
Author Topic: Super Smash Brothers 2  (Read 12955 times)

« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2001, 04:17:56 PM »
Yes, Fara was from the Star Fox comics. Sad too, because it looked like she would have potential had she been a normal character.

Next, I take back the statement about the shading percentages being gone. I looked up some new movies, and they're still there.

New Additions:

The colors used for logo things like "Game Set" are different. For example, now Game Set has black and red colors (cool!)

Backgrounds are changed for the better. DK Jungle now has a rushing waterfall, and Great Fox now flies over Corneria.

Bad News: The arenas have been slightly edited. For example, DK Jungle looks smaller, doesn't have the rotating middle platform, and now there's a small platform to the bottom right corner that wasn't there before.

But do you think Dino Riki might make it into Smash Bros? If you don't know who he is, he might pop up. After all, they got Ice Climber. So why not?

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.


« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2001, 04:23:32 PM »
It's too bad they didn't put in Mike from Startropics, but at least Ness has his own level. Also, Nintendo forgot:

KID Link
Shigeru Miamoto.

Oh well.
Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2001, 10:10:47 PM »
Ok, I'm gonna explode. Sorry, I have to rant about this to someone.

The new Star Fox / Dinosaur Planet hybrid does NOT feature the Star Fox team. Instead, the only Fox reference is having Fox replace the main character. Arwing missions also pop up, but that's not enough to make it a Star Fox game in any way!

Here's the disappointing news I heard from Nintendo on this game:

Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet picks up the action eight years after Fox McCloud, the best pilot in the Lylat System, defeated Andross. His team has since been disbanded - Falco is pursuing a solo career; Slippy's working in research and development; and Peppy has retreated to the calmer life of mission support. Ultimately it is Fox alone who must address the plight of Dinosaur Planet.

No Peppy? Sniff. No Slippy? Well, that's a plus. No Falco? Big mistake. To top it off, Fox's teammate in the game isn't the least bit Lylat-related. It coulda been Falco, but no! I would have preferred the new Dinosaur Planet characters, like Saber, if that was one of them.

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2001, 10:46:38 PM »
Okay, I just saw the movies of Super Smash Bros. Melee. and I have to say WOW!!!  It looks FANTASTIC!!!  Peach!  Bowser!  Ice Climber!  Shiek AKA Zelda!  Everything looks just awesome!! Check it out at!!
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2001, 09:04:06 AM »
More New Info:

Slippy and Peppy will make appearances in Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet, but only to give advice along the way. Oh WHY did Slippy have to be one of them?

Apparently Mario will appear in Luigi's Mansion. A quote from the E3 Nintendo site said that the premise of the game was Luigi searching for his brother in the mansion. So, Mario will probably pop up near the end.

It really looks like they made the back of Yoshi's head flat. As we all know, it's not supposed to be like that. Now those Smash Bros. Melee guys totally goofed on Yoshi's appearance just from that one error. Just great...

On a positive note, E3 is today. Hopefully IGN will have a heart (not) and reveal the new contestants that will appear. Unless all the vintage NES characters are secret characters!
But hey, since Ness made it in as a secret character in the last game, make way for the Cube rendition of Pit! I hope.

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2001, 08:14:24 PM »
Will they keep all those nifty Items like Hammers and Beam Swords?

Happy? IMPOSTER...I Never Use H word!!!
Happy? IMPOSTER...I Never Use H word!!!
"Welcome to a Game Guy Minigame! First i must take all you coins! (-X Coins) Ok We''re Off to the Game Guy Game Room! So hang on tight because it''s going to be a rough ride!"~ Sheesh! I gotta stop playing the Shyguy Games!!

« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2001, 12:52:49 PM »
It would seem so...  IGN.Com also reported that in addition to the old items, new items would show up.  The examples they gave were an Umbrella (probably Peach's from SMRPG) and a Super Scope Six.  You know, the light gun from the old SNES days.  Coolness.
Thank you for saving us but our princess is in another castle!

« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2001, 03:18:37 PM »
Hey, if you're interested, I'm making a section on my new webpage that will give all sorts of info on it (i'm sure i've said this before). Just go to

right now, virtually nothing is up. but you'll be able to see the new design. don't bother going to this site until about a week has passed. by then it will work.

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2001, 09:11:19 AM »
I've gotten ahold of another Smash Bros. video, and you can hear the audience in the background. Here's the characters they showed in order, as well as the audience response and my comments:

Mario: Well of course he appears first. A lot of people cheered for him. Apparently Mario will have his cape in this Smash Bros. too.

Peach: You could hear some applause, but it was very faint just like with the rest of the movie. Guess they didn't focus on audience audio.

Yoshi: I thought I could hear some applause, and Yoshi is looking good, but I did notice a big glitch in his shadow once.

Kirby: You can hear one person going "Whoo!" Guess people like Kirby.

DK: I couldn't hear any audience cheers.

Ness: It's obvious that some people cheered for Ness. It's not as strong as I would have hoped, however.

Bowser: Faint applause.

Captain Falcon: Not sure.

Fox: Almost no applause. But Fox made some mean fighting noises.

Samus: No duh! Samus easily gained the MOST applause. It was also noticably louder than that given for Mario!

Pikachu: No applause, hehe.

Link: Some audible applause.

Shiek (I guess this will be final name): Faint applause. I wonder why...

Ice Climber: Some applause. Certainly more than given for Shiek.

And strangely, the crowd applauded loudest for the beginning and ending of the movie.

Tell me what you think. I think the audio should have been more focused on audience, cause I'm sure someone clapped for Captain Falcon and others.

I'll get some sounds of the applaud rates on my site soon.

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2001, 08:30:57 PM »
I did a bit of research regarding those Ice Climbers.  If you go here:

You'll find that the names of the climbers are Popo and Nana (Popo's the boy, Nana's the girl).  Now we know.
Thank you for saving us but our princess is in another castle!

« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2001, 09:31:51 PM »
Even more Smash Bros. 2 info:

I don't think all the characters from the original will return. From what we've seen, there's no word on Luigi or Jigglypuff returning. But then again, they might be secret characters...

Chances of Dino Riki popping up in the game: 0%.

No word yet on Kid Icarus. If anything, a secret character.

There seems to be some one-player "adventure" mode. I'm assuming the way it works is that it's like a very big bonus stage. Except that there's actually color in them :) , you're likely to go up against more of your foes as you go along your trek, and it being an adventure won't make it any easier than a regular mode.

I've heard how a special tournament mode will pit you with up to 64 other combatants. Probably the Polygon Team again, but think for a sec. They might be several characters with different suits.

No word on if we'll see Mario in the Wario clothing again.

In fact, no new suits have been shown!

A lot of detail has gone into Bowser. Check out one of the FMV shots to see what I mean. And he still has that wacky red hair of his...

Mario has REALLY changed. Look at his overalls, and you can clearly see the denim texture (awesome!). Plus, this MUST be the "new" mature Mario. Look at him, he's SLIM! He also looks taller (!), and there's something else about him that looks different.

Samus obviously received the most applause in a recent E3 video.

Some new screenshots and videos of the adventure mode do show that there will be Koopas, Goombas, seals (of the Ice Climber universe), and more.

In one E3 video, for the intro, they showed off the beginning of a tempting Mario vs. Link match. It's obvious that Nintendo sees this as one of the greatest matchups, so it's only fitting that for the intro, we see Mario and Link looking at eachother, in fighting stance. And then this magical moment ends just as Mario makes the first punch...

We're all hyped up for it now more than ever.

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2001, 10:00:42 PM »
Here's some interesting pictures I captured from the Smash Bros. videos and put up on my site:

This link above shows off that those game creators really knew how to add detail to Bowser. What I'm mainly referring to is the "bulge" on Bowser's chest (I know what it is, but I don't think the forums would let me say it). But hey, I noticed it, so I decided to put it here. The bulge has been there in the past, but this is the first time it is truly noticable.

I always knew Bowser was cute in one way or another, but this pic really seems to hit home. There's just something about his face.

If anything, check out this photo. It's a HUGE graphical mistake, and it was part in an E3 video! You'd think they wouldn't allow a mistake like THIS to pass them by, but I guess now we know better.
It shows Yoshi jumping, and you can see his shadow on the paper background. One problem: part of the shadow is clipped when it clearly shouldn't, making it look like the shadow of Yoshi's head look like it was cut in half. You simply must see it to believe it.

Tell me what you think of these pics, even although they had no point.

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2001, 08:35:28 AM »
Hey, check this out. Looks like Pit from Kid Icarus will be in Smash Bros. Melee after all.

It's not a confirmation, but IGN is pretty sure that HAL (the developers of the game) have at least considered putting Pit in the game. After all, how else would you explain seeing a certain Icarus-looking kid on a demo of Smash Bros.?

And about all those extra spots in the Character Select screen, I never noticed those. But they are there, so we can only imagine who will pop up. We know Pit has a good chance of returning. Maybe Dino Riki will return as well.

As for the Star Fox change for Dinosaur Planet, it was mainly done because the main character, Sabre, looked like Star Fox. But think about it. Krystal looks a lot like Fara. Rare would be stupid not to include Fara, if they've already included other Star Fox characters. But knowing Rare, there's not a good chance of it happening.

btw, anyone remember the old Metroid comics? Like Houston, the guy in the blue suit? We also got to see one of the living Bird people (I forget his name, it was something like Cho).

Peaceful penguins, demented dragons and growling griffins, oh my.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2001, 12:21:43 PM »
I kinda doubt we will see Dino Riki... The game was made by Hudson Soft, not Nintendo.  Since there are so many beloved characters made by Nintendo (Pit, for example) it seems unlikely to me that Nintendo would pay Hudson Soft to use one of their characters.

...Then again, if they did, we might see other cool characters like Bomberman and Master Higgins from the Adventure Island series... Now THAT would be cool, no?
Thank you for saving us but our princess is in another castle!

« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2001, 02:53:04 PM »
On Super Smash Bros. Melee's page at they have a very intresting quote about a new item. (This is not what they actually said but based on it.) "Did you ever think the raygun was a cheap way to attack? Well, wait until you see the new laser machine gun!" Hmm... I guess that'll add some more mayhem. (I hate it it when you get juggled by a raygun. Now I'll really die in SSBM.)
