
Author Topic: Continuing story RPG...  (Read 3907 times)


  • Quadruped
« on: February 07, 2001, 06:31:02 PM »
Okay, character-assigned role-playing stories don't seem to last very long here, so I'm going to try another method.  Basically, I'll start a story, set the mood, etc., but nobody will control any one character.  Instead, I'll leave a sentence unfinished and the next person to post will sieze control of everybody and write another part of the plot.
Anyway, I guess we'll see hpw long this can last.  Feel free to jump in at any time if you've got an idea.  If two posts are made simultaneously, the next person can choose which one to follow.

Here goes:

   The rain came down in buckets on the Mushroom Kingdom.  Luigi sat in a chair by a window, watching the drops roll down the glass, and waiting.  It had been hours since Mario had left, and he hadn't even told Luigi where he was going.  Mario seemed to have a knack for getting into troublesome situations, so each minute that he was gone made Luigi more concerned.  Of course, Mario also had a knack for getting out of such sticky situations, so Luigi wasn't too concerned.
   Luigi turned his attention back to the book he was reading.  It was titled "The Great Adventures of Johnny Ravioli," and was reccommended to him by Mario.  The story was now in an intense moment in an Italian food convention, and every dish was described in great detail, down to the smells.  Luigi found it difficult to read, as drool marks had stained the page and made a few words smudge.  He set the book down and closed it.
   Turning to the window again, he became quite curious as to why Mario could have any reason to suddenly rush out in such weather.  Perhaps someone wwas in trouble?  In couldn't be Peach, she was only a couple of rooms away and Luigi would have heard somehting.  Nobody really wanted to go outdoors in such miserable weather.  But what of Mario?  Luigi began looking for anybody outside.
   Suddenly there came a knock on the door.  "Ah, that'll be-a Mario!"  Luigi said as he stood up and started towards the door.  "I wonder what took him so long?"
   Luigi opened the door, but Mario was not out there.  Instead, Luigi saw...

Get the idea?  Now the post is open to anybody.  Think creatively!
Go Moon!

« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2001, 06:07:13 PM »
   Instead, Luigi opened the door and saw Toad standing in his little blue rain coat.
   "Toad! What brings you here?"
   "I was sent by our Princess, Peach. Listen, just let me in...It's scary out here!" Toad said just as lighting struck.
   "Of course, come in and tell me whats wrong."
   Toad closed his umbrella and walked in. "Well, I'm not sure anything's wrong, but Mario was invited to the castle a while ago but he's pretty late". Luigi felt a little hurt that he had been again excluded from the invitation but he shrugged it off.
The disappointment in Luigi's face, however brief, didn't go unnoticed by Toad, "Oh, don't give it any thought", Toad said with a kind smile,"Peach probably just wanted him to fix the royal toilet. But, ahem, Our Princess sent me here to see if he left."
   "Well, Toad, Mario left much time ago. Like you, I don't know where he is, I'm been worried, tell you truth."
   "Really? Yikes! I'd better get going back to the castle to tell the Princess!" said Toad as he hurriedly grabbed his umbrella and started towards the door.
   Lighting struck again, followed by tremendous thunderclaps. Toad froze in his steps. "Say...Luigi, would ya mind coming along? You know, so you don't have to be all alone in this spooky house.. heh,heh."

[[ I realize only after posting that Peach is "only a few rooms away". Sorry about that. I guess that's been changed now: she's at the castle..and Luigi is at the Mario Bros' house. Sheesh, I feel like a goof. ]]



Edited by - TurtleTek on 2/8/2001 4:12:43 PM

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2001, 11:33:00 AM »
Soon, Luigi and Toad came up to a crippled Koopa Paratroopa who was lying on the ground with a broken wing. Luigi rushed up to it to see what was the matter...

"Oh my god! What  happened to you?" Luigi said as he put his hand on the little creature.

The Koopa Paratroopa looked at Luigi and Toad with tears in his eyes.

"It... was... him!" The Koopa said as he coughed.

The rain poured heavily now and it seemed that the little Koopa was dying.

Toad looked ahead at the hills in the distance. It was so foggy out that he could hardly see a thing.

"Well, we'll take you along with us and see if we can help you." Luigi said confidentaly, hoping to cheer the Koopa Paratrooopa up a bit.

Toad interrupted the two.

"Um excuse me sir, but I think we shopuld get going now. After all, Mario's still out there and we have no idea where he could be..."

"Your right," Luigi replied. "We have to keep looking for Mario. Here," Luigi carried the little Koopa in his arms. "Let's take you with us, so you'll be safe. Maybe one of the Princess's royal doctors can fix you up!"

Luigi and Toad continued walking. Suddenly, lighting flashed across the sky and a huge creature blocked their path...

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 2/12/2001 9:34:08 AM
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2001, 07:58:58 PM »
(Luigi pulls out a tri-rocket launcher and blows B-K to pieces)"Take that!" said luigi.But then mumbo came and he...


« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2001, 11:20:19 PM »
The lighting bolt illuminated a slumbering huge red-shelled koopa. Sleeping in middle of the path, this giant blocked any way through.

After he got over his surprise, Luigi spoke up. "Hey, you, flubba koopa! Wake up! We a-needa get to the castle. Wake up and let us through!"

"Mmmuh? Wha? How's there?" grumbled the massive troopa as he woke up and came to a stand on his big red boots.

"Sheesh...How can anyone sleep in this weather?" wondered Toad.

The road-block koopa took off his thick glasses and gave them a shake to rattle the rain drops off and put the coke-bottle frames back on. "Mmm.. I'm Kent C...and you're the Mario brother I'm not supposed to let through", He said squinting his eyes, "So...I'm not movin'."

"But you a-gotta let us through," said Luigi still holding the injured parakoopa, "We a-gotta take your flying brother to the castle so he wonta die!"

"Hm! Brother of mine indeed. He's no troopa. He's a do-gooder...just like you", he sneered, "Besides, I was the one who put him in that state."

"Then prepare for to a-fighting, baddie! I'm agetting through no matter what!" Luigi said, carefully handing Toad the parakoppa.

"Woah, now, bud. I'm not so sure you want to do that. I mean, look at me. I'm huge! Frankly, I'd cream ya." then a greedy smile spread across the near-sighted koopa's face, "But I tell ya what...for the meager price of 100 coins, I'll get outta the way..ya know? Coins make the world go round, they say.."

Luigi glanced at Toad and said...


« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2001, 07:16:45 AM »
," Naturally todays the day I had to leave all my coins in my other pair of pants." The Parakoopa smiled because he knew this was a trap that he and Kent C. had pulled off together. Just at that moment the Parakoopa jumped out of Toads arms and landed right on Luigi's head. "OWWWW" said Luigi. Then Kent C. gave a big wistle and who should come running but his friend Hookbill the Koopa!! Then the fight began...
It's-a me, Marionut#1!

« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2001, 06:26:21 PM »

The now aging Hookbill came hobbling out of the bushes. However, Hookbill could not move very quickly as the years had restricted him to walking with a cane. The old koopa had lived through the heyday of Koopa Empire and was once a great warrior. He even worked with the mighty Kamek. But now, he was nothing more than a lowly leader of a small gang of extortionists.

"Haha, good work, my boys!", the retired troopa said to Kent and the paratroopa, "You've properly trapped a fine pair- a royal fungus and the younger Mario brother. They should have plenty of change ta spare! *Hack, cough*"

The paratroopa energeticly hovered between Hookbill and Kent C, obviously he was a great faker. "Thanks, boss. How 'bout that drama? Can't beat that."

"Hey, bud. Don't take all the credit. I mean, look at me! It's my power that makes these wieners 'fraid not ta pay." jealously remarked Kent C.

"Ahem", Luigi said rubbing his head where the parakoopa knocked him, "Sorry to a-interrupt you, but we a didn't say we were going to a-pay you."

"Yeah, you guys picked the wrong people to rob." added Toad, half-hiding behind Luigi.



  • Quadruped
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2001, 06:46:31 PM »
Luigi saw the danger in the situation, but also knew it was a perfect opportunity to prove himself.  It was obvious that his brother Mario always got recognition and it became rather irritating.
"We'll finish you off, Linguini!"  Kent C. yelled, "Attack, Hookbill!"
"That's Luigi!"  Luigi corrected, and you're wrong, I'll be-"
But another threat had appeared.
Hookbill stood himself on his rear legs in that menacing way that Hookbill is known to do, and began pacing towards Luigi.  Grabbing the closest thing at hand, or at head, since the closest thing happened to be the parakoopa that had jumped onto his head, he readied a clear shot at Hookbill.
"Time to fight koopa with koopa!"  he remarked as he flung the parakoopa at Hookbill's face.
Hookbill, obviously expecting Luigi to just stand there, lost his balance and fell onto his back.  Luigi then took the opening and jumped over Hookbill.  He swung himself around in the air and came down, behind-first, as hard as he could onto the giant koopa.
"OOWWWOWWOWW!!"  Luigi yelled, "That-a hurts!  How does Mario do it so easily?"
Nonetheless, it was successful in launching Hookbill clear out of his shell.
"Not so fast, Linguini!"  The Kent C. said, "I'll stop you if I have to do it myself!  I'll bowl you over!"
"Wrong again, Kent C."  Luigi replied, kicking Hookbill's large, now empty shell in his direction.
"WAAGH!!"  Kent C. tried to run, but the shell soon knocked him away.
Satisfied, Luigi looked around, to be sure that no more koopas remained standing.
"Well, Toad, what'd you think of that?"
Luigi looked around.
Of course, toad had securely hidden himself up the nearest tree.
"Come down from there," said Luigi, annoyed that nobody had witnessed his spectacular victory, "battle's over."
Toad clambered down and the two continued towards Peach's castle...

(Oops!  Simultaneous post!  Well, it still works, except that the parakoopa is no longer on Luigi's head...)

Edited by - Fifth on 2/13/2001 4:50:07 PM
Go Moon!

« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2001, 09:53:10 PM »
(Gimme a part soon!)
"I dunno"...

« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2001, 08:52:40 PM »
*The rain continued to pour, harder and harder every second.  Luigi sneezed and rubbed his big nose.  To Toad's obvious observation, Luigi's nose was getting red.*

Toad: Whoa... Are you okay Luigi?  You look kinda...

Luigi: ~coughcough~ Shoulda worn-a a raincoat...

Toad: You're telling me that you're sick?!

Luigi: In a ~coughcough~ word...

Toad: But...what if...

This post brought to you by: Luigi of the Pipes
Goombas Rule!!!
This post brought to you by: Luigi of the Pipes
Goombas Rule!!!

« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2001, 01:28:17 PM »
"But what if you've got the fungus flu that's been going around?", said Toad.

"Yeah? So what if I a-do?" Luigi said right before sneezing again.

"Well, what if I get it?!" said Toad as he took a few steps back.

"Oh, calm down. -*sniffle*. Let'sa just get to the castle."

"Yeah, and maybe Peach will make you some chicken soup once she sees how sick and pathetic-like you are." Toad said with a smirk.

"Yeah...", dreamily said Luigi, "Maybe she will.."

Toad just rolled his eyes.

By that time, they were standing before the warp pipe that would transort them right to castle's front gate. They were about to jump in when they saw that the pipe was full of water. The downpour had flooded the underground.


Edited by - TurtleTek on 2/25/2001 11:32:10 AM


  • Quadruped
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2003, 01:01:46 AM »
Wow!  I found my old "Continuing Story RPG" thread!  I wonder why I never continued it...  I'll have to add another part.
...though later... when it's not so late...
Ironically enough.

Maybe I should look for the "What the Monkey Meant" thread, too...

Go Moon!
Go Moon!
