
Author Topic: Religion  (Read 72476 times)

« Reply #105 on: June 19, 2002, 11:15:11 PM »
im a christian, god rules the universe and theres nothing you can do about it.

GOD RULES!!!!!!!!!

one god, one market, one truth, one consumer........

« Reply #106 on: June 20, 2002, 10:05:56 AM »
I am from a first assembly of God church.  I believe in god, heaven and hell, speaking in tungs, and the bible.  If you don't ask God to be in your life.  When you die, or when the rapture comes, you WILL go to hell.  You wold be rotting away in hell.  Fire everywhere, and when you die, the same thing will happen all over again.  All it takes is just a simle prayer, Dear Jesus, PLease forgive me for my sins, I have done a lot of bad things and i need your forgivness, and Jesus, please come into my life, and please wash away my sins.  I love you Jesus.  In Jesus name, Amen.  See?  It's as simple as that!  God Rocks!  Science stinks!

« Reply #107 on: June 20, 2002, 02:23:53 PM »
i don't really see how a few simple words clean a man's soul
only you can do it for yourself

but i suppose that if your way of cleansing yourself is saying a few words, do it

know your path
follow it

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

« Reply #108 on: June 20, 2002, 04:34:58 PM »
As I said before, the facts are against religion. And only facts count. If everybody were smart, then there would no relion. But, if everybody had a religion, we would still be cavemen, as the church is against evouloution. Read my previous post. And DonkeyKongFan, that is comical. The "soul" does not exist.

Edited by - Ganbare Saturn on 6/23/2002 8:59:18 PM

« Reply #109 on: June 20, 2002, 07:12:09 PM »
your lost, man.  How sad.  (seriously)  God IS real!  Or else, how did jesus turn the water into wine?  Or walk on water?  If u say,"forget that!  God isn't real!"  You know what I'm ganna say.  Your lost, man.  How sad (seriously)

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #110 on: June 20, 2002, 07:57:58 PM »
 Facts. What are facts? How do we know them to be a fact indeed? Hmmm? Logic was created by humans. To explain an observation with logic proves nothing. Not everything is at as it seems.

And quite to the contrary, if everyone was smart, there would be religion. However, there wouldn't be wars and murder over it. But that isn't the case, is it? If everyone had religion we'd all be cave men? I don't want to even address this, but I must. Most people do have religion and I live in a house, in my cloths, and right now, I'm on my computer.

 "as the church in against religion"
 That makes no sense, I'm not going to even dignify that with a response.

 And if people don't have souls, than what makes people do good? Why do people do things to help one another. If we dont' have souls, than what makes us different from machines? Without a soul, we're just machines with an outer covering of flesh instead of metal.

 I don't mind if you don't believe in God, hell, I don't care if you express your opinion, but when you do it in a derogatory manner, I'm not even going to consider respecting that opinion for a second.

« Reply #111 on: June 21, 2002, 10:52:25 AM »
As I said before, the facts are against religion. And only facts count. If everybody were smart, then there would no relion. But, if everybody had a religion, we would still be cavemen, as the church in against religion. Read my previous post. And DonkeyKongFan, that is comical. The "soul" does not exist.

we have souls. kiss my ass. *****. and there IS a god. *****.

one god, one market, one truth, one consumer........

« Reply #112 on: June 22, 2002, 09:48:23 AM »
Sorry guys.  I guese I kindof over reacted about that whole thing.  I geuse I can't MAKE you believe in god, but I can try.  Let's just get on whith our lifes.  BUT, ther IS a God.  And he made a living sacrifise that we all may live.  I just think that was REALY awesome, and I think you should too.

« Reply #113 on: June 23, 2002, 10:07:55 PM »
I edited my previous post, as the were alot of typos. Donkeykongfan, calm down. Black Mage, Emotions are generated by the mind, not soul, same with logic. The cavemen thing: scientists would be praising, not inventing. (church is against evoulution)

You guys should calm down, it's just a typo. I fixed it.

P.S. he never walked on water or anything, You're just gullible enough to believe that he did.

Edited by - Ganbare Saturn on 6/23/2002 9:10:17 PM

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #114 on: June 24, 2002, 11:04:52 AM »
 Well, you're right, we do need to calm down. However, I still disagree with you, but that is to be expected, no?

 Granted, the church is against evolution, but that does not mean we would be cavemen. The basis of evolution is that species can gain helpful traits and pass them to their offspring. It is believed that many species could have origionated from a common ancestor. I still have yet to see any real proof that evolution is true. Sure, species can adapt and change, but I don't buy it. But, that would be why it's called the theory of evolution.

  Scientists would be spending time praising instead of inventing? I don't see where this is coming from. Many scientists are religious, but that doesn't stop them from working. What you are saying is that people cannot do their jobs while having religion? Or are you saying that people who have religion are not smart enough to be able to do the same thing as agnostic or athiest people? Either way I don't see how it can be true.

 Logic is generated from the mind, that is my point. Us humans use logic to explain things around us. Take the pythagrian theorm as an example. The two legs of a triangle squared must equal the hypotenus squared. Why is this true? Logic. Logic is used to explain things, but what if logic is not correct? If logic is dirived from the mind of man, than how can you say it is not flawed? How can we know logic is the truth? My point is, not everything can be explained by logic, and even though somethings can be, we have no way of knowing if it is right.

 As for the soul, how can you be sure emotions come from the mind? What I believe is the mind interpurts the emotions for us, but they come from the soul. But, I can't make you believe that nor do I have the intention to do so.

Your edited post does make more sense now, and is somewhat more tactful. I have no problem with you expressing your beliefs, infact I encourage it. This is a debate thread after all.

« Reply #115 on: June 24, 2002, 02:10:55 PM »
Granted, the church is against evolution, but that does not mean we would be cavemen. The basis of evolution is that species can gain helpful traits and pass them to their offspring. It is believed that many species could have origionated from a common ancestor. I still have yet to see any real proof that evolution is true. Sure, species can adapt and change, but I don't buy it. But, that would be why it's called the theory of evolution.

Scientists would be spending time praising instead of inventing? I don't see where this is coming from. Many scientists are religious, but that doesn't stop them from working. What you are saying is that people cannot do their jobs while having religion? Or are you saying that people who have religion are not smart enough to be able to do the same thing as agnostic or athiest people? Either way I don't see how it can be true


paragraph #1. we would be physically evolved, not mentally.

#2. links to #1.

Edited by - Ganbare Saturn on 6/24/2002 1:13:33 PM

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #116 on: June 24, 2002, 04:31:07 PM »
 Would the mind not evolve with the species? It's tough to say, maybe yes maybe no. But from what I can gather, you are saying that the non-religious people have brought us all of the acheivements and technology we have now? I do not believe that to be true. Many people who have made great advances have been religious. It's not to say that all advancements have been caused by religious people for to say one group or the other did everything is blatently false. So, I don't see where your arguement holds up. Saying that just because one is religious they wont be able to 'invent' or further their mind is foolish.

« Reply #117 on: July 19, 2002, 11:27:16 AM »
This topic is still going? It's been for over a year!

Hey, it''s me, the local couch potato, hey look, I found some lint and a quarter...

« Reply #118 on: July 31, 2002, 10:43:29 PM »
Religion is also based on faith. You need the faith to under stand "fully" what our Lord has done for us. Certain people just have diff. views on the way God works. We shouldn't argue over which of our ways are the right one...but instead try to communicate in the numerous religions we have NOW! Meaning...learn about others belifes before judging them. Again, it's all in a matter of faith.
I like cheese!

« Reply #119 on: August 01, 2002, 03:20:01 PM »
I realy don`t want to argue, (I will only post in this topic once.) but I agree with donkeykongfan.

