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Messages - Chocobo

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Forum Games / Re: the WEIRDEST to earthbound.
« on: December 15, 2001, 09:50:02 PM »
When the gang finally got to the taco stand, they entered the temproral warp that looked and felt suspiciously like the area next to a taco stand. However, it was obvious this was some other dimenison because the tacos tasted like tacos, rather than lettuce, tomatoes, meat, sauce, and onions combined. But anywho Sonic orderd a tastey fish leg, Tails chewed on Knuckles' head until it lost it's flavor like chewed gum, and Kncukle's ordered Pizza. Samus order a bottle of Bananas and a box of lemonade.
Crash bandicoot came back from the dead and opened his own taco stand that failed due to competition with XTacos, and Jak and Daxter's steak house. Unrelated but rather interesting.
The group were eating their meal when Sonic couldn't contain himself any longer. He got down on one knee and presented a Chaos emerald taped onto a Golden ring with duct tape.
"Samus, when I See you, it's like a pool of water slowly coming out of a beautiful crying clown's happy face. I know that when I'm around you i'm happier than The Trix Rabbit when he finally gets a taste of Count Chocula's ceral. Samus...I love you as much as I Love the CEO's at Sega and Yuji Naka. Will you marry me.
Samus took off her helment and looked at the squat little rodent.
Meanwhile, Tinstar choked on the copy of Quest64 he'd been eating. "That blue blur might be the highest jumping thing alive, but I do be saying I-and only I-deserve the right to Samus's heart! Bubsy! Grab my Super scope. It's TinTime!"

<-----Continue Here--------->

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: The First Luigi game?
« on: December 15, 2001, 09:38:07 PM »
Mario is Missing is a game that many fans believe exist outside of the contium of the Mario universe, mainly due to the fact that it was an educational game that attempted to *gasp* teach children and also partialy due to the fact that non of the Mario team members worked on it (Don't quote me on it-Could be wrong, but it sure dosen't seem like it.) I rented it once and thought that it was 'okay'. It was sort of interesting for me back in the day to read about that sort of thing, but the game play was sort of repetitive and those Koopa Kid bosses were ridiculisly easy-You couldn't even die, if memory serves me right. Hope that helps. Haven't seen you around the board much-if it's your first post welcome to the board!

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: Paper Mario
« on: December 15, 2001, 09:33:29 PM »
I liked Paper Mario because it escaped the normal RPG battle system and even the feilds and created it's own unique feel. I didn't mind quite as much going into battle after battle, because all of the wacky 'action' commands. I also like it 'cause it's the type of game with little nostalgia bits in it.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: Nintendo's Really Done It Bad this time!
« on: December 07, 2001, 10:32:43 PM »
They worked on the N64 a long, long time before it finally came out. I remeber the days of Project Reality...I feel old now, but the point is it took Miyamoto awhile to put together Mario 64 (love it or hate it, it's big and it reveoultionized the gaming world) and the Gamecube technology is still relativly new, and Miyamoto is not only spread thinly between projects, and he can't just pull a Mario128 out of his ear.
Give him time....Or, rather, they could've delayed the GC until Mario Sunshine came out or rushed it majorly.
Sorry if I sound rude, but I'm rather tired.
K to the w to the double-e and h! KWEEh!

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: Whats your favorite post?
« on: December 04, 2001, 09:40:47 PM »
Hmmm....Let me think.
"Yoshi the Gender Bender" Was definatly a classic. Didn't last long, but it It was fun to have a serious (sorta) discussion on a rather absurd topic. It might be more than a year old by now, I forget.
Also, I found alot of the "Is the Mario universe going backwards?" topics kinda interesting. I remeber two off hand-One by the same name and the other "Mario:The Next Generation?".
Also, there was a post about people with multiple accounts which was a riot. I remeber I got into the act too...Poor Cactaur, the account that lasted two whole posts.
Zoot-a-loot, I almost forgot to mention that I remeber when the MWA was 1 post long...And I also remeber when it was 32 posts long. It just kept dropping due to lack of intrest and I clearly remeber thinking "Well, I gave it a go. I guess some ideas don't catch on". After my first AWOL-Spree i was amazed to see it hit 100 some and I was jumping for joy.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: November 21, 2001, 10:20:22 PM »
Come now people. This topic was never ment to harm anybody. Just about having fun. To be honest Once it hit thirty it dropped off the charts for awhile and I thought "Well, it was a nice idea". But it came back and it had 134 post and I thought to myself "Whoo hoo! My Post nearly rivavls the Mr. Face topic!" Then it kept growing and growing...At times I'd thought "Crap I've created a monster" and to be honest I was sort of afraid of it reaching 1000. "What if the maximum post is a mere thousand and it locks up? What if the posts are too plenty and the board coallpases into itself like a blackhole?" I've been hovering on the board anxiously for the 1000th post, really excited and all. Then, lo and behold! Finally, that magic four digit number appeared...I was slightly annoyed about Mario's actions, but to be honest I considered doing that myself ^-^ Selfish I know. All is my eyes. But let us have a new begining, maybe?

"Okay...Here's how it goes! A person says a word, and then the next person says the first word that comes to their mind!"


Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: Kweehing with Excitement!
« on: November 18, 2001, 04:26:03 PM »
Well, I was the first in line at my Wal Mart...In fact nobody else even showed up to wait in line until 6:00 PM, so my freind (Who was just accompanying me-he didn't want a Gamecube) and I were the only ones there for two hours.
It was very, very, enjoyable. The People waiting line were some of the most pleasent I've seen in ages (Well..Expect for the guy in the leather jacket, but I'll get to that.). About a third of the people were devoted parents, and one was a husband/wife team that took shifts (and lawn chairs....grr....Why didn't I think of that?)Alot of them were about middle school kids, who came a tad earlier. Lots of late teenagers came about eight, and the rest of the people fit into those catagories.
I was quite bored. I stayed there the longest of the peoples and I must admit I was sort of antsy. I needed something to do, so I took out Luigi's Mansion's Instruction Manual and went and got everybody's autograph in line (It got harder to do-I'd have to have the people help me spot newcomers from way down the line). I even kept a journal. I'll retype it here, for the heck of it.
8:07 PM, 11-17-01
I've been at wal-mart since 4 Pm and my mind is slowly melting away.
8:36 PM 11-17-01
My mind is now a very fine product similar to Campbell's Tomatoe Soup
9:01 Pm 11-17-01
All wait and no play makes Chocobo a dull guy
9:47 PM 11-17-01
12:04 AM 011-18-01 (Yes, I said 011...)
It's over.
It was very nifty. I kept the little slip of paper that said one (So proud, I am!) and taped it onto the corner of the GC near the 'open' button. *sniffles* I'll always remeber that day.
But, anyway, I hinted at a darker moment. There was this punk in a leather jacket that had this weird sort of walk-a strut, if you will. A guy in the line was making fun of him behind his back, and the guy to left of me said "Oooh, him? I see now". The guy came over to us and said "Has onna' you been talking dirty 'bout me?"
The guy to my left said "No, we were just admiring your leather jacket. It's very nifty." The guy's ego was fed, he gave us a thumbs up, and left. I was worried...A riot in line is a very bad thing.
Luigi's mansion is amazing. I was worried that maybe I should've chose Super Monkey Ball over Luigi, but I don't have any doubts anymore. So much detail, so many little things to see, the graphics gorgeous, Luigi's hilarious, and Catching ghosts is very entertaining.
This is Chocobo.
I'm Kweehing...away

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: November 16, 2001, 10:24:29 PM »
The Minus World

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: November 13, 2001, 10:05:50 PM »

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

General Chat / Re: MSN
« on: October 26, 2001, 04:07:20 PM »
Alright...promise not to laugh? Promise not to make fun?...I got this address three years ago, so....

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: Did those Mario Adventure books give you nightmares?
« on: October 15, 2001, 02:20:12 PM »
I don't remeber reading a Mario Choose your adventure book, but I Do remeber some pretty freaky ones. As a youngster, the prospect of being turned into a tree and trying to call out but not being able to speak was quite unappealing.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: Your Favorite games
« on: October 15, 2001, 02:17:05 PM »
1:Chrono Trigger
I can't believed how much I love this game..The characters, although now that I look back seem pretty common (Heck, they had a knight being turn into a frog! favorite character) were all very lively, different, and quite like able. I still hum the Chrono Trigger songs-To Far Away times engraved itself into my memory. The story was fantastic-New Game + mode and all those alternative endings really added to it. But it really inspired me. I Decided that I wanted to tell a story someday, in any medium possible (Book, RPG, Platformer, Movie, Rice a roni) that would inspire somebody as much as Chrono Trigger inspired me.
The rest of the games are in no particular order:
Bubble Bobble: "It is now the begining of a fantastic story! Let us beegin our adventure into the monster cave!" A glorious title that never dies in replay. I still remeber the main theme, too. I still hold a grude against that stupid whale that would come when I ran out of time...
Earthbound: Quirkiness at it's best. A hilarious story that feels like a late night B movie. I cherish my Mother 2 4 koma magna and still dream about Mother 3....
Super Mario Bros 3:Shigeru Miyamoto, my hero (Honestly, he is. His creativity never seems to end. he never has a "me too" game, as far I can tell. my only qualm was Yoshi Story, but as I recal he was the co-producer of that one) was at his best one this one. Ahh...Nostalgia...*sniffles* Those were the days...
Sonic The Hedgehog 2: Yuji Naka, a gaming deity of a different world (although the two are coming closer and closer) was definatly at his best here. The music..the levels...The secrets (Ashura and Super Sonic! W00t!) and the ending. the ending blew me away. I hadn't ever seen anything like it that age (I was too young for RPGs). I won't spoil it, but...Yuji Naka and his team know how to make a good story.
Sonic Adventure 2: I felt something when I played this game that i Hadn't felt in years...that sense that you couldn't die yet, that you had to save those extra lives, the feeling of getting past that last hard jump to get to the end...ahh..Also I believe the ending to this game is one of my all time favorites. It was so good...It's hard to believe it was in a Sonic Game.
I'm getting a cramp, so I won't ramble on about the following games:
Breath of Fire 2+3, Wild ARMS, Azure Dreams, and Mario World 1 +2.
Kweeh out foos!

Mario Chat / Re: YYYES! Mario Cartoon in the near future?
« on: October 15, 2001, 01:48:03 PM »
*wipes a tear from his eyes* *straigtens up*. I'll warn you now. the following is happy dellirious rambling.
Oh..Can't you just see it now? The last Mario cartoon was out in the 16-bit era. Think of all that has happened in the Mario universe sence then! Wario's slow path into becoming one of the group (In party games, etc, he's almost always in it), The introduction of Waluigi ( look different! Wait a minute...y-y-ou're not luigi! Luigi, haaaaaalp!"). The possible Mario64 refrences (Whomps! Heck, that could be a whole epsiode! Remeber how the Head Whomp was rebelling against humanity because Whomps were enslaved to pavement and such?), Kamek and equivelents. Even Paper Mario could have an influence over it. You know how the 'partners' seemed pretty 2 diemensional and...dull? (Hi. I'm parakarry. I deliver the mai. I have a letter for you.) It would be the perfect way to develop those guys further. Kooper having to come to grips with the fact that much of the mushroom kingdome is biased against him due to his koopaness, Goombario realizing he can't just be a mario clone, Parakarry saying something relevant, etc. The Star Road could very well become a plot point too. Maybe even stars in general-Mario Sunshine looks like it'll incorporate some sort of solar energy, and just think...That speical luigi epsiode, "Lugii Mansion!". Then, when a show comes about, there's also the rush to market it. I hate to sound childish(It would be odd...The last time I went into the toy aisle 'cause i Heard they had one a Knuckles figurine, these little guys were all 'Sir, can you reach that for me?' Sir? Perhaps my mustache screams sir...I dunno.), but I've loved the character of Yoshi and wouldn't mind an old school yoshi figurnie to decorate my dresser.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: Anybody here make Mario games?
« on: October 01, 2001, 04:27:08 PM »
Hmm, I was working on one with Games Factory, but it was rather difficult. In order to have the small mario big mario, i actually had you controlling all of the different marios at the same time (My Marios were small mario, Big Mario, Mega mario [like triple the size of super mario] Fire flower [shoots fire balls], Thunder Flower [shoots bolts in three directions] Ice Flower [never fully programmed]) and all of them would be set to invisible, and be switched off. Then when there was a collision event with an enemy, any mario above small mario would turn invisible and small mario would turn visible and be switched on, and similar events would happen for power ups, except of course the Mario turns into a higher form. I made a pretty convincing level, too. Lol the best Paint Shop Pro Mario substitue graphics you'll ever see. Sorry for rambling.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

Mario Chat / Re: RPG maker?
« on: September 11, 2001, 05:31:31 PM »
RPG2k, you mean? Boy, that program rocks...But I'm afraid I don't know where it's located at anymore, I think Don Miguel (The offical translator)'s site went down. Try, and ask around at the forums and follow links in the affilate section.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!

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