
Author Topic: Make up a fictitious disease!!!!  (Read 7471 times)

« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2006, 07:15:37 PM »
Obsession with Banjo-Kazooie Disease

Caused by (what else) playing too much Banjo-Kazooie!

Symptoms: (TOP 20)

1. The urge to play more of one of Rare's greatest games, Banjo-Kazooie. (Oh geeze, I already have it!)

2. Taking up a banjo AND a kazooie as your favorite instruments.

3. Actually speaking the words "Eekum Bokum and Guh-huh" as if they were used in a conversation.

4. When putting  together a jigsaw puzzle, you time yourself and flip the pieces around.

5. When you put together a jigsaw puzzle, worlds seem to open.......

6. You actually found the green, yellow and blue eggs plus the ice key! (Yes, trust me, it's possible, I've done it!)

7. You unlocked Bottles Revenge.

8. Your names are Ice Mario or Subdrag.

9.You've taken up the job of a Shaman, live in a skull, and chant weird words to transform your friends into animals (or a washing machine)

10. An ugly witch stole you for your good looks.

11. You consult the neighborhood mole for training.

12. You wear tight yellow shorts and a blue backpack, no matter the weather.

13. A really rude bird lives in this backpack.

14. You used to be friends with a monkey and you road race-karts together.

15. Your house is actually much bigger, with multiple worlds and rooms inside.

16. You collect musical notes, but you never actually use them to play with your instrument.

17. Your pet breegull can lift a 400 pound honey bear farther than any airplane could.

18. The locals include a sea hippo, talking camel, magical.......Jinjo, and anything, including inanimate objects, with eyes.

19. Everything around you talks, even the shoes!

20. You opened your lair, let the hero in, had your weak as heck minions fight him, gave him the chance to collect all the moves and items to become stronger, held an easy as heck quiz show, fought him without using your ultimate moves up front, fell off your house and landed under a rock that you could have moved yourself, and then came back 2 years later, nothing but a skeleton.

Treatments? None, if you've got it, you've got it! Hats off to Banjo Kazooie!

Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2006, 09:55:25 AM »
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2006, 04:47:16 PM »
You've never heard of Banjo Kazooie?!!! For shame.........XP
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2006, 05:06:41 PM »
Dysalgia ecstomy:

1. Sores around mouth
2. Cold sores

Treatment: I don't know... ask your doctor for something that gets rid of cold sores.

"Dys" means "hard"
"Algia" means "pain"
"Ec" means "out of"
"Stomy" means "mouth"
^^^^^^^^(In Greek)

« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2006, 08:14:56 AM »
You've never heard of Banjo Kazooie?!!! For shame.........XP

I've heard of it... once... or twice... Your long list just confused me.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • Bruised
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2006, 02:47:42 PM »

Symptoms: the Top Ten
10. Fear that Earth will be overthrown by brain-sucking aliens
9. Try to eat anything thinking you'll gain a power from it
8. Calling your siamese cat Meowth
7. Adopt a mushroom and name it Toad
6. Nickname any twin boys, whose younger is the taller, Mario and Luigi
5. Calling elves 'Hylians'
4. Throw a shell or banana while driving
3. Adopt a turtle and name it Bowser
2. Adopt a pig and name it Ganon
1. Jump on peoples' heads claiming that you're saving your girlfriend from a rampaging ape

treatment:  There is none!  MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2006, 10:43:55 PM »

~Thinks of saying "Saaaa-weet!"
~Changes their username to ptpeach
~Spends over 500 bucks for the official princess peach ds
~Has a princess peach 24k gold locket

Stay away from Princess Peach
Don't look at anything pink
Stay away from your nintendo gamecube
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2006, 06:54:37 AM »
Glad I don't have that disease.



~ Constantly singing "The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers" or "The Woopty-Dooper Loopty-Looper Alley-Ooper Bounce"
~ Drawing Tigger a lot
~ Using made-up words in your vocabulary
~ Growing a spring-filled tail
~ Bouncing people
~ "Hoo hoo hoo hoo" becoming your new catchphrase
~ Developing stripes


Get yourself FAR away from anything related to Winnie the Pooh.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2006, 08:29:33 PM »
Mariophobia.Caused by playing to many mario games at night.                                                                                                                               symptons:Thinking that bowser or any other of marios rivals is in your house.Have nightmares involving mario.Scream like a scool girl when u see mario. Treatment:Dont play mario games for 12,000 days,if that doesnt have affect, sell all your mario products on ebay, or donate them to goodwill. After that, u should be cured.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


  • Banned
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2006, 07:46:38 AM »
Crapoposis: An obsession with crap.
Symptoms: An obsession with crap.
Cure: Stop obsessing over crap! Sheesh.


  • Bruised
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2006, 09:30:14 AM »
Dear Strong Bad

Do you think perhaps the people who have sent you e-mail over the years have Crapoposis?  I mean, so many "crapfully yours," and other quotes involving the word "crap" have been written in these e-mails, I believe they show the symptoms of Crapoposis.

Crapfully yours,
Dr. Luigi

Regards, Uncle Dolan

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2006, 07:15:21 PM »
^ You must send that email!!

Goombitis-disease caused by a Goomba bite.
-height deficiancy
-loss of arm movement
-brown skin tone
-any other characteristics which are of a Goomba

Cure- Currently unknown.It is rumored that knowledge of one is contained within the text of The Ancient Book of Yoshi Magic.


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2006, 12:30:59 PM »
Boy Addiction.Caused when you hang out with boys to much.

Symptom:Like stuff like boys, boy bands, boycotts, chef boyardee, boy toys and anything else you can think of.
    Treatment:dont hang around boys.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


  • Bruised
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2006, 03:16:41 PM »
E-mail sent, The Chef. :)
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2006, 06:59:33 PM »
I hope that email makes it. ^_^
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario
