...can you even SEE the screen? You do know the tadpoles represent the note placement, right? I agree that you can't see much of the notes you've already hit, but it's probably assumed all you care about is hitting the next note right and that you know your current place in the song. What I always mess up on is knowing where to hit the tadpole to correspond with the note I want. I know all about Do Re Mi corresponding to C D E etc., but as for getting the tadpole to line up on the right note... come on, everything's in 3/4 view, I'm not used to reading music at a slant.
But for that, you can get a piece of paper, use an electric piano or online piano, sound out the notes, then draw out where they are so you know where to jump on the tadpoles. If you can't read music though, then... well, learn. Weegee posted all you need to know.