
Author Topic: The ANGST thread: Complain here!  (Read 1745463 times)


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #435 on: July 12, 2006, 11:04:25 AM »
I also hate the summer reading projects. I actually enjoy reading, but the tedious projects that come attached to [insert "classic" piece of literature that nobody reads or cares about anymore here] just take too long to do.
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?

« Reply #436 on: July 12, 2006, 12:12:27 PM »
I have many things to complain about here. 1: I just found out that I am going to have my braces on another 2-3 months, because my wisdom teeth grew in late. (I was supposed to get them off this month or the next.) 2: We won our first baseball game 18-1. You would think that I would be happy...well it didn't work out as good in the second game. By the 5th inning we were down 10-4. We gradually climbed back up to 10-7. It was the bottom of the 7th...we needed at least 3 runs. I started off with a walk, then a base-hit, I stole to 3rd, another base hit, score 10-8. Next 2 guys walked, 10-9, we have bases loaded no outs and only one run to go. Think I should be happy again huh, well I was...for awhile. Someone pops up, 1 out, next play...double-play games over. Final score: 10-9. :( (Now we need to win tonight, and beat that same team twice in a row to win the tourny.) :'(

« Reply #437 on: July 13, 2006, 05:08:46 AM »
I hate:

Islamic extremists like Osama.

Paris Hilton, she's such a whore!

Angelina Jolie, her lips look like two slices of raw tuna and I don't care if she's going into labor again!

Tom Cruise, he should shove some pinecones up his butt if he's so crazy! Also, he's an attention whore.

Anime-spin offs that are made in ze land of ze French like Totally Spies. If you want a GOOD show with female protagonists, even dubbed Sailor Moon is better, and I haven't even seen it! (Because I'm a guy and SM is for girls and not boys)


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #438 on: July 13, 2006, 11:14:15 AM »
It seems like nobody is using the quote button now. If you just want to quote one sentence from a post, use the button and then delete what you don't want within the tags. If you're trying to quote multiple posts, there's a little "Insert Quote" link next to every post when you're posting. Just scroll down to the topic's last 10 posts when you're making a new post and click the link.
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?


  • Old Person™
« Reply #439 on: July 13, 2006, 11:20:03 AM »
I hate:

Islamic extremists like Osama.

Paris Hilton, she's such a whore!

Angelina Jolie, her lips look like two slices of raw tuna and I don't care if she's going into labor again!

Tom Cruise, he should shove some pinecones up his butt if he's so crazy! Also, he's an attention whore.

Anime-spin offs that are made in ze land of ze French like Totally Spies. If you want a GOOD show with female protagonists, even dubbed Sailor Moon is better, and I haven't even seen it! (Because I'm a guy and SM is for girls and not boys)

The ANGST is strong with this one.

It seems like nobody is using the quote button now. If you just want to quote one sentence from a post, use the button and then delete what you don't want within the tags. If you're trying to quote multiple posts, there's a little "Insert Quote" link next to every post when you're posting. Just scroll down to the topic's last 10 posts when you're making a new post and click the link.
I used the quote button.  Happy?
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #440 on: July 13, 2006, 11:24:44 AM »
I saw exactly one episode of Totally Spies. For about the first 15 minutes, I was trying to figure out exactly why that show is still on the air. Within the next five minutes, I suddenly figured out EXACTLY why it is still on the air. Don't really feel like explaining it better than that.

So my dad got home from work today. For about the last year or so, he's be getting more and more stressed out over work. Today I found out that his company is hiring immigrants that cannot speak English even remotely fluently. These people are also running expensive machinery and some of them CANNOT COUNT. And my dad has to work with these people somehow. I absolutely hate seeing him they way he is when he gets home from work every day. And, despite having worked for the company for over 20 years, because they recently sold to a different manufacturer, he may not be receiving a pension when he retires, although he was promised one when he was hired. He deserves so much better after all he's done for me. Really.


  • Banned
« Reply #441 on: July 13, 2006, 11:29:45 AM »
The Mormon Church.  I cannot stand it!  They oppress people just like the Christian Church.  What kind of religion is that?  Some people are better than others.  That is what they are saying here. 
"If you want to make enemies, try to change something."--Woodrow Wilson

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #442 on: July 13, 2006, 11:57:21 PM »
It annoys me that fuzzy has no regard for anyone else's sentiments and blindly rages on against the things he raged against in that last post.
That was a joke.

« Reply #443 on: July 14, 2006, 01:13:53 AM »

- Racist
- Ignorant people that go around gossiping without facts and don't give a horses behind
- Lindsay Lohan
- Paris Hilton
- Games I can't sell
- Murderers
- Pedophiles
- Rapist (Did that go with pedophiles?)
- Cheap Soap
- Parents who yell at you
- Lotion that makes your skin dry
- Earthquakes
- Dirty Fish tanks
- Annoying Newbies(I use to be one, and I hate how people hated me)
- Cheaters
- Thieves
- Scammers

I've got more on the way because I am positively angry.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #444 on: July 14, 2006, 03:31:05 AM »
I have completely lost hope in women.  I shouldn't, but I can't help myself...I am completely furious.  Let us start from the beginning.

I have a great friend.  He's like a brother to me, and that's pretty big, since I'm not much of a people person, to feel like this guy is family.  I can't always agree with him, especially how he handles women, but I'll stick by him.  He's actually family to my whole family.  September 28, his girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Josh, and I love him.  Then Steve, my friend, and his girlfriend, Ashley, broke up.  This was only after she found out he was going out with another girl from our school, and she didn't know since she was out to take care of the child.  When Ashley did get back into school, both of the women broke up with him.  Of course, they were still having sex, cause, well, he's horny all the time, and they were living together (to take care of the baby).  It's the convenience factor.  I guess she finally got sick of him, and stopped everything.  The  three of us continued to hang out.  After a while, Ash told me she was attracted to me.  I was wary, as 1) She's my best friends Ex and mother of his child, and 2) This would be the first woman ever interested in me...ever.  I told her that I couldn't, and she was alright with that.  But after a few months, I got to know her, and I became attracted back.  We didn't do anything because Steve would have killed us (He can cheat, but when they break up, she can't do anything with anyone...I don't get it).  But we flirted and I did tell her I liked her.

Steves parents are divorced (or never married...I don't know, their entire family tree needs 4 apple orchards, it's confusing), and his mother lives in Florida, so every other Christmas and for the summer, he goes down there.  Last Friday Steve left for where his mother was staying, and they were leaving on Saturday.  Friday, when Steve, Ash, and Steves brother, left after a quick good-bye, I went on my way.  Ashley came back about 15 minutes later.  After some time of awkwardness, we kissed.  This was my first kiss.  So until about 10pm, we were playing video games and kissing.  We made plans to meet the next day at the mall, around 4:30.  We said that we weren't really together, since it would never really work, and Steve would literally kill us (Not to mention my mother, who didn't think too highly of Ashley)if he knew.  But I was still estatic. 

The next day came, and I was ready to meet up with her.  That was, until about 3:30, when my sisters boyfriend called me up, and asked if I would work with him (He works for one of his professors at college doing a phone poll).  I want to say that I had to, but I think it was the idea of $65 for 4 hours of work that really made me decide to go.  In retrospec, I should have said no.  But I didn't want to just leave Ashley sitting in the mall waiting for me, so I asked when Chris came to pick me up to swing by her house, and tell her I couldn't make it.  Her door was locked, and we were already running late, so I forced the thought that I could make up with her later, and she wouldn't be too angry with me.  The next day I tried to get in contact, but she must have been at her parents house, on the other side of the city, and just left a note.  For the next 4 days when she didn't come by my house, I was feeling more and more guilty.  I continuously thought that I truly screwed up my first possible relationship with someone I really liked.  I bought a little white tiger plush (her favorite animal) to try and make up, and I was ready to grovel.  Finally she came today (well, yesterday by now) and I started to ask for forgiveness leaving her hanging at the mall alone, but she said I shouldn't, that it didn't matter since we weren't actually together, and it was okay.  I still felt guilty, which is probably why I didn't notice things that seemed wierd, mostly little things that she did, such as look at me out of the corner of her eye then smiling, or even look at me at all.  A little later, Steves brother came over and after using my computer, started talking to Ashley about something.  I didn't really know cause they were talking about her family, which I don't know, and that they didn't want me to know something.  When I directly asked what they were talking about (something about a rumor that spread through her parents building, about someone not allowed in the house anymore, all kinda confusing), Steves brother said he couldn't say, but that Ashley did something with someone.  My mind took it and ran.  I pretty much figured she had slept with someone, and it ****ed me off.  They left around 6, and I had to help my mother move things for a garage sale, so I had to go over to my aunts and help.  For the whole day I went from mad to just confused, since I still didn't know for sure what she had done.  When I finally got home around ten, I got online and started talking to Steve, mostly about how boring Florida is.  Somehow we got on the subject of Ashley, and I told him about how we kissed.  I explained how I really liked her, but was really kinda scared as to what she had done.  I know he knew, since when Ashley was over, her and Jonny(Steves brother) were talking about him and how he reacted.  He wouldn't tell me, but when I told him what I did, he said she had, like I thought, slept with some guy...Saturday.  I was furious.  I knew I had screwed up, but I didn't think she would be so angry at me as to go to some other guy NOT EVEN A DAY LATER.  I know that we weren't actually together, but I could never had imagined she would have done it.  Then Steve told me that they had sex before they came over on friday.  Spots...I was seeing spots.  Though her and Steve had been on and off in their relationship for a while, about Mid-May, she told me she completely cut him off, broken up, and no more sex.  So this really hurt.  Steve wasn't too angry at me, mostly at her.  He was just glad that I told him.  We were talking for a while about what I did, then what she had told him over the phone about what she did.  Then he told me that it is a possibility that the guy she screwed had HIV.  I don't care how angry I am at someone, I would never ask that of anyone.  Granted, I felt as if I could throw her onto the highway for lying...numerous times.  After a little while more, I went to bed.  Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep, because I was still really angry.  About 4 am I got back up, and got back online, and talked with Steve some more, when I realized...It's my fault.  If I had turned down the money, the whole series of horrible events would have not happened, or not been known to everyone.  Saturday, if I had not gone to work, if I had met up with her, we would have hung out at the mall, likely come back here, watched TV, play a game, and she would have gone home, likely to come over again Sunday.  But I figure, because I wanted money more than someone to be with,

1. Steve would not have known about us, which I figure would have still been known later, since I am no Joe Cool, would have screwed up the relationship somehow and likely would have told him, but later

2.I would not have known about Ashley and Steve sleeping together, and for the time being, ignorance is bliss, or at least better than blinding rage.

3.  She would not have gone over to that guys house, had sex, and possibly contracted the virus that will kill her.

So, in the end, I am one of the people responsible for her possible death.
This is why I have ANGST.  Towards so many people
« Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 03:32:56 AM by CoconutMikeNIke »
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #445 on: July 14, 2006, 05:04:33 AM »
It's understandable that you'd be upset after all that.  If you find out that she did contract HIV, try not to blame yourself.  In a story filled with questionable decisions, you come out looking pretty clean.  Don't beat yourself up, and try not to be mad at Ashley, either.  If she did contact HIV, she'll probably need emotional support from her friends.  You have my sympathy.


  • Banned
« Reply #446 on: July 14, 2006, 08:42:54 AM »
Unless she does not deserve it.  I say shove her in the mud and never talk to her again.  Okay, I'm kidding.  I have to say that now in almost all my posts.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 08:44:29 AM by fuzzy »
"If you want to make enemies, try to change something."--Woodrow Wilson

« Reply #447 on: July 14, 2006, 11:24:34 AM »
You've got a right to be upset, Mike. But don't take it out on all girls. I think you'll find the right one someday. You can also try to help Ashley.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #448 on: July 14, 2006, 12:48:10 PM »
Yo mike i just read your post and the only thing i can say is that you cant put all the blame on your self.Thats just going to torture you.Instead you need to concentrate on helping your freinds and ashley mainly.She needs emotinoal support right now.If you just standby and cry about this situation then you are contributing to the problem.You need to man up and support your freind ashley.Dont worry about girls.You cant blame them all. Dont worry.You will find the right one someday.
Que dios the Bendiga Eddie Guerrerro.
May God Bless you Eddie Guerrero.


  • Banned
« Reply #449 on: July 14, 2006, 01:23:49 PM »
Okay.  I just read you post all the way through and let me tell you something I am 100% sure about.  None of this crap that you were faced with was your fault at all.  Do not blame yourself one bit.  However I do not understand why you like Steve or Ashley in the first place.  Do I really have to say it?  I mean come on.  Just look at those two.  Do I really have to tell you why?
"If you want to make enemies, try to change something."--Woodrow Wilson
