and Saph. laughed tremendously.
Hehe. Saph's tryin' to kill us..........
"Well," replied King Mickey, "I think he may want this!" Mickey took the glass shard from under his pocket and showed it to Sephiroth. "This is what you're after isn't it?" Seph. backed away with a grim look on his face, saying nothing. The storm ceased for a minute or two with clouds hovering in the sky, as if resting up for the next one. Sephiroth continued to back away as Mickey walked towards him, getting closer with every step. "Get away from me," warned Seph, "o-or I'll........" He stopped and held his hand up in an attempt to stop Mickey's march, but it was useless. Mickey had an idea of what was going on. "This shard......whatever it're afraid of it, aren't you?" Sephiroth yeld at the top of his lungs something he had not herd before, in an odd tounge. "Anubis! Ci fod welsalvador!!!!" One last bolt of lightning struck Seph....and he was gone. Mickey of course, was dumbfounded, but more importantly, his friends needed healing. He took out his trusty Keyblade and used a magic spell he learned from Master Yin Cid to bring them all back from the dead. Of course, they all had questions about what had happened, so to make a long story short, Makar told them everything. For now, the mystery of the glass shard and this "Anubis" character would fall from their grasp. Yet the battle had tought them well: The journey ahead would be difficult. However, they all knew that no matter what, they'd stick together through it all. For now, the fighting had ceased.
Experiance time!