
Author Topic: The Early Great Games  (Read 8640 times)


  • 黒松
« on: December 22, 2007, 07:46:48 PM »
Way back in the beginning of computer games, many people started these terrific games, but they had never got the attention they deserved. People today still know them, but only a very select few. I'm posting this topic to show and tell you some of my favorite childhood games.

Also as a bonus, I'm providing optional downloads to the actual games. I cannot guarantee that these are virus-free however. Download at your own risk. Most of these games require MS-DOS so if you have Windows XP it might not work properly.

If any of my links are broken or the downloads are bad, let me know.

Commander Keen

Commander Keen was the very first computer game I had ever played as far as I can remember. It had a main character who dared the perils of the Vorticons and also dubbed the classic pixelated Green Bay Packer Helmet. Some people may not think much of it now but I definitely think that it is a classic.

I believe the first Episode and others are here:

Jazz Jackrabbit

Imagine a Rabbit with a gun, running as fast as possible shooting just about everything he could see. That was pretty much the essence of this game; A mix of Sonic and a shoot em' up. It also boasted one of the first 3-D Levels in computer gaming.

I believe the demo version of This game is here:

Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem way back on the old computers was pretty darn fun. This version of Duke Nukem is sort of a great mix between a platform/puzzle/shooter. It also had some of the coolest "Graphics" (At least, to me)

I believe the first episode for this game is here:

Monster Bash

We had an old Macintosh in Grade school that had this game. I have to admit, it was one of the more bloody games I had ever seen. It featured a Little kid, who killed Murderous Zombies with a slingshot, which also (if equipped with the correct power up) could fire huge rocks, multiple rocks, or missiles. Those Zombies never knew what was coming.

I believe the first episode for this game is here:


To be honest, I think this is the best scrolling shoot em' up I have ever seen, even with today's technology. It has graphics, Great music, Customizable ships and a great storyline. (You have to have the skill to find it though) Hopefully you people blinded by today's technology can see the greatness in this game. (Provided if you can download it.)

I believe that the Full 2000 Version can be found here:


I Think that this is the best RPG ever made. The Gods are in war with each other. Unfortunately their weapons are missing and you must retrieve them. Or at least, that's what the main goal of the game is. Frankly, you can do almost whatever you want. Just be careful. It is very hard to Survive in Asgard, and almost every living being is out to kill you. This game is very hard to understand at first, but once you get the hang of it, it can be very fun and challenging.

I believe this is the Full game:

If There is a Old game that is unheard of that you really liked, feel free to post it.

« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 07:52:36 PM »
This is not even close to the "beginning of computer games", puddin', but I will allow you to call them "Early".

I played all of these besides Ragnarok when I was young and they were all awesome back then!

The very first shirt in my long, long line of ordering nerd clothes was a Jazz Jackrabbit shirt in fourth grade. I begged so hard for it!

« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2007, 07:54:55 PM »
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • Banned
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2007, 08:06:25 PM »
Aw, dang, this brings back so many memories. I played Commander Keen and Duke Nukem well before I played any Mario game, as well as Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Dangerous Dave, Zork, and so on (I'm not going to list the kajillion IF games I used to have). Whenever people think "retro" or "classic", they always pick obvious games like SMB and Zelda and Tetris, so it's nice to see some appreciation of early-90s PC classics. In fact, there needs to be a new Commander Keen game. I will personally make out with John Romero if that happens.


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2007, 08:07:43 PM »
Holy crap, I played all of those except the last two. I already have all seven of the PC Commander Keen games, though...

If we're talking about classic PC games, I'd also like to suggest Blake Stone, Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Triad, Raptor, the three Discworld games, Hocus Pocus, Major Stryker (which was released as freeware by Apogee), Halloween Harry/Alien Carnage (also released as freeware), Pickle Wars, and Duke Nukem 2. Also, shareware episodes of any of the Apogee games mentioned can be downloaded from the 3D Realms website.

EDIT: Holy crap, Rise of the Triad ported to the DS.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 08:12:32 PM by WarpRattler »


  • 黒松
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2007, 08:25:24 PM »
In fact, there needs to be a new Commander Keen game. I will personally make out with John Romero if that happens.
Umm, I don't think that would be necessary... Even if it did happen....


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2007, 08:31:56 PM »
There needs to be a new Commander Keen game on the PC, and it needs to remain a sidescroller and be developed by the right team, unlike the GBC one. I wouldn't make out with John Romero, though.

Also, I remembered ZZT shortly after clicking the Post button, but didn't bother to edit it in.


  • Choppy words and a sloppy flow
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2007, 11:38:27 PM »
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That Commander Keen game was the first game I saw on a computer!!!! WAAAAAAAY Back when I was 3! cant belive I still remember it! This brings back so many memories...... (I'm only 14 right now)
Time is repeating itself. Why you say? Look at the Wii and NES and you'll know why.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2007, 02:51:59 AM »
Man, I was all playing Dracula in London and Star Trek Tactical Simulator and Rogue and stuff back on my 1984 PCjr. That stuff is way older than this.
That was a joke.


  • 黒松
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2007, 11:42:07 PM »
Well I was only born in 1992...

And now that I am really thinking about it, this thread isn't having much of a point besides "bringing back the memories."

« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2008, 02:19:37 AM »
One word: "Centipede."  Anyone who has not played this cannot fathom how much fun a person can get out of such a simple game.  I used to have it on a 5¼" floppy and I wasted incalculable hours of my life blasting those tricky chiliapoda.

"Alley Cat" is another immensely enjoyable early computer game, although it gets old much, much, much quicker.  So underrated.
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2008, 02:49:44 AM »
As far as classic arcade games go, I sure do enjoy Joust.
That was a joke.


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2008, 05:16:27 AM »
If we're now talking about arcade games (or home ports of them), I've been playing Bubble Bobble longer than I can remember, thanks to the existence of a DOS version. Same goes for Joust, Mario Bros, and any of the games in Microsoft Arcade (though those games were for Windows).

Also, Qix and Gyruss, even though I didn't get to play those until much later than those other games.

« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2008, 07:06:31 PM »
Jazz Jackrabbit fan here. Woot!

I played Bubble Bobble for NES, never knew there was a DOS version. I did try Dragon's Lair for DOS, but that plain sucked (on top of that, I could never get used to the controls). Also played Monster Bash, Wolfenstein 3D, and Oregon Trail.

I was also a fan of the NES version of Snake Rattle N Roll. Never did get past the fifth stage. Stupid disappearing flying carpet. Come to think of it, that's the first Rareware game I know of.
You didn't say wot wot.


  • Kansas
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2008, 07:21:53 PM »
I think that Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the most fun computer games. I remember when we first got that game, my mom hated it because she felt bad for the evil turtles.
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