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Messages - Mario Master

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 30 31 32 [33] 34
Game Help / Re: Corona Mountain
« on: February 09, 2003, 07:22:41 PM »
A good way to beat the manta ray thing is to hang out under the little hut and spray them when they get close.  You'll be protected from the goop and the mantas because they'll go over the hut.  Or you could always spin jump and spray.  Worked for me.

Also, an easy way to beat "Scrubbing Sirena Beach" is to use the barrels to clean up the major areas.  (They're full of water)

Game Help / Re: Luigi's Mansion
« on: February 09, 2003, 07:18:12 PM »
I like it when he puts his head on backwards and runs around blind. :)

Game Help / Re: Green Yoshi in Super Mario Sunshine?
« on: February 09, 2003, 07:15:10 PM »
And (refering to the original topic) if you deprive Yoshi of fruit for a long enough time, his colour will drain to green before he explodes.

Game Help / Re: Green Yoshi in Super Mario Sunshine?
« on: February 09, 2003, 07:13:22 PM »
Yoshi can swim perfectly in YS though.

Forum Games / Wario Voice Tryouts
« on: August 07, 2003, 06:30:58 PM »
Hey!  I'm back!  And just in time!  I'm in dire need of someone who can do Wario's voice pretty well.  Just record you doing one of Wario's many sayings, and send it to me.  Any questions?  Ask away!

Yoshi likes to dance in his backwards saddle!

Forum Games / Fourtunately...
« on: July 14, 2003, 07:57:27 PM »
Ok, some of you may have heard of these kinds of stories.  Well, lets make one.  The first person posts a Fortunately, which is something good happening to the character.  The next person posts an Unfortuately, which is something bad happening to the character.

Such as:

Fortunately, Mario got a package in the mail.
Unfortuately, it was a bomb.
Fortunately, Mario heard the ticking and threw the bomb out the window.
Unfortuately, the bomb landed in his prized garden and blew up all his vegatables.

And so on.  Someone start!

Hold still.  I''m trying to kill you... with my mind.

Mario Chat / You got a Koopa?
« on: July 07, 2003, 01:45:02 PM »
In SSBM, I went through the announcer's quotes in the sound test and I found something where he says "You got a Koopa!" or "You got a coupon!"  Something like that.  What does it mean?  And where is it used?

Hold still.  I''m trying to kill you... with my mind.

Forum Games / Total Annilation (A Mario Story)
« on: June 14, 2003, 11:58:51 AM »
Here is a Mario story I'm working on.  Please, don't add to it!  Any and all feedback is welcome though.

"Gwa-ha-ha!" Mario had heard that evil laugh before, and he knew he was getting closer.  He kicked up a bit of dust as he crawled through the air vent of Koopa Castle.  He came to a small hole in the air vent, covered by a transparent screen.  He put his ear against it to hear what was going on.  He heard voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying.  He knew that it was a couple of goombas, judging by the sounds of their voices, but all he could make out was, "Yeah, and then... and Mario... heh heh...".  Mario pushed his ear harder against the screen, straining to hear what the sinister Koopa Clan was planning.
   "Mario, will come in and... then King Bowser... BOOM!".  Mario pushed still harder, but perhaps too hard, because before he knew it, he was tumbling through the screen down towards the ground.  The two goombas looked up, "Mario!  Get him!".  As he went into his fighting stance, Mario figured the two goombas would be no match for him, except there weren't just two goombas.  There was about eight thousand!  Mario's felt his pupils shirnk as his arms flopped to his sides like two wet towels.

What will happen next?  Will Mario be able to fight the goombas?  Or will he be lunch for the deformed mushrooms?

If I had a dime for every time someone called me forgetful, I''d... um... What were we talking about again?

General Chat / Gamer's Haven Inc.
« on: June 05, 2003, 09:45:35 AM »
For those of you who are not in the Gamer's Haven crew, you'll have no idea what we are talking about.  Check our website for updates and other stuff, but for right now it's just a black page.

Ok guys!  I set up this message board so we can talk about our new site.  I was thinking that instead of making just games, I thought a couple of walkthrus and other stuff would be cool.  Stuff like sprites, animations, a few comics, etc.  I think we should actually work on the game thing as a group.  BTW, I need the password for the site e-mailed to me, Yoshi6.  You need to send it to everyone in Gamer's Haven Inc.  I know a lot of HTML, so I'll be able to program most of the website for everyone (including a secret message board).  Anyway, lets get started on our first thing.  We should start by making everything with the website, then adding the files.  Ok!  Let's get started!

If I had a dime for every time someone called me forgetful, I''d... um... What were we talking about again?

Edited by - Mario Master on 6/5/2003 8:47:17 AM

Mario Chat / Ever wanted to make a Mario game?
« on: June 01, 2003, 06:47:30 PM »
Well here's your chance!  I figured out that you can only have 4 people in your party at once with my maker (for those of you who were following my other topic).  So now I'm offering positions to people who've always wanted to make a Mario RPG of their very own!  Here are some of the positions:

Character design (1-3)
These guys design EVERYTHING about the (4) characters from stats, to moves, to experience gain.

Sprite design (1 up)
This is self-explanitory, but these guys make all the sprites and pictures and tiles and etc.

Story design (3-10)
These guys say what happens in the game from start to finish.

Map design (2 up)
These guys make all the maps with tiles from either sprite design or from pre-made tilesets.  Drawing the maps free-hand is another option.

Item design (1 up)
These guys make all the items in the game from recovery items to equipment.

Dialog Design (1-3)
These guys put in the actual dialog that was arranged from the story designer(s) vague description.  They also put what it says for starting a fight, etc.

Skill design (1 up)
They make all the magic and moves and stuff.

Game design (Me + up to 2)
We put everything together, nuff said.

Any questions?

If I had a dime for every time someone called me forgetful, I''d... um... What were we talking about again?

Mario Chat / Ever wanted to make a Mario game?
« on: June 01, 2003, 06:47:29 PM »
Well here's your chance!  I figured out that you can only have 4 people in your party at once with my maker (for those of you who were following my other topic).  So now I'm offering positions to people who've always wanted to make a Mario RPG of their very own!  Here are some of the positions:

Character design (1-3)
These guys design EVERYTHING about the (4) characters from stats, to moves, to experience gain.

Sprite design (1 up)
This is self-explanitory, but these guys make all the sprites and pictures and tiles and etc.

Story design (3-10)
These guys say what happens in the game from start to finish.

Map design (2 up)
These guys make all the maps with tiles from either sprite design or from pre-made tilesets.  Drawing the maps free-hand is another option.

Item design (1 up)
These guys make all the items in the game from recovery items to equipment.

Dialog Design (1-3)
These guys put in the actual dialog that was arranged from the story designer(s) vague description.  They also put what it says for starting a fight, etc.

Skill design (1 up)
They make all the magic and moves and stuff.

Game design (Me + up to 2)
We put everything together, nuff said.

Any questions?

If I had a dime for every time someone called me forgetful, I''d... um... What were we talking about again?

Mario Chat / Ever wanted to be in a video game?
« on: May 26, 2003, 12:24:34 PM »
Well here's your chance!  I am taking 20 lucky people and putting them in a video game!  That's 11 men and 9 women.  Here are the things you can be:

A Male Hero
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light

A Female Hero
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light

A Male Soldier
Hair: Black (eyebrow color)
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Light

A Female Soldier
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Light

A Male Mage
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light

A Female Mage
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Light

A Priest
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Skin: Light

A Priestess
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light

A Male Monk
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Light Brown (almost orange)
Skin: Light

A Female Monk
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Skin: Light

A Male Thief
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red (?)
Skin: Medium

A Female Thief
Hair: Green
Eyes: Green
Skin: Medium

A Male Pirate
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Red
Skin: Light

A Female Pirate
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Light

A Male Elf
Hair: Green
Eyes: Green
Skin: Light

A Female Elf
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Yellow (??)
Skin: Light

A Man In Heavy Armor
Hair: N/A (Helmet)
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light

A Samurai (Male)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light

A Male Ninja
Hair: Black (eyebrow color)
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Light

A Female Ninja
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Light

You can also choose from these classes:


High in Attack and Defense, okay in Agility, but lacking intellegence.  Warriors can equip most any weapon or armor, but never once learn a magic spell.  That is replaced with skills.

These are all-around magic folk.  They are mostly intellegent and agile rather than offensive or defensive.  They learn a powerful arsenal of spells, without really crossing the line between White and Black magic.  They are also limited on equipment, so that makes them almost the exact opposite of the Warrior class.

These are agile, powerful people who actually lack defense and intellegence.  While the Warrior class can learn no spells, the Battler class can learn quite a few that could really help.  There is one problem with this class though... they can't equip ANYTHING!  Luckily, this class seems to level up more quickly than the others.

These are pure White magic.  They are only there to heal the party, to create magic barriers, and to remove status ailments.  However, they do level up VERY quickly, although their stats suck with extra mustard.  They can also sometimes control the weather.

Ah, yes... the powerhouse of the Magic team.  Warlocks are PURE BLACK MAGIC.  They are all about harming the enemy, or causing status ailments.  They learn the most powerful spells, yet lack any attack or defense.  They rely solely on their minds in battle.  This class seems to level up quite slowly.

These are average fighters.  They have a few spells, and their stats are about the same throughout their average level speed lives.  They can also equip quite a few things too.

Ok!  I think we're ready!  All you gotta do is say what you want to be, your character's name, and your class, and we'll be on our way!

Everybody has the right to stupidity, but you''re abusing the privilage.

Video Game Chat / Mario Master's AC Item Storage Warehouse!
« on: May 09, 2003, 06:16:22 PM »
Is your house too small?  Got too much stuff?  Do wanna sell it?  Then send it to Mario Master's Animal Crossing Item Storage Warehouse!  For only 100 bells per item, I'll store the item for you and it will be given the best of care.  Just give me the code and you're ready to go!  When you want you're item back, just send me an e-mail and I'll send you a code pronto!

Everybody has the right to stupidity, but you''re abusing the privilage.

Video Game Chat / Animal Crossing Auction
« on: May 09, 2003, 11:26:16 AM »
Ever wanted to get rid of something you didn't want on Animal Crossing?  Want to make the maximum amount of bells possible?  Then simply auction it off!
These are the rules:
1. If an auction is NOT going on, then you may auction post an auction.
2. You must post your name on AC, your town, your item(s), and your minimum bid.
3. People post their bids in multiples of 100, 1000, and 100,000.  No wierd numbers like 3756 bells.
4. At 9:00 PM, the highest bidder gets the item for his bid.
5. NO DEADBEAT BUYERS!  Do NOT bid unless you're ready to pay it off.  No IOU's, no debts, no items as payment.  Period.
6. NO DEADBEAT SELLERS!  If you post an item, ready to auction, you're committed to selling it.  If you change your mind, do it before the first bid.  Otherwise, you're stuck.
7. Once an auction is complete, the buyer and seller give their code(s) to each other.  If one gives a false code (on purpose), they will be banned from the ACA until they either give back the item they didn't pay for along with 10,000 bells (buyer) or have to refund 110% of what the buyer payed (seller).
8. The next auction can only commence if both send codes and both say "I have my item".  Otherwise, I will barrage the person(s) with e-mails telling them that they either need to e-mail me back or post the message.
9. NO HACKING!!!  If you use a HTML loophole to make someone bid, you will pay them 110% of what you made them bid.  Otherwise, you will be banned.

It's pretty simple!  As long as you're fair, this will be fun.  Anyway, I'll show you a "quick and dirty" auction and how it works:

Post 1:

Name: Ness
Town: Onett
Item: Club Shirt, Heart Shirt, Spade Shirt, Diamond Shirt
Minimum bid: 10000 bells.

Post 2:

I bid 11000 bells.

Post 3:

I bid 20000 bells.

Post 4: (end of day)

And the winner is (buyer)
for 20000 bells.

Post 5: (seller)

Ok, here's my code:


Post 6: (buyer)

Here's mine:


Post 7: (buyer)

I have my item.

Post 8: (seller)

I have my money

Post 9: (next seller)


Get it?  Good.  5 and 6 don't have to be in that order, and neither do 8 and 9.

Have fun!

Everybody has the right to stupidity, but you''re abusing the privilage.

Forum Games / Help make a fanfic!
« on: May 07, 2003, 05:24:33 PM »
Ok, here's the laydown.  No nonsense.  Any extensive nonsense will be edited out.  One sentence each, and make it interesting, k?  All your user names will be in the credits.  Yes, you can make jokes, but no "Look!" said Toad, "A chain chomp!" ok?  That's really annoying ecspecially when it's used multiple times.  Oh yeah, and staying on topic helps too.  No fake characters, no "putting yourself in the story", etc.  Anyway, have fun with it, I'll be writting everything down.  (And I'll correct spelling and grammar errors too.)  Oh yeah, and it's ok to leave a partial sentence.
I'll write a few sentences to get you started:

One day, Mario and Luigi went for a walk in the Forest of Illusion when suddenly, a large, pink boo came out of nowhere and bumped into Mario.  "Mario!  Luigi!" said the boo, "I have an inmportant message from the Prince of Boos!  He said: ...

Have fun!

Everybody has the right to stupidity, but you''re abusing the privilage.

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