
Author Topic: Religion  (Read 72563 times)

« on: March 20, 2001, 12:10:08 PM »
i was wondering which religion are you (or if you don't have a religion at all).

Sono ichi fanku-ippai!
If at first you dont succeed, skydiving is not for you.


  • Trusts the fungus
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2001, 02:04:03 PM »
If you're Catholic and you know it, clap your hands.... :)
Let's do the Mario, all together now!

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2001, 02:08:54 PM »
Interesting subject! I am a Unity Christian. Unity means that we don't accept things in the Bible to be the real truth (Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, etc.). We believe those stories are just "symbolizing" the event's that ovccure in our evryday lives. Think of it as a guide to everyday life and you'll understand.
"Woo-hoo!" -Mario
"Yippee!" -Luigi
"Bwa-ha-ha!" -Bowser
"What? Who invited him?" -Me

The stuff above ^ is my new signature...
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« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2001, 04:09:37 PM »

Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2001, 06:49:16 PM »
Hey Mario Maniac. Did you EVER EVEN read the Bible? You know GODS word. If it is his word then it MUST be true.

It''s a me Marionut#1
It's-a me, Marionut#1!

« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2001, 07:43:09 PM »
Man, I'm starting to see why M.M. and M.n. are so mad each other.
M.n., if you didn't knew, the people who transcript the bible, through the centuries, added and changed some. So you can't be sure about if it is textually the God's word.
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2001, 07:45:42 PM »
well, of course they CHANGED it. if they didn't we'd all be reading it in greek, hebrew, and aramic. i would not want to do that.

Sono ichi fanku-ippai!
If at first you dont succeed, skydiving is not for you.

« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2001, 08:51:42 PM »
AND you CANNOT threat the people that way. You CAN'T say that a guy has a bad fe, imposing the yours. IT IS WRONG. You have no reason to believe yourself and your religion better than others'. You CAN try to convert them, but NEVER in those terms. You are insulting Mario Maniac and his family by telling them that they are wrong and they don't listen God's word properly.
I am not going to discusse with you about the God's word (O.K., not again). I am nobody to say wich is the truth, I'm not even catholic! I just think, wichever the truth is, that you are wrong and you own M.M. am apologyze.
Think about it.

p.s.: DaFunkster, I know your intentions were good, but you can't post something about religion and think that there won't be a fight. Religion is something that every person has a different thought of, and... Some people can't be mature when you show them that their thoughts are different from the others. This is a Mario board; that should guarantee that people won't fight about religion or policy. I never mentioned the external deude, didn't I?
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.


  • Trusts the fungus
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2001, 04:34:33 AM »
Actually, in General Chat, a religious posting is probably fine... but flaming isn't. While I'm convinced that I am right and the Catholic church has the correct perspective, if I want to present my view I have to do it in an appropriate manner. With religion, we're going to have some major disagreements. Conduct yourselves respectfully, and the discussion is fine. Insult each other, and Mr. Face gets to chew off your legs.

Let's do the Mario, all together now!
Let's do the Mario, all together now!

« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2001, 10:33:00 AM »
hear me out: i have nothing AGAINST other religions, and i had no intentions of starting a flame war; i was just interested in hearing which religion you were, and maybe a little about it. mm and mn, please don't start a flame war. i know u guys are mortal enimies, but don't take it out on the rest of us.

btw: why are you guys fighting anyway?

Sono ichi fanku-ippai!

Edited by - daFunkster on 3/21/01 8:34:37 AM
If at first you dont succeed, skydiving is not for you.

« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2001, 05:27:04 PM »
Why fight over religion? Its someones beliefs and everyone is entitled to one. Like the old saying goes, "Cant we ALL just get along?" Obviously not. Just because you have a different religion or beleifs doesn't mean that you are totally different from anybody else. For those of you who want a lesson take in mind what was done to the Jews by Hitler, blaming them for the war and using them for a scapegoat, and people beleived  him because thats the way people are. Everyone can get along regardless or Religion. And as for me my first name is the name of my religion. And no Ness is not my first name. i am a Christian Baptist. We beleive in god and all the rest, but just because another doesn't beleve in god im not gonna treat him/her differently. Come on people! work together for a better society!

« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2001, 08:55:28 PM »
Look Santious what did i do to offend you? The King James version was translated correctly except a few things such as idioms didnt come through the translation k? i wasnt insulting MM so mind your own business.

It''s a me Marionut#1

Edited by - marionut#1 on 3/23/2001 4:48:12 AM
It's-a me, Marionut#1!

« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2001, 10:28:31 PM »
"What would people do if they hear that I'm a Jesus Freak?!?!" Oh yeah! I, am Methodist. Go me!

I like cheese!

« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2001, 10:25:19 AM »
HEY! Marionut! cool your jets! Nobody is here to offend anyone and we definetly dont need a flame war. This was supposed to be a talk about religion, lets not insult anyone, and if you told me you were a jesus freak i would say ok and not do anything. I have no problem with jesus freaks, it probably devil worshipers that i have something against. Do you fit in that catagory Marionut? Just Kidding but lets cut down on the Insults. Keep it clean.

« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2001, 04:10:03 PM »
I say religion is fine, just so long as it doesn't interfere with your common sense.

Some conflicts are necessary establishments and enforcements of moral values, others are just silly.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project
