
Author Topic: Grandaddy of videogames!!!!!!!  (Read 4688 times)

« on: June 16, 2005, 06:34:38 PM »
This morning I was on the net on wikipedia.  I was doing research on a show I had just watched.  I go to Ralph Baer's website.  Just in case you dont know who he is, he is practically the God of videogames!  He was the first person to ever build, test play, check note, and patent videogames.  Well, I e-mailed him, after hearing one of his requests.  Everybody thinks that Bushnell jerk from Atari created videogames.  But, where do you think he got his ideas from!?  Sorry I called him a jerk, but if you saw the krap he put Baer through, you'd call him that to.  Well, when I got home, I looked at my e-mail.  He e-mailed me back!!!  And not just one of those stupid auto-bot messages either.  He actually thanked me for sending it.  I know I must be over exagerating the brilliantness of this.  But its Ralph Baer!!!!  The mans like a God!  You might be able to tell how much this meens to me.  But believe me, its probably ten times what your thinking.

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

I only watch [adult swim]

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2005, 10:18:10 PM »
He was the guy who had the idea for integrated games in TVs, right?

P.S. Nolan Bushnell isn't a jerk.

"I think he will carry this island home in his pocket, and give it his son for an apple."

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 6/16/2005 9:18:43 PM
That was a joke.

« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2005, 06:05:07 AM »
Well, Nolan Bushnell is a great guy, he created Chuck-E.-Cheese!  But he was taking credit for inventing the first videogames, which is totally bogus, he only inovated them (meening, he made them better).

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 02:18:22 PM »
In 1952, A.S. Douglas wrote his PhD degree at the University of Cambridge on Human-Computer interraction. Douglas created the first graphical computer game - a version of Tic-Tac-Toe. The game was programmed on a EDSAC vaccuum-tube computer, which had a cathode ray tube display.

William Higinbotham created the first video game ever in 1958. His game, called "Tennis for Two," was created and played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory oscilloscope. In 1962, Steve Russell invented SpaceWar!. Spacewar! was the first game intended for computer use. Russell used a MIT PDP-1 mainframe computer to design his game.

In 1967, Ralph Baer wrote the first video game played on a television set, a game called Chase. Ralph Baer was then part of Sanders Associates, a military electronics firm. Ralph Baer first conceived of his idea in 1951 while working for Loral, a television company.

In 1971, Nolan Bushnell together with Ted Dabney, created the first arcade game. It was called Computer Space, based on Steve Russell's earlier game of Spacewar!. The arcade game Pong was created by Nolan Bushnell (with help from Al Alcorn) a year later in 1972. Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney started Atari Computers that same year. In 1975, Atari re-released Pong as a home video game.


"All this guy ever does is eat, sleep, say stuff, DDR, and wear glasses."

« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2005, 02:38:00 PM »
I can remember why Computer Space didnt do so hot.  It was too complicating!  So they made a more simple game such as Pong!  Wow, we should really make use of this thread and test eachothers knowledge of videogames!

OK, here are the rules!
1. anyone on the forums can play!
2. anyone can create questions.
3. anyone can answer the persons question,
but if you are wrong, your out, but you will have to be proven wrong by a reliable scource.
4. Once you reply your screenname will be written, and your points will be recorded.
5. 2 points per answer!

  May the most knowledgable man/woman win!

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2005, 04:41:58 PM »
First an easy
What was first the Sonic game with Amy?

OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2005, 04:47:29 PM »
Thats easy!
The answer is: "Sonic CD"

I actually have that game.

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2005, 05:01:41 PM »
you are correct
in an issue in nintendo power someone asked "who is the ninttendo mascot" their reply was whom?


Edited by - white_arrow on 6/17/2005 4:02:42 PM
OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2005, 05:45:14 PM »
I have the issue right here:

According to NP's reply, it's "the guy from ballon fight, of course".

 Random Anime Quote:
"Good LORD! Where did you get thoes things!??"--Jamie Mcgonnigal (voice of Takeo Takekura). DVD voulme 5 (this is an outtake made by the voice actor, not an actual quote from the series).
Random Anime Quote: "Wiggle, Squiggle! Look, I'm a mollusk!"
--Freesia Yagyu, Jubei-Chan 2 episode 3.

« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2005, 05:46:31 PM »

OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2005, 06:26:57 PM »
This one should be easy. In an issue of Nintendo Power, what did they say Waluigi's name ment in Japanesse?

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/17/2005 9:01:29 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2005, 06:45:44 PM »
Accoridng to the issue it "comes from a rearrangement of the word ijiwaru—Japanese for 'someone who's bad.'"

And I ahve a question:

How many Pokemon are there, including the recently revealed ones from the upcoming Pearl and Diamond DS games?

 Random Anime Quote:
"Good LORD! Where did you get thoes things!??"--Jamie Mcgonnigal (voice of Takeo Takekura). DVD voulme 5 (this is an outtake made by the voice actor, not an actual quote from the series).
Random Anime Quote: "Wiggle, Squiggle! Look, I'm a mollusk!"
--Freesia Yagyu, Jubei-Chan 2 episode 3.

« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2005, 09:59:49 PM »
I've also have one more question, for anyone who wants to answer. What was the name of Tatanga's war machine in SML?
Bonus: What were the names of the four kingdoms he controled?

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/17/2005 9:11:04 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2005, 08:02:41 AM »
the answer is: Pagosu

That is the name of Tatanga's ship!

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2005, 08:06:24 AM »
What is Wendy Koopa's full name?

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

I only watch [adult swim]
