
Author Topic: The Hero's Blood  (Read 19721 times)

« on: April 26, 2003, 10:38:04 PM »
As I mentioned in the "The Prophecy" topic, I have a fanfic of my own to post, well actually the end is not complete and I am decifering it from my sandskrit-ish handwriting. This is also my first story that I have ever posted anywhere so I ask that ya'll be gentle with your resposes. Uhhh... without further ado...

               The Hero's Blood

"When all the light has faded, and all hope seems lost, a single glimmer of light shines through the darkness, and a hero shall emerge."

Prelude to Disaster

    Luigi woke with a slight scream. A disturbing dream of a desolate wasteland that was strangly familiar had woken him. From across the room, Mario uttered something about sleep and began to snore softly.
(By the way, * means a person is thinking:D )

    *That's the third night in a row,* Luigi thought to himself,* I should write this down.*

    Creeping down the stairs, Luigi jumped at a creaking sound. It was the floorboard. *I must still be jumpy from that dream.* He tried to calm down as he entered the kitchen.

    He pulled back the rug to reveal the door to his sanctuary, the basement. Here he kept his diary, containing his most private thoughts, his secret feelings, and most of all, his fears. Flipping through the many pages he finally reached the last entry.* Dear Diary*, he thought as he wrote, * I had that dream again. The one where everything was destroyed and everybody was gone. Tonight, it was somewhat different, as it was ending, an erie echoing voice said the words "Hero's Blood." What does my dream mean? Why am I having this same dream? I am afraid.*

     Those last words he wrote sent a chill down his spine. He went back to bed, but something was amiss. Writing in his diary usually soothed his nerves, but tonight he was gripped by a foreboding feeling that something terrible was going to happen, as those words,"Hero's Blood" echoed through his mind.

So there's the first part of my story, let me know what you think. If you like it, tell me and I'll post more. If you think its flakey, tell me and I'll post anyway. HAHAHA, being in control is sweet.( cricket chirps ) uhhh... anyway this is my story, so I hope you like it.:D

p.s. When I gave my teaser in "The Prophecy" topic, I said hope again instead of light D'oh!

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Edited by - Bluto on 4/26/2003 11:21:28 PM
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2003, 12:09:51 AM »
Sweet!  Another fan fic!

« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2003, 12:35:18 AM »
Yay! My first reply, Now I'll try to be as cosistant as possible with posting but it might be a few days between postings because I have a job and a serious relationship with the most beautiful person in the world( to me anyways), so anyways, I have decided to do some dedications.

To Crystal: For being supportive and putting up with me.

To Dairy King: For pointing out every grammatical mistake I make.

To Sapphira: For inspiring me to finish this story and for giving me the courage(EEK!) to post it.

To Hirocon: For being the first to reply to my topic.

Uhhhh... thats all for now.
More posting soon, I hope.^_^

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2003, 01:12:10 AM »
Bluto, I just finished reading(well.. What I could make out) your story. Wow... Thats one good story. Eee Hee hee!! I love having a brother who is the starter of this! I could spoil everything, but that would just be down right mean-iriffic of me. So.. Stick around and read it! Its really suspenseful! It'll leave you sittin' on the edge of your seat screamin' "OH GOD!! PLEASE HAVE HIM POST THE NEXT PART SOON!!!" Really. (By the way, he didn't pay me to say all those nice things about it.)

I am poetry in motion. You are gibberish in neutral.
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2003, 09:57:15 AM »
You're welcome! Wow! A dedication to me! Thank you! ^_^

Anyway, your story sounds GREAT so far! I'm glad you decided to post it afterall! Please continue!

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2003, 10:02:46 AM »
Hey, this is one great fanfic! Post some more soon.

What is wrong with this guy?
...Besides everything!

« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2003, 11:04:10 AM »
*Squeels in delight* Yes! People like it!, I try to post at least Ch 1 today, my whole family get together on Sundays and me and my older brother usually do something to our cars. Today's task is hook up an Amp and maybe tint the windows(which will make me feel cool ^_^!) Sorry, I was rambling again, so anyhoo, thanks for your support! More to come soon!

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2003, 12:51:37 PM »
Okee Dokee everybody, since everbody so far has showed support and interest, I am more than thrilled to post. I just wish I could retype my handwriting faster.
Ch 1
The Invitation
    Luigi rose from his bed around sunrise being unable to sleep. His dream still playing over and over in his head. He made himself a cup of herbal tea to sip while watching the sunrise. This was one of his favorite moments of the day. From the kitchen window, you could see the sun cast an orange glow around Peach’s castle, then slowly rise over the castle wall to shine its light across the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom.*What a beautiful day it will be.* he thought smiling.
     After the sun had risen, Luigi started to make breakfast.* I wish for once Mario could wake up early enough to help.* He was always the clean one of the brothers. His things were always neat and organized and Mario’s were usually more or less tossed about the house in small piles. *Oh goody, more to clean up*. About this time he heard Mario coming down the stairs.” Good morning Mario, it sure is a nice day, isn’t it?” Luigi waited for response. “ Huh, oh yeah, good morning.” Mario yawned back.
   There was a knock at the door.” Oh boy, can I get it please?” Luigi sarcastically muttered as he opened the door, to find Peach sanding on the front step.
“ Good morning Luigi.”
“Good morning Peach.”
“Peach?” Mario’s ears perked up at the sound of  her name.
He dashed for the doorway nearly knocking Luigi down in the process.
    “Hi Peach!” Mario cheerfully said, sliding to a stop beside Luigi, “You look beautiful as always this morning.” he said gazing into her soft, blue eyes.
    “ Thank you.” she replied, blushing slightly. For a moment they just stood there,they were completely entranced by one another, as if everything else disappeared and they were the only two people in the universe. They were in love, they were happy, and that was all that mattered.
   â€œSo what brings you here?” Luigi asked,  feeling a little left out.
   â€œOh yeah, I almost forgot why I came. I’m having a party this evening to watch tonight’s meteor shower, and I came by to drop off  an invitation for you guys.”
    “We’ll be there Peach, it’ll be great!”
    “You will? Oh Mario, you’re so sweet. Well, I’ll see you tonight.” She gave Mario a little peck on the cheek causing him to blush, waved to Luigi, and was on her way.
    Luigi thought about telling Mario about his dream, but Mario was too excited to listen” I’m gonna get ready right now!” Mario dashed up the stairs to get changed.
    *I’ll just wait until tomorrow to tell him. I don’t want to spoil his day.*  Luigi thought to himself returning to breakfast. He had forgotten about the dream and was thinking about the party. He hoped that Daisy would be there. He smiled as he thought about her. Many times he had talked with her and always had a wonderful time. She had a certain aura of inocence and kindness that he found irresistible He often wanted to express his feelings about her, but he never could build up the courage to do so.* Hopefully I can have the courage tonight.*

Stay tuned for Ch 2 to becoming soon. I'll try to post it as quickly as possible, but I may be limited by work and sleep, if only I could win the lottery.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2003, 01:52:48 PM »
You've done a good job thus far! Seeing this, I am definately going to post my fanfic today. (Or, the first chapter, anyways)

I only see one minor thing you can do to make it better... In my opinion, your chapters are a bit short... Of course, if that's your style, so be it.

Well done thus far! I can't wait to see the continuing of it!

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2003, 02:41:46 PM »
Hey, sounds enticing so far! Keep up the good work and keep posting, too! :)

(Hey, isn't that weird? In "The Prophecy" Luigi makes that same comment when the door rings. Heheh...Poor Luigi, always overlooked.)

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2003, 12:33:39 PM »
Thanks to everybody for reading so far. I know the first couple of chapters are a little short, but the later chapters are more lenghty because there will be more dialouge and action. I tried to work on this more yesterday but that stupid amp I was putting in my car caused us problems all day long. Ugg. I doubt I'll get to post chapter 2 tonight( Ahhh, too many to's in one sentence) but I will most definently tomorrow.

...and if you read this Sapphira, please know that I am dying to read your next chapter. ^_^

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2003, 12:47:07 PM »
I'm working on it... The changes in my last chapter REALLY effect the next one, so it's gonna take a while. I'll try to finish it this week, and hopefully sooner.

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2003, 04:54:25 PM »
Sorry everybody, my life got busy and I will try to get chapter two up tonight.  After you read it, if you feel like it, tell me what you liked or didn't like or what you think will happen. I would rather get 10 people telling me their opinions and clogging up my topic than nobody posting, and leaving me to wonder what everyone thinks. Sorry for delays, must... keep... tying... story!

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2003, 06:27:24 PM »
This was going to be the post but the bad grammer fairy hit me over the head. Had to fix some words that were spelled funni.(he he)

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!

Edited by - Bluto on 4/29/2003 5:33:33 PM
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2003, 06:27:52 PM »
Now, the moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived, CHAPTER 2 !!!( waits for appluase)... sorry, got a little excited.Ahem, anyways, here we go.
Ch 2
An Invitation For Evil
.............................................Peach had finished passing out her invitations and was returning to her castle to see how the decorations were coming along. She let her mind wander as she walked.

*I hope Mario likes the special cake I‘m baking for him. Oh, of course he will. I can just see it now, the sunset, Mario by my side, the meteor shower, then the fireworks. I just hope everything is perfect!*

Not paying attention to what she was doing, Peach dropped an extra invitation she had been carrying on the ground. Not far away, a koopa scout that Bowser had sent to observe the princess noticed the small piece of paper she had dropped. After making sure he was out of Peach’s sight, he quickly grabbed the paper and re-hid himself in the bushes to read the paper.
The invitation read:

   You have been formally invited to a party at my castle to watch the meteor shower tonight. There will dinner, dessert, and a fireworks display after the show. I hope you will attend.

“King Bowser will be most pleased with this,” the koopa exclaimed, ” this could be my ticket into the para-troopa division!”

Back at her castle, Peach started preparing for the party. She made out the list of her invited guests, had her servants put up the decorations, set out the tables and chairs on the patio facing towards Shooting Star Summit, and put place markers on the tables. She had her chefs start preparing the pasta.

“Mario’s favorite, of course,” she told them, and she baked her special cake for him. ”I can’t wait, this is going to be perfect!”

The koopa arrived at Bowser’s Keep, the home of Bowser, king of the koopas. The guards noticed the scout’s uniform and lowered the drawbridge over the moat of lava.
The scout met up with Bowser in the testing grounds he use for his newly developed weapons.

 â€œ My lord, I have something you should see.”

“What is it!?!” yell Bowser, “I am extremely busy, so it better be important!”

The scout, terrified by Bowser’s reaction, handed him the invitation with a shaky hand.
A twisted smirk crossed over his face as the evil dictator read the letter.

“This is the perfect chance to continue my quest to take over the Mushroom Kingdom. Ready my copter, we’ve got a party to attend, and we mustn't be late. Good work scout!”

Bowser began to leave, when the scout spoke up.

“ liege? he managed to stammer out, “ I was w...wondering if you could consider letting me join the para-troopas as reward for my good work.”

Bowser pondered this for a moment, and replied, “For your excellent work, I will make you the captain of the para-troopas...”

The scout was ecstatic.

“...IF..., “

The scout froze. ” If, sire?”

“...if my plan works. If it doesn’t, I’ll feed you to the piranha plants! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!”

*Peach’s party was only a few hours away,* Bowser thought as he prepared for his attack,*and this party is going to have fireworks, one way or another!*

There it is, let me know what you think, give predictions, give thoughts, write away right away(he he,thats sounds the same but is spelt different^_^ )

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!

Edited by - Bluto on 4/29/2003 5:30:05 PM
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2003, 06:27:55 PM »
ARRG! Stupid double post, why can't you be more like double cheese on a pizza.Mmmm. double cheese.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!

Edited by - Bluto on 4/29/2003 5:36:46 PM
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2003, 07:02:51 PM »
I love it!  I can't make nay specific predictions, but perhaps...characters from Zelda will show up?  And the meteor shower will have something to do with their arrival?


  • Inquiring
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2003, 08:40:49 PM »
Heheh...I made a double post too on my story. Very annoying cuz of the length. Anyhoo, it's coming along nicely. :)
I won't make any predictions...yet...

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2003, 09:30:15 PM »
I'm going to make a lot of predictions. Most will be wrong, but whatever. You've done a great job with the story thus far, and I can hardly wait to see what will happen next!

PS: I refuse to say my predictions yet. That is, unless they're right. Heh heh heh...

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2003, 10:27:58 PM »
That's what I *meant*. Of course I make predictions! I do it just about any story (or VG). I meant that I wasn't gonna post them, well, cuz I don't ponder too deeply at the beginning of stories. Once the plot line gets going...

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2003, 01:34:55 PM »
Hooray! Hooray! the kids all say! The month of May starts today! Now that thats out of my system, you should all know that I am currently re-typing chapter 3 and unless I'm kidnapped, stuffed in a giant bag, and buried in a field, I'll have it posted tonight. Soon, the words "Hero's Blood" wiil make sense!

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2003, 03:15:02 PM »
Woohoo! ^_^

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2003, 07:15:48 PM »
ARRG! Yesterday was kind of a disaster. I was about to post my next chapter, but I didn't feel it flowed well, so I ended up going back, changing a few things, and split it up into two different chapters. Then, it started to storm really bad, and the internet kept disconnecting so I couldn't get on long enough to post. So here we go, a day behide.
Chapter 3
The Party Begins

Mario and Luigi walked in silence thought the streets of the Mushroom Kingdom. Luigi had a lot on his mind, wondering about his dream, thinking about Daisy. What Luigi didn’t realize was that Mario had a lot on his mind too.

“Hey Luigi?”

It took him a moment to realize he was being talked to.

“Huh? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about things.” he was trying hard not to bring up his dream to Mario. “What is it?”

“I have something to ask you... something kind of important.”

Now Luigi was intrigued. What could Mario possibly be so serious about. Luigi looked at Mario, with wonder in his eyes.

“Will you be my best man when I get married?”

“Sure Mario, whenever you decide to get married, you can bet I’ll be your best man.” “Why do you ask?”

Mario pulled a small box out of his pocket, ”Because I’m asking Peach if she’ll marry me, tonight.

Luigi was elated. He knew they were in love,  and they would be very happy together.
“Mario, that’s great! I know Peach will say yes! What time are you asking her?”

“Right before the meteor shower starts, I’m going to pull her aside and pop the question. Nothing could possibly ruin it.”

Little did Mario know that he wasn’t the only one with big plans.
Peach’s castle was in Bowser’s sight. The sounds of talking and laughter from the castle’s patio echoed through the evening sky.

“Remember the plan,” Bowser radioed to the para-troopa squad accompanying his clown copter, “we land on the roof, eavesdrop on the party, and when those simpletons are watching the meteor shower, we grab Peach, and make a run for it.”

“Understood, sir!”

Unaware of Bowser’s evil plot, the partygoers were having a great time. Luigi was talking with Daisy, the other guests were mingling, and Mario was finishing his piece of the cake Peach had baked for him.

“Wow Peach, this is the best cake I’ve ever eaten!”

Peach giggled, ”You say that every time I bake a cake.”

“Really, well your cake tastes better every time I eat it.

“Thank you. I’m really looking forward to the meteor shower tonight, aren’t you?”

Mario gulped at those words. He quickly checked his pocket to make sure the ring was still there.

“ Oh yeah, I have a feeling this meteor shower is going to be really special.”

The sky began to fill with stars and everyone was getting ready for the meteor shower. Peach was motioning for Mario to take a seat next to her.

“Hey Peach, can I talk to you real quick?” Mario asked, his voice slightly cracking.

Peach was wondering what could Mario have to say that would warrant privacy. She met him over by the doorway where he was standing. Mario's stomach was full of butterflies. His pace quickened as Peach approached.

*This is it!* Mario though,*One of the most important moments of life!*

Little did he know that Bowser was eavesdropping from the other side of the doorway.

“Peach,” he began, taking her hand in his, “we’ve been through a lot together and we have gotten to know each other really well, and I can honestly say that not a minute goes by that I don’t think about you. I love more than words can say.

“Oh Mario, I love you too. I fell in love with you the day we met. You mean everything to me.

The red-clad plumber gathered up all his courage, took the small box out, and knelt, his heart beating a mile a minute.

“Peach, will you marry me?”

He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

Peach gasped, her heart skipping a beat. She stood staring at him for a moment, her eyes welling up with tears of joy.

“Of course I’ll marry you.”

Mario slowly put the ring on her delicate finger, and they embraced, tears of joy and love streaming down their faces.

Everybody began to cheer, for they had been watching the entire time. It was a very joyous event for everybody...

 except for one.

“Marriage!?!” Bowser yelled.

“Sir, your voice, we’ll be discovered!” his troops whispered.

Bowser made a threatening gesture towards the koopa but forced himself to calm down, he decided to wait it out, and play out his plan by ear.

That's all for now.The next chapter should explain "Hero's Blood", I promise. Let me know your thoughts, predictions, concerns, anything, at all.
P.S. Don't worry, I wasn't kidnapped, stuffed in a big bag, and burried alive like my post from yesterday suggested I would be.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!

Edited by - Bluto on 5/2/2003 7:01:21 PM
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2003, 09:20:55 AM »
Uhhhh... did anybody read the last chapter yet? I didn't get to work chapter 4 yesterday because I went to and saw "X2" it was cool. I'll try to get chapter 4 up tonight. Who knows what will happen next! Bwa ha ha ha ha... uhhh...

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2003, 11:42:00 PM »
I'm reading. Sorry, I've been gone so I didn't get a chance to read this chapter 'til now. I really like it so far.
It's interesting the number of parallels it has with the beginning of my story. I'd like to see what you end up doing with it. Anyway, please continue. :)

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2003, 01:28:51 PM »
Yay! Hey! I know Sapphira was gone this weekend, but where was everybody else.(sighs) I guess nobody else likes me. I'm just kiddin' :D . Anyway, hopefully chapter 4 for tomorrow.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2003, 02:55:49 PM »
Hey great story so far Bluto. Why don't you post the next chapter now, it's been 10 days!

What is wrong with this guy?
...Besides everything!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2003, 03:25:31 PM »
That's easier said than done, believe me. It's been 10 days since *I* posted a chapter in my story, too. It takes a long time to get all that writing typed, edited, revised, and then posted.
...Just one... more... scene left... until... Ch 13... ready... Need... more... time...

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


  • Inquiring
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2003, 06:03:39 PM »
Heheh...No wait, it's been *14* days... 10 days since anyone's replied. Heheheh... Almost half a month. Wow. I'm in trouble... x_x

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.

Edited by - Sapphira on 5/15/2003 5:04:17 PM
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2003, 08:03:52 PM »
Yea, come on guys! The longest time -I- spent between chapters is only 6 days! I mean... come on! I'm still waiting...

(And yes, I'm still reading.)

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2003, 08:11:51 PM »
I'm almost finished with that chapter, okay?! Ahhhhhhh!! I want to work on it right now!! Noooo!! Why does my dad have to watch TV in the same room I'm in!! ...Well, next to, but still, he's sitting only about 8 feet away from me!! Agh! I can't work on it when anyone's in the same room as me. NO ONE CAN KNOW ABOUT IT!! (I'm very secretive.)

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2003, 10:50:26 PM »
Hello everybody. As you may or may not have noticed, I haven't been to the forums for awhile and I thought I should do some explaining. The weather has been pretty crappy the past couple of weeks, and when the weather is bad, my computer can't connect to the internet. When the weather finnaly cleared up, a friend of mine had a bad car accident, was hurt kinda bad but will make a full recovery, so I spent most of my free time with them(name not given do to my friends request). On top of all that, I am just now getting over a severe bout with a head cold. My ears and sinuses were all stoped up and I temporarly lost my ability to hear( because my ears were stopped up). Now I'm back, and hopefully will be back to posting fairly regularly.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2003, 10:53:26 PM »
Yay! Bluto's back! I was wondering where you were. Well, I hope you feel better and your friend's all right from the accident. BTW, CH 13's up now in "The Prophecy." Thought you, being my biggest fan, would like to know. :)

If things don’t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2003, 11:53:11 PM »
Yay! Somebody missed me! Also, chapter 13 in "The Prophecy" is up. As luck would have it, Chapter 4 of "The Hero's Blood" is also up, that is if you look down further in this post. HA HA HA HA( crickets stop chirping because that joke was so lame) Anyhoo, without further ado( he he, that rhymes)

Chapter 4
Answers From the Sky

After a few minutes of celebrating, the party guests took their seats on the lawn to watch the meteor shower. Luigi and Daisy shared a blanket next to Mario and Peach, who were holding each other’s hand as they thought about just how perfect their lives were right now.

Bowser stood at the doorway, fuming, watching Mario and Peach.

*I can’t kidnap Peach with Mario clinging on to her like that. I doubt I can even get them apart at all tonight. If only he hadn’t propose, Peach could be in my possession right now! ARRG!* A plume of smoke puffed from his nostrils.*I’ll have to return later, when I know Peach will be alone.*

“Troops!” Bowser called his men’s attention, “We’ll return later, after the...”

Bowser trailed off, because he could hear a loud rumbling sound coming fast from the sky. Bowser looked out the doorway in time to see a meteor fly overhead, nearly taking off one of the castle’s towers. It hit the ground at the base of Shooting Star Summit with a tremendous explosion, sending the partygoers into a panic.

*That was close!* thought Bowser as he crept closer behind a bush. He wanted a closer look.

The crater formed from the meteor crash had an odd aura about it. It had a strange glow coming from it. It was as though the meteor was burning, but no steam or smoke rose from the impact sight. Mario, especially, was intrigued by this.

Everybody went over to investigate, and they found a wondrous sight. The meteorite had the perfect shape of a star, and it glowed with a brilliant golden light. Everyone was dumbfounded.

“I know what this is.” Merlon spoke all of a sudden.

“Tells us Merlon, if you would be so kind.” Peach said.

“Well,” he began, “over a thousand years ago, a star know as The Wishing Star fell to the ground during a meteor shower. It was said that whoever was closest to the wishing star when the meteor shower occurred, they would have their wish granted. Unlike regular stars though, this star could grant any wish no matter how big or outrageous it was. This was all well and good except that extremely evil, sinister wishes could be granted as well. One such event occurred. A terrible, evil tyrant wished to rule the entire world. Over the next 5 years, terrible battles were fought and many innocent people were enslaved or killed. Great cities were left in ruins. During all of this, a small group worked on an underground resistance campaign to end the evil rule.” Merlon looked directly at Luigi, “I believe your dreams have something to do with this, Luigi.”

Luigi was flabbergasted. ”How did you know about my dreams?” he asked in a worried voice.

“I have my ways.” Merlon said slyly. “Near the date of the next meteor shower, it was discovered that the tyrant was planning to wish for the world to be destroyed. The resistance grouped seized this opportunity to stop the evil plan from taking place. They found the Wishing Star and defended it against the onslaught of the tyrant’s army until the meteor shower occurred. The Wishing Star asked for the wish, and it was the leader of the resistance that was closest to the star. The leader asked that the star’s power be sealed and could only be unlocked by someone that would use the power only for good. The star said that its power would be locked away, and could only be unlocked by one born of Hero’s Blood, who were the only people pure enough to make wishes only for good purposes, but when unlocked, anybody could use the stars power, no matter how evil the wish was. The only way to reseal the star’s power was for someone else, also born of Hero’s Blood, to wish for the power to be sealed again.

Luigi was still puzzled. “So what does that have to do with my dream?”

“Don’t you see Luigi?” Merlon replied, ”The words “Hero’s Blood” refer to you, and Mario. Nothing happens by accident. You and Mario were destined to come to the Mushroom Kingdom and stop Bowser from taking over because you have within you the blood of heroes. The star’s power can only be unlocked by you two, or your children, if you decide to have them.

Mario pondered the words Merlon had just spoken, when a particular thought crossed his mind. ”We could wish for Bowser to stop trying to kidnap the princess. Let’s go make the wish right now!” he said running to the glowing star.

Merlon chuckled softly, ”Mario, the wish can’t be made for another five years, when the meteor shower happens again.

“Oh yeah,” Mario said, a little embarrassed.” Anyway, since this is a very special occasion, let’s just watch the fireworks, and enjoy the rest of the evening!”

*That kinda clears up some of my dream, but what about the wasteland from my dream?* Luigi thought to himself. Something was still amiss, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

Still behind the bushes, Bowser was also thinking.*I’ll just have to wait another five years, but how will I get one of those Mario clods to unlock the star’s power without ending my chances to take over. Arrg! Why must everything be so difficult. ” It’s time to leave troops.” he radioed to them, “ We will return when I have a new plan.”

So, whacha think gonna happen? Give me thought, predictions, yadda yadda yadda...
I'm so glad to be back! ^_^

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!

Edited by - Bluto on 5/16/2003 10:56:47 PM
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2003, 12:01:10 AM »
Intriguing! ...You got ME hooked. :)

If things don’t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2003, 01:32:40 PM »
Does anybody else besides Sapphira read this story? If so, feel free to say something about it. I feel so unloved :(

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2003, 01:54:05 PM »
Hmm...I haven't seen Hirocon in a while. I saw Insane Steve maybe once. I don't know Dr. Mario's excuse, though; he was here several times today.  Hmm...maybe they don't know you posted the next chapter. Try mentioning it in popular-random topic spots, like the Mario Bar. That's what I've done. ^_^

Deep inside us all is a little green elf telling us to burn things.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2003, 06:58:39 PM »
I'm here.

I like the story so far, Bluto. I did have to read chapter 4 a few times to fully understand it though.

What is wrong with this guy?
...Besides everything!

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2003, 07:04:58 PM »
Nicely done. Yes, I was reading, and waiting to CH 4. It's very well done. Although... to make predictions, I need to know the number of chapters.

And... Should I post another (Completely unrelated to the last one) fanfic in a couple months when I come up with it? I have a (VERY) vague plot. Should I continue with it?

(Actually, I should have asked that on my story's thread. Ah well. That story's over.)

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.

« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2003, 07:26:06 PM »
Ahh. Thats what I like to see, responses from my readers. I would disclose the number of chapters but my story has some big changes in the plot so I not sure exactly how many chapters there will be. My ideas came to me while I was at work so I slacked off in my working duties so I could write them down(ha ha, I still got paid for it).
Oh yeah, Blutofucious say post all fanfics, for they be very popular.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!


  • Score
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2003, 05:18:40 PM »
Good story, man. You know, I'm writng my own fanfic.  I posted 4 chapters yesterday alone.
It's called "The fight for Freedom." Anyway, this is a really good story.

"You can''t kill a real American hero, you rube!
--Zok the Alien, my original character.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


  • Score
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2003, 07:31:54 PM »
Bluto, you think you've got reader problems?
I don't have any readers! (At least none that are posting.)  Sapphira said she checked it out, but that was just chapter 1.  For anyone who's interested, chapters 2 and 3 are now up.

"You can''t kill a real American hero, you rube!
--Zok the Alien, my original character.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2003, 09:40:19 PM »
I am having more problems with finding time to update my story and visit these forums. I have been helping my brother get the Bluto comics finished for our website. The link is in my profile. It isn't much yet but give it some time. Anyhoo I'll try to post chapter 5 ASAP.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #43 on: June 09, 2003, 07:44:37 PM »
Uhhh... sorry nothing new to post yet. Summer time is already gettin' busy for me so I don't know when I'll get to post. I promise, swear to god I'll get to it, I just didn't want my topic to go stale like an old cookie.

Spill the blood of the innocent!!! Then clean it before it makes a mess!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2003, 12:18:27 PM »
#1 Well I'm reviving this.
#2 I'm gonna PM Bluto and ask him to finish this up.

« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2003, 08:47:21 PM »
Don't worry. If worst comes to worst, I'll start posting his story! Bluto's been working all summer practically.(7:30a.m.-4:00p.m. Every weekday, and the rest is spent with his girl friend.)
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.

« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2003, 08:52:22 PM »
Hi. I didn't realize that people still wanted to read my story. Like DK said, I've been bustin' my hump all summer long workin' and visiting my GF so I don't get on the computer much. I'll try to get back to it soon. Please don't hate me 'cause I'm a busy little boy.

Like a sponge, thirsty I am!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #47 on: August 19, 2003, 12:49:03 PM »
Right from the start, this story seems allright. Can't quite say it's one of the best, but...Hey, I've read a LOT of Fan Fiction, now, and I'm not expecting anyone on this forum to be a master of writing. Yes, it's good, I'll gladly tell ya that much. Let's see...

Crystal, huh? Hey...The love of my life is named Crystal, too...Too bad she already has a boyfriend and doesn't seem to care about me as much as I do her, bla...Ahem. But if it's meant to be, it's meant to be, so I'll just be patient and...!!!

Oh, sorry! '^_^ Anyway, this stuff is pretty good. Can't quite criticize or compliment, because I read it LAST NIGHT, and don't quite remember anything in particular I was gonna tell ya about the style, etc. Anyway, just don'ty let periods of four years pass and have the Mario Bros. do diddly squat, all right? (poking at Sapphira, :P) Well...

Hm...Hey, I have an idea. Since other people have done it numerous times...Let's see...What do we want...? Action? OK. Here's the last action scene I typed. Just a shameless advertising, persay. Feel free to do it on my fic. Sorry if it offend you, but I've seen a lot of people do it, and nobody gets mad...Soooo...


"And in this corner," boomed Jim. "We have the Turtle of Treachery, the Vile Reptile, the King of Koopas himself...We have BOOOWWWWSERRRR!!!"
There was a drastic opposition of cheers and boos from the crowd as Bowser gazed at them all, suddenly feeling overcome with adrenaline.

On the opposite side, another platform was on its way up. As it rose, the man on it scratched his mustache lazily. He pinched the brim of his hat and lowered it slightly. And he smiled in a cool and collected fashion. His eyes- those blue jewels- radiated out seriousness and the burning desire to win this one. Mario was not normally like this, but...This was BOWSER, and, after all, he did have a reputation to keep when it came to fighting THIS guy.

"And in this corner we have him..." Larry shouted. "The Mushroom Monster, the Fireflower of Death, the Big Bob-Omb...We have MAAARRRRIIOOOOO!!!"

As Mario's tan boots clopped onto the green floor, he bobbed his head a little, his eyes hidden from hsi hat. The reaction from the audience was an even greater intensity of cheering competition. Even louder cheers than for Bowser, yes- but even louder boo's as well.

Bowser snorted at the red-garbed warrior as Mario crossed his arms over his chest. He slowly raised his head to stare down his 'arch enemy' with a confident smirk. Arch enemy, however, being a VERY bad word for it. Mario and Bowser...could be called enemies, but...They weren't, really. Just..rivals. Bowser wasn't really there to take over the world, he just...liked to stir up trouble. And Mario? Well, Mario liked a challenge. he liked competition. He enjoyed the rivalry. In mario's words: "The best way to know a person is to fight them." And Mario had fought Bowser countless times. He knew. He knew that at heart, Bowser was really a good guy in a messed up world. It was moments like this that Mario lived for. And moments like this that Bowser always looked forward to- only to regret shortly afterward.

"To a good match!" Mario shouted out, his voice cutting through the cheers and cries. His gloved hand was raised, and a thumbs-up was signed.

Bowser returned his smirk and gave his sign back to him. "To a good match!" he growled, sounding a bit unbecoming of himself.

"Three..." said the speakers.

Their eyes locked onto eachother, both sets sparkling on fire.


A drop of sweat ran down the back of Mario's neck, and Bowser swallowed roughly.


This was it...They both hunched over slightly, prepared to attack, and...


Both of their bodies sprung into action like rockets as they dashed madly at one another, their eyes still interlocked. It had begun.


There. Jus' a little appetizer. Wait...I actually didn't write any action into that part. Bah. If you want to see the whole battle...Read it.

Anyway, at least you give Luigi some well-deserved attention. I mean, I've always liked Mario MORE, but Luigi deserves some credit, too, of course. Always overlooked...:(

What happens when the universe is sent outta whack, Bowser is kicked out of his keep, and some of the most powerful and well-known villains of all gaming history combine forces?! A mighty War breaks out, that's what!

Ahem. Errr...Basically what I'm asking, is whether or not you'll read MY fic. Here is a promise I can make to everyone and anyone. If you read my fic and reply on a regular basis, (and let me know you want me to) I will gladly oblige and do the same thing in return as often as I can. ;)
Anyway, let's see what this fic has in store for me next...Shall we?

(MAN, these forums are SOOO SLOOOWWW! Sonic the Hedgehog would be barfing so bad...Anyway, just wanted to let ya know I'm pretty much caught up, and it looks like you're taking Sapphira's approach- but hopefully off in another direction.)

Your World, my World...What''s the difference? There is none. Our worlds are all connected by the same sky...The same Destiny...It''s beginning...A War...But when the time comes, whose side will you be on? And whose side will Fate favor?
Only time will tell...Time is of the essence...Your Quest for Destiny is underway, my friend...But will you find the path that suits you within the chaos of War...?

Edited by - Destiny Smasher on 8/22/2003 9:40:20 AM

« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2003, 11:58:15 PM »
HOLY CRAP!!! I am finally back in business!  Let's just say that certain things in life were preventing me from writing and posting more. I'm not dead, by the way, although I haven't been here in a few months. I know that I just kinda abruptly stopped coming here all together so I would just like to say, I'm sorry. Really sorry. Really really sorry. You get the picture. Anyhoo, I've been working overtime on this story so I'll have some new chapters for you to read over the next couple of days. Also, I have a new e-mail address, so I'll be posting under the name: Vash_the_Stampede. Cool huh? So goodbye to Bluto for now, perhaps we'll see you again.

Like a sponge, thirsty I am!
Like a sponge, thirsty I am!

« Reply #49 on: October 18, 2003, 02:50:15 AM »
As promised, I have the next chapter ready to go up. If something sounds funny in it, give me a break. Its like 4:30 AM my time. So without further ado:
   Chapter 5
   Time Rolls On
Time had passed by in the Mushroom Kingdom and things had remained relatively peaceful. In fact, things seemed to be going great for a change. Bowser had not been heard from since the meteor shower, the princess was getting married to Mario which also meant they were to become king and queen of the kingdom, and Luigi and Daisy were also becoming closer as a couple. Things were indeed going swell for the kingdom.

Bowser, however, was miserable.  His campaign to take over the Mushroom Kingdom had come to a complete stop. He knew that with Mario as her husband, Peach would never be vulnerable for kidnapping.

*Maybe I should just give up.* Bowser thought to himself, *It might not be so bad getting along with everyone. After all, we could play golf... or something...*

“ARRG! What am I talking about!” he roared to himself. “ The situation will present itself, I just have to keep an eye out and be patient.” He forced himself to calm down. “I hope my scouts will bring me good news.”

At that very same moment, Peach was getting her medical test results back from the doctor at her annual check, and not all of the results were good. It seemed that due to a genetic anomaly, Peach would only be able to have one child in her lifetime. She was devastated by the news. She was an only child, and every night, wished that she could have a brother or sister to play with. It was her life ambition to raise a large family.

She struggled to maintain her composure.

 â€Are you absolutely sure that I can only have one child? Isn‘t there anything you can do?” she ask, her eyes full of tears.
“I wish I could help, but I’m sorry, there is nothing I can do to change it.” the doctor sadly replied.

Peach thanked the doctor for his help, and slowly walked back to her castle, felling very amiss about what the doctor told her. Unknown to her, a koopa scout had listened to her discussion with the doctor. He scampered back to Bowser’s keep to tell the tyrannical turtle the news.

Meanwhile, Daisy and Luigi were also headed back to the castle. They had been at the bridal shop being fitted for the wedding. Luigi, of course, was Mario’s best man and Daisy was to be Peach’s maid of honor. Luigi listened as Daisy talked, but his mind began to wander. He thought about his recurring dream about “Hero’s Blood” that woke him up almost every night.

*Why does it still occur? Was there more to it then Merlon explained?*

His thoughts then shifted to the love of his life, Daisy. He thought about how beautiful she looked in her gown earlier, and how much he wished he could express his love to her.

“Luigi, are you even listening to me?” Daisy asked.

“Wha... huh? Luigi stammered. “Sorry, Daisy, I just got a lot I mind. What were you saying?”

“ I said”, she began again, “do you think the weather will be okay for the wedding?”

“I’m sure it will be perfect” he replied. A sudden thought popped into his head.

*The wedding! That’s when I can do it! I’ll ask Daisy to marry me. After all, what could be more romantic than a wedding. I hope I can build up the courage to ask her.*

It was nearing sunset as they entered the walls of the castle. Daisy took Luigi by the hand and led him to a balcony. Luigi was very nervous but tried to remain calm.

“I want to watch to sunset with you.” she said, leaning closer to him.

“I’d like that.” he gulped.

The two of them stared in awe as the kingdom took on a golden glow from the setting sun. It was if all the kingdom was aglow with happiness. Everybody felt as though they were entering a golden era of peace and tranquility...

Sadly, they would soon find out how entirely wrong they were.

OOOOOOOOOOoooooo... sound like stuff might start going downhill. Tell me what ya think. Now, I'm gonna get some sleep.( If you haven't figured it out by now, I used to be Bluto)
P.S. If you want, you can just call me Vash for short.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you have to be careful."
-Vash the Stampede

Edited by - Vash_the_Stampede on 10/18/2003 1:52:36 AM
Who am I? I''m a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, tucked inside an enigma, neatly stacked inside a puzzle, located somewhere inside a conundrum. And now you know.

« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2003, 12:20:59 PM »
Alas, I am saddened. Nobody has responded to the new chapter. If you read it give me some input.

Who am I? I''m a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, tucked inside an enigma, neatly stacked inside a puzzle, located somewhere inside a conundrum. And now you know.
Who am I? I''m a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, tucked inside an enigma, neatly stacked inside a puzzle, located somewhere inside a conundrum. And now you know.


  • Normal
« Reply #51 on: October 19, 2003, 01:21:33 PM »
I read it and it's good, and everyone else said it was good in some other topic...

Luigi likes to flirt in his backwards shirt!  Yay!
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2003, 01:36:57 PM »
Well, they should come here and tell me because I usually only go into a few topics.

Who am I? I''m a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, tucked inside an enigma, neatly stacked inside a puzzle, located somewhere inside a conundrum. And now you know.
Who am I? I''m a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, tucked inside an enigma, neatly stacked inside a puzzle, located somewhere inside a conundrum. And now you know.

« Reply #53 on: December 24, 2003, 05:40:12 AM »
I read it and I really like how you plan everything a head of time so it makes you think about it more. This is one of the better stories I've heard and you're story and two other stories in the Story Boards are at the top of my list.

A Bob-Ombs Life Is Short And Explosive.
I like jumping through pictures, vaccuuming ghosts and running around squirting stuff with a water pump.


  • Score
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2004, 05:03:28 PM »
All I want to know is when he will continue the story.

And now you know, the rest of the story.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.
