
Author Topic: Mario's sacrifice  (Read 4406 times)

« on: June 12, 2005, 07:29:30 PM »
This story was thought up after a few dreams I had last week. This is the begining.
Chapter one: The nightmare. It was 11:30 at night. The sky was calm, and Mario had gone into his room. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, the Mushroom Kingdom's hero had gone to bed. It took a while for Mario to get to sleep. He had an unusual headace and a runny nose. But, after tossing and turning for an hour or so, he fell into a deep slumber.....
"Luigi!!!" Mario was screaming at the top of his lungs. He dashed to the end of a very long tunnel, and opened a gigantic door. Just then, Mario found himself trapped in a wasteland of dirt and rocks. Off in the distance, he could see two dark figures. It was Wario and Waluigi. The happy plumber ran as fast as he could, but it seemed that the two would drift further and further away. Mario was surrounded in darkness, while Wario and Waluigi shouted quite loudly. " Mario, you jerk! How could you let Luigi die like that! He was begging for help, but you just stood there like an idiot! And now he's gone for good!" Mario was very confused. Luigi was dead? How could this be? But before Mario could get answers to his questions, a dark shadow approached him. The creature was large, and was grabbing what appeared to be a sword. It rose the weapon, and swung with all it's might. "AHHGHHH!!....." Mario was having a horrible nightmare. He awoke, sweating heavily, so much that his bed was drenched in it. His bedroom door opened, and Luigi walked in. " Mario, I heard a scream coming from your room. Are you alright?" Luigi had a candle in his hand. It wasn't much, but it provided light. Enough for Mario to see into his room. He gasped. " It was only a dream." Little did Mario know, however, that this was far more than a dream. It was a sign. Something vey horrible was coming Mario's way. And only he could stop it.  End of chapter.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2005, 12:11:31 PM »
Chapter 2: It won't leave. Mario was still very shocked by the dream he had the night before. But, as always, the portly plumber decided that a dream is a dream, and life had to move on. So, he took a trip through Toad Town. It was early in the morning, and Mario became starved. He knew there was a brand new place called Pasta Palace, and the cook was supposed to be fantastic. In he walked, and plopped down on a small chair that looked as if were about to snap. Chef Wiggler was chopping up pasta and noddles as fast as he could. It wasn't long before Mario had ordered the special: Mushroom Mixed w/ a helping of Koopa eggs. Good taste, but it gave Mario some bad gas. He farted every now and then. As he walked out, he noticed that a few bob-ombs had gathered and started to discuss something. " ..... and they say.... found dead at 12:30... he was begging for mercy..." Mario began to sweat again. It was 11:05. Mario ran home. Luigi was on his chair, reading a book. Mario went to his room and shut the door. He felt feint, and colapsed. Once again, he found himself in a deep sleep...
" GLARGHHHH!!!" Someone was screaming. It was Luigi! Mario, Wario, Waluigi, and Yoshi were all standing at his side. He was on a sweat drenched bed, and was in pain. His eyes were open, and his pupils seemed lifeless. He was wide open. No blankets, no pillows, no nothing. It looked as if he was cut open. And his wound was infected! Luigi... was dead. " NOOOOOOO!" Mario yelled. Just then, the whole roof of his house colapsed. Yoshi was crushed instantly, but the other three made it out. And then, Mario saw the large creature with the sword once again. He knew who it was for a split second, but before he could really confirm who it was, he awoke.
Mario was once again inside his room. He knew who the creature was. He didn't need to see the creature's full body. It was him... to be continued.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/13/2005 3:07:04 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 06:42:03 PM »
Chapter 3: Mario the killer. " How could I?" Mario was still wondering why it was himself that killed Luigi in his dream. He just couldn't put it together.  Mabey a nice walk in the neighborhod could clear up his mind. Mario noticed it was raining, so he put on his coat, and wondered into the fog. He found himself lost in a creepy forest full of boos. " Mama-mia! Get me-a out-a here!" All of a sudden, the world around him paused. As if time itself was halted. " Now we finally have some alone time!" A very spooky but familar voice had talked to Mario. " Who's there!?" No one was around. Mario screamed. " SHOW YOURSELF!" Still, no one would appear. The voice spoke again. " You and I are one and the same." Mario tried to punch the air, but no one was there. " It's all in your head." Mario gasped. " Wha...." Then the voice revealed itself. " It's-a me, Mario! I am all of your hate and anger that you have kept hidden all your life. Most people let there anger take control of there body in stressful situations. But not you. You have always been a happy go lucky hero. You have never let me take control. AND I HATE IT! You sir, have destroyed me. But thats not all. I became a reality when you had your first nightmare the night before. You became scared that your brother was going to die. I used that to break free. Your dreams are portals to the outside world. One more nightmare, and I'll be able to break away from your body, and become a spilt personality. And here's something else. The bob-ombs you say the other day? Illusions I made myself! Thats right, I'm going to get rid your brother at 12:30 Wednesday afternoon! And then I'm going to finish you off, and your friends! Hows that? I'm glad we understand each other...."
Mario returned to his house at 6:30 evening. He had to stop himself from having this nightmare. He knew is alter ego was very powerful. But if Mario was a portal, then the portal must be destroyed. He made his decision. He had to die.... to be continued.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/13/2005 5:42:53 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2005, 12:32:52 AM »
Wow... I can't wait to see what happens next!

P.S: This is my 600th post!! Now- I'm gonna aim for 1000!!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 12:07:51 PM »
Chapter 4: Break away. Mario walked out of his room with a grim look on his face. Of course, anyone who was about to commit suicide would. " Where are you going?" Luigi said. " You've been in and out of the house lately. Mind telling me where you're heading? The Koopa Klub? Pasta Palace? Boo forest? Come on, tell me!" Mario looked at his brother, face to face. " You look tired," Luigi replied. Mario finally spoke. " Luigi, I'm going somewhere far, far away. And I'm never coming back. I may even leave the Mushroom Kingdom forever. I want you to take good care of Peach for me. Oh, and make sure Yoshi doesn't go into old, wooden houses for me, o.k?"  Luigi was puzzled. " What are you talking about? Why are you leaving? Are you stressed out? Are you tired of saving the Mushroom Kingdom over and over again? Cause if you are, I could do it for a while! Old Bowser won't even lay a finger on me!" Luigi became excited. The thought of being the Kingdoms hero for once was an adventure of it's own! But, all Mario had to say was, " No more questions. I bid you farewell." He shook his brothers hand, and walked out the door. Luigi didn't follow. He was sure that this was just another slump his brother was having. He would return, Luigi was sure of it!
Deep in Mario's mind, his hate was planning something. He decided he was strong enough to break free without another nightmare. All he needed was Mario's own doubt. As Mario looked down at the cliff he was going to jump off, he became scared. " I... can't...I....can'" He paniced for a while. " Yessssss.... that's it..... your fear is makeing me all the stronger......." Mario Anger was becomeing much stronger. It was time for him to break free of Mario's mind. Mario felt a sharp pain in his head. " Nooooo....I.....waited to's to late! My own fear is letting him break away! I can feel him.... he's so much strength could topple the whole Kingdom in a matter of minutes. I....have failed everyone...." That did it. So much doubt and fear opened the portal to the outside world. Mario's Anger was free! " Yessssss.....I'M FREE!!!" Anger was a hideous creature. A demon itself. It had huge, monsterous teeth, with a drooling mouth. Fangs that were unbelieveably long. And, just like his dream, it had a gigantic sword. But all of this was nothing when Mario stared at his eyes. They were dark, lifeless, and almost paralyzed Mario. Anger said nothing. Now that it was free, Mario was useless. Anger traveled towards the Kingdom. " Nooo...he's going to destroy Peach, and Luigi!" Mario stumbled to his feet. His sacrifice had failed. But he had to stop Anger. Some be continued.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2005, 10:29:54 PM »
Chapter 5: Ambush. Anger had made it to Toad Town. And, everyone's frustration was makeing it extreamly powerful. All over the city, people were fighting screaming, and creating a huge rukus. This happened almost everyday, but this time it was serious. The mighty creature had become near invincible! The people of Toad Town noticed Anger and began to run like maniacs. " YOU IDIOTS! I THOUGHT YOU FOOLS WOULD HAVE LEARNED THAT FRUSTRATION, DOUBT, AND FEAR WOULD ONLY MAKE ME STRONGER! AS YOU SEE, WHENEVER YOU FIGHT WITH EACH OTHER, ANGER TAKES CONTROL, AND IT ESCULATES! WE TAKE OVER, AND DIE DOWN WHEN YOU FORGIVE AND FORGET! BUT IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN THIS TIME! YOU ALL ARE DOOMED!!!" No matter what Anger said, the people just kept running around in a blind fury. With one mighty stroke, Anger wiped out the lot of them!!! It only took .02 seconds to do this.
1/4 of the entire town was destroyed. " THIS IS NO FUN. I THOUGHT YOU PEOPLE WOULD BE A MUCH BETTER FIGHT THEN THIS! I GUESS I'M GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE YOUR DEATHS SLOW AND PAINFUL...." Mario had made it back to his house. He slammed open the door. Luigi was happy to see his brother again. But before he could say anything, Mario screamed. " Luigi, get out of here! It's going to kill you! Run! Far away!" Luigi told Mario to calm down. " Who's going to kill me?" Mario had fallen asleep....again. His fear and doubt had left him, and it took a chunk of his energy away. Mario did, however, get these words out before he crashed. "" Luigi was confused. What did that mean? But, he did as his brother asked him to and called  The other three with his magical flute from SMB.3 ( authors joke. ) Eventually, the other three showed up. " What do ya need us for?" Wario said. " A job? I'll only do it if were getting paid." Luigi replied, " No, Mario just... fell asleep before he could explain why he wanted you here." It didn't take long, but they heard loud screams coming from Toad Town. The four began to ran. In no time, they had made it to the city. " What the heck is that? Yoshi!" screamed Yoshi. Anger hadn't noticed the four hero's down below. " Attack!" Wakuigi wasted no time in chargeing for the great beast. But the skinny plumbers fury had no effect on Anger. It was if it was a large brick wall to Waluigi's every blow. Anger turned. " Look what you've done now!" Wario almost wet his pants yelling at Waluigi. Anger raised it's sword, and swung...
Four minutes before Anger rose it's sword, Mario had awoke from his nap. He thought hard about the two dreams he had the night before. " Lets see, everything the dream was about has to be tied in with the real world. Hmmmm... the long tunnel and the door must be my house and our front door. Toad Town has to be destroyed, so it's the wasteland of rocks and dust.... oh, man, the people....Anger must be stopped. Hold on! The second dream! Luigi was cut open and dieing! Anger must have.... NOOOOOOOO!!!! LUIGI! I HAVE TO STOP HIM!!! Mario dashed out of the house. He made it to the battle field. Anger was being attacked by Waluigi. The dorky Wario brother dropped down. Luigi was yelling, " Help! Mario! We need you!" Wario turned to Mario. He saw that he was just standing there. He had also noticed that Luigi was closest to Anger. " Mario you jerk! Don't let Luigi die like that! He's standing there, begging for help, but your just standing there like an idiot! He might be gone for good!" Wario then began to scream at Waluigi. Afterwords, Anger felt it's double. The happy one. It turned, and swung it's sword at Luigi. " This is just like my dream! But it's not going to be Luigi on that death bed!!!" Mario ran up to Luigi and pushed himout of the way. It was all over for our big hero...don't miss the exciting conclusion to Mario's sacrifice!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/14/2005 9:36:59 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2005, 12:42:00 PM »
Chapter 6: Hero's farewell. Mario was split down the middle. His skin was ripped right open. Not long after this, blood started gushing from his wound. " GLARGHHHHH!!!!!" Mario had fallen to the ground. He was near death. " MARIO!!" Luigi spent no time standing there like an idiot. He picked up Mario and ran home. The others followed. Anger decided that it was time to do away with the rest of the city. It didn't give chase.
At the Mario's house, Luigi had placed his brother's broken body onto his bed. The younger brother began to cry. "" Mario had reversed his dream. After all, a dream is not the final word in reality. He summoned up the last of his strength. " Luigi, there's something you should know.... that creature... is all of my anger...all these years...I kept it hidden.... but my fear for you.... let it free... I'm.... sorry.... you must.... kill it!" Mario was dead. Luigi's anger began to build. Unlike Mario, Luigi had expressed anger before, and had not spawed another creature just like it. Before Luigi could get out of the house, it caved in! Anger had smashed it to bits. Yoshi did not make it out. He was crushed. But he wasn't dead! You don't think I'd kill off everyone's favorite dino, now did you? " Luigi was very enraged. Anger just laughed, as Luigi's madness made it stronger. The green plumber attacked, but barely made a dent. No matter what he did, anger just seemed to be invunreble. He smacked Luigi hard. Luigi was K.O! And, he had a dream....
" Luigi, what are you doing?" It was Mario! " Mario, your alive!" Luigi was overjoyed! " Well, in spirit, at least," Mario said. " Crap," Luigi said. " Don't you know that your anger only makes it stronger? Anger takes control in a fight, but people are to busy to find that if you keep calm, you can win! That thing is my anger! So let me, be your happiness! Think of everything that is good! And you can win!!" " I....can't...." Luigi moaned. " YES YOU CAN!" " Yessss....I.....CAN!!!!!!!!!" Luigi woke up from his dream. Anger became nervous. " NOBODY HAS EVER GOTTEN UP FROM ONE OF MY ATTACKS!!!! I.....FEEL.....WEAKER!!!! WHAT'S GOING ON????!!!!!" Luigi flew up and hit Anger....hard.
Anger crashed into the ground. " HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?" " All it takes is a calm attidude. Don't let anger take control!" " BUT YOU HUMANS SCARE SO EASILY! WHY ARE YOU SO BRAVE?" " I'm not alone. I have my brother! He is my happiness!" Anger started to run. " I  THOUGHT HE WAS ANGERY THAT I KILLED HIS BROTHER! I MUST FIND A PLACE WITH MORE HATE!" But Anger would not make it away alive. Luigi gathered all of his energy and created a supernova fireball. He launched it at Anger. " NOOOOO....THIS CANNOT BE!!!!!" The supernova collided with Anger. It's body began to disintegrate. Anger gathered up it's strength and fired an energy beam. It pushed the supernova back at Luigi. " Noooo...I'm not strong enough...." Luigi was fighting a losing battle. " Mabey alone your not, but together, we are!" " Mario? It's you!" Luigi was overjoyed once again. His spirit fused with Mario's. The strength was overwelming! The supernova once again smacked into Anger. This time, it did not have enough strength to fire it back. " GLARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOOOOOUUUUU....AGGGGHHHH!!....." Anger disapeared in a blaze. It was dead....finally.
Many toads, in Toad town, had survived. There was no time to morn the loss of loved ones though. They had to rebuild the city. Mario's funereal was held two weeks after the destruction of Anger. Luigi was indeed sad, but  happy that his brother would always be with him in spirit. Afterwords, Luigi went to a nice, rebuilt house. He sat down, and read his book. He decided to hit the hay after chapter 5. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. Luigi climbed into bed. He fell into a deep slumber. He was having a dream.....

The aftermath: One year after the death of Mario, Luigi recieved a knock at his door. He opened it, and a strange creature was standing at his doormat. " Hello? Are you Luigi Mario?" The creature was hidden in cloak. " Yes, I am." The creature continyed. " Yes, I have been doing a lot of studying lately, and I have found a way...." " A what?" Luigi was puzzled. " bring your brother back....." To be continued in the sequel: Mario's Sacrifice 2: Death's gamble

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/15/2005 4:22:31 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2005, 12:43:38 PM »
Special Thanks goes to Luigi Simpson, who actual enjoyed my story. I hope that celebrity clash RPG gets alot of guys playing! Also, I want to know what you all thought of my story! Was it good, bad, or so-so? And what about the sequal? Please post!!!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/15/2005 11:47:32 AM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2005, 05:27:31 PM »
What a lovely story! I bet the sequel will be even better. Keep it up, you've impressed me.

Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.

« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2005, 07:10:04 PM »
Wow, thanks! I thought no one was reading this! I've almost come up with all the chapters, and I should have it up soon. It's gonna have even more action than the first! In fact, I could post the first chapter right now if you wanted me to.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/24/2005 6:10:47 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2005, 01:34:14 PM »
Hey, it's an awesome story! Keep up the good work!
Now with more mink!

« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2005, 02:33:05 PM »
If you like this one, check out the other two sequals. The 2nd one isn't as great as I thought it would be, but the third one is turning out to be great! I might even make a fourth, if it gets enough positive feedback!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Banned
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2005, 02:39:30 PM »
Good god that was great! I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen! It was good nice and long. It wasn't short and sweet it was long and sweet! loved it. now I'm going to read the sequel some other time because I gotta do something
