
Author Topic: n00bs Have Rights Foundation  (Read 7248 times)

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2005, 05:43:16 PM »
I said nobody's gonna make this more of a flame war, and Trainman, that was the cruelest post I have ever read. I'm not looking for people to be more nice to me. But in the future all of us should be nicer to the n00bs. Why should the old n00b's history reflect on us? Why? That's all I'm trying to say. Now does anyone agree with me?

"We roll tonight, to the guitar bite, and for those about to rock... I salute you."-AC/DC
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.


  • Kansas
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2005, 07:07:04 PM »
Yeah, so Um. Yeah.
This is what they're talking about, Zepp. Don't get me wrong you got great taste in music. NOt good in posting. Let's umm.... end this and as I say... "Can't we all just Get along? Can't we all just live in peace?" Actually I have never said that, but still.
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου


  • Kansas
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2005, 07:10:31 PM »
And I just had another Idea. These people may just be coming here to rial us up. I know people who go into forums and chatrooms of things that they think are goofy. They spam there and criticize people till they are forced to be kicked. You never know.....

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Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου


  • Steamed
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2005, 09:17:27 PM »
*cue suspicious music*


  • Old Person™
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2005, 09:19:41 PM »
*cue spinning image

Edited by - Luigison on 3/23/2005 7:24:46 PM

“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2005, 09:28:59 PM »
no. Trust me. I not one of those peeps who go on to websites to goof people up, KoopaSlaya. But, i'm sure all you guys had these rebellious stages as you first entered Fungi Forums. Anyone?

PS I'm new at message boards, and not that good at what to post. I'll get better. Trust me.

"We roll tonight, to the guitar bite, and for those about to rock... I salute you."-AC/DC

Edited by - ledzeppelinrocks on 3/23/2005 7:30:33 PM
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2005, 10:46:59 PM »
 Keep to the rules and there won't be any problems.

 It's that simple.

 NOTE: This advice is good for every forum. Ever.


  • Steamed
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2005, 11:07:31 PM »
> But, i'm sure all you guys had these rebellious stages as you first entered Fungi Forums. Anyone?

I had conformed before I had joined. A bit of tweaking was still necessary, however. Henry Thoreau is spinning in his grave.

Edited by - Suffix on 3/24/2005 4:21:42 PM

« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2005, 11:46:57 AM »
I don't recall being rebellious.

I do remember being kicked out of #tmk numerous times, but never being rebellious.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • Normal
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2005, 12:46:25 PM »
Red Paratroopa has posted twice?  What a country!

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” -Atticus Finch
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2005, 06:05:37 PM »
dude, why do you keep trying to diss  ledzeppelinrocks by using some of his lame lines. Anyone can do that, even me. If you dont stop, you guys are gonna start more than one flame war, trust me Ive been through more then one in my time. All im sayin is that your dissin someone by using their own lines, and by no means is that cool to anyone but you.

As i said before...
Bizzaned -Deezer


  • Steamed
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2005, 06:46:30 PM »
It's for reference, thank you.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2005, 07:09:15 PM »
>It's for reference, thank you.

How ironic, I'm using a sentence that confirms the use of reference...FOR REFERENCE!!!

Sorry, but I have one more thing to say, and I just HAD to do that ironic reference thing. But, I'm sorry if I've offended any of you. But, I still stand by my point that I have had too much of the smart-alek spelling corrections, me-getting-in-trouble-for-saying-one-thing-that-was-slightly-off-topic's, and unwritten rules that I never knew off that I get in trouble for. I just have 3 suggestions for Fungi Forums.

1. Make new rules dealing with how many threads per day, off-topic-ness, etc.

2. Cyber-bullying is a serious crime, and it should be punished here.

3. MOO! (I just had to say that.)

Maybe the rules that n00bs dont know, other than the ones that ARE written down, should be. Why should me plus other new peeps get in trouble for breaking rules that we we're never told of? Now all ya'lls agree or all ya'lls dont agree with me?

"I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did."~Jeff Foxworthy
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2005, 07:20:38 PM »
1. You can't blame someone for posting off-topic replies, annoying as it is. This point is perfectly valid.
2. Yes, people who bully are punished- if they do it enough, they are banned/suspended.
3. That's all good and well, but what do the cows say now?

It''s funny until someone gets hurt. Then it gets hilarious!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2005, 02:40:16 AM »

How ironic, I'm using
a sentence that confirms the use of reference...FOR REFERENCE!!!

There’s no irony behind that. There
are three types of irony: Situational, verbal, and dramatic. Situational
irony is the only kind of irony that that comment would fit into. And
even then it’s not quite there. Besides,
you’re not using his post for any reference whatsoever.

Sorry, but I have one
more thing to say, and I just HAD to do that ironic reference thing

No, you didn’t.

But, I'm sorry if
I've offended any of you.

Offend? No. Annoy?

But, I still stand by
my point that I have had too much of the smart-alek spelling corrections,
me-getting-in-trouble-for-saying-one-thing-that-was-slightly-off-topic's, and
unwritten rules that I never knew off that I get in trouble for.

What I fail to understand is why people just can’t take
some time to actually think about and type their posts. For
long posts such as this, I use MS Word so that I don’t have to repeatedly go
back and edit my posts when I find mistakes. It’s
not that hard, really. It’s not
like you’re trying to beat a ton of people to make a comment. Besides,
even if what you had in mind was already said by someone else, making a good topic-related
is much more appreciated by people than some hard-to-comprehend,
off-topic, random response with no meaning whatsoever.

I just have 3
suggestions for Fungi Forums.

1. Make new rules
dealing with how many threads per day, off-topic-ness, etc.

2. Cyber-bullying is
a serious crime, and it should be punished here.

3. MOO! (I just had
to say that.)

1. People are free to create as many threads as they want
per day. There’s no limit.
If you can think of plenty of well-thought topic ideas, there should be
no real problem. As for posting
responses that actually have to do with the discussion, that’s just forum

2. If you think what you’re experiencing here is
cyber-bullying, you obviously don’t go to a lot of other forums. There
are places out there where cyber-bullying is a MAJOR problem. This
is the internet. Just like the real
world, there are lots of other people who have it worse than you. And
“cyber-bullies,” if present, are punished.
It’s called banning.

3. That’s an off-topic response. It
was unnecessary and irrelevant to the discussion. You
didn’t have to say that.

Maybe the rules that
n00bs dont know, other than the ones that ARE written down, should be.

The ones that aren’t “written down” are mainly forum
etiquette or just common sense. The
ones that are “written down” are just some ground rules that can be expanded
upon. If ALL of these rules were to
be listed, there would be a LOT of rules on the forum entrance page, most of
which could be condensed into the few that are present now.

Why should me plus
other new peeps get in trouble for breaking rules that we we're never told of?

Because it’s mainly common sense. There
are plenty of other people who can come in as new members and slowly enter
society without causing a ruckus. If
you really want, here are some rules that might help any other people joining
the Fungi Forums or even you.

-- Refrain from
creating introduction threads.
some reason, it seems to being the image that this newcomer wants attention and
whose presence always needs to be known. There
are always exceptions to this rule, as with any other rule. If
you can properly introduce yourself and leave a good first-impression, then all
is well.

-- Try to put some
effort in your posts.
It is nice
to put in your two cents, but it’s even nicer to actually read material rather
than some off-topic post.

-- The ‘edit’
button is your friend.
Use it.
Deletion of double posts, corrections of mistakes, changes of opinion,
and additions can all be done with this handy button that’s conveniently in
the likeness of a pencil. If your
post is the most recent one in a thread, use the edit button. It
helps to keep the board relatively uncluttered.

-- Make friends, not
enemies. At the very least, be a
You’ll find that
attacking a forum veteran can usually result in a chain reaction against you.
Even contributing to the forum without taking sides on any issues can be
helpful. A good amount of people
usually appreciate this more than a greater amount of enemies.

-- Think.
This may sound obvious, but a lot of people just don’t get it. There
are so many people like that in the real world, so who needs them here too?
Put some thought into your posts, threads, and even arguments. It
helps people to better understand you, appreciate your efforts, and in the case
of arguments, strengthen your opinion.

Now all ya'lls agree
or all ya'lls dont agree with me?

I don’t agree with most of your thoughts, but that’s
just my opinion.

"There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people."
