
Author Topic: Our Little Refuge  (Read 7187 times)

« on: August 28, 2006, 11:42:35 PM »
This story is set in the early 1920's. All the smashers are or have become poor. They go through hardships as they learn about friendship, love, and hardship. Read chapter one for a 562 word summary. Rated T for violence and abuse.

The SSBM cast in a story based around poverty. All of the SSBM cast are poor teenagers, who have one way or another become poor. They have to work to take care of their aging parents and small siblings. They learn about friendship, love, and hardship. Based in the early 1900's or 1920's.

Mario (17), Luigi (16) and Peach (15) are siblings. Their dad is Doctor Mario (40). Dr. Mario is a drunk and drinks up his money at the local pub while his children are hungry.

Link (16), Young Link (10) and Zelda (15) are siblings and their father is Ganondarf (45) ( (their father is Ganondarf because Ganondarf + father evil father a plot for me to set their story against). Ganondarf beats up his sons and he doesn't feed his daughter and makes her clean the house and cook the dinner and makes her sleep in the celler with all the rats and bugs. She gets sick often. Her brothers try to sneak her things down there as often as they can and when their father gets drunk , he is so drunk he doesn't notice Zelda slip into the kitchen.

Roy (16) and Marth (14) are siblings. They are orphans. They used to be princes. Their kingdom was taken over and their parents killed so now they live on the streets. They are not used to working, so it is hard for them. They are used to sleeping in late, eating on time, and getting what they want. Also, Marth is reeeallly immature for his age and is really silly and Roy is constantly losing jobs because he still has that "I'm the Boss" mentality.

Falco (18)(orphaned) and Fox (20) are cousins. They fight a lot, because Falco wants to do what he wants to do and Fox is trying to keep him in line and he tells him what to do, because he is living with him.

Pikachu (10) and Pichu (7) are siblings while their cousins are Jigglypuff (12) and Kirby (13) and their dad is Mewtwo. Jigglypuff and Kirby live with Mewtwo, too. Mewtwo is very strict and makes sure the children that live in his house have no fun. And since Mewtwo favors Kirby, he lets him do whatever he pleases. Kirby is a spoiled brat and whenever Pikachu, Pichu, or Jigglypuff do something he doesn't like, he tells Mewtwo, who beats them.

Captain Falcon is the sheriff of the town and Samus Aran is his wife.

Bowser is the President of the World of Nintendo while Donkey Kong, his best friend, is the Vice President. Bowser has two step-children, Nana and Popo, who were from his late wife's previous marriage.

Mr. Game and Watch is the bodyguard for Nana and Popo when they go to school. He stays with them at all times.

Nana (10) and Popo (10) are twins and were orphans unitl President Bowser (50) was kind-hearted enough to take them in. Popo is very mischiveous as is his sister, Nana. They always manage to get around Mr. G & W. He does his best to keep an eye on them.

Ness (12) makes little toys with his knife of out of wood and Yoshi helps him sell them them. Ness rides on Yoshi's back and yells to the children about his toys. Ness is very talented.

And now I present the story, Our Little Refuge

In the Hyrule's House

"Get back in here boy!" screamed Ganondarf Hyrule as he ran down the hall after his son. Link ran as fast as he could to the next year, but he was no match for his violent, abusive and strong father. Ganondarf soon had him wrestled down to the floor.

"Stop it father!" screamed a frightened 10 year old Young Link. "Please, don't hurt him!"

As Young Link was pleading, his father slapped him to the other side of the room, knocking him against a wall. His mouth was bleeding.

Zelda, 15 years old yet thin and fragile, who was hiding in the next room, crying, heard a thump on the wall and instantly ran into the next room.

"Link!" she screamed. The sight was horrifying: Ganondarf was continuously punching 16 year-old Link in various places. He had a black eye, his nose was bleeding, and his lip was swollen. He was yelping in pain.

"Link!" she cried, tears streaming down her face. This was by far the worst beating their father had ever given him.

Almost miraculously, Link managed to yell Zelda's name in between all the pain. But he was too late.

Ganondarf has released his grip on Link and grabbed Zelda. She was so light and fragile, and he was picked her up by her arms, lifting her from the floor.

"DON'T EVER INTERFERE IN WHAT I'M DOING!" Ganondarf barked as he choked Zelda, even tighter than before. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND!

"Yes-" she managed to choke out, in between gasping for breath and crying out of pain.

"YES FATHER!" boomed Ganondarf, making his grip on her neck even tighter. "SAY IT!"

"Yes Father!" Zelda choked, as her eyes went into her head and she passed out.

Ganondarf then went out of the room, as Young Link started to cry.

"Zellie," he wailed. "Link." They were hurt badly.

Y. Link first went over to his sister, because she was unconscious. She was also the frailest out of all of them. Ganondarf made her work hard and he barely let her have anything to eat. He said that it was punishment for her interfering when he's 'teaching her brothers a lesson'.

"Zellie?" said a worried Y. Link. Zelda's arms were red yet her face was pale.

Link was not unconscious, but he was hurting badly. "I'll come back for you, Zellie." said a crying Y. Link.

Y. Link went over to Link and tried to get his arm over his shoulder so that he could pull him out. As he was pulling Link out, he was careful for his father not to hear him.

When they got to the room, he put Link on his bed. As he was leaving the room, Link whispered to him.

"What did you say?" asked Y. Link.

"Please, take care of Zellie. She's hurt worst than I Am." said Link, clutching his arm, as it was in pain.

"I will, Link." said Y. Link.

"I'm gonna try to walk the pain off at the park." said Link.

When he came back for Zelda, he found that she was awake, but breathing very hard.

"What's wrong, Zellie?" asked Y. Link.

"My," Zelda gasped. "Neck hurts." Tears started coming to her eyes.

"Don't cry, Zellie." said Y. Link. "Do your arms hurt?"

Zelda nodded to Y. Link as more tears started fell from her eyes.

Y. Link started to rub his sister’s arms until the redness went away. Soon, she was asleep. Y. Link felt like it was he needed to stay by his sister, so he went to sleep, holding onto her arm.

[/b]Dr. Mario's Household[/b]

"Dad," said Peach Mario, Dr. Mario's 15 year-old daughter. "I need the money to go shopping. I have to make dinner. There's no food in the all."

"What money?" asked a drunken Dr. Mario. "There's no such thing as money!"

"Dad!" said Peach. "Are you drunk?"

He didn't have to answer that, because Peach knew he was, as he had drifted off to a drunken sleep.

When Peach was sure he was sleep, she checked all his pockets and all possible places that he could've put money in.

When she found nothing, she found tear welling up in her eyes. She started to cry; she had had nothing to eat for 2 days. She was starving. Her father was a drunk and he used all his money at the pub.

So Peach sadly walked and laid down by the front door to wait for her brothers, Mario and Luigi, to come home. They were sleeping over at a friend’s.

Mario and Luigi were her older brothers. Mario was 17 and Luigi was 16. They were great friends towards each other. They didn't have to work because their father made enough. They had no idea that their sister was going to bed without having had breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

When they walked through the door, they were shocked to see Peach on the floor, crying.

"What wrong, Peachie?" asked Mario. Luigi then picked Peach up. "Yeah, Peachie, what's wrong?"

"Daddy," she started, holding back more tears. "Every since you two have been gone, he has been using up all the money at the pub. I haven't eaten in two days."

"WHAT!" boomed Mario and Luigi. Their little sister was like a treasure to them. They loved her entirely too much to ever let anything happen to her, let alone in their own home. They started to go towards their father’s sitting room.

"Don't bother going in there." said Peach. "He's sleep and stupidly drunk."

"I'll deal with him in the morning." said Mario.

"Come on, Peach. Let's go get something to eat at my friends." said Luigi.

"Don't tell them what's going on!" said Peach. This surprised her brothers. "This could just be a phase daddy is going through."

"She's right." said Luigi. "Don't tell them, Mario."

"Then we go there for a night snack?" asked Mario.

"Yea." said Luigi. "Let's get something and we'll take Peach to the park. We'll talk to my friend there."

"Peach could eat while we are talking." said Mario.

"Yeah." agreed Luigi. "Let's go."

At the Park

"Peach, go sit over there on that bench while we talk." said Mario.

"Okay." said Peach as she went over to the bench.

She noticed a young man not much older than herself sitting on the bench across from her. He looked hungry and he was obviously beat up.

She went to his bench and to sit besides him.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"A little." he said. He saw Peach breaking off her bread and quickly added. "But you look hungrier."

At this remark, Peach looked down into her lap.

"I Am." she said. "I haven't eaten for the last two days."

"You look familiar." the young man said.

"I'm Peach Mario." said Peach. "I'm 15."

"I'm Link Hyrule." said the young man. "I'm 16."

"Are you still hungry?" asked Peach. "I can spare a bit."

"Okay." said Link. "But only because you offered."

Peach looked at Link and noticed his black eye and bruised cheek. His arm also looked bruised.

"What happened there?" asked Peach as she pointed to his arm.

"Eh," Link hesitated.

"I could probably help." Peach said. "I'm Dr. Mario's daughter."

"You are...Hey!" Link suddenly shouted. "If you're Dr. Mario's daughter, how come you don't eat? He's the most well paid person in town, besides the mayor!"

Peach blushed. She had asked her brothers not to tell the story to anyone else. But she had a good feeling about this guy.

"If you'll tell me how you hurt so badly," said Peach. "I'll tell you how I didn't eat for two days."

"It's a deal." said Link, curious as to why the second wealthiest guy in town’s daughter was half starving.

"My daddy," started Peach. "He...he's been going to the pub and using all the money he earned. There was no food in the house when my brothers went out for 2 days. He never gave me the money to go to market."

By this time, tears were running down her face. Peach was a very emotional and sensitive person, and her feelings were triggered by even the slight mention of the incident.

"Don't cry." said Link as he patted her on the back for comfort. He didn't like to see anyone like this.

"Well," said Peach as she wiped the tears from her face. "What's your story?"

"My father..." started Link. The thoughts and pain from the fight with his father came back as a strike of pain. "Ahh!" he screamed.

Link had fallen off of the bench and was on his knees in the grass; it was as if an evil force was pulling him.

"Link!" said Peach. She quickly scampered to the ground and helped him up.

"You don't have to say anymore." said Peach. "Your actions were enough. I'm sorry I asked."

"You don't have to be." said Link. He managed to flash Peach a smile. "I have a sister. She's 15, like you."

"Could you bring her here one day?" asked Peach anxiously. "I'd love to meet another girl in this town."

"I might...manage." said Link. He knew his father would never let her out of the house. But he wanted to get her out of that house once in a while.

"This could be our little refugee." said Peach. "Away from all of our hardship. You could bring your sister here, too. We could just take at least an hour for us."

"I have a little brother, too." said Link. "His name is Young Link. He's 10."

"That's charming!" said Peach. "You have a little brother with the same as you!"

"Well, he really looks like me when I was younger." said Link. He then mumbled, A complete clone...

"What was that?" asked Peach.

"Nothing." said Link. Then he pointed to her bread. "You still haven't eaten."

"I haven't!" laughed Peach. She broke the bread and gave a piece to Link, and they ate in the moonlit park.

End of First Chapter

Note: That was not supposed to be a romance scene (why did I say this?).


Our Little Refuge on
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 12:55:42 PM »
I remember when you mentioned this topic in the hopeful thread. I like it. The story is well written, emotional and original. I felt sorry for the children. The Hyrule kids especially. Your idea is definatly creative. It reminds me of the movies made in the 1900's. But that's what you wanted, Right? Since the story took place in that time.

Great work! I look forward to the next episode.

In Soviet Russia, Pokemon chooses you!

« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2006, 01:39:39 PM »
Awesome Idea. I can't wait for the next part.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2006, 09:28:41 PM »
Thank you guys sooo much! And yep, Robert! That's what I was going for! And don't think that Mario and Luigi are bad big brothers: They had absolutely no idea what was going on.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie


  • Score
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2006, 10:48:34 AM »
Wow, this is pretty good so far.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2006, 12:19:55 AM »
2nd Chapter Up!

The Park

Marth and Roy Altea walked into Town Park.

"I can't believe we ended up HERE." said the red haired 16 year-old ex-prince, Roy. "This place is the dumps."

Roy looked around. There was trash piled in one corner. The children were playing joyfully and the women were chatting.

"These people look poor." Said Roy's 14 year-old brother, Marth

Marth and Roy were ex-princes, who had been forced from their kingdom after it had been overthrown. Their parents were killed and they had been kicked out of their kingdom. This news had spread and Captain Falcon, the mayor of the little town they were in, invited them to their small town.

"Mayor Captain Falcon was supposed to meet us here." said an impatient Roy. "I'm getting tired from all this standing."

Just as Roy finished saying that, Mayor Captain Falcon same up, arm and arm with his lovely wife, Samus Aran. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was once the princess of a place called Brinstar, but she gave it all up to marry the man of her dreams, Captain Falcon.

"Welcome to our small town!" said Captain Falcon. "I hope you have a wonderful stay here. I have a little place for you two on the side of my home. Lord knows it's not what you two are accustomed, too, but it'll have to do. Oh! This is my lovely wife, Samus."

"How do you do?" she asked as she put on a smile for the two teenagers. "Don't worry, you'll get used to t. I did!"

"What do you mean?" asked a curious Marth.

"Well, I am the former princess of Brinstar." said Samus, her blue eyes twinkling. "I left that life of endless luxury for my husband, as I could not marry him as a princess. My mother and father-"

Samus was suddenly cut off by Roy. His eyes were full of fury.

"YOUR mother and father, the Queen and King of Brinstar, just invaded our kingdom of Altea, killed our parents, and KICKED US OUT OF OUR OWN COUNTRY!"

"So THAT'S why she knows what it's like!" said Marth, who hadn't even paid attention to Roy's last statement.

"There's no reason to dislike me for it." said Samus. "There’s also another reason I life: my parents were tyrant rulers. The entire royal family, including myself, was hated. Had our parents been killed, we would've also been executed."

"Thank you for that explanation." said Roy. "Otherwise, we wouldn't have been staying with you at all."

"Why not?" asked Marth.

"Because she might've been our enemy." said Roy.

"How?" asked Marth.

"Were you listening to the conversation?" asked Roy.

"Nooooo..." said Marth.

"Shut up!" spat Roy.

With a hand gesture from Captain Falcon, the two ex-princes walked behind the mayor and his wife, not knowing how hard life for civilians was.

At the Hyrule’s

Zelda woke up, feeling quite hungry. She heard no heavy footsteps around the house, which meant her father was not awake. Young Link was asleep, holding onto Zelda's arm. She loved her little brother. He always tried to be there for her. She kissed him on his head and gently loosened his grip on her arm. Then she made her way into her big brothers room.

To her surprise, he was sitting straight up in his bed.

"How are you doing, Link?" she asked as her big brother as she hugged him.

"I'm okay." said Link, kissing his younger sister on her head. "I went out last night."

"Oh...where to?" asked Zelda.

"The park." said Link. "There was this girl there."

"Oh really?" said Zelda, smiling. "Who is this mysterious girl you speak of?" Zelda laughed.

"Her name is Peach. She's the doc’s daughter." said Link. Then he paused. "She was starving."

"How is that?" asked a curious Zelda.

"Seems like the Doc has been drinking up all the money at the pub." said Link, sighing.

"Poor her." said Zelda. "Seems like were going through the same thing. But Link, you can't forget about yourself for her."

"I know that, Zellie." said Link. "We formed a little place to meet. The place is actually the park. She wants to meet you and Young Link. She's the same age as you, Zellie."

"That's wonderful!" said Zelda, smiling widely.

"So you have a girlfriend?" said Young Link. He had been standing outside the door the entire time.

"No!" said Link, blushing a bit. "When did you wake up?"

"I've been up long enough to hear...the whole conversation." Young Link smirked.

"You weren't asleep?" asked Zelda.

"Nope!" said Young Link. "Dad's still sleep."

"You should go swipe yourself some food, Zellie." said Link.

So Zelda made her way to the kitchen to something before the vicious-and-dangerous-by-nature father of hers woke up.

I wish mom was here, thought Zelda as she ate.

The Mario Household

Mario Mario and Luigi Mario sat up in their beds. The sun was shining beautifully through their bedroom window. It seemed as if nothing could go wrong that beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Then it dawned on Mario what had happened yesterday.

"I got a problem to speak of with that father of ours." said Mario.

"Wait!" shouted Luigi. "I'm coming with you."

The two brothers walked downstairs. They heard their father yelling.

"WHERE IS ALL THE FOOD?" yelled Dr. Mario.

"I told you that there was none." they heard Peach calmly say. They wondered how she could be so calm after how she was yesterday.

"I gave you money to go to market." their father said. "How come you never went?"

"You never gave me the money." explained Peach. "You were drunk every time I asked. I searched you, because you always fell asleep shortly after you got home, drunk. You had nothing. You let the kitchen go empty."

"You-" Dr. Mario stopped as Mario and Luigi entered the sitting room.

"What's going on?" Mario said, acting as if he hadn’t heard anything.

"Peach is saying that the kitchen was empty when you two went out of town." Dr. Mario stated. "She's saying that I said I'd give her money to fill up the kitchen pantries."

"Well, it's obvious that you don't remember, from all of the liquor." started Mario. "When you left the kitchen WAS empty."

"And you did tell Peach you would give her money for market." said Luigi. "She ate nothing for two days."

Suddenly, the room went quiet. The three teens were staring at their father.

Then, as if out of shock, Dr. Mario fell over dead.

"Father!" the three teenagers cried. They dashed to the floor.

"He's...dead." Luigi said as tears started to fall to the floor.

"He died of shock." Mario finally said, breaking the long, cold and terrible silence. Luigi could see that Mario, too, on the verge of tears.

"Peach," said Mario. "Go report fathers death to the mayor."

Peach left her father’s cold chest, her eyes still full of tears. As she was walking, she saw a little boy selling homemade toys on a Yoshi. He was yelling "Ness Handcrafted Toys!" She wondered if that was how she was going to be. Out on the streets, selling things. When Ness, the little boy who was selling the toys, saw her, he held up one of the toys that he made for her to see.

The toy looked exactly like the one Doctor Mario and Mrs. Mario use to use to play with Peach.

Suddenly, all of her emotions, the ones of her long deceased mother and her father, now gone, rushed back to her at once. She cried streams of tears as she ran to the nearest house and cried underneath the window seal.

"What's wrong?" asked a female voice from above.

"Huh?" Peach looked up and saw a girl with long ears.

"What's wrong?" asked the elf-eared girl.

"My dad died!" Peach cried, more tears running down her face. "He just fell over and...died."

"Why did he die?" asked the girl.

"From shock." Peach cried. "Shock."

"I wish my father would die." the girl mumbled.

Peach wiped away her tears, which only made room for the many more to come. "Are you Zelda?"

"Aye." Zelda sighed. "You must be Peach."

"How did you know?" asked Peach.

"Link told me about how you two met." said Zelda. "It's great to know someone my age, even though we most likely will not see each other often."

Peach felt a bit a happier, as her tears had dried up.

"Did he tell you about our park refuge?" Peach asked.

"Yes." said Zelda. "Where are you going right now?"

"I'm going to the mayor’s house." said Peach. Then the tears came back as she said "To report my father’s death."

"Can I come with you." asked Zelda. "I rarely get out of the house, even less do I sneak out."

"Come with me!" cried Peach. "It'll be great to have company."

Zelda climbed out of the window. Peach noticed that she was horribly thin.

Zelda followed Peach to the mayor’s home. When they got to the steps, they rang the doorbell.

"You know, Zelda, this house looks like one of those places that my grandma used to tell me about. Back in 1870." said Peach.

"It does look like one of those olden homes, eh?" asked Zelda.

"Yup." said Peach.

"Good day, ladies!" said the young maid who answered the door.

"Hello!" said Peach. "I need to speak to the mayor. I have to report a death."

The maids face went from pleasant to grim.

"Follow me, please." she said to Peach and Zelda. She led the two girls to the mayor and his wife, who were eating their lunch.

"Hello sir." said Peach and Zelda. "Good day miss.”

"Hello Peach, hello Zelda." said Mayor Captain Falcon.

"Hello darlings!" said Samus. "Why Zelda! I haven't seen you in so long!" Samus went and hugged Zelda, which gave Zelda a warm feeling inside, as she hadn't felt this way since before her mother’s death.

"Well, what brings you here?" asked the Mayor.

"It's my father." said Peach, the tears finding their way back into her eyes.

"Yes dear?" said the Mayor.

"My father..."

"Are you alright?" asked Samus.

"Doctor Mario is dead." said Zelda. Zelda went and hugged Peach, but felt her own emotions of not having a mother, after having such a great hug from Mrs. Samus, coming.

"Oh dear me." said Mayor Falcon. "He was our only doctor in town. What are we to do? I'll come see you and your brothers later if I need any information."

"Alright." sniffed Peach.

Then they went out the door. As they exited the house, Peach and Zelda knew that they were to be friends forever, no matter what life held in store for them.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2006, 01:34:52 AM »
You killed a character, I'm telling. >=(

Anyway... this is a great story! It's original, yet contains well-known characters, and has a nicely-structured plot. Well done!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2006, 08:25:38 AM »
Who you gonna tell? *sees mom* Please don't tell! Thanks!
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie


  • Score
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2006, 11:04:55 PM »
That was about the most anti-climactic death I've ever read about.  But, seriously, you're doing great!  Keep it up.  Only question is, where does the Mario clan go from here? 

Dr. Mario is dead.  That just brought up a funny memory from awhile back.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2006, 11:22:04 PM »
I had to kill of Dr. Mario. Or else the Mario family would just have been fine. I had to make a hardship for them. You see, Dr. Mario left no money. And Mario, Luigi, and Peach have never had to work. Hardship is where the Mario family goes. They are now officialy orphans.

I shall keep it up. And PLEASE tell me what anti-climactic means. Because I haven't the slightest clue.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2006, 11:26:25 PM »
Anti-Climatic (In my own words): When the story reaches a climax, it is rather dull and/or disappointing. Example: The bad guy is about to kill the good guy, when he is suddenly crushed (for no apparent reason) by a partially-eaten rock.

But I still think your story is cool..................
« Last Edit: September 01, 2006, 11:28:07 PM by PaperLuigi »
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Score
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2006, 11:46:14 PM »
(Response to pt_peach's post)  I see.  Well, once again, keep up the good work.

By the way, I bet you didn't know that I was the one who commented on your story on, saying that "This makes it twice that I've read this story."
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2006, 12:05:40 AM »
(Response to pt_peach's post)  I see.  Well, once again, keep up the good work.

By the way, I bet you didn't know that I was the one who commented on your story on, saying that "This makes it twice that I've read this story."

So it was you! XD I was like, who is this person? Didn't even say your username. But there were only 2 usernames that ran through my mind: Jman and The Blue Toad, since you both had fanfictions on here. Sorry that it was dissapointing, I couldn't think of anything else to write!
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2006, 12:31:07 AM »
I'm on too, ya know! >=(

Anyway, good job on the story. Maybe Dr. Mario could be saved? Or is he truly dead as a doornail? Either way, I can't stop reading. =)
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2006, 01:16:08 AM »
:D What's your username. LOL, I only read SSBM fanfiction XD. Should he truly be dead?
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie
