
Author Topic: Donkey Kong 64  (Read 2586 times)

Mario Maniac

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« on: January 23, 2001, 01:57:39 PM »
Donkey Kong 64: great game, or cheap rip-off? You decide.

First of all, let's look at the basics. The Donkey Kong series has been a sucessful franchise. The Rareware/Nintendo-created Donkey Kong Country series has been one of the best series of games on the Super Nintendo! These games (3 in all) featured extremely good graphics for the 16-bit Super Nintendo system and also had very good game-play.

Next, Rareware and Nintendo created a spin-off of the Donkey Kong Country games with a new batch of games for the Game Boy, called: Donkey Kong Land. There were 3 of these games in all and they also made a graphical leap for the Game Boy, pushing the system to its limits!

Now comes good ol' Donkey Kong in a brand new game for the N64, called: Donkey Kong 64.

This game is an entirely new spin on the DK franchise: it's the first Donkey Kong game to be completely in 3D! Every level in DK64 is designed to be a massive, free-roaming environment. The sound is also very good, with music from the original games as well as some new snazzy songs. With the required Expansion Pak, DK64 pushes the N64 to its absolute limits with graphics beyond your wildest (well... maybe not wildest) dreams!

Donkey Kong 64 is a must-buy game for all of you Nintendo fans. If you're still not convinced, just read the following stats:

TITLE: Donkey Kong 64
SYSTEM: Nintendo 64
PRICE: $49.95 (USA)

So there you have it, Donkey Kong 64 in a nutshell.  If you have any opinions about this great game, please reply to this post...
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2001, 07:21:43 PM »
Donkey Kong 64= Banjo Kazooie deluxe w/ monkeys and pajillions of minigames.

May be worth the purchase for DK's hilarious voice:  "Oo00O0ooOHhh . . . bo-na-nah!"

Really, the only reasons why I got DK64 are:
1. I dig Donkey Kong
2. I skipped Banjo-Kazooie
3. Incredible graphics
4. Includes original Donkey Kong Arcade game (extremley addictive, I love it!)

Personally, I've grown tired of the whole "bounce around in a 3d world to collect thingies to open up a new world to collect more thingies" gameplay, Donkey Kong 64 just kind of reinforced it.

Definitley not the N64's best or most original title, but it IS fun.  Nice and big too. (the mine cart rides are awesome :D

 "I''''m-a Wario! I''''m-a gonna win!!"

Edited by - billy chilly on 1/23/2001 5:23:02 PM
Haters gonna hate
