
Author Topic: The Mushroom Kingdom (Phase 58)  (Read 47023 times)

« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2010, 08:59:27 PM »
Please take my word, I had problems to deal with. But these problems are now gone! Sorry, again! I am really annoying! I know! It's okay if you have no faith in me! I shall try to continue my efforts on this story! Now for writing, and less exclamation marks!

                                                                                       PHASE 36
                                                                                      Lies and Tea

                                                         (As the dark clouds gather closer, and closer, the sky starts to shoot out bursts of light. Soon afterwards, the rain begins. Soon, the roads of Koopa City are wet, and slick with the falling rain. But the rain is not the only liquid spreading over the deserted road. With a quick slash, Malpix shreds through a Koopa. Its head falls off, and, in a twisted sense, comically rolls down a small incline in the road. Malpix continues on his way, dodging through abandoned roads and alleyways. With another burst of lightning and thunder, Malpix grins. The force beyond light and darkness had come…and it was Malpix…)

(Far, far to the east…)

Wes: You don’t know where his house is, do you?

Celistar: I think it's in the Almoth Plains...

Wes: That’s GREAT. The Almoth Plains are only about 100 miles north of here.

Jonas: Erm…Wes…that’s not good at all, in my opinion.

Wes: I’m being SARCASTIC. I’m being sarcastic, because this is utterly-

Celistar: Wes.

Wes: What?

Celistar: I’m not annoyed yet, but you wanted to come on this trip. So you shouldn’t complain.

Wes: …

Celistar: Anyway…there’s no way we can head north now. We’ll have to…continue to the east…through the Melkor Hills…

Jonas: But Cel…we’re heading into the Sub-Conian Jungles, and-

Cel: I know! I know! But…I’ve thought of something.
Wes: What?

Celistar: That professor…E. Gadd…he lives near here....not in the Almoths... He helped my dad and my uncl…my dad countless times. He’ll help.

Wes: He’s still alive?

Cel: Yes. He hasn’t done anything important recently, but…

Jonas: I think I, erm, see his house!

Celistar: Yeah, that’s definitely his house.

(Professor E. Gadds house is a giant version of his head. Wes scowls)

Wes: You’ve got to be kidding.

Cel: He might have some issues, but he can definitely help.

Jonas: Erm…

(After a few minutes of walking, they reach the house. Cel knocks on the door.)

E. Gadd: I’m coming, just wait a- Agh!

(Loud crashing sounds come from inside. Wes facepalms. A few seconds later, the door slams open, nearly smacking Jonas in the face. He falls back a little and lands on his back. E.Gadd pulls the door back, and peers at the trio suspiciously.)

E.Gadd: Who’re you?

(Jonas gets up with a groan, and brushes off the dust.)

Celistar: Hi…E.Gadd? It’s me…Cel…

(E.Gadd opens the door a little bit more, and gasps.)

E.Gadd: Why…it is you Cel! It’s been so long. And…who are your…friends?

Cel: This is Wes…and this is Jonas…we’re kind of on a journey…

E.Gadd: So you are! I must say, my house is quite far out in the wilderness. Come inside!

(Everyone comes inside, and takes off their backpacks. Wes collapses into a chair. Jonas stands awkwardly in a corner. E.Gadd goes into a small kitchen.)

E.Gadd: Anyone like some tea?

Wes: YES.

Jonas: Erm, no thank you.

Cel: No…Wes, you like tea?

Wes: Yeah. It’s…an old favorite of mine.

(There’s a moment of silence, before E.Gadd comes in with a tray. Despite Cel’s and Jonas’s replies, he still brings two extra cups. Jonas nervously takes a cup. Cel smiles, but still refuses tea.)

E.Gadd: Now then, I have to ask…is everything okay over at the castle?

Cel: Yes...why do you ask?

E.Gadd: Well, I haven’t heard a lot from the castle, and last I heard, there was some odd trouble at the castle…

Cel: No...everything’s fine.

(Wes coughs loudly. Cel glares over at him.)

E.Gadd: Oh. Okay. After what happened with Mario, I was worried about you and Peach…how is she.

Cel: Just…great. As I said. But, um, professor, we need some supplies…we’re on a journey to the east.

E.Gadd: Are you going…to Sub-Con? You’ll have to pass through the Shivering Mountains…and later, through the sweltering jungles. Why, the only peace you’ll find in that land is the Otapuku Meadows…oh, er sorry. (He looks over at Jonas.)

Jonas: It’s…erm…okay. It’s a troubled land, I can’t disagree.

E.Gadd: Yes…I’ve heard of the recent political troubles over there. …May I ask why you are going there?

Cel: …Well, for multiple reasons, but mostly, as you said, there are problems over there. My…ah…friend here, has asked me to help, and I actually, I kind of needed to leave the castle for a little bit.

E.Gadd: Hmm…I know you are Mario’s daughter, but are you sure that-

Cel: Yes.

Wes: Really, don’t doubt her. You wouldn’t believe-

E.Gadd: Hmm…I don’t know what I would or would not believe anymore. Why, I swear someone else lives in this house. Every time I go into my library, I find more and more of my books either gone or with pages ripped out. It’s rather disturbing…

(Another moment of silence follows.)

E.Gadd: Aye, well, you’ll want to stay the night. We can discuss this tomorrow. For now, you should take your time, and relax.

Cel: Thank you very much professor.

(Night soon comes, and all is quiet in the southeastern Staph Fields. Soon, however, the peaceful night would soon become chaotic…)

                                                     TO BE CONTINUED
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 12:22:22 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #46 on: June 17, 2010, 09:57:31 PM »
People read this?

« Reply #47 on: June 17, 2010, 10:02:12 PM »
People read this?

Nintendoobsessed, you are inspirational. I can only hope this story won't fall like Mario's Crowbar did.

« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2010, 10:10:40 PM »
I'm having an extreme case of deja vu.. Wasn't there a discussion just like this in the first few pages?

Anyway, I read it (or I did before the story was stopped on temporary hiatus).
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??

« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2010, 12:07:04 PM »
                                                                  PHASE 37
                                                            Night of the Library

                                                           (1:00. 1:01. 1:02. Wes can’t sleep. He stares at the small clock. The evening had been uneventful. Cel had come out of E.Gadd’s workplace with an odd, somber look on her face. After that, E.Gadd led them to dusty guest rooms. Wes had fallen asleep for a few hours…and now was awake again, watching the clock. It seemed like Cel had really accepted his apology…or maybe not. She barely talked to him at all. Wes’s sleepless thoughts could have lasted for hours, maybe even the whole night, had the bookcase not fallen over. A loud CRASH, followed by a festivity of curses, coming from the library. This is my problem, isn’t it? Wes thought, as he slowly opened the door…and staring Jonas face-to-face. …Or face-to-mask…)

Wes: Gah! What are you doing? You…scared me.

Jonas: Erm…I’m sorry. I was going to see if you were awake…

Wes: Of course I’m awake! I don’t think anyone could be asleep after-

Jonas: Actually…Cel’s still asleep. And there are loud snoring sounds from the…erm…doctor…

Wes: …They’re asleep?

Jonas: Yes…and Cel wouldn’t wake up! I shook her a few times…

Wes: Ughhh…there’s something really bad about this, and we have to deal with it, don’t we?

Jonas: Erm…yes.

Wes: Alright, let’s go. (Sigh)

Jonas: Erm.

(The two leave the hallway, and then enter through another door…messily marked “LIBRARY”.  They slowly open a door…to a completely dark room.)

Wes: (Whispering) Alright…there’s got to be a lightswitch-AGH!

(Wes trips over the fallen bookcase. A obnoxious laugh issues deeper from the darkness.)

Wes: Son of a-Who’s there?

(More laughter. A book comes flying from the darkness, and flies at Jonas. He moves at the last second, and smacks him in the side of the face. More laughter.)

Jonas: Erm…there has got to be a light switch somewhere…

Wes: You find the switch, I’m going to find this creep…


(More books come flying from the darkness. Wes is quicker then Jonas, so he dodges two of them. The third hits his leg…a dictionary. Wes falls over again.)

Wes: Grr…stop throwing books, come out here! You cheap b-

(A bookcase starts to fall over. Wes barely rolls away. Another loud crash issues out, accompanied by loud, mocking laughter. Wes angrily gets up.)

Wes: That’s it…JONAS! Find the [darn] switch!

Jonas: Erm…I don’t think there IS a switch…there’s a lamp…

Wes: We don’t have time to light it…I don’t want to, but…

(Wes sticks out a hand and a bright light issues forth. It covers about the same area as a lamp. In front of Wes is the fallen bookcase. Ahead are more bookcases…and the laughter.)

Wes: I’m coming you laughing idiot. I’m coming for you.


Wes: Stupid…

(More books come flying out of nowhere. Wes dodges them with simple ease.)

Jonas: Erm…Wes? Where’d that light come from?

Wes: (Calling back) I found a lamp…stay there…

(A book almost streaks Wes in the face, as he’s turned away. Wes turns back, glaring.)

Wes: Don’t worry. I didn’t forget about you.

(Passing the bookshelves, a book flies by from a corner. Wes turns. A chase begins, with the books constantly changing angle. Finally, Wes comes face to face with a wall.)

Wes: WHAT? No…you’ve got to be kidding…

(A round form materializes out of the air. It has a leering, crooked face…a Boo.)

Boo: Hee hee. You’re pretty persistent. But I could have escaped you at any time.

Wes: A…Boo?!? What are you…?

Boo: I was a spy for the Koopa royal family…but last I checked, the Koopa Kingdoms in chaos, and there are no rulers…so I’m living my own life now. Messing with this old man…

Wes: Why don’t you do something more worthwhile? Surely there are better haunts then an old man’s library…

Boo: Hee hee hah! You’re right. He’s an old man. His times almost up. And this’ll be my own  haunt! Hee hee-

(The Boo notices the light coming from Wes’s hand. It’s laughter abruptly stops.)

Boo: You…are one of them?!

Wes: By ability only.

Boo: So they aren’t all gone…I will leave for you, great one...but once he’s dead, this place is mine.

Wes: Fine…(I don’t think I can convince him to do anything else…) Did you put Cel to sleep?

Boo: Hee hee…yes. I guess it didn’t affect you, great one, for the obvious reasons, but it is only temporary. They will awaken by dawn. I will tell you something else as well, great one…of the papers and books I have stolen from here…let’s just say that if the Koopa royal family rises again…above the odds…hee hee hee…it will be a terrible day for the world. Goodbye.

Wes: Wait! Are you…the one who gave the information on the…weapon…to the Kingdom?

(A moment of silence follows. And then the Boo laughs.)

Boo: Depends on what weapon, great one. If you speak of the weapon that killed that fool Mario…no. I didn’t. No one does. After he came, he left. And last I heard, any attempts to contact him failed.

Wes: So it is a man?

Boo: …Maybe, maybe not. No one knows. He was covered by a cloak the whole time. The voice suggested male…but…who knows? Goodbye, great one! Hee hee hee!

(The Boo evaporates into the air. The light in Wes’s hand slowly goes out, and the darkness surrounds Wes.)

Wes: Great one...please, no…

                                            TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #50 on: June 19, 2010, 01:15:05 PM »
                                                                  PHASE 38
                                                            Under the Quiet Night

                                                           (3:30 in the morning. The Distihia, one of the five main groups vying for the leadership of the Koopa Kingdom-are having a secret meeting…)

Varkas: We call this meeting to order…is everyone here? Taja?

Taja: Yes.

Varkas: Marse?

Marse: Yes.

Varkas: Speckian?

Speckian: …Yes…

Varkas: Good. Now, Marse…tell me…why does that idiot prince and his brother still hold the castle?

Marse: Well…I would say…that certain peoples...have been unsuccessful in…penetrating the castle defences…

Varkas: And WHAT are these defences?

Marse: A…certain…weapon.

Varkas: I see. And I assume we all know WHAT this weapon is?

(Everyone nods.)

Varkas: This meeting is being held on how to get into the castle. I believe we may assume that we…the Distihia…are the most powerful party left among the ruins of the royal family…and that we have the greatest chance of taking over the castle, and becoming the rulers of the Koopa Kingdom. Therefore…it is up to us to collapse the castle defences. Taja. Give us the advance report.

Taja: Amazingly, the two fools holding the castle have defended the castle with their specialized weapons. Only one attempt was made on the castle, by the Chaeka group, but the hundred or so army was shot down. I personally believe it would be impossible for only the two of them to be in the castle, no matter how special their weapon is.

Varkas: Obviously, we cannot take the castle straight-on. This is where we bring in our new friend…Speckian.

Speckian: Yes. I know several ways into the castle, after my years of working for the royal family. I would have to say that the best way in is through the eastern passage…in the Marakas Forest. It is an old passage, meant to be an old escape route from the castle. However, I believe we can use it to sneak in. I do not know how they have their defenses set up, but with a attack at night, and through the passage, the princeling will be in a great deal of trouble.

Varkas: Excellent. Marse, write it down. We attack in five days. The castle-holders will have no chance. Before long, the Distihia will rule the castle…and before long, the Forever Forest. Once we rule the Forever Forest, and the southern Disputed Lands, we will have more territory then the Mushroom Kingdom.

Marse: Do not forget, sir, we must obtain the weapon…

Varkas: I would never forget.

Speckian: One last question, my…leader. When we storm the castle…do we kill the last of the family?

Varkas: It depends. If they yield, they will become our prisoners. If not…we obtain their heads. Anyone else in the castle, we kill without thought. …Servant! I require a servent!

(A Koopa in shabby clothes comes in. He looks like he has lost everything.)

Varkas: Come over here.

(The Koopa stumbles over. Varkas looks him straight in the face. After a second, the veins in the servants eyes pop out, in a gruesome fashion. And then…his entire head. Speckian nearly falls out of his chair as the bits of gore fly everywhere. A large chunk lands right in front of Taja. He frowns, and swats it off. Marse smirks. The Koopas body slowly falls forward, and lands on the dirty floor, creating a large pool of blood.)

Varkas: A warning for Speckian…and a reminder for you all…do not turn on me. It is true that my most of my enemies will not receive this fate…but if any of you turn on  me…servants! Clean up this mess!

(More servants come in with mops, and terrified expressions.)

Varkas: Never forget…I AM the future leader of this kingdom. You’re all in this now. All of you.

                                                                                       TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #51 on: June 20, 2010, 08:08:06 AM »
                                                                 PHASE 39
                                                              Points of View

                                                            (Morning. The light of the sun shoots across the flat landscape, in the nearly barren southwestern Staph Fields. The only thing there-a large, metallic house…in the shape of a head. Cel, Wes, and Jonas are about to leave…)

E.Gadd: …You’re sure nothing happened last night?

Wes: Really. RIGHT, Jonas?

Jonas: Erm…yes. Really.

Cel: Thank you for everything, professor. Let’s go, guys.

E.Gadd: …Goodbye. Cel…you’re always welcome here.

Cel: Don’t worry. I’ll be back. Soon.

E.Gadd: Yes. …Soon…Goodbye!

Cel: Goodbye.

Jonas: Erm…bye.

Wes: …

(One hour later…)

Cel: Alright. What happened?

Jonas: Erm…what?

Cel: What happened last night?

Wes: Nothing! We already told the nutty professo-

Cel: Seriously. Tell me now. I almost never sleep well…and I had the most bizarre dreams last night…

Wes: So? You had dreams…?

Cel: (Penter told me about the importance of dreams, for a MOD…but I can’t tell Wes that… …When should I tell him…)

Jonas: Erm…dreams mean no-

Cel: Tell me now.

Wes: But-

Cel: Now.

Jonas: (Sigh) Erm…well…last night…

Cel: Yes…?

Wes: Jonas was sleep walking.

Cel: What?

Wes: (Jonas doesn’t know about my meeting with the  Boo last night…he only knows about the books flying out of nowhere…but I can’t let Cel find out anything about last night…)

Jonas: Wait…what?

Wes: You were muttering about books last night…I found you in the library, knocking over books…

Jonas: Erm…

Wes: I don’t know about your dreams Cel, but…

Cel: Okay. I…believe you…(My dreams…are they prophecies…?)

Wes: (I can’t believe I lied to Cel again…if she ever finds out about what happened…no. I can’t let her find out. She WON’T find out. I am-and that Boo-the only person to know about that night. And that Boo…)

Jonas: Oh...

Wes: (Did I really fool Jonas? He seems to be taking it…)

Jonas: (Did I really dream everything that happened last night…? Wes was acting rather odd last night…it probably was a dream…)

Cel: Anyway, we need to continue east. By the looks of it, we’re almost to DK Pass. This map is very useful. …Jonas. I’m surprised you didn’t have a map with you.

Jonas: My village-Misaos-had many maps. It was actually a very famous, erm, map making place. It was a geographic center of the land. But…it’s all gone, now. Most of my family had died long before that, but all of my childhood friends…dead.

Wes: That’s…depressing.

Jonas: Erm…yes. I thought I would died before them, when I left to…erm…protect you, Cel.

Wes: Heh. I had forgotten that. We saw you right before that bomb went off…

Cel: Ugh, yeah. That psychotic…what was his name?

Wes: I don’t think he had a name…at least, he never said it…

Jonas: What happened with him?

Cel: He blew himself up…as I said, psychotic.

Wes: Hm…


Wes: Cel…when we left…you seemed anxious…when you talked about returning…

Cel: Well…I’m sorry about making you tell about…(Jonas’s embarrassing incident…)…so I’ll tell you…I’ve made a deal with the professor. He’s going to make a new time machine…and I’m going to go back…to the day of the 13th Mario Party…
                                                                                   TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2010, 10:44:30 AM »
                                                                                     PHASE 40
                                                                                  Time and Mind

Wes: That…was pretty quick.

(Although the Shivering Mountains had seemed far away, Cel and co. make it in a few hours. The cold, biting winds swirl down from the distant peaks…earning the mountains forbidding name…)

Jonas: Yes…ah. That must be DK Pass…it looks to be the only opening in this massive…erm…wall of rock.

Celistar: Honestly. Thank goodness there is an opening.

Wes: I couldn’t imagine going through the southern route…Glare Desert…

Jonas: And the Riverbloat Rapids to the north are…erm…extremely dangerous…   

Cel: Well, now that we’re done talking about pointless geographical difficulties…how about we start moving.

Wes: Are you really that excited about the time machine…?

Cel: Of course I am! I can save my father…(And ask him something…what were the Mario Party’s…REALLY?)

Wes: Time travel is almost always a bad idea, Cel. Remember what happened with the first time machine?

Cel: That issue was way too complicated to talk about. Most of it didn’t even happen as it was reported. EVERYONE knew about the alien attack in the past. The whole entire attempt was made to bring back a Shroob specimen. Peach… (My mother…? Don’t think about it…) insisted on seeing the past. That was stupid. This is entirely different.  Mario was the most important person in the history of the kingdom…and I can’t take this world on by myself…

Wes: Take the world on?

Cel: You know things are going to get crazy soon, Wes. The weapon…the ability to kill with a single move of a finger. That’s a godly power. And the apparent chaos in the Koopa Kingdom means nothing. Someone…is going to rise to power. And then they’ll come after the Mushroom Kingdom-

Wes: There are good Koopas too! Someone good might come to power! You never know.

Cel: I KNOW there are…but most of them-

Wes: It’s only because of Bowser’s camps. Sending children there, to get the idea that being power-hungry is a good thing…

Jonas: Erm...

Wes: Jonas…what exactly is the goal of the Blood Masks?

Cel: World Domination. Right?

Jonas: Ha…erm…ha. They do plan to control Sub-Con at least. Most of their goals are shrouded in ambiguity.

Wes: Well, they’ve got to have some kind of thing going for them. I mean, they do have an army, don’t they?

Jonas: Erm…yes, but through force. At first, the Blood Masks would have had to have been small…how this original group came to be seems to be a mystery, but as they attack new towns, they have slowly assimilated into one large group.

Cel: And where are they currently?

Jonas: At this rate, the northern edge of the Subconian Jungle, right at the edge of the Unified Cities.

Wes: Unified Cities?

Jonas: Erm, a large group of cities, all clustered up on the northern edge of the region, as far away from the Dreamscape…and The Pipes…as possible...

Cel: So they are very close, these Blood Masks?

Jonas: Yes. We need to hurry. If they take over the government, any rebellions would face an army…erm, including us. We have to get there before the current Subcon King…erm, Okken.

Cel: Jonas…are there any Warp Pipes in this area? I hadn’t thought to ask, but…

Jonas: Warp Pipes!  I erm, completely forgot! My village has a hidden Warp Pipe, that leads right into the Desert Hill…east of the capital. It will be a quick run from there.

Wes: Perfect! Let’s go…uh, where is your village, exactly?

Jonas: Blue River is in the northeastern part of the Otapuku Meadows. Once we pass through these mountains, we’ll be in the Meadows. They’ll be a, erm, nice, warm change from the mountains…

Wes: Aah….ouch.

Celistar: What?

Wes: Uh…almost tripped on a rock.

Cel: Yeah…there are a lot of them on this mountain…

Jonas: Watch out for mini-thwomps. If you step on one, they’ll smash your…erm…feet. It hurts. Really, erm, hurts.

Cel: Okay…

(Far away, in the Mushroom Kingdom Castle…)


Toad Guard: Sir!

Penter: Gah! WHAT?

Toad Guard: There’s some problems in Toad Town…

Penter: Who cares?

Toad Guard: Well…the riots are getting extremely dangerous…at least forty people have been injured from the…protests, three died. Some of them are not even Toads, despite their message…

Penter: So? I don’t care. All I care about is-

The Girl. She needs to die. Her bloodline must be exterminated. Spill her blood. And DRI-

Penter: -ALL I CARE…about is…finding…Celistar. She…needs to be protected in…the castle…

And the mouse. It needs to die as well.

Penter: And…er…


Penter: THE MOUSE!

Toad Guard: Uh…

Penter: Ah…Kan. Yes…he…needs to be protected as well…

Toad Guard: Oka-

Penter: And the Koopa…don’t forget him! Very very very very very important!

Toad Guard: Er…!

Penter: WES! HIM! Bring him HERE!

Toad Guard: Yes…um…sir! Yes!

Penter: Ignore the riots. I’m sure they’ll go away.

Toad Guard: Yes…er, sir? Would you…like something to drink…?

Penter: Yes…I’m quite thirsty…

Toad Guard: I’ll be right back…

(The Toad Guard meets with a Chef Guy in the kitchen…)

Chef Guy: He’s thirsty?

Toad Guard: Yes. Idiotic fool, he believes I’m a real guard.

Chef Guy: He bought it? I’m glad a Duplighost is a member of the Sacharials…

Duplighost: We all suffer injustices from these Toads…and the last two leaders of their kingdom have been insane. With this poison…the tyranny ends now…and the rise of the Sacharials. And a Goomba…the bottom of the  Toads social system…will become the leader. It’s ironic.

Chef Guy: It’s all well and good, but hurry back. Penter may become suspicious…he needs to die. Come back alive, Lee.

(Lee…disguised as a Toad Guard…comes back in with the poisoned wine. Penter looks down on the guard, his white scar practically sticking out of his head.)

Penter: Does wine take so long to pour…? Get over here!

(The Toad Guard holds out the glass. Penter takes it with a quick flick.)

Penter: Leave. I need rest. …Without you staring at me.

Lee: …Yes sir…

(Lee starts to leave. Penter stares at the glass.)

It is poisoned. Don’t drink it.

Penter: Should I make him drink it?

No. Torture him. Torture him until he tells you who’s side he’s on. And when he does torture him more. Drink his blood, and eat his heart.

Penter: …

(Penter holds out the glass, and smashes it while gripping it in his hand. The glass explodes out. One almost reaches Lee retreating back.)

Penter: Guard. Get back here.

Toad Guard: What is it sir? Oh…your glass is broken… ([darn]!)

Penter: It’s poisoned, and I know it.

Call the guards outside, and tell them to lock the door. They might all be traitors, but they’ll follow your instructions for now.


Lee: Oh s-

(SLAM! Lee tries to run and make it to the door, but they slam shut in front of him. He turns around to find Penter right in front of his face.)

Penter: Do you think I’m simply crazy, guard? Yes, I am insane…but do you know WHAT happened to me…what I saw…

In that cave...

Penter: …In that cave…

Lee: Sir…I have no idea…

Penter: I know it is poisoned. My friend tells me everything. And he is always right. And…you…you have some strange-


Penter: Ability. Tell me…or…

(Lightning fast, Penter slams Lee to the ground…with his foot on top of his neck.)

Penter: Or I jump, like my old friend Mario. (Heheh.)

Lee: I don’t…URKKGH…

(Penter slowly presses on Lee’s fake neck. Penter seems to be taking no joy from it.)

Lee: You…really want to know?

Penter: Don’t mess with-


Penter: Me!

Lee: GAHH! URKJG! I’ll…show you.

Penter: Oh, yes? Show me right no-

(Lee turns into a Spiny. Penter howls with pain and falls back to the ground. Lee quickly turns into a Swooper. He quickly escapes through the window.)

Penter: NO! [darn] IT! ARGH!

(A huge, gaping wound is in Penters foot. His shoe is soaked with blood, and the blood leaks out. Penter desperately limps to the window. He sees Lee in the far distance.)


(Tired from the effort of screaming, Penter falls back, into the puddle of blood. Inside of his head, the voice continues to scream. Penter faints, the voice endlessly screaming inside his head. The events that followed would have gone much differently,  if regular guards hadn’t come in, instead of the Sacharials. Quickly sending Penter to the infirmary, they barely save his life. And the Sacharials would plot…)

                                                 TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #53 on: June 23, 2010, 11:28:53 AM »
                                                                  PHASE 41
                                                              The Ancient Staff

                                                              (The Shivering Mountains-a series of jagged peaks rising along Subcons western border, dividing it from the Mushroom Kingdom. In the north, the peaks end at the world’s most violent rapids…Riverbloat Rapids. Any who swim there die nearly instantly. Far to the south, the mountains become little hills, in the Glare Desert. Second in heat only to the northern Sarasa Deserts. The only other way through…(other then defunct and dangerous Warp Pipes)…is DK Pass, otherwise known as the Dalka Krai Pass, named after the legendary monk...)

Wes: Hmm…this is the second mountain we’ve climbed, isn’t it?

Jonas: Erm…?

Wes: No, not you. I mean to Cel. Around a month ago, we traversed the Klapra Mountains…

Jonas: The Klapra! Those are practically on the other side of the known…erm…world!

Cel: What did you expect? I feel like I’ve been everywhere…

Jonas: Erm, everywhere except Su-AAH!

(Jonas trips spectacularly. He’s fallen over a large lump in the snow. He gets up with a groan and walks back over to the lump of snow.)

Jonas: Erg…what WAS that?

Wes: A hard lump of snow?

Jonas: No…erm…wait. There’s something here…

(Cel comes back, interested. Wes sighs and follows along. Jonas digs up a large cloth…and within…are rocks…and a strange jagged piece of ice. And a note…)

Jonas: What IS this?

(Jonas reads it aloud. This is the transcription without the “erms”…

                                               To whoever finds this:

                                                                        I have been cornered by my enemies on this dreary mountain. My capture and death are imminent. I feel that I have no choice…I must not let my staff fall to the enemy…it is my most treasured possession. If you are a Heiho…I bequeath this staff to you. If you are a Toad, this staff will inflict you with a terrible curse…if you are neither, I beg you to let this staff rest in peace…with me.


Jonas: …Carthaine…?

Wes: Carthaine? Who is he? Why would he inflict a curse upon Toads?

Jonas: Erm…This is a relic, it must be nearly 400 years old, back in the Biolohn Wars.

Cel: Biolahn? That sounds familiar…

Jonas: A war between the Mushroom Kingdom and Subcon. About 70 years after the First Mushroom War…between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopa Kingdom. After the events, Toads of the, erm, generations afterwards felt the need for more land, as they had barely defeated the Koopas from taking the land. Thanks to the Shivering Mountains, and nearby defenses, Subcon barely defeated the Mushroom Kingdom. Looks like, erm, this guy was part of this war.

Wes: Huh. Wait…shouldn’t his body be here…?

Cel: Doesn’t look like it…just rocks and…his staff?

Wes: It looks like a giant icepick…with both sides being blunt.

Jonas: Erm…yes...

(He holds up the staff. The light shines through it.)

Cel: Looks like you’ve got a weapon.

Jonas: Erm…what?!

Cel: The note says it’s for a…Shy Guy…(Heiho is just way too weird to say…)

Jonas: Well…I guess…

Wes: You need a weapon. You’re the weakest of us.

Jonas: What!?! What about, erm, you!

Wes: I fight! …A little.

Jonas: Well, erm, I’ll be fighting more then you now!

Wes: Fine, I don’t like being a violent imp anyway.

Jonas: I-

Cel: Please. Let’s NOT fight…(Flashbacks of Kan and Wes.) Let’s just…go.

Wes: Okay…

(The group starts to leave when two Fire Bros come out from behind a craggy peak.)

Fire Bro: Well! Who knew such a valuable thing was there.

Cel: Mountain bandits? Again?

Fire Bro: Heh, you’re quick. Hand it all over, you packs, too.

Wes: Ha! How long have you two been living on  this mountain? THIS is Cel! She’s broken into Bowser’s Castle, and she’ll beat you!

Fire Bro: Hmm…Cel. That name’s familiar…you’re the daughter of Mario, aren’t you? Heh, it’ll be fun to kill you.

(The Fire Bro spits out a fire ball that bounces off the snow, and at Cel’s face. She quickly ducks.)

Fire Bro: Hee heh. Pretty fast.

Wes: What are Fire Bros doing on an icy mountain, anyway?

Fire Bro: It’s exactly where people don’t expect Fire Bros!

(The Fire Bro blows out a long string of fire. Wes leaps to the side.)

Cel: You guys are pretty slow.

(Cel starts to run between the Bros. One blows out fire where she passes…right in the others face…)

Jonas: Erm…they’re pretty stupid…

Fire Bro: AGHH!

(Screaming while the skin of his face melts off, and his eye balls boil and pop, the Fire Bro falls off the side of a ravine.)

Cel: Last and least…

(Cel runs and jumps onto the remaining Fire Bro. He’s faster than anyone expects, however, and grabs Cel by the feet. She falls to the ground. The Fire Bro is still holding her feet…)

Fire Bro: Heh heh heh. Did you know I survived an encounter with your daddy? I almost set his face on fire, like I’m about to do now-

(Jonas finally joins the action, smacking the Fire Bro in the face with the Ice Staff. The Fire Bro curses, and falls back, dropping Cel.)

Jonas: Erm…that felt…good.

Fire Bro: You-!

(The Fire Bro leaps up, and blows out fire. Desperately quick, Jonas holds the staff up…and although made of magical ice, melts the top half. The fire starts to shoot out at Jonas’s face, when Wes’s shell flies out of nowhere-him inside it- and spins into the Fire Bro, knocking him into the air. He falls against a rock ledge, smashing his head in, killing him. Wes’s shell bounces against the wall, but Wes’s legs shoot out before the shell goes over the edge of the cliff.)

Wes: I really don’t like fighting.

Cel: Wes, that was amazing! I didn’t know you could…do that.

Wes: What, have my shell move by myself, inside it? Hm.

Jonas: (Sigh) Erm…well I’m glad that we won, but the ice staff’s top half has been melted…it’s…erm, broken.

Wes: It’s broken already? Couldn’t have been that good.

Cel: Well it was practically 400 years old.

Wes: True, but…but…but…

Cel: ?

Wes: Look…at the staff…

(Cel turns around. The ice staff in Jonas’s hand slowly reforms itself into its original shape. Jonas’s eyes have practically fallen out of his head.)

Wes: Holy ****.

                                                TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #54 on: June 23, 2010, 11:29:56 AM »
                                                                                             PHASE 42
                                                                                      The Origins of Malpix

Malcom: Are you sure?

Farmer: No! Now bugger off!

Malcom: Gahhh…! What am I gonna do?

(Malcom is hopelessly wandering around in the Marakas Forest-west of Koopa City, and east of the Didex Labs. Malpix had last been seen wandering towards Koopa City…presumably to gain information.)

Malcom: He couldn’t have made it past the forest already…he’d have to have super-speed…(Sigh)…Why did Kalbierd choose ME to do this? Why not someone with more experience on…this thing. Maybe Malpix is fast. I don’t really know anything about this…

Peasant Farmer: HELP! HELP I SAY!

Malcom: Malpix?

(Malcom runs towards the source-somewhere deep within the trees, and nearly runs into the farmer himself, who has been cornered by a Piranha Plant. Malcom stops right in front of the beast.)

Peasant Farmer: Please, help me!

Malcom: Gah! Piranha Plant!

(Malcom reaches into his oversized lab coat bringing out a vial filled with a purple liquid.)

Malcom: If I use this…I’ll only have one to use on Malpix…wait. Was I really going to try dousing him with acid…?

Piranha Plant: ROOARRR!

Malcom: Eh, it’ll do now.

(Malcom smashes the vial into the Plants face. Its roaring shriek shakes the leaves from trees. Its melted face falls to the ground, with a large thunk. The farmer gasps in surprise.)

Peasant Farmer: Oh…my. Thank…thank you sir. What…what’s your name?

Malcom: Malcom Vitantres.

Peasant Farmer: Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Vitantres. There’s been more and more of those things appearing every day. I think they’re coming from the Yarkas Forest.

Malcom: It’d make sense. Although I wonder what would be causing them to leave their grounds.

Peasant Farmer: Anyhow, thank you so much. Is there anything I can do for you?

Malcom: Eh, well first, tell me your name.

Peasant Farmer: Oh! Heh, forgot my manners. I’m Balka. Simple farmer. But really-

Malcom: Well…have you seen…a rather deformed creature…passing through here?

Balka: Deformed creature? Heh, no.

Malcom: Anything odd?

Balka: Odd? Lots, other than that carnivorous plant. Why, just yesterday, I saw a strange flash of light, speeding through the forest. Almost looked like claws.

Malcom: Did you say claws!?

Balka: Eh, yeah. What’s it to you? Hunting down freaks?

Malcom: Kind of… (He must be talking about Malpix! But is he extremely fast? I really hope not…)

Balka: Well, good luck. Thank you very much for the help.

Malcom: You’re welcome…

(Balka leaves very quickly. Malcom looks after where he left for a while, and then continues, at a run.)

Malcom: I’ve got to find Malpix fast. With what little I know of Malpix…it’ll be terrible if he gets to the castle…

(Malcom has a flashback, back to his third year of being in Didex. Deep underground, in the most secret of labs, Kalbierd had guided him.)

Kalbierd: Malcom, you are one of our most efficient workers. I think you deserve to see one of our greatest…and most terrible secrets.

Malcom: …

(They make it one final door. It opens efficiently, into a bizarre room. In a large glass tubular coffin-like object, standing from ceiling to floor, is the floating body of Malpix. A grotesque, twisted form of a Koopa. Large, purple veins stick out from its body, curling around its arms and legs. Malcolm’s gasp is loud in the uncomfortable silence.)

Malcom: Sir…what…is this?

Kalbierd: This…is Malpix. The oldest organism artifact in our possession. He is part of the Lambda Project, started by King Kajck, nearly 78 years ago.

Malcom: The Lambda Project? I had not heard of it…

Kalbierd: Aye. It is Top Secret, even for us, a secret laboratory.

Malcom: This…Malpix. He’s still alive in his…containment?

Kalbierd: Aye.

Malcom: This kind of technology was available…nearly a century ago?!

Kalbierd: The full story of how Malpix came to be is long, complicated, and terribly disturbing. I will spare you the details.

Malcom: Disturbing? That’s what we deal with every day.

Kalbierd: This is an exceptional case. Not even I know the full details. I was not always the head of this facility. I expect the last person who knew the full story died eight years ago.

Malcom: What will you tell me then?

Kalbierd: What the Lambda Project is meant for…its ultimate goal…and what it’ll mean for the world if Malpix ever awakens.

Malcom: Before you tell me-could you not shut down the machinery keeping this thing alive?

Kalbierd: Please don’t interrupt. And no. The previous head of Didex had the code locked in, as it had been orders from Kajck himself. There is nothing we can do.

Malcom: …

Kalbierd: Let me start. The Lambda Project…was originally designed by Kajck himself. His original goals…were different from what the current Lambda Project entails. Somewhere in the equation…Kajck’s word was twisted…into something even worse then he envisioned.


Kalbierd: Eighty years ago, Kajck ruled over an iron empire. History says that his rule was much worse than King Bowser’s. But he was even more powerful. Kajck’s plans and plots led to the events of the Second Mushroom War. If Mario had never showed up, the war could potentially have been won, by late King Morton. Some believe that if Kajck had been alive when Mario arrived, Kajck could have potentially won anyway. But that’s something else entirely. Kajck was paranoid. He didn’t trust any of his children, or his advisors, so he devised a strange plan: He would create his own successor…a perfect being that would rule the Koopa Kingdom after him…and maybe live for centuries.

Malcom: I have never heard of any of this…

Kalbierd: It’s all top secret. Continuing, Kajck hired the most brilliant minds in the Kingdom…and the Disputed Lands to his disposal. If they failed to create the artificial life…or refused…he had them executed. About four years after he began his plans, he was assassinated by a group known as the Chaekas. Unfortunately for them, they failed to kill three of his four children, and they managed to wrestle control of the Kingdom back from them. Eventually, as you know, Morton managed to gain control of the Kingdom, and became the King. But a few months after Kajck was killed, a foreign scientist, Dr. Nask, began attempts on Kajck’s work. After three years of experimentation…he was successful. No one knows why, but Nask created Malpix in the same fashion that Kajck wanted-to be a ruler of the Koopa Kingdom. Two years after completing his project, Nask dissapered, forever…


Malcom: Okay.

Kalbierd: What, are you shock less? You have been told one of the greatest secrets of the world. I told you this, because after I am gone…you need to make sure that you are prepared for Malpix, if he ever awakens.

Malcom: Wait, why is Malpix…sealed like that, anyway?

Kalbierd: Malpix was meant to be sealed away until Kajck died…but Kajck died before Malpix was even created. Nask has created some kind of timed sealing…but is unknown, as Nask is surely dead by now.

Malcom: Okay. And what exactly happens if Malpix ever gets out?

Kalbierd: Malpix will go to the Castle…and he will kill whoever is ruling.

Malcom: I doubt he could make it past the guards.

Kalbierd: You underestimate Malpix. He has been designed with deadly powers. Nask left a list of many of them. He will certainly be able to kill anyone who rules. Once he takes over, he will start a deadly conquest of the world.

Malcom: Isn’t that what Bowser is basically doing, anyway?

Kalbierd: Don’t be an idiot. Malpix’s powers will give him a great advantage. Mario may or may not be able to handle him, but with whatever happens, there will be terrible bloodshed. Furthermore, Malpix will rule a terrible tyranny.

Malcom: (Looking at Malpix) If only there was some way to kill him now…

Kalbierd: If only. If only…

(Back to the present…)

Malcom: (It’s all so strange. But why is Malpix heading towards the city, anyway? I thought he’d go to the castle…)

(Malcom starts to run faster…and the night slowly surrounds the forest…)

                                              TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #55 on: July 06, 2010, 10:25:01 AM »
                                                                  PHASE 43
                                                              MODs and Plots

                                                            (Morning. In a abandoned warehouse in south Toad Town, a box is being used as a cheap chair. On it sits the apparent leader of the Sacharials- Zerek. In front of him is a large table. Across the table sits a Koopa in cheap clothing…)

Zerek: What happened?

Koopa: Our forces within the castle have reported that the attempt failed. Lee did manage to injure Penter, however. And Penter seems to have fallen into a coma…

Zerek: How bad was this injury?

Koopa: A massive wound in the foot. He probably won’t be able to walk with it, if he recovers.

Zerek: He’ll surely recover. I heard Penter used to train with Mario…

Koopa: And Mario is dead. It’s a new world.

Zerek: You wouldn’t be able to convince most people of that. BMA and AMA are still used to mark time. “Before Mario’s Arrival…After Mario’s Arrival…”

Koopa: It’s all about Mario for them. Because he defended the Mushroom Kingdom from the big bad Koopas. Mario didn’t know any history. He chose a side, without any knowledge. He just liked that broad Peach! He could have chosen any side! No Kingdom was pure in those times…

Zerek: It was easy for Mario to choose the Mushroom Kingdom. Penter didn’t just train with him; he saved Mario’s life once.

Koopa: What?!

Zerek: It didn’t help that Mario was attacked by Koopa’s when he arrived either. It drew an image. And it could have gone either way. There were Toads and Shy Guys in the area near The Pipes that were on orders to kill anyone. It was all brilliant fate…

Koopa: Kind of makes you think the Gods are against us. Or there is no God. Just a hateful entity.

Zerek: Heh heh. No. They just want us to put these problems in our own hands. And I will. Mario’s wench thinks she can go wherever she likes, solving problems left and right, because of a mission she barely survived.

Koopa: And that freak Penter. He went with her on that mission. Then left, or something.

Zerek: Good observation, Darsius. Why, you could almost say that Penter is the center of all of this…he saved Mario’s life at The Pipes, from the attacking Koopas…and then started training his daughter.

Darsius: A guiding hand? Do you think he has some kind of ultimate plan?

Zerek: If he did, it’s gone. He’s gone insane for sure.

Darsius: But he somehow realized the wine was poisoned…

Zerek: Some insignificant chance. …Then again, it all seems to be coming down to chances, doesn’t it? Beginning with Mario surviving The Pipes…coming out, barely being rescued by Penter, not to mention his incalculably dangerous adventures…and then his daughter, screwing things up for us, and then…

(Flashback of when Celistar encountered Zerek, with her floating in the air, hair outstretched, a golden glow about her…)

Darsius: And of course, she had to be one of THEM.

Zerek: [darn] Masters of Destiny. I was wondering when another one would come up. …I wish I knew how many more exist at this time. The number keeps changing.

Darsius: Shouldn’t it be just three?

Zerek: Heh. No. There are more. There are three Star MOD’s. There are also three Ztar MOD’s. And then a third set of three…Aos MOD’s. It’s a trilogy of trilogys.

Darsius: How did you know all that, Zerek?

Zerek: A good friend of mine told me. Someone who hates the Toad’s…and Mario’s daughter even more then I do.

Darsius: Oh? An old enemy of Mario’s?

Zerek: No. Apparantly, the princess has been making enemies already, with some very dangerous people. He tells me she tried to kill him, but he survived…

Zerek: Which brings us to our plan…

Darsius: Right.

Zerek: We have to commence the attack before the princess comes back...

Darsius: How about tomorrow? They won’t expect it, especially right after today’s rally. And…what exactly are we attacking? I don’t think we’re big enough to take on the castle.

Zerek: Tomorrow night it is, then. We are simply attacking the town, until the civilians bow down before us. Once we become rulers of the town, we’ll sure have enough power to attack the castle.

Darsius: I don’t know…

Zerek: My friend will be giving us special supplies…extremely useful bombs. Set off correctly, we could demolish three houses with a single bomb.

Darsius: That’s…incredible! But what about when the princess gets back?

Zerek: The wench won’t have a chance. Once she walks into town, we blow up three of the bombs near her. She won’t be able to withstand it, as long as she’s not in Super form, and I doubt she even realizes she’s a MOD yet.

Darsius: It’s perfect...but one thing…can we really trust your friend?

Zerek: Don’t worry. He’s shown me what the wench did to him…it’s horrible. But he says it’s given him a true purpose in life…which is surprising to say, for such a terrible injury.

Darsius: Your going to keep being cryptic, aren’t you?

Zerek: I shouldn’t have spoken of him at all. He doesn’t want to be known…by anyone, except me, and the traitor.

Darsius: The traitor…?

Zerek: You know…the greatest traitor in history…Mario’s own brother…

Darsius: He’s in on this!?

Zerek: To put it simply, yes.

Darsius: (…) Zerek? Should we hold a rally today?

Zerek: Yes. If we didn’t, the toads would be suspicious. Make sure you kill at least two of them today. If they don’t come out of their houses again, threaten to burn them down. And do, if they refuse to come out.

Darsius: Yes, Lord Zerek!

Zerek: You are dismissed…

Darsius: Thank you…

(Darsius leaves…)

Zerek: It’s all coming together. With my two allies, and the Koopa Kingdom in crumbles, we’ll be undefeatable, even by that girl. The Mushroom Kingdom will be ours.

                                                                                                         TO BE CONTINUED…?

« Reply #56 on: July 31, 2010, 04:29:54 PM »
                                                                                    PHASE 44
                                                                             Realm of Nightmares
                                                              (On the eastern side of the Shivering Mountains…)

Jonas: Eisader…I’ll call it Eisader!

Wes: …Why?

Jonas: It means “Ice Vein” in an ancient language. Erm, it would have been used around the time of the Biolohn War.

Celis: Well…it certainly fits.

Wes: Ice Vein…you’re pretty lucky. Finding a magical weapon in the middle of a freezing wasteland?

Celis: It IS pretty lucky…


Celis: They never mentioned the Biolohn War in any of my studies. I suppose they wanted to keep the darker moments of the Mushroom Kingdoms history away…I wonder what else has been kept secret…

Wes/Jonas: …

Celis: Maybe it’s better if no one knows…but…

(A flashback of her bizarre dreams. The Masked faces. Penter pulling off a mask. A strange cult with Mario masks…)

(Out of the corner of her eye, Celis sees Jonas shudder slightly. Wes doesn’t react at all, but stares out over the mountains…)

Wes: Anyway, we’d better continue.

Jonas: Erm…yes. We’re almost out of the mountains.

Celis: (Sigh) Yeah…and then a peaceful field…

(Already, the mountain has begun to slope downward. Wes almost slips down the slippery slope, but Celis grabs his hand. As they progress, it’s almost starting to feel warmer…)

(Around 5 hours later, chaos has begun to stir in Toad Town. The Sacharials have started their nightly rally...except…)

Darsius: Zerek. As you predicted they are hiding in their houses. Shall we…?

Zerek: Choose a house. Drag the residents out, right here, right now.

Darsius: You heard Zerek! Bring out the cowards…House #3!

(Darsius points at a house across the street. A group of mingled Koopas, Goombas, Shy Guys, and a few others break through the door of the house, the mob disappears inside, and then drags out a Toad husband and wife. They are thrown into the middle of the street, right in front of Zerek and Darsius.)

Zerek: Perfect. I needed two deaths. Prepare some mini-bombs. We will shower the street with blood. It will be a preview for tomorrows performance.

Toad Husband: The Castle Guards will stop you! Just like when they captured all those evil Koo-

Darsius: Shut. Up.

(Darsius kicks the Toad in the face. The Toad begins to drool blood almost instantly.)

Toad: Whysh shoush I? You’llsh kill ush anyway!

Darsius: If you don’t stop talking…your wife becomes a special example.

Toad: …(A steady drool of blood flows out.)

Zerek: (To Shy Guys next to him) Are the Bombs done yet? I’m getting sick of this mindless chatter.

(The Shy Guys hand him the Bombs.)

Zerek: Be happy you won’t see what this town will beco-

(A shadowy figure smashes into Zerek. He’s knocked over, and the bombs are sent flying, right into the middle of the street. The explosion sends cobbles flying in all directions. A few hit the mob, sending them to the ground.)

???: Zerek…causing havoc while Celis is away…how cheap of you.

Zerek: Gah! Who?!?

Darsius: I’ll deal with him. (Darsius pulls out a regular-looking sword.)

???: Ah. You wield a blade as well…but alas, mine is not fit for a sword fight.

Darsius: Oh?

Kan: Lances…are not good for sword fights. However, I have some minor skill with a dagger…(He pulls out the short, stumpy blade.)

Darsius: A dagger? A mouse with a dagger, against a Koopa with a sword…you’re hopeless.

Kan: You’d be surprised of my skill. Fight me.

Darsius: I feel cheap, fighting you…but I have no choice…

(As they are about to fight, a Swooper flies down and lands. It immediately turns into Lee-the Duplighost.)

Lee: Yikes…what have I wandered into…?

Zerek: Lee…? I thought you were stationed in the castle…?

Lee: Penter found me out, somehow. I gave him a cup of poison. He immediately sensed it, and smashed the drink. I managed to give him a nasty hole in his foot before I got away, but now he knows…

Zerek: He’s probably torturing Chef Guy as we speak for information. But…the poison. How did Penter…? Never mind. We will talk later. DARSIUS! Kill him!

Darsius: Alright…prepare for death, little mouse…

Kan: No. YOU prepare for death…

(They fly at each other. A quick blur of steel and clashing sounds ring out. Like usual, Zerek quickly disappears with the mob, which drags the Toad couple away. The fight continues…)

(Far to the east, Celis, Wes, and Jonas reach the edge of the Otapuku Meadow. After an hour of talking, and discussing the route, they go to sleep…except for Jonas.)

Jonas: Soon…erm…I’ll be back in my village…the Warp Pipe is there…my village...-!

(Over where Celis is sleeping, a strange, cloudy purple substance is streaming out of her head. Near Wes, a red cloudy substance is streaming out of his.)

Jonas: Erm…what?!?

(The substances constantly stream out, and disappear into the air. Jonas stares, shocked at the cloud coming out of Celis…and everything melts…)




(Candles. A circle of candles. And in the center-Cel, crouched down holding her head. And coming from between the candles…)


(Six shadowy forms…their faces are hidden by masks…familiar…)


(All staring at her. The masks leer at her.)



(An explosion of light…Jonas falls backwards. Nearby, Celis shakes and shudders, and then turns over. Eventually, the stream of  clouds resume…except now they are gray. Wes continues to release red clouds. Jonas, nervous and, slightly terrified, quickly shuts his eyes and attempts to fall asleep. The night rolls on…)

                                                TO BE CONTINUED

« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2010, 01:22:01 PM »
                                                                                                   PHASE 45
                                                                                                  Doll of Flesh

                                                             (It is early in the morning, October 17th, 37 AMA. A few hours ago, on the 16th, a Shy Guy discovered his special ability to enter the dreams of others. What he didn’t know was that the staff he had found in the Shivering Mountains had amplified a hidden power. Two days ago, on the 15th, a Star MOD made a deal with the smartest man alive-to create a Time Machine, to go back to September 18th, to save the world’s greatest hero. But today, the Distihia, perhaps the Koopa Kingdoms most powerful group attempting to take over the government, continues to plan for tomorrow nights conquest- breaking into Koopa Castle, capturing the two holders of the castle, and the unknown others guarding the castle. But only the leader, Varkas, and his second-in-command, Taja. But in the hallways outside of the strategy room…)

Marse: Speckian.

Speckian: Hmm…?

(Marse and Speckian are alone in the hallways.)

Marse: I…seem to recall you being with the Chaekas about ten years ago.

Speckian: …And?

Marse: Didn’t you start working with the royal family after the Chaekas almost dissolved?

Speckian: I left them a long time ago. If you’re implying that I still work for the Chaeka group-

Marse: I’m not implying that all. It just seems to me that you leave whenever a group loses power. Some say that the Chaekas were about to overthrow Bowser, right before they lost their power. The Koopa Royal family would have been the next most powerful-

Speckian: That has nothing to do with it. I didn’t like the next leader of the Chaekas. And Bowser personally asked me to work for him-

Marse: Your excuses are pathetic. I don’t trust you. You’ll sell us out the instant you see the chance.

Speckian: Like wh-

Marse: Don’t play dumb. The other groups competing for rule of this kingdom are desperate to kill the other groups.

Speckian: Using your logic, why would I backstab the Distihia? Would anybody be more powerful then Varkas?

Marse: I’ve heard rumors of the other groups-and so have you. The Six Claws leader apparently has a skill for simple Omancy…

Speckian: Omancy? That’s ridiculous.

Marse: So is the power to blow up anything just by looking at it.

Speckian: …

Marse: Just know…I don’t trust you. If you do anything suspicious…I won’t hesitate to protect the Distihia…by eliminating you.

Speckian: Don’t be so paranoid…you may regret it…

Marse: What’s that supposed to mean?

Speckian: Concentrate on our real enemies…not your proof less suspicions…

Marse: …

(Both pass each other. Inside the strategy room, a heated debate starts. 15 hours later, far to the east, it is almost night-time. A little past seven, and the night has already started to fall…but it will not be a dark night. Fires burn everywhere in Toad Town. Bob-ombs continue to detonate, and the streets are filled with death. Terrified Toad hide in their basements, hoping for the best, hoping for the city guard. But none will come.  Bob-ombs lay waiting in front of the doors to the castle. Anyone attempting to leave meets a grisly end. The guards are without a leader as the current ruler, Penter, has been injured by a spy. But…he has started to recover…)

Nurse: He’s starting to wake up…

Penter: What…?

Nurse: It’s okay, sir. You almost died from blood-loss, but everything’s okay now.                     

Penter: I…almost died…?

I have waited a thousand years to come back. If you die, I will drag you to Hell with me…and you will see what I had to wait in…

Nurse: It’s okay, you’re recovering fas-

(A huge explosion practically rocks the room. Penter is lurched to the side.)

Penter: What the hell-?

Doctor: Some idiot tried to leave again…or they were just killing themselves…

Penter: Wait…what?!?

Nurse: Some group has taken over the town…and they won’t let anyone leave the castle. They have Bob-ombs…the most I’ve ever seen.

Penter: You don’t mean the…Sacharials?!?

Doctor: Yes…

Penter: What are…their demands…?

Doctor: I’m not sure…

Go outside and kill them all!

Penter: (I’m…too…weak…)

I DON’T CARE. I will drag your body out-MENITHU-out of that bed.

Penter: …

Doctor: Uh…sir…-

Penter: Bring me up to the tower, right now.

Doctor: You need to res-


Penter: Take me or I will kill you.

Doctor: Sir, you’re too weak, and, uh, I don’t think you can…

(Penter points at the Doctors face. A beam of light shoots out of his finger and goes right through the doctors head. The Doctor falls back, dead. The Nurse shrieks.)

Penter: Take me up. NOW.

                                                TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #58 on: August 08, 2010, 04:56:34 PM »
                                                                        PHASE 46
                                                                  Malcom and Malpix

                                                              (Darkness begins to fall in Koopa City. It is exactly three hours before Penter wakes up from a deep sleep, and kill the doctor who saved his life. In the city, Malcom continues his dangerous journey to kill the deadly Malpix. He has chased Malpix deep into the city…)

Malcom: Hmm…darkness is already beginning to fall…but I can’t stop now. I’m so close…and the last time I stopped, he got way farther ahead…he never rests…

(Shrieking sounds start nearby. Malcom jumps in surprise.)

Malcom: …! Malpix?!

(Malcom starts to run. A flask accidently falls out of his cloak and smashes on the ground. A deadly poison floats away into the sky. Malpix turns the corner into an alley…almost into Malpix. Malpix has his sharp claws pressed against a Koopa woman’s neck.)

Malpix: Aahhh…after all these years…I’ve forgotten…give me the directions to the castle…or you’ll neck will be my next meal…

Koopa Woman: I t-told you already! It’s to the southwest…ab-about 20 miles…

Malpix: Ahhh…I am a little hard of hearing…I always get that way when I am hungry. Thank you for the meal.

Koopa Woman: Wh-(Scream)

(Malpix tears into her neck and begins his grotesque feast. Malcom backs away, nearly vomiting. With his frightening speed, Malpix is done within ten seconds. Nothing is left, except a puddle of blood. Malcom almost starts to consider running-when Malpix looks up.)

Malpix: Hm…?

Malcom: Ah…you…I’m…Malcom Vitantre, and it is my duty to kill you!

Malpix: You…were at that facility, weren’t you?

Malcom: Y-yes.

Malpix: Before I kill you…I want to know…why did they send you after me?

Malcom: K-kill me? Heh…I have to kill you, because…you…are out of control.

Malpix: I am not out of control. My creator Kajck ruled this land. His rule is law…

Malcom: Don’t you know…you were tampered with by Nask…

Malpix: Heh…that is no tampering…he helped my creators goal…now say goodbye…

Malcom: No! You say goodbye!

(Malcom draws out an acid filled flask and flings it at Malpix’s feet. Malpix kicks it out of the way, into the alley wall. Malpix flies at Malcom, lightning fast, and slashes at Malcom’s neck artery. The blood spews out, and Malcom falls to the ground…but Malpix picks him up again, lifting him up in front of him.)

Malpix: You…have knowledge of this land and time…my 80 years of sleep have left me bewildered of this age. Lend me your knowledge…and your chemicals…and I will let you live…

Malcom: Gah…no…never…I won’t let you bring your chaos to this land…

Malpix: How strange…I don’t know why…but…I think I’ll let you live. But since you won’t follow me through free will, I suppose…

(Malpix jabs his left claw into Malcom’s neck. Malcom starts twitching violently…and then stops. Malpix draws back his claw…which is now dripping with a strange liquid-a body controlling liquid.)

Malpix: Now that you are under my control…you will follow me. You will be my assistant. You will kill when I want you to, and you will do everything I say. You will help me take my position as leader of this land.

Malcom: (No…no!) Yes…sir…

Malpix: I feel your hate…be happy I let you live. Once we are successful, and if you survive, I will let you be free. Never have I been so lenient…

Malcom: (No…this can’t happen…I can’t do anything…no…! No!)

Malpix: I’ve had my fill. Let us depart for the castle. We should be there by tomorrow…

(Malpix picks up Malcom, and begins to run, reaching 15 miles per hour. Inside his mind, Malcom is trapped in a hopeless prison. By tomorrow, Malpix will begin his attack on Koopa Castle…and so will the Distihia…)

                                                 TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2010, 09:26:27 AM »
                                                                         PHASE 47
                                                                        Two Hungers

(October 17th, 8:00 PM. At the tallest tower of Mushroom Castle, Penter leans against the railing, supported from falling over. Far below, Toad Town can be seen, a chaotic mess of fire and destruction. Behind Penter, a terrified nurse runs back down the stairs, completely unknowing that in a few seconds, she will trip, fall down nearly 200 steps, break her neck in several places, and crumple in a heap at the bottom. But at the top of the tower…)

Penter: …

Destroy them all. I have waited a thousand years for this…feed my bloodlust…or I will consume you from the inside…

Penter: Your desires have become mine, Azine. When you possessed me in the cave…I realized my true purpose in life…to rain destruction down…as your doll…

Azine: Blow them to pieces!

Penter: Yes…

(Penter points downwards at the town. A multitude of beams fire away. Screams echo from below. Some beams hit the bombs. Houses explode.)

Penter: Aah…

Azine: Yes…I have only felt this joy once before…long ago…a thousand years ago…the screams…they ring inside of me…

Penter: I feel them as well…I have never felt this before…this…

Azine: Terror…

Penter: Yes…

Azine: You are like me, Penter. All the time I have been sealed away, I waited for someone to wander into the temple…and it became a cave…and I waited still…but…I never thought I would find one…like me…!

Penter: I didn’t know it either…maybe I was always evil inside…

(Far below, at the far side of Toad Town. Darsius runs into Zerek’s meeting room in a panic.)

Darsius: The bombs…! [darn] it! Something…beams are being shot down from the top of the castle! They are detonating bombs left and right…our side and their side are dying…!

Zerek: What…are…you…talking about?!? Beams?!?

Darsius: I…don’t know…and I thought everything would go well since we had captured that stupid mouse…

Zerek: Beams? Are you insane? Do they have that strange weapon that killed Mario?

Darsius: No…these beams are slower…the weapon that killed Mario…shot small objects…these beams are quite big…much too big for something handheld…

Zerek: Our bombs…save the bombs! We have to have some left…so that we can take over the castle!

Darsius: Our followers are trying…but the beams continue to hit the bombs, killing them…

Zerek: No…this was the perfect time…that girl gone. This can’t be happening…

(Another explosion. The door blows open. A corpse flies right onto the table. Five more lay in the doorway.)

Zerek: You idiots…!!! Darsius! Tell them…do NOT bring the bombs in HERE! Get out and tell them right now!

Darsius: But-

(Suddenly, the explosions stop. Some of the screams continue, but it appears that the bomb supply is safe. Darsius breaths a sigh of relief. He’ll still have to go out…but at least not in the middle of the explosions. The chaos stops for a while…)

(One day later, October 18th, in the morning, Celis, Wes, and Jonas reach Blue River Village. The place is a ruin. Buildings are collapsed, pieces of building lay everywhere. After a day of travelling across the Otapuku Meadow, Celis and Wes want to rest. Jonas, however-)

Wes: What do you mean you don’t know where the pipe is?!?

Jonas: (Sigh) I only heard about it from, erm, the elder…it is DEFINETELY in the village.

Celis: Well-

Jonas: I’ll, erm, find it. I know my way around, and I have some pretty good ideas of where it should be…

Celis: Well, whatever. I’ve got to take a nap. We practically walked for an entire day across the meadow…

Wes: And, ah, I’m kind of tired…

Jonas: I should have known anyway. I’ll be right back once I find it…

Celis: Okay. Don’t get lost or anything.

Jonas: Ha ha.

(Jonas leaves the area. Wes turns to get off his Backpack…and finds nothing.)

Wes: Wha-! Where’s my BACKPACK!?!

Celis: Hmm…oh. It must’ve fallen off during the walk.

Wes: But…I didn’t even feel it! You’ve got to be kidding! What…am I going to do?

Celis: It’s okay. Once we get through the Warp Pipe, we’ll be close to the Unified Cities…just cross a river…

Wes: Alright, but-Cel! Yours…is gone too.

Celis: …What!?

Wes: How the hell…

Celis: But…I had stuff in there!

Wes: Wow, I had stuff in mine too!

Celis: Oh shut up. …But really…how…?

Wes: Guess I’ll just lay on the ground…

Celis: (Sigh) I’m going to go find Jonas. Might as well help him…

Wes: Don’t try to make me feel guilty! (Celis leaves) …I’m not coming! …Really! …


Wes: Gahhhhh…

(Wes chases after where Celis dissapered. Meanwhile, several miles back from where they came, in the Otapuku Meadows…)

Boo: This stuff is crap! Clothes…cheap, bad tasting food…I can’t live like this!

(The Boo throws the last backpack to the ground. He looks at one of the pieces of meat…and throws it into the dirt.)

Boo: I HATE being allergic to meat!


Boo: Well, I suppose I can search another one of these ghost towns…hee hee…


Boo: Hmm…those weirdoes said they were going to Blue River…that place had a good supply of food, I think…

(The Boo floats off towards where Celis and the others had left half an hour ago. His search for food would lead him right into destiny…)

                                             TO BE CONTINUED…
