
Author Topic: What defines you?  (Read 11795 times)

« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2006, 12:54:06 AM »
Short, skinny, androgynous computer geek. You won't hear a word out of my mouth unless you're my friend, or you really tick me off. Other than that, my nickname is "the retarded genius", and the rest I'll spare you because it gets kinda depressing.

"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite


« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2006, 01:47:49 AM »
"Purple, uh uh, corn chips, I don't know. A dictionary defines you."

^The response I got from my friend's little brother (who is also my friend) when I asked him "Brian, what defines me?".


  • Normal
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2006, 08:47:24 AM »
Hm... I'm sort of a loner at times.  I'm pretty paranoid about people, but most of the time I don't care and go near people anyway.  Not that people are scary, it's just that there doesn't seem to ever be anything worth talking about.  Oh, and my jokes people never catch, and if they did, they would know that the joke is stupid.  At least they're original... the jokes, I mean.

I dress like a "nerd", but I'm not a "nerd".  My school has a dress code, and I think button up shirts are more comfortable than polo shirts.  And the only shorts you can wear are school shorts, which I think are too short.  And I never wear a sweatshirt, so I'm always exposing my collared shirt.  I'm not a "nerd" though... I'm more of an "artist".  But I don't talk painting or drawing classes, because those calsses don't let you draw what you want.  And we don't have much variety for writing classes so far.  I'm in drama class, though, but I'm not a "drama nerd" either.  Usually I'm just... there.  That's what defines me!  I'm there!
« Last Edit: January 13, 2006, 07:16:47 PM by Markio »
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Super Caterina!

  • Super Cool
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2006, 10:30:08 AM »
I'm lunatic.
People don't understand me sometimes, and I like to live in other worlds...

For the aspect, I'm not very pretty because I spend most of my time at home to study, draw, play Nintnedo and surfing in internet.
Many people define me sometimes "philosof" because of what I say and sometimes " stupid child" because I like Super Mario Saga (can you understand their problems...) and playing videogames.

I like doing jokes, too, and these make the people very very "red" (of all the feelings) many times! :D

So, if you know, it depends from the days.

I'm the shorter of my class (1,60 m) and sometimes strangers confuse me with a child or a boy (because of my hears: I've them like Elvis! =D I like them! and also my face- I never use make up), while during the middle school they confused me with a woman (eeehh...people change! Is it strange?).
« Last Edit: January 13, 2006, 11:10:17 AM by Super Caterina! »
It's meee, Super Caterina! =D

« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2006, 02:56:44 PM »
I'm 5'8'' according to my restricted license. I'm cursed with a non-singing voice, so I cannot sing (When I say sing, I mean, lyrical singing. Just singing in pitch I'm fine with.)

More about my voice: I know no one with a voice like mine. It's a little high, but sounds very unique. I'll post a few clips of myself talking, just to prove it: (Don't worry, it's clean, all bleeped. Just a warning, you might hear a part of the swear before the bleep, so you might want to have second thoughts before clicking this one.)

Oh, and you'll have to copy and paste the URL, angelfire hates direct linking.
An error message comes up and says "The site you are looking for is unavailable."

« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2006, 04:08:55 PM »
I'm a Bluegrass girl all teh way and I hate KYereotypes(stereotypes about Kentucky). Not everyone who lives in Kentucky lives on a farm. We don't have a farm. We live near a farm, though, 'cuz teh cows get to stare at me when I get off the bus. I'm also a weirdo, so I stare back. I love animals, just hold a puppy or a kitty or a bunny or any fuzzy animal near me and prepare for the aww-fest. I can sing okays, and for songs that I don't know all of the words to(like the full version of "I Like to Move It, Move It"), I do improv. I can play air guitar, though it's too quiet. XP I like to do stupid impressions of different charecters. I also like playing video games(duur, or else I wouldn't be here), drawing, reading, watching movies/TV shows and playing my handhelds/drawing a picture/reading a book whilst watching a movie/TV show.

See-able stuff:

I have brown hair. I have a bit of a gut. I wear purple glasses that have been gnawed on by my guinea pig. I have the ears and tail of a ring-tailed lemur. You can call me Lemur Girl, but never call me Racoon Girl, lest a teen girl(me) mauls you. I'm wearing my Homestar Runner costume right now, though you'll never see that in public except for Halloween.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2006, 12:33:54 PM by GiftedGirl »
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2006, 04:13:25 PM »

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2006, 04:18:54 PM »
Some people define me as a dare devil. Because I've done some crazy stunts in my time. Like yesterday, I rode a swively computer chair down my sloped street, and humorous results followed. I got about half-way and then flew off and rolled down the rest of the street. I also do some crazy tricks on my skateboard. But, even though I do some crazy stuff, I'm also defined by being deticated to my school work.
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2006, 04:24:56 PM »
Khold: Haha, not that tall. A foot shorter, at least, and still growing.

« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2006, 04:28:09 PM »
Meh, your not that tall. :P Most sixteen-year-old guys stop growing at about 6 ft. I just don't see how you're STILL growing. How do you know?

« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2006, 04:38:17 PM »
Tall, big feet and hands, unique voice, Mario fanatic, general Nintendo player, a Big Luigi Fan, a Chatroom user, and a TMK fan. I'll think of more later.
I'm a horrible person.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2006, 04:41:50 PM »
I guess people also define as needing a haircut...that's not going to happen though.
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2006, 04:44:50 PM »
Oh yeah, that too. ::)
I'm a horrible person.

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2006, 06:46:31 PM »
An interesting idea. Definitely a stimulating topic, encouraging some deep thought, or none at all, depending how many posts you read.

 I guess I'll give it some thought. All throughout my life, I suppose people have considered me somewhat of an Animalia. That's hardly extraordinary, though, and I consider it somewhat uncivilized to define someone through their commonwealth, so I've considered myself more of Chordata.

 As far as how I look, I'd say I resemble a Vertebrata. I think I get that from my mother's side of the family. On that note, my father always demands: "get a hair cut, lest I look like a Mammalia," whenever I see him. I do suppose my hair has gotten rather long. It didn't affect my school life, though, as when I changed schools I quickly found a group of fellow Theria. They accepted me without much trouble, and I made a lot of friends. As I grew, and made my way into high school, some of my friends drifted a bit apart, and I often found myself feeling inferior to another class of people: the Eutheria. They knew I was one of them, but they really lacked order. A lot like Primates, really.

I realize I'm not in much of a position to judge them, though I did feel rather left out. Later, I found some other people who were likewise rejected, and realized we actually had a lot in common. As we spent time together, we could hear the chatter in the hall ways, the snide remarks of our fellow students, calling us subordered, and Anthropoidea. It hurt for awhile, but we were all just young kids.

It was just about this time that I began developing tendencies that often resulted in wild nicknames. I can only remember one, and it's what my teammates would call me in Soccer: Hominoidea. At first, my family mistook their chants for Hominidae, which I think is understandable what with them listening from the stands.

 That's not all though, as a lot of high schoolers, even now, go through a phase where everything is "gay." Well, like most of my friends, we were not spared. I often heard people refer to me as "Homo." I told myself they were jealous of my genius. Whether it was true or not really isn't my call.

 Now that I'm in college, I don't really have to deal with all that hustle and bustle anymore. It's really refreshing. I guess what I'm trying to say, and sorry for boring you with this account of my life (Though I feel it necessary to properly narrow down my definition), is that you could simply define me as a sapien. Just your normal, every day sort of guy.



« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2006, 06:49:46 PM »
I've never read something so very interesting and not understood a word of it, before now.
