
Author Topic: Let's Discuss...The 100 Reasons Fanboys hate Nintendo  (Read 11365 times)

« on: June 03, 2008, 05:46:22 PM »

Or for everyone who wants to save time...

100 Reasons Fanboys Hate Nintendo

1. RAM Expansion
2. Pikachu N64
3. Hey You! Pikachu
4. Nine years of B&W Game Boy
5. DS Lite has different charger
6. "Gamers were bored before Wii"
7. Still advertising Wii Sports
8. Electroplankton
9. Watermelon N64
10. Controller Paks
11. Sensor Bar
12. Burying us in Pokemon...
13. virtual migraine
14. Super Scope 6
15. Solar Jetman
16. Celebs toting GameCubes
17. "My name is Reggie. I'm about kicking ass."
18. ROB
19. Excitebike don't work!
20. Mario 2 is a dream
21. Censoring blood in MK
22. Play it Loud! ads
23. Super fx chip
24. Luigi's Mansion
25. Friend Codes
26. Motion Controls gimmicky
27. Weak Wii hardware
28. No hard drive
29. 480p max rez
30. Lazy designers don't use touch screen on DS
31. Industry bully (esp. '80s)
32. Wii Fit
33. Game Boy Micro
34. The Wizard - PowerGlove scene
35. Weak 3rd party support
36. Same [dukar], different Zelda
37. Starfox Adventures
38. "High horse" attitude
39. Mario is Missing
40. Miis lack customization
41. ****-poor online setup
42. GameCube modem
43. Expensive cart games (N64)
44. Letting Rare go crazy
45. GBA connectivity underused
46. Abandoning the hardcore
47. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
48. N64-DD
49. Still no portable GC
50. Zelda CD-I games (50)
51. The Dog from Duck Hunt
52. Red Steel ad - loser hiding behind couch
53. Wiimote condom
54. Wii have a problem
55. Media blacklisting
56. Wii Parties (evites)
57. Nintendo hates the environment (Greenpeace)
58. Wii marketing materials - 12yo girl b-day party
59. NES controller - rectangular corners
60. N64 Controller 'L' Button
61. GC Controller - kidneys, 1 bumper, etc.
62. Super Mario Sunshine Graffiti missions
63. Miis can't do anything!
64. Shortages - STILL?!?
65. Link looks like the elf from Rudolph
66. Real games, plz (magnetica, brain age, big brain academy, vision training, flash focus, picross)
67. Mario Party injuries
68. Old Man carrying a load in his pants
69. No online freebies like Japan
70. Wind Waker makeover
71. Lost Final Fantasy to Sony
72. Mom's Wii blog
73. Wii tour for soccer moms
74. Wii Photo Channel
75. You know, for kids!! (Manhunt 2)
76. Sailing in Wind Waker
77. Sailing in Phantom Hourglass
78. Sailing in Uncharted Waters
79. Cooking games
80. SMB movie
81. Hot Topic merchandise whoring
82. Gamecube handle
83. Crap RPGS
84. Iwata: "Customers don't want online games."
85. GBA cart batteries dying
86. NinjaBread Man / Annubis 2 / Rock n Roll Adventures / Billy the Wizard
87. Nicole Kidman DS ads in Europe
88. Finally got Crystal Chronicles
89. Crappy DS ports of big-name games (Need for Speed, Burnout, Call of Duty etc)
90. Kid electrocuted in Thailand
91. Yamauchi: "Our Customers don't know what they want."
92. Yamauchi: "[People who play RPGs are] depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."
93. Yamauchi: "Customers are not interested in grand games"
94. Classic franchise not selling well -  Metroid
95. GameBoy peripherals that suck: e-reader
96. ...printer
97. ...back light
98. ...front light
99. ...pocket recording studio
100. Glut of crappy Virtual Console games

Grr...some of these reasons are really cheap. So...let's Discuss!


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 06:00:38 PM »
Fanboys don't have real reasons for what they do. That's what separates fans from fanboys. Everyone should just shut up and play.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • ▄█ 'M ▓▒
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 06:07:05 PM »
those reasons are so full of fail.
Ditto used Machop!


  • Bruised
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 06:17:09 PM »
Wow, most of those reasons are really stupid.  I don't blame people for not being pleased with the friend code system, but that greenpeace thing is just a bunch of false propaganda.  I find it hard to believe that any fanboy would actually agree with Greenpeace.  It wasn't just the Wii that was attacked in that stupid campaign.  All three consoles (Wii, PS3, and 360) were attacked.
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 06:28:16 PM »
Those all sound like legitimate complaints, but did they mention the Nintendo 64 stick that gets worn out and wobbles around in a huge "center" area?


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 07:43:00 PM »
1. Well, what do you expect?
2. Don't remember this game...
3. They're just angry he can't understand the word "carrot".
4. G&W, actually.
5. That's why it comes with the thing.
6. ...And I'm Santa Claus.
7. It's the only thing most people play.
8. Fun, but not $40 worth of it.
9. The green one? So?
10. Can't argue with this one. *coughpennypinchers*
11. Its setbacks are a small price to pay for cool controls
12. Well, people keep buying them...
13. Gunpei Yokoi rolls in his grave.
14. Hey, Nintendo made a controller shaped like a bazooka! Give 'em some credit, already!
15. ...Can someone fill me in on this one?
16. They've toted worse.
17. It's funny how he went from saying stuff like that to... where is he lately, anyway?
18. Sucks on NES, pwns on Brawl.
19. Then don't play it.
20. So's Alice in Wonderland and The Matrix.
21. Let the pee-sweat flow! (read: That was pretty dumb, but they did have a "clean" image to uphold).
22. Better than "Wii Would Like to Play".
23. What, you hate good graphics.
24. Nintendo, apologize for being original!
25. The bane of magical internet-travelling pedophiles/trash-talkers everywhere.
26. They shouldn't be, but...
27. Hey, you get what you pay for.
28. Nintendo's like Willy Wonka: "What? Could you speak into my good ear? Nevermind."
29. Casuals don't care, Nintendo fans are used to it (but, yeah, better graphics = Better happen someday).
30. It's quite the opposite, really.
31. When you're on top...
32. Why should I pay $90 to... exercise?
33. For rich guys who want a GBA they can swallow in an emergency.
34. I love it. It's so bad.
35. It used to be "weak" because there wasn't any. Now it's weak because it sucks.
36. Yeah, but it's still fun.
37. Not that bad.
38. Yeah, pretty much. What goes up...
39. It's edutainment from, like, fifteen years ago. Cut it some slack.
40. Not really--they just get half of their features chopped off in-game.
41. Nail = Hit on head.
42. Anyone hide stuff in that modem compartment? No, really.
43. If they'd just switched over to CDs...
44. Define "crazy".
45. It's a shame... I think.
46. You already know what I think about this.
47. I'm not a man of denial, but I'll make an exception for this.
48. We missed out on Mario Artist and Master Quest!
49. At least not a legal one...
50. *Insert "How ugly Link is" joke here*
51. There's this one game where you can shoot dogs instead of ducks... with a machine gun.
52. Never saw it... sounds like the Wii promo vids.
53. Practice safe Wii-ing.
54. Wii do.
55. Come again?
56. I'll bring the e-nachos.
57. Nonsense! They teamed up with Wal-Mart to bring the glory of Chibi-Robo DS to the world!             *Vomits in disgust*
58. Coming soon: The Wii Castrator.
59. Most. Durable controller. Ever.
60. Why's the "R" button off the hook?
61. Uh... Operation meets pinball?
62. Which ones?
63. They can be distracting.
64. It's a conspiracy.
65. Don't think you were the first person to think of that.
66. Yes.
67. Only for idiots.
68. I'm just going to skip right past this one.
69. We're white. What can I say?
70. Shut up.
71. More like we lost Sony.
72. Dumb.
73. Dumb x2.
74. Hey, that thing's fun!
75. Why was that on the Wii, anyway?
76. Indeed.
77. Bad game, better sailing.
78. Without a Paddle: The Videogame.
79. My personal opinion: If I can do it in real life, I don't want to do it in a game.
80. *Sings "Everyone Walk the Dinosaur" (or whatever that song's called)*
81. Hey, many emo/geek couples have met there!
82. Because it's convenient?
83. Where to start...
84. Customers: "We don't want Iwata."
85. That's why they put more than two in a pack.
86. The quadrafecta of suck.
87. Blame the Body-Snatchers.
88. ???
89. Again, what do you expect?
90. Shouldn't have played in the tub.
91. Wow, he really said that?
92. I'm so glad this guy is gone..
93. Well, he's technically right... now.
94. Eh, what can you do.
95. Good idea, didn't go over too well.
96. Yeah, that was pretty low.
97. ...What?
98. ...I think this is where they ran out of ideas.
99. ...Hey, sounds fun!
100. Amen.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 09:22:29 PM »
Whose fanboys are these? Pretty much all of these are illegitimate complaints. What's bad about Electroplankton? Virtual Boy works fine and people are too stupid to set it up correctly. Super FX? How is an improvement that doesn't require any outside hardware bad? Blaming Nintendo for a website based on likely false reports? I don't see anyone complaining about the GameCube controller... pretty much ever. And apparently Nintendo doesn't actually make games according to this? #71 is stupid because Nintendo didn't have any say. #83 - every other system has them too. #75 - so basically whoever these people are won't be happy either way. #88 - ??? #89 -- again, Nintendo just licenses. The company who made the games are to blame. Yamauchi really didn't know the minds of gamers, somehow. #94 - ?? Buy the games then #95-99 again ????
That was a joke.


  • Nike and Reebok
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2008, 10:04:27 PM »
51. There's this one game where you can shoot dogs instead of ducks... with a machine gun.
What game is that?


  • ▄█ 'M ▓▒
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2008, 11:00:57 PM »
it's some web game.
Ditto used Machop!


  • Steamed
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2008, 11:19:04 PM »
Luigi's Mansion shouldn't be a reason people hate Nintendo. Sure, it wasn't exactly what people were expecting after SM64, but it did a good job showing some of the technical capabilities of the GCN and was, truly, a fun game in its own way.

« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 12:38:52 AM »
Yeah, some of these reasons are lousy. Really need lists like this for the other consoles (or just different companies. Where's the 100 Reasons Fanboys Hate Microsoft or Apple lists?), so we can complain about them too.

1. RAM Expansion - Hey, that was cool. Gave the N64 a MUCH needed resolution boost. But it's annoying that I couldn't have smooth framerates along with it. And when World Driver Championship looked fantastic without the expansion pak... well, that all went out the window.
2. Pikachu N64 - If you're talking about Pokemon Snap... mm, well, I don't know, that should be great for Pokemon fans. N64 model of Pikachu, well hey, I like that.
3. Hey You! Pikachu - Yeah. I never played it, but if the microphone peripheral doesn't work well with it, then what's the point?
4. Nine years of B&W Game Boy - After learning how utterly pointless the Game Boy Pocket was, then sure. But back then, the games weren't about color. We didn't mind that we didn't have color. And the reason we liked the Super Game Boy? Well, okay, the color, but also being able to see the games on a bigger screen. But dang the Game Boy Camera was ugly when played on Super Game Boy. Talk about your low resolution.
5. DS Lite has different charger - That would annoy me if I had one. But I've actually never bought a charger for a Game Boy, I just replaced the batteries.
6. "Gamers were bored before Wii" - Ridiculous. Absurd.
7. Still advertising Wii Sports - STILL!? Geez, get over it.
8. Electroplankton - No comment, never played it.
9. Watermelon N64 - Annoyed that they came in different colors years after the first model, so chances are you had an N64 before you could choose the color you wanted. I'm not shelling out another whatever-the-price-of-N64-was just for a pretty new color. I only pay for colors when they come with the introduction of the... thing.
10. Controller Paks - You must be crazy. The only way this is a valid complaint is if you're talking about the official Nintendo controller paks. Nintendo was cheap with space back then, cheap with space for GameCube memory cards, and they're cheap with space now. Even MORE of a valid complaint would be that some GameCube memory saves refused to transfer over to other memory cards or be copied (I'm looking at you, F-Zero GX. For a game as hard as that, that's a really stupid move).
11. Sensor Bar - Never played Wii, so no comment.
12. Burying us in Pokemon... - Heck yeah. Heck. Yeah. Just let the series die already. 151 Pokemon should be enough for anybody.
13. virtual migraine - Never heard of it. I had a migraine from Star Fox SNES though.
14. Super Scope 6 - ...yeah. I was gonna pick up Yoshi's Safari because Yoshi rocks, but then I played it years later and... oy.
15. Solar Jetman - Wasn't that a Rare game that was snuck into Donkey Kong 64?
16. Celebs toting GameCubes - Mm, no, doesn't bother me. I'd be giddy if I saw Topher Grace (Eric from That 70s Show) carrying one around. I know the Homestar Runner guys have a GameCube.
17. "My name is Reggie. I'm about kicking ass." - When Reggie first appeared, he was described like the second coming of Jesus. Then the fanfare disappeared as quickly as it appeared. But when you hear someone punch through the flowery language like that, you expect a really big payoff, like Nintendo's finally gonna straighten up and wow us. ...and I don't recall that happening.
18. ROB - Wasn't ROB used for just one game? I'd call that a useless peripheral. Looking at you, Steel Batallion with the 50,000-button controller.
19. Excitebike don't work! - The track editor not working. That'd tick me off... if I had ever played it.
20. Mario 2 is a dream - Probably, yeah. The game was no cakewalk.
21. Censoring blood in MK - Yeah. "Sweat" is a ridiculous substitute. What are you gonna say after a guy's spine is ripped out, that the spine's covered in sweat?
22. Play it Loud! ads - I liked those. Nintendo with their own attitude.
23. Super fx chip - Well, sure the games looked kind of weak, but the gameplay and the characters are what mattered. So Star Fox for SNES was still great. Stunt Race FX... that's a personal favorite of mine, although few others seem to think so. I think SMW2: Yoshi's Island had an FX2 chip... it was some sort of upgrade anyway.
24. Luigi's Mansion - I wanted a Mario game, darn it! Wasn't too thrilled with Luigi's Mansion myself. Eternal Darkness got my attention instead.
25. Friend Codes - Even though I've never played the Wii, I wholeheartedly agree that this would be a nuisance.
26. Motion Controls gimmicky - Can't say, but I somewhat agree with it. Kind of defeats the purpose. I remember early reports that the Wii Remote was not as accurate as once thought. They had enough time, they should have hit it out of the ballpark and really made the games translate very closely to remote movement. I don't think Zelda Twilight Princess had this, but I'd like to hold my sword out in front of me so I can run through enemies to stab them to death, or as some sort of protection against oncoming blows. I remember hearing that some first-person shooter was able to let you rotate your gun depending on the angle of the remote.
27. Weak Wii hardware - As far as I'm concerned, Beyond Good & Evil, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Okami, Zelda Twilight Princess, and Shadow of the Colossus represent all the graphics I ever want. Don't care that the graphics can't go above that, as long as the art style's amazing.
28. No hard drive - From all the complaints I hear of lack of storage space, that REALLY needs to be addressed. Oh wait, maybe you're talking of other Nintendo consoles. No matter, the memory cards are our storage space.
29. 480p max rez - Hi-def TV doesn't wow me much. So I don't care.
30. Lazy designers don't use touch screen on DS - That I would agree with. You're given this great opportunity to do stuff that other handhelds can't, now go ahead and make use of it! Oh, and LucasArts recent claim that they can't port their old adventure games to DS? Complete bull.
31. Industry bully (esp. '80s) - If by bully you mean their ridiculous censorship policy in the early days, then yes. Looking back at what they cut out, some of the cuts are ridiculous. Others I'm thankful for because Japan frankly gets weird at times.
32. Wii Fit - Oh, you shouldn't be saying that.
33. Game Boy Micro - YES. Man that was pointless. What's the point if you can't play... what was it, Game Boy Color games and Game Boy Advance games?
34. The Wizard - PowerGlove scene - I should watch that someday. I wouldn't mind, cheesy scenes can be good.
35. Weak 3rd party support - Maybe. Had I known how much I'd like RPGs later on (thank YOU Super Mario RPG... and EarthBound), I'm just shocked that N64 didn't get RPGs until late in life. I think Rare was a 2nd party, but they took eons to release any games. I believe IGN said that Rare started work on Dinosaur Planet shortly after the Big Bang.
36. Same [dukar], different Zelda - Maybe this is why I quickly lost interest in Majora's Mask. Actually, no, it was because of the difficulty. Can't say much.
37. Starfox Adventures - I loved that game! And there was some topic where we debated it for quite a while. I know the Star Fox license is completely tacked on, but Fox looks great here, and if it hadn't been pushed to GameCube, we wouldn't have the lovely Krystal as we know her today. Er, in her Star Fox Adventures form. Yeah, she's cute in Assault, but... ok, I'll shut up.
38. "High horse" attitude - Maybe.
39. Mario is Missing - Such a stupid game.
40. Miis lack customization - Really? Well, I agree that I don't think they're customizable enough. But then I see some of the Miis out there and wonder how they're able to do that.
41. ****-poor online setup - It took Nintendo entirely way too long to warm up to the idea of online (why was Phantasy Star Online the only game up until then to really use it?), and when they finally did do it, it was weak. Sheesh. Get over yourself and do online right, Nintendo. You know, I remember when Brawl was almost out and people were saying that despite claims to the contrary, online play seemed pretty smooth. Then everybody and their dog started playing Brawl online, and it all went to heck.
42. GameCube modem - No frickin' point.
43. Expensive cart games (N64) - Yes. Yes. Yes. $70 for a cartridge? $80 for some of them? I'm not made of Dad's allowance.
44. Letting Rare go crazy - You mean crazy as in going to make Conker's Bad Fur Day? I wouldn't call that Nintendo's fault. True, after Rare went crazy with Conker I refused to buy that game. I don't need a vulgar-for-the-heck-of-it game to be entertained. But once I played Banjo-Kazooie years later and found how it pushed the boundary of the E rating, it was probably a matter of time. But I'm still deeply sad that I never got a chance to play Conker as it originally was. I don't care if Conker seemed like a kid-like game. Because Berri was really cute.
45. GBA connectivity underused - Always seemed like a gimmick to me anyway.
46. Abandoning the hardcore - Eh, mm, hmm, don't know.
47. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games - It seemed like an April Fools joke at first. Then it became a bestseller. I'm still in shock.
48. N64-DD - I wanted that! Darn Nintendo! The F-Zero X Track Editor would have been the greatest thing ever! And on that topic, I really wanted EarthBound 64 and Mario Artist.
49. Still no portable GC - Uh, use the dinky handle on the back, lug it around, there's your portable Nintendo.
50. Zelda CD-I games (50) - Laughing stock of the world. And home to some really bad animated cutscenes. But at least we got "Mah boi!", ugly-a** Ganon, "I can't wait to bomb some dodongos!", Zelda looking like a zombie as the king laughs way too much, and so on. It may be eye-gougingly bad, but in a way I'm also thankful that we have that stuff to ridicule, it really is one of a kind. Or two of a kind. Or three, maybe.
51. The Dog from Duck Hunt - Stupid taunting dog.
52. Red Steel ad - loser hiding behind couch - I don't remember that. Closest thing I remember was the Daikatana ad, which was offensive and then laughable when the actual game failed to live up to, well, anything.
53. Wiimote condom - No comment. Stop with the jokes already, it's not funny.
54. Wii have a problem - Hmm?
55. Media blacklisting - What? Oh, people dismissing Nintendo games? Probably.
56. Wii Parties (evites) - Hmm II: Electric Boogaloo.
57. Nintendo hates the environment (Greenpeace) - Surprising, but it doesn't bother me. Probably since I don't pay the energy bill.
58. Wii marketing materials - 12yo girl b-day party - Mm, don't know. But some of their commercials are pretty bad.
59. NES controller - rectangular corners - Oh yeah that was annoying. After I saw the "new" NES which looked more like a SNES, with an NES controller shaped like the SNES controller, it just boggles my mind why we never saw this new NES in wide use.
60. N64 Controller 'L' Button - Oh, you know me too well. Probably fitting that the L button was rarely used since it's hard to get to from the right-handed position. But for left-handed people, the L button's a necessity. But I'm left-handed and yet I play right-handed.
61. GC Controller - kidneys, 1 bumper, etc. - No, doesn't bother me. I think this is just another way to arouse controversy. Sounds like whoever made this hates absolutely everything Nintendo has ever done. Really, where's the "no N64 Metroid?" entry?
62. Super Mario Sunshine Graffiti missions - I was more ticked off that Baby Bowser bribed his way into appearing in this game, but still, yeah, mildly annoying.
63. Miis can't do anything! - I'd agree.
64. Shortages - STILL?!? - I SO agree with that. I never thought it'd be this popular. Two years, two frickin' years, what's the holdup?
65. Link looks like the elf from Rudolph - That's the weakest complaint I've ever heard. Go ahead and call Yoshi Rudolph while you're at it.
66. Real games, plz (magnetica, brain age, big brain academy, vision training, flash focus, picross) - Agree'd. This is one reason why I'm not interested in a DS, they keep pushing these original games that I think bargain-bin PC games have probably been doing for years now. But man am I glad to see Picross make a comeback. I'm just sad that no one seems to remember Mario's Picross. Actually, I'm more sad that Super Mario Picross, perfectly playable even in Japanese, was never released here.
67. Mario Party injuries - Paddle Battle and Tug o' War and that light-the-lightbulb-before-Boo-gets-you were the worst challenges I've ever faced in a game. Didn't Nintendo release a glove just to solve a problem that would mostly be fixed in subsequent Mario Parties? I hated those. And I hate them even more than tapping A really really fast.
68. Old Man carrying a load in his pants - Old man, old man... nope, doesn't ring a bell.
69. No online freebies like Japan - Japan always gets the coolest stuff. I was so jealous. Japan had all the stuff that I thought, as a Nintendo Power subscriber, I'd get to take part in. But no. There should be, like, a Japan Nintendo catalog, and that for being a Nintendo Power subscriber you get free shipping... oh, if only. Oh, speaking of which, I desperately wanted to become part of the Nintendo Club or Mario Club or whatever it was. I look back on it now and think there's not many interesting perks to being in the club. Or Camp Zelda for that matter, whatever that was supposed to be.
70. Wind Waker makeover - I didn't like Wind Waker. I think it's the tuft of hair that floats above Link and appears above his hat when running forward that bothered me. Link didn't have tufts of hair sticking out above his hat in earlier games.

I'll respond to the other things, uh, never. But I'll also say that Manhunt 2 should have never been in this ridiculous we're-gonna-BAN-you! nonsense, that releasing it as-is uncensored shouldn't have been as big of a deal as it was (we know Jack Thompson's no threat and that he's actually crazy). And Nintendo Power got pretentious in its later years (it was quite enlightening early on though).

What I'll never forgive Nintendo for is specifically directed towards Nintendo of America: Pretending that EarthBound doesn't exist.

EDIT: Hmm... "Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post." Uh, no I don't. Not gonna change my opinion. Not gonna edit this long thing. *post*
You didn't say wot wot.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2008, 06:51:20 AM »
47. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games - It seemed like an April Fools joke at first. Then it became a bestseller. I'm still in shock.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • Tortuga
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 08:30:38 AM »
Reason #66 is the only one I whole-heartedly agree with.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"


  • Banned
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2008, 09:07:29 AM »
In the interest of full disclosure, I have lost a lot of respect for Nintendo over the years, so expect a lot of agreeing here, at least later on.

1. RAM Expansion - Pfft, I was fine with it.
2. Pikachu N64 - No clue.
3. Hey You! Pikachu - It was stupid, but harmlessly stupid.
4. Nine years of B&W Game Boy - Somewhat valid point; then again, did anyone really care what with all the great games and whatnot?
5. DS Lite has different charger - Um, so? I don't own a Lite, but this is like complaining that it's shaped differently.
6. "Gamers were bored before Wii" - I wasn't.
7. Still advertising Wii Sports - Yeah.
8. Electroplankton - Hey, [wtd]? Electroplankton's cool.
9. Watermelon N64 - My favorite N64 game evar. But seriously, so what. I like green. Some people don't. Jeez.
10. Controller Paks - Don't get me started. A) They could just save it to the friggin' cart most of the time, B) You could save about half a game if I remember right, and C) Just call it a memory card, fer god's sakes.
11. Sensor Bar - Get over it, whiner.
12. Burying us in Pokemon... - Agree. When Nintendo makes a deep, engaging, fun, and completely innovative Pokemon game is the day pigs begin flying into the newly frozen-over hell.
13. virtual migraine - I'm one of, like, ten people who got that, apparently.
14. Super Scope 6 - So?
15. Solar Jetman - was awesome. Your point?
16. Celebs toting GameCubes - If I ever see anyone brag about owning a GameCube, I will laugh so hard at them I may very well suffer personal injury.
17. "My name is Reggie. I'm about kicking ass." - Hey, those lines were classic.
18. ROB - The peripheral? Eh. ROB himself? The best thing ever, and mankind's last hope for survival.
19. Excitebike don't work! - "Maw! Mah Excitebike don't work after I done ran-ed it over!"
20. Mario 2 is a dream - But it was also a reskinned version of another game, though, so it all works out.
21. Censoring blood in MK - So lame it was almost funny. Game centered on gore - gore = 0.
22. Play it Loud! ads - See #3
23. Super fx chip - Yeah, improved graphics suck.
24. Luigi's Mansion - I think Nintendo should've made it into a straight-up survival-horror game.
25. Friend Codes - Friend Codes suck so bad I don't even want to begin ranting on their lack of convenience, poor design, lack of personalization, being assigned a random number instead of having a real identity, or the fact that it feels like you're redeeming an iTunes gift card when you enter in a friend. Oh, whoops.
26. Motion Controls gimmicky - They are. Sometimes it's good, often it's bad.
27. Weak Wii hardware - Oh, well, Nintendo said they aren't competing with the other consoles, so that gets them off the hook. [/sarcasm]
28. No hard drive - It would drive the cost up, like, ten bucks, and Nintendo's all about saving you money. [/sarcasm]
29. 480p max rez - Didn't care at first, then realized how stupid that is.
30. Lazy designers don't use touch screen on DS - And the rest use it too much. Wah wah wah, Goldilocks.
31. Industry bully (esp. '80s) - For a while, Nintendo controlled the Mafia, I think.
32. Wii Fit - My attitude: If you are willing to spend money to do pushups and stretches, you deserve a slap across the face.
33. Game Boy Micro - Game Boy, now more easily crushed. Buy it now.
34. The Wizard - PowerGlove scene - That's a classic moment in cinema.
35. Weak 3rd party support - Couldn't agree more.
36. Same [dukar], different Zelda - When said excrement is so enjoyable, why complain?
37. Starfox Adventures - Whatever.
38. "High horse" attitude - Our customers don't care about graphics. They don't care about online. They don't care about HD support. All they care about is depositing their money at their local game-purchasing institution in exchange for our products.
39. Mario is Missing - Oh, come on, that was like 15 years ago.
40. Miis lack customization - Who gives a crap? If you spend more than 5 minutes making a Mii, you need to get a life.
41. ****-poor online setup - 100% true. Brawl finally gets online, and you can't tweak matches, see anyone's name, or talk to anyone. Wow.
42. GameCube modem - What GameCube modem?
43. Expensive cart games (N64) - "$80 for Conker's Bad Fur Day? What a steal!"
44. Letting Rare go crazy - "Conker's Bad Fur Day? Looks terrific. And only $80?"
45. GBA connectivity underused - The only thing I'm gonna connect my GBA to is the charger on the wall.
46. Abandoning the hardcore - This is why I dislike Nintendo so.
47. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games - This is like finally getting peace in the Middle East, but having it suck really bad, somehow.
48. N64-DD - I seriously wanted one of those.
49. Still no portable GC - So what?
50. Zelda CD-I games - If this were a countdown, this would be #1.
51. The Dog from Duck Hunt - I honestly wish people'd stop with the "I wish I could kill the dog in Duck Hunt HURR." It stopped being funny about 15 years ago.
52. Red Steel ad - loser hiding behind couch - Don't think I ever saw that.
53. Wiimote condom - Another Nintendo peripheral fails to materialize.
54. Wii have a problem - Okay.
55. Media blacklisting - "This killer trained on Mario Party 8, and allowed him to kill without feeling consequences."
56. Wii Parties (evites) - If anyone evites me to one of these, I refuse to come unless there's booze.
57. Nintendo hates the environment (Greenpeace) - I've had a very hard time not making a Captain Planet joke here.
58. Wii marketing materials - 12yo girl b-day party - It's better than 12yo girl slumber party, at least.
59. NES controller - rectangular corners - It'll only make you stronger.
60. N64 Controller 'L' Button - Yeah, that young whippersnapper L button, always causing trouble...
61. GC Controller - kidneys, 1 bumper, etc. - GC controller sucked monkey crap.
62. Super Mario Sunshine Graffiti missions - I never played much of that game anyway.
63. Miis can't do anything! - Who wants them to?
64. Shortages - STILL?!? - Yes.
65. Link looks like the elf from Rudolph - Okay, STFU. That's dumb.
66. Real games, plz (magnetica, brain age, big brain academy, vision training, flash focus, picross) - Agree, except for Picross.
67. Mario Party injuries - Losers.
68. Old Man carrying a load in his pants - Grandpa?
69. No online freebies like Japan - Good for us.
70. Wind Waker makeover - See #65.
71. Lost Final Fantasy to Sony - Probably for the best.
72. Mom's Wii blog - You shut up about my mom!
73. Wii tour for soccer moms - Yeah.
74. Wii Photo Channel - Needs more pr0n.
75. You know, for kids!! (Manhunt 2) - So, what, the Wii's only for little kids (dooooouuuuble staaaandaaaard)
76. Sailing in Wind Waker - So?
77. Sailing in Phantom Hourglass - So?
78. Sailing in Uncharted Waters - Huh?
79. Cooking games - Who cares?
80. SMB movie Beating a dead horse - Fixed.
81. Hot Topic merchandise whoring - Next person I see wearing a 1-UP t-shirt gets my fist for lunch.
82. Gamecube handle - For travelling to all those GameCube LAN parties everyone's been having these days.
83. Crap RPGS - Exactly.
84. Iwata: "Customers don't want online games." - Okay, if you say so.
85. GBA cart batteries dying - Never happened to me.
86. NinjaBread Man / Annubis 2 / Rock n Roll Adventures / Billy the Wizard - Aaiigh!
87. Nicole Kidman DS ads in Europe - Poor Europe.
88. Finally got Crystal Chronicles - "Dude! I finally got Crystal Chronicles!!" "Dude! You're not my friend anymore!"
89. Crappy DS ports of big-name games (Need for Speed, Burnout, Call of Duty etc) - So poor kids can pretend to own COD4.
90. Kid electrocuted in Thailand - And that's Nintendo's
91. Yamauchi: "Our Customers don't know what they want." - You tell 'em, Yamauchi!
92. Yamauchi: "[People who play RPGs are] depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games." - Yeah, let's go beat 'em up and take their lunch money.
93. Yamauchi: "Customers are not interested in grand games" - I'm not? Better go throw out all my Zeldas.
94. Classic franchise not selling well -  Metroid - *sniff*
95. GameBoy peripherals that suck: e-reader - True.
96. ...printer - Double true.
97. ...back light - Ummm...that
98. ...front light - You mean those bendy lamps? Yeah, those pretty ungainly.
99. ...pocket recording studio - With included turntable?
100. Glut of crappy Virtual Console games - Amen, brother.

Actually, this list is pretty stupid. There's about forty valid arguments here.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 07:28:41 PM by Glorb »

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2008, 02:52:55 PM »
That was a joke.
