
Author Topic: The Prophecy  (Read 66832 times)


  • Score
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2003, 07:33:00 PM »
Yes, I have also been at work on a fanfic. It is a fanfic based on the NES game, Kirby's Adventure and its remake, Nightmare in Dreamland. The plot is the same as the game, but I added a twist or 2 or 3. Such as the appearence of the Mario characters as Dark Matter teams up with Bowser. A super fanfic about the the pink puffball is in the works!

Mario Madness will live forever!

I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2003, 10:41:00 PM »
Hey! Sweet! I've gotten more readers! :) Sorry I didn't post the next chapter today. Parents took away electronics from me. (I won't say WHY...) Anyway, I was gonna wait 'til Monday besides the fact, in respect for Easter. But since it IS Monday now (my time), here's CH 6:

Chapter 6: Grim Truth

Twink had been searching long and hard to find Mario, but his hopes were growing thin. He was racking his brain out, trying to think of where he could be. As he flew over the ruins of Toad Town, it finally occurred to him that Mario could be in the Princess’s Castle. Twink shuddered at how such a once lovely palace had transformed into a crumbling landmark.

It was easy to get in; the beautiful doors were now just a heap of rubble, and much of the exterior had disintegrated. Twink tried searching all the castle’s rooms, but most were blocked with wreckage, including the princess’s bedroom. All seemed hopeless, until he remembered the secret passage Peach had showed him when he first met her. Trying to figure out his whereabouts, Twink discovered that the room with the passage was not blocked.

Slowly, he flew through the dark, silent passageway and emerged at the princess’s unlit fireplace in her bedroom. The lights were off, but there was enough light in order to see, since it was the middle of the grim day. But then Twink heard a noise—it was very faint, yet it was a distinguishable rustling sound.

“Hello…?” the young Star asked timidly, “Is anyone there?” He sensed the presence of another life as the rustling noise grew louder.

“Someone please help me!” It was the cry of a desperate voice. Twink looked around the dim room frantically, trying to find where the voice was coming from.

“Where are you?”
“Over by the closet…” the voice coughed weakly.

Twink found the light switch and flipped it on. Now able to see better, he flew over and saw the image of Toad lying on the floor with a fallen bookcase crushing his short legs.

“Oh my gosh!  Are you all right?!” Twink gasped.
“I…I don’t know…” Toad spoke weakly, “I can hardly feel my legs…”
“I’ll try to help…” He feebly attempted to lift the bookcase, but it was no use. “Uhhhgh! It won’t budge!” Twink sighed helplessly.
“Wait!  Go find Mario!” he realized.
Twink’s heart skipped, “Mario!  Where is he?”
“Last time I heard, he was heading for the basement.”
“Hang on, I’ll go look…”  

Going through the secret passage again, Twink eventually made his way to the castle’s basement floor. He stopped as he saw the red-clad hero slumped in a corner, sobbing while looking at a photograph of the princess and him together. Slowly, Twink approached.

“Mario!  I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” he said excitedly, “C’mon!  Let’s go!”
“Oh… How could this happen…?!” Mario lamented, still engulfed in his thoughts.
“Mario, are you okay?” Twink asked concernedly, “What’s the matter?”
Mario glanced up at him glumly. “Hello, Twink. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you…”
“Mario, right now Toad needs your help. Please, can you tell me what’s wrong later?” He really wanted to know what could cause him to be so upset—he had never seen Mario this way before. “Come on, follow me.”

Slowly, Mario got up and followed the Star Kid back through the way to the princess’s bedroom. He had never known that she had a secret passage to her room before. Toad heard them enter.

“Mario!” he cried happily, “I knew you’d come! Hurry, get this thing off me!” With ease, the plumber lifted the heavy bookcase off the head Mushroom Retainer.

“Are you okay?” Mario asked, helping him up.
“Oww…” Toad winced as he rubbed his injured leg, “I think my leg is broken…” He looked back up to his friend, “Thank you, Mario…” He then turned to Twink, “And thanks for getting help…uh…who are you again?”
“Oh!  I’m Twink.  I’m the Princess’s Star Guardian.”
“Oh yeah, she told me about you! You helped her and Mario, here, when that stupid Bowser…” Toad’s voice trailed off. “You’re a hero, buddy! And thanks for saving me.”
“Of course!”
“So…why are you here?” Toad asked, “And…the princess… How is…?” but he trailed off once more.
“Well,” Twink started, “Peach sent me to find Mario—and her friends—to see if they were okay…” Mario stared at the ground; something was whirling about in his mind.
Twink continued, “She also sent me to tell you, Mario, that she’s all right…”
“Oh, thank goodness!” Toad sighed in relief, “Everyone’s been so worried about her.”
“She…she also wanted to tell you…” he stammered, “that her…her daughter is fine, too…” Mario closed his eyes and winced as the painful memory resurfaced. Toad was completely shocked at these words.
“W…wha…what did you say?”  He knew he couldn’t have heard that right.
“Please don’t be alarmed, but the princess…she is with child,” Twink struggled, “She said it’s due next month…”

Mario still stared silently at the ground, agitated. Toad turned to him. “Mario, did you hear this? This can’t be!” Suddenly he thought of something, but before he could suppress it, the words were already out, “Mario…? You didn’t!?”

The plumber could hold it in no longer. “Of course I didn’t! I would never…!” His voice began to quaver. “…It was Bowser! I saw her, I saw her…! I heard everything! Oh…how could she do this to me…?!” He could no longer fight back the anger and tears, as all his emotions poured out as one.

Toad gasped, “No, no…!  It can’t be true…”
“Please, Mario, you must rescue her…!” Twink pleaded, “She’s losing hope! You’re her only reason she’s holding on…! Mario, she loves you!”

“If that were true, then why has she been sleeping with the enemy?!” he retorted, “Literally *and* figuratively! I heard them! She’s formed an alliance with him…!”

“Is that what you think…?” Twink was taken aback. “Mario, you know she, of all people, would never do such a thing!”
“I saw her myself…”
“When?” Twink asked.
“I had set off to rescue her, but when I finally got to the castle… Bowser was speaking to a crowd. It was terrible! My love…she betrayed everything…! Me, her people, everything she believes in, and of all things…herself! How could she…? With…with *him*, of all people…?” Mario shook his head in incredulity.

“Mario…she would never do that,” Twink stated, “You, and you too, Toad, know her heart better than anyone else in this world…” Mario stared back at the floor.
“Look, I was afraid to tell you this… But Mario, it wasn’t her fault…” Twink paused, “Yes, I know Bowser is the father of this child, and she’s engaged to you…but she isn’t the one who broke her vows…” Mario snorted skeptically. Apparently he just wasn’t getting it.

“Listen! Bowser raped her!” Twink cried. Mario stared at him. “Look, she never wanted anything like this to ever happen! Please, don’t condemn her for something that wasn’t her fault!”
A wave of anguished relief washed over Mario’s face.  Then a new anger arose in him.
“How could he…?! Why…?!! He’ll pay for this, I swear by the Stars he will!!” Just as he felt he would burst with fury, sorrow enveloped his heart. “Ohhh…my beautiful princess…!”

“Mario,” Twink spoke softly, “She told me that she would like you to be the father…” The plumber stared at the Star Kid in dismay.
“How can I…?  The child is of my nemesis…”
“But also of your love!” Twink shook his head. “I know this is very painful for you, but please, don’t just abandon her like that…”
“…But she’s been sleeping with the enemy…”
“She was forced against her will!” Twink cried. Mario shook his head. “Mario, she still loves you. She laments every day for you. Your love for her is the only thing driving her to live. She has faith in you. She *needs* you! Please…you must save her…!” Twink was distraught.
Mario closed his eyes in deep anguish.
“Oh please, Mario… Do the right thing…” Twink sighed as he slowly flew away, away from the crumbling castle, leaving the plumber alone in his torn emotions.

Edited by - Sapphira on 5/16/2003 9:12:11 PM

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2003, 11:08:00 PM »
 Ah, it seems you did post today after all, rather, close to today, er.. yesterday.

Anyway, when it was posted doesn't matter, I'm just glad you did.

I can't really find much to say that the others haven't touched on, but you did a fantasic job writing this, and I'll keep reading as long as you keep posting.

Thank you, for giving us a chance to read it.

« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2003, 11:31:00 PM »
shudder...You are a really good writer. I didn't get very far though. I just can't read stuff like this very long. Very serious. I guess I qualify as one of the "kids" who shouldn't read it.

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2003, 08:58:00 PM »
It's still magnificent. I mean, You've actually inspired me to take a semi-serious approach on Fanfic #3 (tentative title) -- and maybe post it because it makes sense. (That's a somewhat big maybe. I'm also very self-concsious.)

I mean, to explain it with a late-night metaphor, You took the undiluted, overly corrosive satirical style I usually use and diluted it for safe usage... that is, so it doesn't burn a hole through everything it touches.

(Gotta love late-night metaphors!)

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.



  • Inquiring
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2003, 09:09:00 PM »
Lol. Hey, I was just about to post the next chapter. Black Mage, I think you're my biggest fan. :)

Chapter 7: Alone

One long month had passed. Slowly, Bowser’s vast militia had been taking over the Mushroom World, resulting in many more casualties of innocent people. Over one-fifth of the land was now dominated by the Koopa King, and thousands were suffering. Luckily Mario and Toad were alive, but still the others were unaccounted for. But no one, not even Princess Peach, knew if they were safe, or even where they were, for Twink had not yet returned to tell her.

The princess, still being held at Bowser’s Castle, anxiously awaited for Mario, her knight in shining armor, to come. But secretly her hopes were wearing thin. The baby was due any day now, and slowly Peach had been ticking the days away, resenting Bowser more and more.

It was late morning, and one of Bowser’s servants was sent to give the princess her meal.  Cautiously, he entered the room.

“I’ll just leave it here, on this table.” The servant slowly set down the tray.

“Thank you,” she replied.  Then a sharp pain surged through her body.  “…Aahh…!” she winced, “What was that?!

“Are you all right?” the servant asked concernedly.

“I think so…” she wavered, but another twinge shot through her. “Aahh…! There it is again! It’s the baby…!” She cringed and held her abdomen in agony. The servant was absolutely terrified.

“…I’ll go get help…!” he stammered. The nervous Koopa darted off, leaving the princess by herself, breathing heavily with the stinging pains. Soon Kamek entered the room.

“Is everything all right?” he inquired.

“Does it look like it?!” she snapped. The pain was overwhelmingly unbearable. “Aahh… Help me!” Using his magic wand, a glowing light surrounded them both as they were teleported to the Medical Area.

A servant slowly approached the evil king in the Throne Room.  “Sir?”  
Bowser looked up from his thoughts.  “What is it?” he inquired.
“I was sent to tell you that the Princess is going into labor…” He was very nervous.
“Where is she?” Bowser asked.
“In M.A., Sir.” Bowser turned to leave. “Uh…your highness? I heard that it doesn’t look good.” The monarch stared at the young servant, who began to stammer. “The princess is having severe trouble… They said she may have internal bleeding…”
“Oh no…”  The Koopa King worriedly brushed past the servant, as he headed for the Medical Area.

Several hours had gone by. The Princess warily opened her eyes, as Kamek handed her the newborn child, cleaned and clothed in a pink and blue blanket. Peach stared in wonder at the tiny, little life. Just then, Bowser entered the hospital room.

“Congratulations, Sir,” Kamek stated, “You have a healthy baby girl.” Bowser slowly walked over to the Princess’s bedside and smiled at the small, fragile creature.

“She’s adorable…” he awed, “Peach, may I see her…?”  

The princess suddenly realized that he was standing next to her. “No!  You get away from her!” she shouted.

“Come now, beautiful,” he spoke softly, “I asked very nicely…”

“I said get away from her!” she recoiled.

“Now don’t make me force you…” Knowing she would not give in, Bowser slowly leaned over to the child. Peach jumped back, the infant held securely in her arms.

“You stay the heck away from my daughter!” she screamed, “How dare you… You’re a monster! This poor child has a disgrace of a father!” The anger boiled inside her. “I don’t wanna ever see your face again!” Quickly, the princess tried to escape to her room, but a fierce pain shot through her side. “Aahh…!” she flinched and fell to her knees, carefully holding the baby.

“Peach!  You’re in no condition to do this!” Bowser shouted, “Now hand the infant over to me!”

“Never!” she screamed with anger. But the pain continued to pierce though her. The princess writhed in agony. “What’s wrong…?!” she trembled. Amidst her pain, Bowser grabbed the child from her arms. “My baby!” she shrieked as she futilely reached for her little girl. Kamek gently pushed her back down on the hospital bed.

“Lie down,” he ordered, and reluctantly she obeyed, “You’re bleeding internally…” The princess looked at him with terrified eyes.

“Am I going to…die?” she quavered.
“Sooner or later…”
Bowser set the infant down in a crib; he was furious with the Magikoopa’s statement. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” he growled.
“How much time do I have left…?” she asked, terrified.
“…A few years…max…with intense treatment…” Kamek spoke slowly.
“Noooo!!!” Bowser roared in animosity, slamming his fists down on a table.
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do… We can only prolong it…” he sadly stated.
“What happens next…?” Peach whispered in fright.  Kamek looked at her troubled eyes.
“Well…basically you’ll feel the pain you have now…but gradually, it’ll grow worse…” he said softly, “It looks like you’ll have to lie down most of the time… You’ll get weaker…”
“Noooo!” Bowser bellowed, “Uhgghh!!  Isn’t there anything else we can do?!”
“I’m sorry…  To be honest, she’s lucky she’s alive now…” Kamek looked away.

Peach glanced over to the little girl in the crib. “…What about my daughter…?” she asked concernedly.
“She appears to be perfect healthy,” Kamek stated, glad about the change of subject.
“Is she…normal looking…?” the princess questioned.
The Magikoopa glanced at the tiny infant. “Well, since she’s the first human-Koopa hybrid, it’s hard to tell. But she doesn’t appear deformed in any way, if that’s what you mean…”
The princess closed her eyes in distress.  “I’d like to go back to my room…” she stated.
“You really should spend the night here,” Kamek replied bluntly, “so we can keep a close watch on your health…” Bowser picked up the child and headed for the door.
“What are you doing?!” Peach shrieked, “Give her back!”
“Relax! She’ll be fine…” he replied nonchalantly. The door swished shut as the princess helplessly placed her head back down on the pillow. She closed her eyes as they began to well up. *…Oh Mario…* she thought, *Please hurry…* Never in her life had she felt so frightened and alone.

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Inquiring
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2003, 09:09:00 PM »
Double post

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.

Edited by - Sapphira on 4/21/2003 9:18:11 PM

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Inquiring
« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2003, 10:50:00 PM »
On to the next chapter...

Chapter 8: Intricate Pursuit

Mario and Toad walked about the Princess’s Castle, progressively cleaning up the wreckage. Slowly, they managed to start building a shelter, to protect them from the Koopa army and also from the frequent tremors. Their world was no longer a safe haven. While working, the Mushroom Retainer broke the silence.

“Mario?” he asked slowly, “What’s up with you…?  You seem…different somehow…”  The plumber looked up from his work.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I don’t know…” He paused. “I mean, you’ve changed somehow. Ever since the Princess was kidnapped, you just haven’t seemed yourself…”
“I’m fine…” Mario replied plainly.

“Are you sure? ’Cuz ever since she left, it seems like you’ve been really depressed.” Toad then quickly averted his eyes to the crumbling tile floor, “I mean, I know you set off to rescue her but… what happened? Especially after you came back, you’ve been moping around a lot. I know something’s up…”

Mario sighed. “You’re right…”
Toad looked at him gently. “I know you’re upset about the Princess…I am, too.  But you seem so…agitated…but, yet compassionate…”
“H…how did you know…?” he asked, astonished, “You should be a counselor or something.”
“Well, it sort of comes with the job description…” he trailed off.

“I…I know she would never abandon us… But…it’s just so hard to imagine that…that…” He shook his head in disgust. “That she and…and *Bowser*… A *child*…? Ughh! It just sickens me that he would do such a thing…!”

“I know…I know…” Toad agreed.  Mario looked back at him.
“I…I’ve always been able to sense her…  But something’s different…  Ever since I found out…”  He stared at the floor.
“Mario, please, you have to save her.”

“I know, I know,” he shook his head in dismay. Suddenly, he felt something; it was a strange intuition, “Wait a second… Something’s terribly wrong…! I can feel her…” he struggled, “Peach! The baby! No…! Peach is…is dying…!” Mario collapsed, falling on his knees and shaking.

“Mario…!” Toad shrieked.  
The plumber fought to get himself up.  “We have to save her!” he shouted.
“Is she okay?! What’s wrong?!” The Mushroom Retainer was terrified; he knew Mario always had a keen sense for trouble, especially when it was about the princess.

“Wait…! There’s something else…” Mario closed his eyes, trying to focus. “I don’t know what it is…but for some reason…something seems like…like it’s been…fulfilled…”

Toad looked at him confusedly.  “Mario…what do you mean…?”
“I don’t know…” he shook his head, “Come on, we have to go…now…!”

A few days had passed, and Princess Peach was finally able to go back to her room, granted that she stayed in bed. She could get up, but since it was very painful she rarely did. It was midday, and the saddened princess stared hopelessly at the sky blue ceiling. How it contrasted so much with the way she felt—the pleasant clouds painted on a bright, cheery blue sky; it made her miserable. She sighed heavily, and there came a light tapping from her balcony window. Peach leaned forward as she excitedly recognized the figure.

“Twink!” she shrieked happily, “Hang on…” Slowly, the princess rolled over and forced herself off the bed while she winced. “Oww… I’m coming…” Although painful, she managed to make it to the door and opened it for the little Star.

“Princess! Are you all right…?” he asked, noticing she was in pain. “Here, lie back down…” He led her back to her bed, and she flinched as she obeyed.

“Oh Twink…!” she managed, “You came back!”  Her face slowly dimmed. “Where have you been…?”
“It’s a long story…” he replied, “But I’ve been looking for your friends…”
“Are they okay?!  Did you find Mario…?”

“Well…I found Toad…” he stalled, avoiding a direct answer. He just couldn’t bring himself to tell her of Mario’s tentative reaction.

“Oh, is he all right…?”  A hopeful look gleamed in her eyes.
“Don’t worry, he’s fine now.  He’s been hiding at your castle…”

“Oh…good,” she sighed in relief, “Was Mario there? Did you tell him?” Twink looked at her compassionately. He couldn’t hurt her—she had been through enough anguish already.
“I…I’m sorry…” he stared painfully at the floor, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep looking…”

“I hope he’s okay…  Oh, Mario…” she wavered.  A sharp pain tingled up her spine. “Aahh!  Oww…!”
“Are you okay?!” Twink cried, “What’s wrong…?!”
“I’m afraid…I have some bad news…” The princess’s eyes welled up and she turned away. The young Star looked at her sorrowfully.
“What is it…?”
“…I…I’m not gonna make it much longer…” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“…What are you saying…?!” he gasped.
“I…I’m going to…die soon…” She closed her eyes as a lone tear trickled down her soft cheek.
“At very most, I have only a few years…” She glanced back up at her starry friend. “Please…you must watch over my daughter…”
“Oh…how is she…?”
“She’s very healthy…and beautiful…  Please… I don’t know where she is…  You…must find her…  Help her…  Tell…Mario…”
Twink looked at her slowly, “H…have you given her a name…?”
“…Melony…”  Those were her last words as her consciousness faded into darkness.
“Oh…Princess… I’ll try… for you…”

Slowly, the next morning had come. Bowser had seen the princess lying quietly, unconscious on her bed, and he knelt down beside her. Melancholy flowed through him as he stroked her golden hair.

“Oh…Peach… I’m so sorry… How can you ever forgive me…?” He paused sadly as if she would respond. “…Don’t worry… I’ll care for our child more than anything in this world…aside from you…”

Slowly, the princess awoke, opening her crystal blue eyes. Immediately, she saw her one greatest fear and torment, and she shrieked in terror.

“Bowser!  What are you doing here…?!”
His hardened heart sprang with life. “Peach…! You’re awake…!  Don’t worry, it’s okay…” he tried to calm her.
“I thought I told you to stay the heck away from me!” she screamed, “Where’s Melony…?!”
The Koopa King looked at her confusedly. “Melony…?”
“My child!!” Peach shouted indignantly, “Where is she?!  Give her back…!”
“She’s fine…!” he growled.  His thoughts drifted to the tiny baby. “…Melony… What a beautiful name…my little girl…”
“She’s not yours!” the princess screamed resentfully, “You don’t deserve to be the father! Give her back to me…! …Aaahh…!” she cried as another sharp pain surged through her body.

Bowser gently pushed her back down. “Peach! Please, calm down… You’re only hurting yourself…” The princess turned away. “Melony…is fine,” he continued, “I can’t return her to you…not yet… I’m sorry…”
“Get outta my room!” she cried glumly, “…And let me die in peace…”

Edited by - Sapphira on 4/22/2003 10:38:42 PM

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2003, 11:07:00 PM »
 It's comming along very well.

As I've been giving you plenty of praise, I also have been looking for something to criticize, yet, I've found nothing. I'll keep looking though. ;-)

Anyway, I find that I personally like the scenes concerning Mario and his feelings. While the story has been largely about Peach, and with good reason, I like reading how Mario is taking in everything. Although, it makes me wonder what significance the Koopa Kids had in the earlier part of the story, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2003, 11:23:00 PM »
And that you shall. ;)
(That is, if I finish editing and revising the rest of the story.) I've started Part 2, BTW, but just barely.

I too like, particularly, the scenes w/ Mario's feelings. So far, I think CH 5's my favorite. I actually added that scene after the story was completed. (Although I had to change a few things b/c of it.)

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.

Edited by - Sapphira on 4/22/2003 10:42:48 PM

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Inquiring
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2003, 09:01:00 PM »
I decided to alter a bit of CH 10, so until I finish the changes, this'll be the last Chapter. (Remember, there's still 3/4ths of the story left, plus a couple more in Part 1 after this one.)

Now, my last update for a while...

Chapter 9: Held Close

Four long years had slowly passed. Princess Peach was scarcely a ghost, her condition growing worse by each following day. Now very weak and completely bedridden, her longing hope that Mario would come was the only thing struggling to keep her alive. She prayed every day that he would hurry.

Melony lived a somewhat average life, aside from the fact that a devastating war was taking place. The only person she could latch on to was her father, the only one she knew who cared about her. On occasion she was allowed to visit her mother, but for the most part she never got to really know her. Melony loved her mother very much, but she could only picture her as a forlorn, dying woman.

Nearly half the Mushroom World was now conquered by the atrocious King Bowser, including much of Dinosaur Land. They had put up a persistent battle, but the Koopa army eventually defeated them. Luckily, Yoshi’s Island was still safe; since it was a remote island, it was one of the hardest places to attack.

Slowly, Mario and Toad had set out to rescue the princess. It was a very long, harsh journey—way worse than it could have ever possibly been in the past. The blood-filled land was charred and crumbling, while the frequent tremors of the earth only added to the vast demolition.

Helping those in need along the way, Yoshi continued searching for his missing friends, but thus far he had had no luck.

In the meantime, two vague figures stood cold, alone and frightened, trapped in an underground cave from a recent tremor. They could only hope that they would get out somehow.

“Oh… It’s no use…” a terrified voice cried, “We’re never gonna get out…”
Luigi stood desperately digging at their seemingly only place for an exit. “Come…on… I almost got it…” he grunted. Just at the last moment, however, the tunnel completely collapsed, sending dirt everywhere and crushing their last hopes of escape.
“No…!” he shouted, his voice echoing throughout the small cave.

A frightened Princess Daisy clung to a nearby cave wall, making sure she was near to Luigi.  
“Oh… It’s hopeless…” she whimpered, “What are we gonna do…?”
Luigi glanced around the cave, formulating his thoughts.  “Well…on the plus side, no one will find us to capture us…”

Daisy made a slight huff. “Yes, but neither can anyone find us to help us…! Are you crazy…? We can’t stay here! We’ll die…” She sighed miserably. “Oh…Luigi…” Her head drooped, and she shook it in despair. The green-clad hero placed a comforting hand on her arm.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. Just…hang on…” Driven by some sudden impulse, Luigi ran toward the sealed opening and lunged at it with all his might. But it only trapped them in further. Another tremor shook the earth, causing more rocks and dust to fall. Although normally a very rational person, he started to panic.

“Auugh!” he screamed, “We’re gonna die!”
“Please…!” the brunette princess cried, “You’re not helping…!” She knew he was the only one who could help her remain calm. But if he lost it also, she didn’t know what she would do. Seeing Luigi neurotic absolutely terrified her. He quickly subsided though, and coming back to her, he gazed into her searching blue eyes. She suddenly felt a strange sense of tranquility amidst their dire situation.

“…Daisy… Before we die, there’s something I need to tell you…”
She gently returned his gaze, “What is it…?” she whispered, still frightened. Luigi placed her hands inside his, helping to calm her.
“Daisy… I love you with all my heart. Not a day goes by without my love for you growing stronger. I don’t want anything to happen to you…” He slowly pursed his lips together. “Daisy…will you be with me? Will you…marry me…?”
Her eyes still met with his, a tear rolled down her tender cheek.
“Oh, Luigi…” she cried, “I thought you’d never ask… Yes, I will!” Slowly, a smile curved across her lips, and they embraced in one another’s arms.

A faint rustle of rocks was heard.  Suddenly, a light emanated in from above, as a voice echoed throughout the dim cave.
“Hello…? Is someone in there…?”  Luigi recognized the voice immediately, and once again their hearts were filled with hope.
“Yoshi?!” he called excitedly, “We’re trapped!  Can you help us?!”
The familiar dinosaur squinted. “Luigi? Is that you…? I’ve been looking all over for you!” he exclaimed elatedly, “Here, I’ll try to help!”

Now just past four years old, Melony continued to grow into a lovely young child. She looked nearly human, except for her clawed feet and the large, spiked blue shell on her back. Her hair was a beautiful strawberry-blonde, a shade perfectly between her mother’s blonde and father’s red hair. Her big blue eyes held an enchanting gaze which sparkled with curiosity and life.

For the most part, she got along fine with her older brothers, the Koopalings, only occasionally bothering them, as little sisters often do. Her sister Wendy, however, made it very clear that she hated Melony, constantly yelling and resenting her. It didn’t help any that she was forced to share her room with her baby half-sister, who was now a curious preschooler while she was an overreacting teenager.

“Melony!! Give that back!” Wendy shrieked. The child held a gorgeous magic wand in her small hands, her eyes transfixed on the stunning sapphire-like jewel at the tip.
“It’s pretty…  I wanna see it…”
“You’ll break it! It’s mine!” Wendy screamed as she snatched the wand away from her. Carefully, she placed it back in its cased stand. “I told you a thousand times to leave my stuff alone! Now go away!”

Melony reluctantly left the room, sadly enduring the mistreatment from her sister. In the corridor, she spotted Lemmy, her favorite brother, walking down the hallway, carrying something in his arms. He stopped when he came to her and gave her a friendly smile.
“Hey, Shorty!”
Melony glanced at the object he was holding.  “What’re you doing?” she asked hopefully, “Can I play?!”
“Sorry, but Dad sent me to do some work.  You’d just get bored.”
Her face dimmed and she made a frown. “But I never getta do anything…”  She sighed dejectedly. “Where’s Daddy?”
Lemmy shrugged. “I dunno. I think he’s in your mom’s room.” He continued down the hallway as the young little princess rushed off to Peach’s bedroom. Without knocking, Melony quickly barged in through the doors.

“Daddy!  Wendy’s being—” but she cut herself off as she noticed Bowser was not there.  “Daddy…?”  
From her bed, Princess Peach saw the child there and called to her. “Hi Sweetie, come here. Your father’s not here.” Melony quickly rushed to her mother’s bedside.

“Mommy, are you okay…?” she asked sadly, “Daddy says you’re getting worse…”

The princess gently stroked her daughter’s soft cheek. “Oh… Honey… it’s gonna be okay…” she said weakly. Melony climbed onto the bed to be near her mother.
“Mommy, please don’t die…” she sniffled, “I won’t have a mommy to love anymore…”
Peach struggled to keep her composure. “Oh…you poor baby…” she quavered, fighting back the tears, “My little angel…I’ll always be there for you…”
Melony sniffled, “What do you mean…?”
The saddened princess looked compassionately into the child’s misty eyes. “You may not see me anymore, but I’ll always be with you… In your heart…” She gave a slight smile. “I’ll always still love you…and you can still love me…”

Melony wiped her nose and sniffed. “Are you sure…?” she asked hopefully, her lip quivering. Peach swallowed the large lump engulfing in her throat and the depths of her heart as she watched her daughter’s seeking eyes.
“Sweetheart…don’t worry…” she whispered, “Come here…” She held the child close and rocked her back and forth, each crying softly and seeking comfort in the other’s arms.

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Score
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2003, 05:10:00 PM »
Man, that is such a good story. I mean, it has seriousness, and heart. And there's still 3/4 left? Man, I can't wait to see how the Mario Bros. fare in this one. This should be in the fan fiction library! The big question, will Peach live to see Mario one more time?

Mario Madness will live forever!

I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2003, 08:44:00 PM »
... You're only 1/4 done? Wow. I mean, the length of the story you've typed thus far is about the same as the length of one of my COMPLETE stories. This one is looooooooong. But I really like it, so...

(And I've actually laughed so much reading this. Not the intended reaction, I'm sure, but... I think it's kind of funny at times. Of course, those times aren't supposed to be funny.)

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.



  • Inquiring
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2003, 10:47:00 PM »
*Looks at Steve strangely* ...O-kaaay... What's funny about it...?

Anyway, I said earlier that it was reeeeally long. It's actually novel-length. Let's's 110 pages written, 55 front and back (college rule). And also, it's written in play-like format, so mostly it's only dialouge--the descriptive paragraphs REALLY shortened.

Oh, I also told CW I would explain about what happened in CH 1. Bowser loves the princess, yes; it's fairly obvious such as in PM. However, remember that Bowser is evil. He knows not how to love--only to hate. Peach is the only person he's felt love for, but since he's evil, that love is distorted, for he cannot comprehend what love truly is. What he thinks is an act of love is actaully an act of violence. And thus, this is how the terrible downward spiral began.

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.

Edited by - Sapphira on 4/24/2003 9:49:18 PM

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2003, 11:09:00 PM »
Hey Sapphira! I've been following this story closely and I think it is awesome. I have not yet commented on it, because I have something negative to say, and I didn't want to be the first person to give negative criticism. I know that it takes a lot of guts to post something like this, even anonymously, and I admire you for it. But here is my criticism...

At times, I think that this story is TOO serious. This would not be a problem if you had held back on the serious issues for a couple of chapters to gradually develop the characters. But when an issue such as rape is discussed over a character that has never received any serious development in any of the Mario lore (you can blame Nintendo for this), it sounds somewhat cheesy and awkward.

However, now that you are deep into the story, this is not a problem. This may seem random,but I particularly liked the confrontation between Bowser and Peach immediately after Melony's birth. I found it touching that Boswer passively accepted Peach's assertion that the child was named Melony. Some might interperet this as apathy on Bowser's part, but I interpereted it to mean that Bowser realized the emotional termoil Peach was going through, and sought to passify her even at the expense of the chance to name his own child.

I also liked the dialogue between Melony and Lemmy, in which Lemmy calls Melony "shorty." I'm not sure why. It just struck a chord with me.

Keep up the good work!

Edited by - Hirocon on 4/24/2003 10:12:02 PM
