
The two versions compared on this page are the following:

Region Title Release date Platform
Japan ヨッシーのロードハンティング
Yoshi no Road Hunting
7/14/1993 Super Famicom
USA Yoshi's Safari September 1993 Super NES

Yoshi's Safari was one of the few games made for the Super NES Super Scope light gun peripheral. Although it's a relatively short spin-off, the game has some interesting name changes...

Title screen

Yoshi's Safari received a new logo design to go with its new name. It's interesting to note that in the Japanese "Yoshi's Road Hunting" logo, Bullet Bills are used as part of the katakana "n" characters.

Comparing the backgrounds on the title screen, we can see that some changes were made to the colors and clouds in the U.S. version:

  • New cloud shapes were added, and the clouds are arranged differently behind the logo.
  • The sky was changed to a lighter shade of blue and now has a more subtle gradient.
  • The dark gradient on the hills was also lightened up a little.
Japanese versionU.S. version
Yoshi no Road HuntingYoshi's Safari

Princess "Peach" Toadstool

Yoshi's Safari was the first game in North America to call the Princess by her original Japanese name "Princess Peach." She was back to "Princess Toadstool" in Super Mario RPG (May 1996), then "Peach" again in Super Mario 64 (September 1996).

Japanese versionU.S. version
Intro (Japanese)Intro (English)


All names in the following tables are from the Japanese and English instruction manuals and game text. Unfortunately, the manual only lists four enemies and none of the bosses.


Japanese English
Name Rōmaji Translation Name
ジュエリーランドJuerī RandoJewelry LandJewelry Land
光の世界Hikari no SekaiLight WorldLight Realm
闇の世界Yami no SekaiDark WorldDark Realm


Japanese English
Name Rōmaji Translation Name
ポット王Potto ŌKing PotKing Fret
パイン王子Pain ŌjiPrince PinePrince Pine
ピーチ姫Pīchi HimePrincess PeachPrincess Peach


Japanese English
Name Rōmaji Translation Name
テレサTeresaTeresaBig Boo
パタクリボーPata KuribōPata KuribōFlying Goomba
パタパタPatapataPatapataKoopa Para Troopa
パラボムPara BomuPara BombPara Bomb
  • Big Boo: This is a normal Boo, based on its Japanese name and the picture used in the manual.
  • Flying Goomba: In Super Mario World, his Japanese name was パタクリ ("Pata Kuri").
  • Koopa Para Troopa: The "Para Troopa" portion is usually "Paratroopa" as one word.
  • Para Bomb: He was called "Parabomb" in SMW.


Japanese English
Name Rōmaji Translation Name
1UPきのこ1UP Kinoko1-Up Mushroom1-Up Mushroom
ビッグコインBiggu KoinBig CoinBig Coin
ファイアーフラワーFaia FurawāFire FlowerFire Flower
パワーアップきのこPowā Appu KinokoPower-up MushroomPower-up Mushroom
スーパースターSūpā SutāSuper StarSuper Star
  • The "Nuts" item is actually the red Berry from Super Mario World. (Kinomi means both "nut" and "berry.")
  • The Clock and Nuts are only used in boss battles.


Japanese English
Name Rōmaji Translation Name
そうげん コースSōgen KōsuGrassland CourseGrass Land
キノコ コースKinoko KōsuMushroom CourseMushroom Land
ドカン コースDokan KōsuPipe CoursePipe Island
かいがん コースKaigan KōsuCoast CourseCrescent Coast
マウンテン コースMaunten KōsuMountain CourseSpirit Mountain
ブリッジ コースBurijji KōsuBridge CourseGrand Bridge
ふゆうじょうⅠ コースFuyūjō Ⅰ KōsuFloat Castle Ⅰ CourseFloat Castle Ⅰ
どうくつ コースDōkutsu KōsuCave CourseCornice Cave
おばけ コースObake KōsuGhost CourseGhost Mansion
ふゆうじょうⅡ コースFuyūjō Ⅱ KōsuFloat Castle Ⅱ CourseFloat Castle Ⅱ
うらうみ コースUraumi KōsuInlet Sea CourseDark Sea
  • Course 12 takes place in Bowser's Castle, but it's not named in the game text.
Special thanks to Chupperson for providing the Japanese manual!