
Author Topic: dissing contest (for fun)  (Read 1695 times)


  • Banned
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:20:48 AM »
okay, I got the idea of a dissing contest.

1. clean jokes only! you don't want to get banned, unless you are crazy

2. chalange whoever you want but the person you chalange has to want to do it. do not make fun of the person if he or she does not want to play.

3. Do NOT be offended by these jokes, remember for fun, for fun, FOR F,U,N!!!!!!!

  I am the judge of these jokes and each person takes turns until both compedaters have said 3 jokes. rounds are best 2 out of 3. you can chalange me (just prepare to be beat)

             so have fun, if you do not follow the rules... uh.... just, don't break the rules.

"FUN SIZE! what's so fun about having less candy!"
