help you now," he said, advancing, "And Yoshi is still on Yo'ster Isle." Toad used Stun Spore on the gigantic Koopa, but it merely bounced off his shell. "Now- I shall finally conquer the Mushroom Kingdom!" bellowed Bowser. His intimidating features had a weary sort of triumphant look- after losing all of these years, he had finally beaten the Mario Bros! "Don't even think about it," said a voice. Bowser turned around. "Reezed??" It did look like Reezed... "Not quite, Bowser." yelled Deezer, who kicked Bowser in the stomach. "How dare you challenge the King of all Koopas!" Bowser bellowed. He breathed fire at Deezer, who rolled out of the way. Deezer began to run around Bowser, who got very dizzy. Deezer, who wasn't feeling so good himself, grabbed Bowser by the tail, but couldn't swing him. "Dream on, kid," Bowser said, turning around and knocking Deezer into a wall. Suddenly, Bowser felt something grab him. "Wha--" It was II Piantissimo! Prince Peasley came rushing in on his flying gadget, and Yoshi flutter-jumped through the front door! "Grr..." mumbled Bowser, as he was tossed into a wall. Suddenly, he pulled out something red. A Power Flower! Upon letting it do its work, Bowser grew to 3 times his normal size, and fiery chains grew around his hands, feet and head! "Meet Ultimate Bowser!" Bowser yelled. Bowser hit the ground, which sent a fence of flame at Yoshi, who flutter-jumped over it. II Piantissimo tried to grab Bowser by the tail, but Bowser emitted a heat shield that gave him a rather nasty burn. "Follow me!" yelled Prince Peasley, who soared up into the air. Looking down on the ground, he realised that they didn't follow him. Yoshi shrugged. Bowser blew a huge flame at Peasley, who dropped to the ground, unconscious and burnt. Bowser blew another flame at Yoshi, but Yoshi swallowed it, and hit Bowser directly in the stomach with it. Bowser shrunk, but quickly delivered a Bodyslam attack to Yoshi, who was knocked out. Deezer, however, took a torch off the ceiling and hit Bowser with it! Bowser turned around, shocked. He did not notice that his hair was on fire- until Deezer pointed it out. "Aaah! Put me out!" Bowser ran straight out of the Castle, and jumped into his Clown Copter. He flew off. "So long, eh Bowser! That's what I call playing possum!" yelled Deezer. Peach, who was still in the corner, said "Wh-who are you?" Deezer walked over, and helped Peach up. "My name is Deezer," he said, smiling.

Will this be the end of Mario games as we know it? Will Bowser grow his hair back? And will Yoshi, Piantissimo and Peasley be okay? Will I not make a sarcastic comment at the end of this chapter? Darn, I already have! Anyway, find out the answers to the questions prior to my sarcastic comments in Chapter 7 of: Mario and TMK Unite!!

Chapter 7: Revival

It was a sad day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario had perished in the Bowser's Castle explosion, and only Yoshi and Deezer remained as a defense for Peach's Castle. "Today we mourn the loss of our close friend, Mario Mario..." Peach was crying non-stop, and Peasley put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Even Wario had a tear or two in his eyes. "...He died doing what he did best- fighting, not for himself, but for his kingdom, his land. He salute him." Deezer, however couldn't take this. He began to walk away from the chapel. "Deezer? Where are you going?" asked Peach. Deezer, without looking back, simply said "Out." Peach's eyes were wide. "Deezer- you can't fight Bowser on your own!" Deezer ignored her, and walked off. The ceremony was over, and everybody was walking away, sad. "Everybody! I need your attention!" yelled Peach. Everyone looked at Peach. "Deezer has gone off to fight Bowser- on his own." A murmur went through the crowd. "But what are we meant to do?" yelled Waluigi. Peach put on a strong face. "We fight back. This is what Mario would've done- and we are going to fight- for him. This kingdom has been terrorized long enough- it's time to show that nasty King Koopa what we're made of! Also, this is not just for the Mushroom Kingdom, but for everywhere else as well. Sarasaland, Beanbean, Nimbus Land- it's about time we kicked Bowser OUT!!" A large cheer spread through the crowd. "Meet me at Mushroom Peak at dawn- that is when we strike!"

Kamek was watching this through his crystal ball. "Oh, my!" he yelled. He sprinted up the halls of Bowser's real Castle to the King himself. "Bowser! The Mushroom Kingdom citizens are about to fight back!" Bowser smirked. "About time. I've always wanted to face them on an even playing field." Kamek replied "Yes, sir! Should I get the Magikoopas to attack Mushroom Peak?" Bowser smiled. "Send the whole force out. Oh, and I'd like it if you contacted Wart, Tatanga, Smithy, K. Rool and Donkey Kong Senior. It's time to bring the fight to new heights.

Queen Bean looked worried. "Remember the last time we went up against Bowser? The whole kingdom was almost destroyed!" Lady Lima patted Queen Bean on the back. "Don't worry. Sarasaland and The Mushroom Kingdom are fighting alongside us. Peach even managed to get the Diamond City citizens in on the deal. I just hope they don't think of getting Wart, Tatanga and Smithy in on the deal." Suddenly, Princess Peach came out of a Warp Pipe. "Say, Lady Lima..." Lima looked over at Peach, who was shocked that the Princess of the Mushrom Kingdom had come so abruptly. "Do you know what a 'telephone' is?" Lady Lima smiled. "Yes. It's some kind of voice-thing. You speak into it, and someone else speaks to you from the other end! It's from Earth- I think Mario and Luigi brought one each when they came here." Peach thought it was painful thinking about the Brothers, but she didn't show it. "Can I please use it?" Queen Bean looked confused. "Why do you want to use this 'telephone'?" Peach held up a piece of paper. It had all of the moderators and administrator's phone numbers on it! "Deezer dropped it," she said, holding up the piece of paper, "And I think these people can help us," she said, smiling.

Chupperson was on the roof. He was badly hurt, and was losing blood. Suddenly, he heard a weird ringing sound. It was his cellular phone. He picked it up. "Hello?" he asked weakly. "This is Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom. Is this Chupperson Weird?" Chupperson sat up. Princess Peach? FROM THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM?? 'Wow,' thought Chupperson, 'I didn't think my phone company would cover calls from other dimensions!' He cleared his throat, and said "Yes, this is Chupperson Weird. However, that's not my real name..." Peach let out a gasp. "So this 'telephone' does work!" Chupperson sighed. Obviously they didn't have many phones in the Mushroom Kingdom. "So... Princess, why are you calling?" Peach took a deep breath. 'If this is normal technology on Earth, then we must be ages behind them!' she thought. Chupperson was waiting for an answer. "Umm... Princess, you can just talk into it just like if you're talking to a person." Peach laughed. "Oh!" she said. Chupperson smiled. "Looks like you've gotten the hang of it!" he said. Peach stopped laughing. "I need you to come here to battle Bowser, and to help Deezer." Chupperson's eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets. Deezer was battling Bowser?!? "But- what about Mario? Why isn't he battling Bowser?" There was crying on the other end of the line. "...Peach?" Peach began to speak again. "Sorry, I can't hear what you're saying." said Chupperson. Peach spoke up, and said "I'll pick you up now." Chupperson's eyes were wide. "...How..?" But there was silence on the other end. Peach had hung up.

Chupperson managed to crawl down the stairs, where Sapphira, Watoad and everyone else was. However, some people were missing. "Chupperson! You're okay!" screamed MarlieMoo14. "A special guest is coming," Chupperson said. "I just need to patch myself up a bit." Suddenly, Peach appeared via Warp Whistle. "Time to go." she said. Next thing they knew, they were in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Bowser's gigantic castle loomed in front of Deezer. "Time to take Bowser out," he vowed. Sitting down on the rock, he assessed the last few days. He realised that his life was once normal, but that had all changed. He used to be taking care of a site that had 2000+ hits a day. Now, he was in a video game, going up against one of video-gaming's most dangerous villains ever. Suddenly, he heard scuttling. "Who's there?" he yelled, brandishing a stick. The short, stocky figure stepped out of the darkness. "It's-a me, Mario!"

How did Mario come back to life? Or is he just a ghost? And will Princess Peach ever understand telephones? And who will win in the war between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopa Kingdom? Find out in the next (Insert adjective here) chapter of Mario and TMK Unite!!

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #43 on: May 22, 2005, 04:53:35 PM »
Wow. Great chapter. Even better than Frosted Flakes. Hey, that's a compliment right there.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #44 on: May 22, 2005, 08:06:13 PM »
Hahahaha! Luigi Simpson, this is some seriously funny stuff. :P I remember a story like this was made ages ago. But keep it up, this story is awesome!

Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.
