
Author Topic: Super Mario 128  (Read 3002 times)

« on: July 26, 2005, 11:51:22 AM »
Super Mario 128

(And yes I’m expanding on the Super Mario 128 fake game idea)

Intro (read important)

   Once upon a time there was a country called Utopia, this was destroyed by Bowser’s army during the Utopian wars. Legend has it that they possessed a weapon of great strength which only someone with the correct code can use. The man who knew this code died in an attack. If the user put in the wrong code the weapon would blow up. The weapon was known as the great force put came to be called the tri force, as it was known as back then back then. Today it is known as the Great Force. The Utopian elders decided they could not let Bowser gain control of this. They took the great force out into an unknown space and buried it in an alternate plane. They left a trail of maps behind them which tells where the great force is. They each buried one map somewhere each containing a part of the riddle. When Bowser found out they hid the great force, he tortured them one by one, none of them told where one map was. This was kept secret until now…
   One hundred years later a war with the Koopian Empire started. The Mushroom Kingdom and the Bean Bean Kingdom decided to combine forces to take out Bowser and his minions…
“Today on the Battlefield is a day of Valor” said Toadsworth “We shall triumph! We shall be victorious! We shall conquer! March into position, all of you. Prepare yourselves!”
Hundreds of thousands of Mushroom Kingdom warriors surrounded the Southern Entrance to Bowser’s Keep. Thousands of Bean Bean soldiers surrounded the Norther Entrance.
“Shields up!” Yelled Toadsworth, just there after the sky was blooted out by black objects
“Arrows!!!” A soldiers shouted
Hundreds of Casualties filled the Battlefield
“CHARGE!!! Archers Fire at will! Siege Weaponry Fire, Commandoes get those ladders on the fortress.”
Off Mario and Luigi departed with a ladder, dodging arrows left and right
“Cannon Ball!” shouted Mario. Just then Mario and Luigi jumped dodging it, but the cannonball took out some soldiers.
“We’re at the base!” Mario shouted, the Mushroom Knights ran up next to them eagerly waiting for the ladder to raise.
“It’s locked into place now, now all of you up!” Luigi said from the top of the wall. Mario and Luigi jumped down, and ran in to conduct their sabotage mission…

Lvl 1-1, Day 1 Bowser’s Keep

Mario and Luigi came to the door. “It won’t open!” Shouted Mario “give me a hand here!” Luigi tugged and pulled. The bronze door very slowly crept open. Mario and Luigi ran in. The door slammed shut! A Boo came swooping down, screeching. Mario and Luigi ran as fast as they could. Mario donning his invisibility cap ran into the next room. Mario dispatched of the turtles and gave Luigi the all clear sign. “The first floor” Luigi said. They scurried up the stairs. There lied a lava pit. “how are we gonna get across Mario?” Luigi asked. Mario brought out they’re wing caps from the supply pack. “They flew across and dawned their invisibility caps. They’re out into the center area, they planted the bomb and lit the fuse. Mario and Luigi ran out of the room. The doors closed behind them, they were stuck in the Lava room. Bowser’s evil cackle echo throughout the castle. “this a thing is gonna blow!” Yelled Mario. The platform they were standing on started sliding back. “JUMP” Mario said. They got to the other side BOOM!!! A giant explosion rocked the other room, The rock was melted by the molten lava. The lava reached a water supply. It forced the lava to cool down. Mario jumped down. The Forts starts to collapse. Dust and grime starts to fall from the ceiling. Ooze starts to leak from the sky above. Just then Mario takes out a shovel and starts digging through the melted lava until he hits the bed of rock. “What a ever cooled the Lava down might a be our only hope!” Mario said. Luigi replied “I’ll a help too. I wish Wario was here” “why” Mario replied “Cause he could be our work horse!” Mario looked at Luigi weirdly. They were able to break through the bed of rock. A small opening emerged. “Let’s-a go” Mario said and off they went into the abyss…


Edited by - kurtvegita on 7/26/2005 3:30:25 PM

« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2005, 01:40:48 PM »
Lvl 1-2 day 2 The Discovery

Where were we? Oh I remember!

They were able to break through the bed of rock. A small opening emerged. “Let’s-a go” Mario said and off they went into the abyss…

Mario and his brother continued through a small river until they saw some light. A torch flickered in the darkness. Mario jumped up and found a small chest. Inside was a small note in a language they didn’t know. Luigi said “I-a think that’s-a Ancient Hylian. Wario has a book on how to translate it.” Mario and Luigi wandered through the maze like cave, following the white markings on the wall. It grew pitch black. Mario then lit a fireball in his hand and used it as a light, Luigi did too. All of a sudden the water started rising, higher, higher, higher… Mario and Luigi were going to drown. They swam to the roof of the cave gasping for air. They heard turtles above, now it sounded like one of Bowser’s tanks. No doubt Bowser was on it. BOOM!!! A tank had crashed through the weaker part of the ground, next came Bowser’s tank. No Bowser. Mario and Luigi swam up through the hole and they got through. The Bean Bean forces had turned against the Mushroom forces. The mushroom forces were surrounded. Bowser plunged from under the water onto the field. Mario rushed up and jumped and was swiped away by Bowser’s tail. All was silent. Luigi came up to grab Bowser’s tail, he was thrown off too. Wario and Waluigi were also fighting Bowser by the time Mario and Luigi woke up. Mario’s arm was broken and Luigi was had on his shoulder., the left one. Just then Waluigi was knocked over then Wario came up to Bowser to jump, he was grabbed in mid flight. Wario bit Bowser in the arm and was let go. Bowser screeched and Mario jumped and grabbed Bowser by his Horn. Mario was hanging on for a while Bowser was trying to get him off. Luigi donned the armor of a fallen Mushroom Special Forces officer. He was clad in full iron, with a Tower shield, a long sword, a Knight’s Helmet and iron legs. He charged at Bowser and hit his shell with his Sword. Bowser turned obviously to face Luigi. Mario jumped off Bowser and picked up one of the dead General’s guard’s flail. Mario started to swing it and it got Bowser in the head. Bowser was KOed. Blood was flying everywhere. Luigi came in for the finishing blow. Ching! The sword was plunged into the heart of Bowser. Just then, Bowser transformed into a Buzzy Beetle. During this escapade, the Mushroom forces had managed to take one of the remaining towers and were picking off the traitor Bean Bean soliers. Mario and Luigi came in with they’re new weapons. Mario and Luigi jumped on a couple stray Yoshis. Off they went. Luigi took off his armor and kept the sword since the yoshi was already in Iron clad. Mario had his flail hitting the enemy units. “One Two Three Four Five” Mario counted. The ground shook. More tanks! Mario and Luigi jumped on the tank and attacked the soldiers. Toadsworth was surrounded by his guards, his guards surrounded by The Archers who were surrounded by the soldiers who were surrounded by Bean Bean soldiers. The Bean Bean soldiers started closing in. All looks lost. Mario jumped off his yoshi just in time before a cannon ball hit it. Luigi’s yoshi also died, stray arrow. It was hit in the eye. Mario and Luigi were on the Tank the center of the mess.

The Mushrooms Kingdom elite forces surrounded, Bean Bean forces against them, surrounding them, outnumbered. Mario and Luigi stuck on a tank with a sword and a flail, broken arms and shoulders…

What will happen?


« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2005, 04:25:58 PM »
Lvl 1-3 Day 2 The Showdown

Mario and Luigi were in the middle of this mess. Viruses had surrounded them. They swirled until their colors, red, blue and yellow had become a dark purple. They started to close in. One caught onto Mario’s broken arm and started pulling him, Mario started to scream. Luigi came over with his sword and took a swipe and it, cutting it in half. Blood oozed out of Mario’s arm. Apparently it had bit him. Luigi happened to have an antidote for Mario. All of a sudden they had all stopped. They looked over to the other side of the ship, a shadow appeared. They all ran. Something or someone was there that terrified them. Mario and Luigi made a break for the warp pipe. They were able to get in and destroy it before the black mass could get near them. They were trapped in the heart of the ship. They were in a room in the center, probably the Captain’s Quarters.
“Do you hear that Mario?”
“No I don’t hear anything.”
“It sounds like something’s breaking the wood”
“Sorry Luigi I don- wait I do hear something”
A munching sound is heard from outside, it starts to grow louder, louder. The hull of the tank breaks. Out pops none other than Wario!
“Mario Luigi what are you doing here?”
“Wario what are you doing here, my younger brother and I are trapped down here”
“I was hungry”
“Good thing you were, lets finish taking over the ship”
“Why don’t you go up the warp pipe?”
“Mario and I broke it”
“Easy, we put a cork through the middle”
“How’d you get a cork?”
“Dunno the writer put it in”
“Oh, that explains why I was eating wood”
“Well anyway I can burn the cork with fireball”
“Or I can eat it Mwahahaha”
“Eat yourself Mario’ll burn it.”
“Luigi shouldn’t you, you do have straight fireballs”
“But they’re lousy at lighting fires”
“Lets just a go out through the hole and climb up.”
“The fire will burn the ship if I burn the cork”
“Wario just eat it”
“With pleasure”
Just then Wario eats the cork. The black shape was gone. A darkness looms over the battlefield, the stench of death looms the air. The Bean Bean forces had been killed by the Mushroom archers and the Mushroom warriors had taken them by surprise. They suspected this so they moved another army over just to make sure. The enemy crew had fled.


The next day Mario woke up screaming. He had a nightmare. He saw the shadow again. it had a giant flail and a shield clad in some strange black armor. Red eyes glowing. It was robed in a black wizard robe. It was in a dark hazy place. The sky blood red which quickly faded into blackness. He was alone with that thing. It raised it’s flail. Mario was too petrified to move. The flail hit, you could hear that sick sound like when a watermelon was dropping from a great height.

”What’s a wrong Mario?”
“A nightmare Luigi.”
“It must a been Wario”
“It was the black shadow”
”The Black Shadow? Who was it”
“It looked like a human like creature, like a warrior in a dark realm”
“Oh that a must have been the paperboy”
“Was it the paperboy Luigi, was it?”

Was the black shadow the paperboy or is it some being more deadly then Mario and Luigi had ever faced.

« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2005, 02:58:32 PM »
here is the rest...

So anyways Mario and Luigi just stood there watching the shadow.In a flash the shadow jumped at Mario and Luigi.Suddenly it grabbed them!"Ahhhh!!! let me go",Mario screamed."Not so fast.I finally have you right where I want you.Now listen tome and listen good.I want to buy your chocolate,"said the voice."Wait a minute all you want is to buy our chocolate Bowser?",said Mario.It was Bowser (you might know) the same old foe of the Mario Bros."You mean you don't have the princess?",he said."No",he replied,"all I want is to buy all of your choclate.Besides I have not seen nor heard from her since 2002.Freaky huh?"."Yeah I guess so.Anyways here you go.That'll be 99.95,"said Mario.So now the bros. come to a dead end.Where is the princess,and why is Luigi wearing pink boxers?


Please continue on!!!!

I see poop.

« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 03:12:17 PM »
Lvl 3-4 Day 4 Multi-Colored Pipe?

Luigi woke up panting for fresh air.

”Only a dream” he said as he took a sigh of relief. Luigi recalled his dream being about the same black shadow Mario described.
Mario had left a note on the table. It read

Dear Luigi,

Meet me in the castle gardens. A strange warp pipe has appeared there.

Your Brother Mario

Luigi Made his way to the castle.

“Hey Luigi, ready?”
“Ya, I brought some more shrooms”

All three of them were there now; Wario, Luigi and Mario.

They immediately entered into the warp pipe.

Out came Mario, then Luigi then…

“I’m stuck!” Said Wario “Go on without me”

Mario and Luigi finally pulled him out

“I’m hungry” said Wario
“Oh shut up you fat slob” Mario and Luigi said in tandem

Mario took a glance around at his surroundings. They saw a huge castle looming over the fog.

All of a sudden an arrow landed right next to Wario almost hitting him.

Wario immediately ran up and socked the archer in the nose. Mario and Luigi saw a black shadow there. Not the same shape as in their dream, smaller. They approached the shadow. A man in a green cap, like an elf’s and green clothes was kneeling there cradling his damaged nose. He was only a kid. He had a very fine sword though. Not to mention a lot of bombs.

“May I ask who you are?” Said Mario
“Link” said the stranger
Link continued “What business do you have in the forbidden forest?”
“Forbidden f-Forest?” Luigi cried out
“Yes, you’re in Hyrule. Can’t you guys read the sign over there? It says KEEP OUT”
“We came in through the pipe over there” Said Luigi
“Why’d you try and shoot me?” Asked Wario
“Well I aimed for the largest target…”
“Haha Wario your such an idiot!” Mario joked
Wario socked Mario in the face. By then Wario’s glove changed from white to red
“I saw a black shadow with a flail in my dream. Any ideas?” Inquired Luigi
“Well it could be the old man. Naaa probably not, everyone knows he’s gayer than -”
“I’m hungry” Wario interrupted
“As I was saying, it’s probably Ganon.”
“Now that you’re done can I munch on a star?”
“No Wario, you said you’d quit taking stars yesterday, remember?”
“But I like stars… they make me feel invincible”

The pushed on through this new land of Hyrule towards the castle


Edited by - kurtvegita on 8/23/2005 2:20:54 PM

« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2005, 07:47:14 PM »

7 weeks later

"Whoops" Wario said

Wario had acidently pushed link onto his own sword

"Get the red potion"

It was too late, Wario had already drank the red potions.

Mario and Luigi came rushing up. They had gathered the Triforce and are ready to deafeat Ganon. But how without Link?

"Wario, you really are just a monkey thats been strategicly shaven arn't you"

Wario was too shocked to respond. The gang now approached Ganons castle. The triforce brought them to the top leevel with the help of the star rod.

"What are you doing here?" Ganon asked

"We want our princess back!!!"

"I don't have a princess!!!"

"Whats that up there then?"

"A manican!!!"

"I don't believe you!"

Ganon tried to tackle Wario but bounced off. Wario and Luigi had no trouble pinning him to the floor.

"Fine I give up, I was saving this for a rainy day..."

A door came up and someone was movie inside the sack.

"Princess is that you?" Mario inquired

Wario opened the sack.

"Sorry your princess in in another castle"

"Mmmmm..... mushrooms" Wario said

It was too late, Wario had eaten the toad.

"What the heck do you think you're doing!"

"I was hungy!"


Just then Mario had been knocked out. Then Wario then Luigi. It was the black shadow

To Be concluded...
