Last night, the 4th of July, I had a dream where I was in school, and it was the last day, I was sitting in my seat in math class when one of the kids lit up a cigarette. I was startled at first thinking somehow I was going to get blamed, but the teacher didn't mind, which astounded me. Then I started to relax, I meen, really really relax, and I asked the teacher if I could clean out my locker, then I went. I looked in my locker and tons of crap was in there, including(the stuff I could recognize) my paintball stuff, food, and millions of books with my backpack, for some reason I had to take it all home. I didn't want to bring everything into the class, so I set it outside the door in the hallway, I saw this kid take one of my Combos packages, so I ran after him. When I did, my legs felt like jelly, it would tickle when I walked. Just then, I had my skateboard, and started riding in the hallway, until a teacher whom I dislike very much told me to get off, and I went back to my stuff. My stuff was there, some people took my paintball stuff that I was shortly distressed about. But not for long, for I became very disfigured, it was someone would like to or would call an acid trip. Syd Barrett was playing music in the background and I bacame very happy, very very happy, because I havent heard him in soooo long. The time had come to catch the bus, and I ran to it forgeting all my stuff but not caring the least. None of the kids were kids that "actually" ride my bus, and neither did the bus driver. I heard all the little kids chanting "The wheels on the bus go round and round!" and the busdriver haulted and started yelling. Suddenly I racked up the nerve to tell her to shut up and drive. Suddenly I was close o my house, I was the only one on the bus, and I was driving, I passed my house, and couldn't press the brake. Ironically, the door was on the drivers side, and I hung off it, while still driving. I became very lucid, and I knew I was in a dream, I knew if I crashed I would wake up, destroying the dream. So I jumped out, flying the unmanned bus into a building. I reached my yard, and a dog, that I was expecting to be my dog was walking up to me. But it wasn't my dog at all, and it was wearing glasses, I saw something sitting in the middle of my yard, like a vehicle, a very peculiar vehicle. A vehicle I have never seen before. Still very lucid I walked down the hill towards it yelling "You don't belong here!" over and over again. It took off, and I woke up. The End