
Author Topic: The Mushroom Kingdom (Phase 58)  (Read 43083 times)

« Reply #60 on: August 17, 2010, 04:18:41 PM »
                                                                             PHASE 48
                                                                       An Unknown Second

Jonas: …

(Blue River Village. 11:00 AM, October 18th. Amid the crumbled houses is a large stone fountain, desperately trying to spew water, but leaking in several places. The once beautiful fountain is now a architectural mess.)

Jonas: …It’s here. I’d…erm…bet anything on it…

(Jonas jumps into the fountains pool, barely filled with water, and kneels down. Through one of the cracks, he can barely see a shade of green.)

Jonas: Yes! …But how am I going to topple this statue…?

Wes: THERE you are!

(Wes appears.)

Wes: This village is a lot bigger then I thought it’d be…where’s Celis?

Jonas: Erm…I don’t know. Wasn’t she with you?

Wes: Well, she left to find you…

Jonas: She’ll come eventually. But look here. I’ve, erm, found the Pipe.

Wes: Let me guess…under the fountain…

Jonas: Erm…yes. You can barely see it through the cracks…

Wes: How are we going to remove it?

Jonas: Erm…I don’t know.

Wes: …(Should I…?)

Jonas: Maybe Celis can help…

Wes: (Celis…she’s strong in a fight, but destroying a giant stone fountain…? I might have to…)

Jonas: Is, erm, something wrong?

Wes: Jonas…I have an idea. I’m going to do something…and you have to promise not to tell Celis…

Jonas: Erm…?

Wes: And you have to keep your back to me when I’m doing this…

Jonas: Why…?

Wes: It’s complicated. I swear, if you turn around…

Jonas: I won’t! …

Wes: In fact, go find Celis. But don’t come back for at least another two minutes.

Jonas: …Okay.

(Jonas turns around and starts walking away. Wes waits for him to turn a corner, and then Wes turns back.)

Wes: I can’t believe he just accepted it…whatever. Guess Jonas is a easy guy to push around…

(Wes faces the statue…and holds out both hands.)

Wes: Gahh…I haven’t done this powerful of a spell for a long time…just have to breathe slowly…

(Behind him, Jonas peeks out from behind a building.)

Jonas: What’s he being so…erm…bossy for…!!!

(A loud sound of crashing water echoes from inside the fountain…and the top blows open. A wave of water explodes out, and crashes on the ground. Water spills down the hill. Wes’s hands fall limp to his side, and he falls to a kneeling position.)

Jonas: What…?!? …I’d better find Celis…

(Jonas turns to run-and crashes right into Celis.)

Celis: Whoa-Jonas!? What was that explosion…?

Jonas: (Should I tell her…? No. I promised Wes I wouldn’t say anything-{Before you promised not to look…}-I have my own secrets. Wes has his. Maybe Celis does as well. It’d be best just to keep quiet…) I’m not sure…

Celis: Oh! Wes! How’d you get in front of me? …! What…?!

Jonas: What is it-Oh. Looks like the Warp Pipe was underneath there…

Celis: Yeah…but…

Wes: Oh, uh, hi. I heard some explosion, and uh, well, the fountain was destroyed! (I’m the worst liar ever…)

Celis: Really? But…I already found a Warp Pipe!

Jonas: I…ah…erm…ah…what?!?

Wes: What do you mean you-(Wes turns and stares at Jonas.)

Jonas: Er…I didn’t know! Really!

Wes: There could be more then that…Are you even sure one of these leads to the Desert Hills?

Jonas: Yes! …(Sigh)…I’m pretty, erm, sure.

Wes: Ughhh…how do we know which one to take?

Celis: This is a problem…especially how Warp Pipes work. Whichever one we take, it’ll take half a day to get to the other end. If we take the wrong one, it’ll take a day and a half to get to the Desert Hills.

Jonas: We don’t have that time to waste…by tomorrow night, the Blood Masks will attack the Unified Cities…

Wes: And it’s still going to take half a day to get across the Dakalsos River…and to the Unified Cities.

Celis: I really don’t want to say this…but we might have to split up.

Wes: Split…split up!?! There are three of us! I don’t exactly see an even number!

Celis: One of us…will have to go alone…

Jonas: Erm…who….?

Celis: Me. Let’s face it. I’m the strongest.

Wes: Yes, but…Celis! Jonas knows his way around. Wherever the other Pipe leads, it’ll probably be somewhere nearby…

Celis: No, we can’t do that… (Jonas isn’t a MOD…at least as far as I know. It’d be more dangerous for him if he went alone…)   

Jonas: Cel, it’s my, erm, fault about the Pipes, I should-

Celis: No! …But it can’t be me either. If I get the wrong one, you guys will have to do it alone…and it can’t be Jonas, because he’s the only one who will know his way around the United Cities…

Wes: M-me?!

Celis: Wes…you’re a good fighter…really!

Wes: What if I take the right one?! I’m going to be by myself…

Celis: Wes…Sub-Con and the Koopa Kingdom were allies in the Second Mushroom War…you’ll probably be able to help them peacefully…

Wes: And how am I going to help against some weird army?!?

Celis: Well…ah…with luck!

Wes: Wh-at? Did you just say luck?! Celis, this is SERIOUS! You need to get there!

Celis: Jonas, which pipe do you think more likely leads to the Desert Hills?

Jonas: Well…I’d say this one under the fountain.

Wes: Alright, well, I’m going to the other one, then.

Jonas: …Don’t be a coward!

Wes: I’m NOT being a coward! I would go with Celis…but Celis needs to be the one to get to the cities! You both need to!

Celis: He’s right, Jonas.

Wes: Thank you, Cel!

(Wes starts to walk back.)

Wes: Well…wherever I end up…I’ll see you lat-AAH!

(A Boo appears out of nowhere, its mouth hanging open. Wes falls backwards, and falls into the pipe head first.)

Celis: You’ve got to be kidding!   

Boo: Oh…hee…sorry. Did I…mess something up?

Jonas: You stupid-!

Celis: Who are you?!?

Boo: My name is Vapear. Sorry about your friend…I’m trying to find something to eat…

(Celis goes over to the Pipe, and looks down into it. All she sees is inky darkness.)

Jonas: Why did you just appear out of nowhere?

Vapear: Well, I wanted to see what you guys were doing. And then I wanted to ask you guys if you had any vegetables…or fruits…

Celis: Wh-what?

Vapear: I’m allergic to meat.

Jonas: This is erm, ridiculous. Come on, Celis.

Vapear: Why’d you guys only pack meat, anyway?

Celis: What?!? How do you-?

Vapear: Oh, well…I was kinda hungry…so I stole your backpacks. Sorry.

Jonas: YOU erm, stole our backpacks?

Vapear: I’ve been lost in that meadow for days! I was so happy to see other people…

Celis: What were you doing, lost in the meadows?

Vapear: It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you anyway-

Jonas: Celis! We don’t have time for this!

Celis: …You’re right. Uh, sorry. We have to go.

Vapear: W-wait! I’ve been so bored…and hungry. Where are you guys going anyway?

Celis: Well…now we’re going to have to take the other pipe…we’re heading to the United Cities, hopefully.

Jonas: Don’t tell him anything! He could be a spy for the Blood Masks!

Vapear: Aw, don’t be like that. I haven’t been anywhere near those crazies, honest.

Jonas: YOU’RE crazy. Erm, allergic to meat?!?

Celis: I’m sorry, but we really have to go…

Vapear: I have to come with you! I’m so hungry…

Jonas: Don’t take him, Celis!

Celis: Whatever. If you need to…

Vapear: Thank you! So we’re going north?

Celis: No, fortunately there’s a Warp Pipe that leads east of the United Cities.

Jonas: It is fortunate, all our, erm, food happened to disappear recently…

Vapear: I said I’m sorry! I didn’t know you guys had no healthy food…

(They start walking-and floating-over to one of the few unaffected houses. They head into the cellar where, behind some stacked wood is the other Warp Pipe.)

Celis: Wes could probably handle the mission on his own, but…it would be nice if this one lead to the Desert Hills.

Vapear: You don’t know for sure?

Jonas: No, and you don’t have to come with us if you’re, erm, nervous!

Vapear: Of course I’m coming! …I’m so hungry!

Jonas: (SIGH)

(Celis takes a deep breath…and then jumps down the pipe. Jonas quickly followers her. Vapear floats in…but then a vacuum sucks him in…)

                                               TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #61 on: August 25, 2010, 07:40:57 PM »
                                                                  PHASE 49
                                                                Double Storm

                                                               (After a swift ride, Malpix and Malcom reach the edge of Koopa Castle. The bridge that connected the mainland to the castle (over the lava) had been destroyed in a previous battle against the Chaekas. With a running start, Malpix leaps over the gap, making it safely to the other side…)

Malpix: Now then…assistant. Blow open the door.

Malcom: Yes…(He must not know about the weapon…we’ll all be shot down. …Maybe that’s what’s best…

(Malcom starts to walk towards the huge door. Immediately, multiples of the weapon point out from holes in the castle.)

??? 1: Get out. This is your only warning.

Malpix: Metal bars? What are you planning to do with those…?

??? 2: Kill them now!

(Shots ring out. When the dust clears, nothing seems to have happened…except that Malpix’s claws look a little dented…)

Malpix: …

??? 2: He’s fast…kill the other one…

??? 3: We already tried! He shielded him…with those claws…

Malpix: Once we get in their…you can get ready for a slow, painful death…

??? 2: Try again!

??? 1: Yes sir!

(The shooters are about to start again, but the door is blown open. Malcom turns back.)

Malcom: Finished, sir.

Malpix: Good.

(They both head towards the door. More shots are fired, but they are futile. Malpix’s speed is incredible. Inside, the duo head towards the throne room…)

(Meanwhile, on the eastern side of the castle, the Distihia are attacking through a secret passage. Varkas is in the lead, with Marse, and then Taja following. Behind them, a large group of soldiers, followed by Speckian, and then another large group of soldiers. They are in a single line, as the passage is very cramped. At the front, Varkas reaches a door. He calls Taja up, who simply punches the door open.)

Varkas: Glad to have a Sumo Bro with us…

(The group finds themselves in a cellar. Pushing through the dark, one soldier finally finds a door. Everyone is called over, and the door is pushed open…

…And Malpix crashes through. Malcom calmly comes after…or, at least as calmly as he can while constantly shaking from being controlled. The throne room is a mess. Candles on holders have fallen over, along with one of the pillars. But the mess was not caused by an attack. On the throne, sitting angry and depressed, is Ludwig…)

Ludwig: …I was wondering what the shouts were about. You’re quite an ugly one…(COUGH)…hahhh…I thought I was over that cough…

Malpix: Are you the current leader of the Koopa Kingdom…?

Ludwig: Yes…who are you? Let me guess…you’re also hear to (COUGH)…kill me?

Malpix: Yes. You are not the true ruler of this Kingdom…

Ludwig: OH? …Who is? The Chaekas? The Baracas? All of them have already tried…except for the Distihia. They were driven away by my weapons…I don’t know how you and your friend got in here…

Malpix: With these… (Malpix holds up a hand with a huge set of claws.)

Ludwig: Well then-

(A guard runs in, and then backs away from Malpix and Malcom.)

Koopa Guard: Sir! Ah…another attack…this time by the Distihia! They’ve snuck in somehow, and they’re heading this way!

Ludwig: Oh…? Shoot them down!

Malpix: I’ll need to finish this fast, then-

Ludwig: Fire!

(From tiny holes in the ceiling, more shots are fired at Malpix and Malcom. Malpix spins around, bullets bouncing off, as he protects Malcom. Eventually, the guns run out of bullets.)

Malpix: Don’t…make me angry…and…hungry…It’s time for you to die…

(Malpix starts to walk up, but suddenly, Varkas rushes into the room.)

Varkas: I knew it! Ludwig…!

Ludwig: Where’s your army?

Varkas: Killing your soldiers…who’s this?!

Malpix: Ah. I will get to you after I kill Ludwig. Have a rest, before I kill you.

Varkas: What?!? Heh heh…you don’t seem to know who I am, do you?

Malpix: Another fool vying for the throne. Anyone who wishes to do so must die.

(Speckian rushes in, out of breath.)

Varkas: Ah, Speckian. You might want to stand back. I’m about to blow this fools head open.

Malpix: You’re going to…!!! (There is still one alive?!?)

Varkas: The last thing you will see is your blood…

(Malpix rushes forward, in super-speed. Just as Varkas starts to open his eyes, Malpix slashes with his claws. Varkas’s head goes flying, landing right in front of the throne. Malpix backs away…and then turns around, to Speckian.)

Malpix. A Goomba. Easy enough.

Speckian: Wait! W-wait! I…I can help you!

Malpix: Hmm…? How?

Speckian: I…I have a great knowledge, of…of everything!

Malpix: Malcom here is already helping me. (One of Malpix’s claws shine.)

Speckian: Um…I…bet he doesn’t know the passage into the Mushroom Castle!

Malpix: A secret passage into Mushroom Castle…? Do you know of this, Malcom?

Malcom: No, Malpix.

Malpix: You can live until I defeat the Mushroom Kingdom.

Speckian: Um…thank you…

Malpix: Now then…

(Malpix, Malcom, and now, Speckian all face towards Ludwig.)

Ludwig: Grr…!

(Bursting through the door, Marse falls to the floor.)

Marse: Hahh…you’re soldiers are dead, Ludwig, and-

(Marse looks up, seeing Varkas’s body…and Speckian with Malpix and Malcom.)

Marse: Speckian…you’re not…?

Speckian: Varkas is dead. Malpix is my new master.

Marse: You backstabbing…! Taja told me…

Speckian: …

Marse: He was right…and now he’s dead. I thought he was just paranoid…but…

Malpix: I don’t have time for this. Malcom, deal with him. I will kill Ludwig.

Ludwig: Dang it! (COUGH) (I can’t fight him…I’ve only just found out about the Super form…) Lemmy!

(Ludwig’s younger brother staggers out from behind the throne. Ever since Ludwig destroyed his ball, Lemmy has practically had to learn how to walk.)

Ludwig: Use your magic. Teleport us out!


(Lemmy raises his hands, and Ludwig is teleported away, along with Lemmy.)

Malpix: !!!

(Behind Malpix, Marse has already started running.)

Marse: Don’t…Don’t think this is over! The Distihia will survive, with me!

(Marse turns the corner and disappears.)

Speckian: Sir…? Should they…?

Malpix: Ha…he’s weak, forget him…and…I’m…tired…?

(Malpix trembles a little, but then straightens out.)

Malpix: …Find those devices the guards were using…bring them to me.

Speckian: They should be with the soldiers who were guarding this castle…unless Marse took them…

(A few seconds later…)

Malcom: They’re all still there, master…(Why didn’t the Distihia take them…?)

Malpix: Keep them safe…they should be very useful in our future efforts…

                                          TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #62 on: August 26, 2010, 01:44:03 PM »
                                                                           PHASE 50
                                                                          Pipe Dreams

                                                          (Mushroom Castle looms over a ruined town. Inside the castle, Penter calls for endless drinks, and his threats keep the guards from rebelling…they have already seen what he can do. In Penter’s mind, he has finally given up the fight against Azine…and has accepted him as a partner…a partner to help him destroy the world…In fact, Penter thinks, the world would already be quailing under Azine’s power…except Azine was tired. It seemed to Penter that Azine was constantly tired…but he was over a thousand years old. Penter didn’t mind, though. He seemed to get thirstier and thirstier every day, literally, and in the blood-thirsty sense. At the time, the Sacharials were being quiet, the bombs had stopped going off. Then again, all of the people of Toad Town had run away, fleeing to Mushroom City. But that was okay. Penter had decided {With Azine’s approval, of course} that they would head for Mushroom City soon, and send it to oblivion. Afterwards, he would head for the Koopa Kingdom, kill everyone there, and then go to Sarasaland from there, and onwards. But for now, rest. Falling asleep almost instantly, Penter falls asleep on the throne, dropping the wine glass, shattering a valuable wine over the carpet. None of the servants would get near to clean it up. They didn’t want to startle Penter, who would then shoot beams out of his fingers…and kill the closest person to him…)

(Nearly 8 hours later, Celis, Jonas, and Vapear finally get out of the Warp Pipe, and end up in a desert-exactly where they wanted to end up…)

Jonas: Erm…Yes! That…was the right Pipe…

Celis: Then this is the Desert Hill? Then we’re just east of the United Cities!

Jonas: Yes…we are very close. We have to make it their before tonight…warn King Okken…

Celis: Shouldn’t he already know about the huge, approaching army?

Jonas: (Sigh)…Erm, no. The United Cities are on a cut-off piece of land. It is completely surrounded by water. And while the Cities are, erm, technologically advanced, they still do some…ancient holidays.

Celis: …?

Jonas: Well, erm, this is hard to say, but they are rather superstitious. More than any other part of Sub-Con. For the last three weeks, the holiday of the Quiet Past has been taking, erm, place. In the past, the people of what would, erm, eventually become the United Cities, lived in a quiet peace, separated from the outside world by the violent rapids. On this day, nearly 700 years ago, the area was discovered. The last four weeks, the holiday has taken place, to honor the time that the, erm, area was undiscovered.

Celis: The Blood Masks must have planned this…

Jonas: Definitely. They started their attacks exactly four weeks ago.

Celis: Exactly four weeks ago…that…that’s when I found out I was a…!

Jonas: What?

Celis: Er! Never mind…

Vapear: Don’t just stop…now I’m curious…and hungry…

Celis: It…doesn’t matter. What matters is getting to the Cities!

Jonas: …Yes! Erm, we need to get going right now! 

Celis: Here we go!

Vapear/Jonas: …


Jonas: Celis?

Celis: Jonas?

Jonas: …

Jonas: If we took the right pipe…where did, erm, Wes end up?

Celis: Somewhere else. He can fight…he should be able to find his way back to Mushroom Castle…

Jonas: Yes, but…why would that pipe be sealed under that fountain?

Celis: …! It…was, wasn’t it? I only saw the ruins, but…

Vapear: You didn’t see that script on it?

Jonas: Script!?!

Vapear: Yeah. Bunch of gibberish, but I remember one of those…”Antetzu”…heh, what could that mean?

Celis: Ahn-tet-zoo?

Jonas: Antetzu…you…please tell me you’re joking…

Vapear: Yeah, that would be a pretty funny joke, but I’m not.

Jonas: Spare the sarcasm. This…is really, erm, bad.

Celis: What does “Antetzu” mean?

Jonas: It’s an ancient word…and the fact that it is a plural word is what makes it a problem.

Vapear: …And?

Jonas: “Antetzu” means “Pipes”…

Celis: You don’t mean…

Jonas: …

Vapear: What are you talking about…?

(Far to the south-east, about ten minutes ago, Wes crawls out of the Warp Pipe he fell into. Immediately in front of him is a massive field of pipes, sticking out of the ground. In the distance are mountains, one wall of it having pipes sticking out from the mountainside. Wes stares in horror.)

Wes: Oh no…! I’m not at the…?

(In one of the pipes in the distance, a black, thin pops out of the pipe, and gropes along the side, trying to grip it. The hand loses its grip, and falls back. Wes hears the shriek of rage from where he stands.)

Wes: The Pipes…a great field of pipes…leading into alternate universes, alternate dimensions. Incomprehensible terrors…every possibility of everything…could crawl from them. Where Mario came from…our greatest savior…but…

(Wind blows around. The shrieking has stopped.)

Wes: I’d better get out of here. Another twelve hours, and I should be back at Blue River…another twelve hours after that, and then…

(Wes turns around…to find two pipes where the single one was. Wes pales.)

Wes: Wh-what?

(The two pipes begin to multiply, over and over. Suddenly, there are 14 pipes. Wes panics, and dives into the closest pipe. …But seconds later, he ends up underground…with more pipes all around.)

Wes: No no no no no no no no!

(Wes swings around, and around. Six pipes in all. He decides to start heading towards one of the Pipes, until a horrible wheezing sound echoes from the direction of the Pipe. Wes swears and falls backwards. He can already barely see the outline…which looks like a giant ball of tentacles oozing towards him. Wes scurries backwards…into another Pipe. He falls twenty feet, into a pool of freezing water. Twenty pipes now surround him.)

Wes: This can’t be happening…it really can’t…

???: Hundreds have wandered into The Pipes…and died.

Wes: Who…who’s there?!?

???: Wa ha ha! I…am the great Wario!

Wes: Er…what?

(Wario emerges from one of the pipes, a huge backpack on his back. In one hand, he carries a small radar.)

Wario: You’re lucky you came across me…wa ha ha!

Wes: You’re…THE Wario?

Wario: “The” Heh heh ha! Yes.

Wes: Why are…you in The Pipes?

Wario: I’m searching for a certain Pipe.

Wes: It’s incredibly dangerous…why would you want to be here?

Wario: Why, to find the Treasure Universe!

Wes: Treasure…Universe?

Wario: If every possible universe exists, there must be one full of treasure! And with this radar here, I can always find the right way back to the surface.

Wes: A radar that will lead you the right way? Who could possibly invent that?

 Wario: The great E. Gadd! Old friend of mine, he even wrote a paper on The Pipes. I asked him if he could try to build a radar like this five years ago, and he was successful! I had to pay quite a hefty fee, but…it will be worth it, once I find the Treasure Universe!

Wes: Oh…well. Could you please help me out of here?

Wario: Wa ha! Sure. I’ve spent way too long here, anyway. It’s already 1:19!

(Wario leads Wes through a series of pipes. A few times, they are forced to run in a different direction, but Wario just continues to read the radar. After twenty minutes, they finally reach the surface, leaving through one of the pipes sticking out of the mountain-side.)

Wes: Thank…thank you so much…I…If you hadn’t come…I’d be dead…or lost…

Wario: Not like the rumors, eh?

Wes: …

Wario: Mario’s rumors of me almost ruined my life. But once I find the Treasure Universe, I’ll be even richer then Luigi!

Wes: I wish you good luck…thank you.

Wario: No problem. Oh, you should take that pipe over there-

(Wario points to a pipe nearby.)

Wario: It’ll take you to E.Gadd’s place. He lets anybody I find stay, and Toad Town will be nearby.

Wes: Okay. Where do you-?

Wario: I live in a shack nearby. But soon…rags to riches! Wa ha ha ha!

Wes: Good…bye.

(Wes jumps down the pipe. In twelve hours, he will get out at E.Gadd’s home…and find a revolting surprise…)

                                                 TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #63 on: August 27, 2010, 01:58:07 PM »
                                                                      PHASE 51
                                                                  The United Cities

                                                                  (After a few hours of walking, and then paying a ferryman to take them across the peaceful river,{which eventually combines with the Riverbloat Rapids} Celis, Jonas, and Vapear arrive at the southeastern city in the United Cities-Foras. They had arrived at the right time-the holiday had ended two hours ago. Outside contact was now allowed again…)

Jonas: This is Foras, one of the nine cities in the United Cities. They are all connected by railways. In the center of the cities is, erm, the capital of Sub-con…Harsofol. We have to get there…

Celis: Railways? Is it going to cost anything…?

Vapear: Well, see ya!

Celis: What…?

Vapear: I gotta go get something to eat! And then…my quest continues!

Celis: Your…what?

Vapear: I didn’t tell you, did I? Sorry. I was so hungry, I forgot!

Jonas: Is that supposed to be funny or something?

Vapear: No. It’s true! Anyway, I gotta thank you for helping me. Here you go!

(Vapear pulls out a bag of coins from seemingly nowhere. Celis looks inside…and almost drops the bag.)

Celis: This…has got to be at least 500 Plat Coins…

Jonas: “Plat Coins”? I am not, erm, familiar with the currency of the United Cities…

Celis: This is used pretty much everywhere, the Mushroom Kingdom, Koopa Kingdom…

Jonas: Well…we don’t use those in lower Sub-con.

Celis: Oh? Well, 100 Gold Coins equal 1 Plat Coin. Also, 100 Bron Coins equal 1 Gold Coin. The only thing higher are Diam Coins…which only the really rich use, like Lu-er, like some people.

Jonas: No silver…? (Or Silv?)

Celis: There’s Silv, but that’s rarely used. But Vapear, are you serious?

(But Vapear has already dissapered. Jonas and Celis turn, and hurry towards the train station.)

Jonas: Erm…I guess he wasn’t worthless after all…

Celis: I can’t believe he had all that money…I was wondering why he insisted we stopped at the bank…where would he get all that money, anyway?

Jonas: I would have bet he’d stolen it, but the banks here are, erm, perfect. No one can break in.

Celis: I wonder if we’ll ever see him again…

(They reach the train station. Celis quickly buys two train tickets for Harsofol. The Shy Guys running the place don’t seem to even notice she’s royalty-which is just fine for Celis. Nobody in the entire city seemed to notice at all…and now that she thinks about it, neither did Vapear.)

(As they board the train…)

Celis: Jonas…how are we going to get into the castle, anyway?

Jonas: There is a secret word for entering the castle, as a important guest. My father was the representative of Blue River a few years ago, and he told me the word, if I ever needed to get in…he was killed days later, by some wandering bandit…

Celis: I’m sorry…

Jonas: It doesn’t matter, anyway-

(The train starts. Jonas jumps. He seems a bit nervous…)

Jonas: So…erm…I wonder if Wes is okay…I mean, The Pipes…

Celis: My father survived the place, I’m sure Wes could too.

Jonas: Comparing Wes to your father…?

Celis: In a way…they are the same.

Jonas: ???

Celis: Once this is over…I’m going to bring you to a friend of mine…he’s named Penter…he can tell if…you have certain abilities.

Jonas: Okay…?

Celis: I’m sorry for making you curious…I can’t really say anything…yet.

Jonas: …

Celis: How long do you think it’ll take for this train to arrive?

Jonas: …Erm, probably two hours. The train will continue, to the northwest city, Hakahsh. We’ll need to get off when it first, erm, stops.

Celis: Jonas? Can I…ask you something?

Jonas: Erm…yes?

Celis: Your…(Why did his accent change from “Ert” to “Erm”…Maybe that’s too much of a personal question…)…sorry. Never mind.

Jonas: ???

Celis: I’m…a little tired. I’m going to take a nap.

Jonas: Well…okay.

(Celis tries to fall asleep. Eventually she does. Jonas immediately notices, the cloud pouring out of her head is a huge tip-off. This time, it is a soft pink color. Jonas takes a deep breath…and then looks straight at it. Once again, he finds himself in a strange world, watching Celis. He is floating high above a calm ocean. Celis sits in a boat, looking out over the water, humming quietly. She is seven years old.

Celis: Hmm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hmmm…

(Mario walks across the water towards Celis. Celis notices just as he stops in front of her. Celis immediately stops humming.)

Mario: Hi.

Celis: Oh. Hello.

Mario: Would you like to play a game with me?

Celis: No. My mommy told me not to play with strangers.

Mario: Wa hoo! Come on! We’re going to have a party!

Celis: I’m busy.

Mario: It’s going to be the best party ever! A MARIO party! And I’M Mario!

Celis: Naming a party after yourself is rather egotistical.

Mario: Hee hee, well, I AM the best.

Celis: The best? The best at what? Hopscotch? Coloring?

Mario: Everything! I’m the best at everything! I can do whatever I want, because I’M the best!

Celis: You can’t prove it.

Mario: Hee hee! Yes I can! I can defeat anybody! I can beat everybody in every kind of game! Racing. Tennis. Golf. I can kill, too.

Celis: …Will you kill me if I don’t come with you?

Mario: Yes. My party’s are for my friends. If you don’t come, you’re going to die eventually, hee hee. My friends and I will all plot your death at the party, if you don’t come. It’s what we do to everybody!

Celis: I don’t want to come. I want to sit here. I want to drift away. From you. From my mommy. From all the strangers…

Mario: You don’t seem to understand. Ever since I came to this land of mushroom people and turtles, it all seemed very simple to me, and eventually, everybody else learned too!

Celis: …

Mario: That everything revolves around ME. This world belongs to ME. I don’t care if it existed before, my very influence controls this world. And I am invincible. I am a God. Star Spirits have no power. If there is a God, it is me.

Celis: You’re no God. You were just lucky. Like me.

Mario: Excuse me?

(Mario grabs her neck with one hand, and holds her above the water. Celis’s deadpan face doesn’t change.)

Mario: Even when I die…my legacy will not end. As my daughter you will be forced to carry my legacy, and they will hate you. They will hate you, because of ME. Because I was a God, and I was better then everybody, and because they couldn’t beat me.

(As Celis suddenly turns back into her normal age, Mario drops her into the water. She cannot float like Mario. A whirlpool forms around her, and starts to drag her down.)

Mario: Don’t worry. You’ll make enemies too. People will hate you, even without my help. Goodbye.

(Celis’s head disappears, and only her raised hand sticks out of the water.)

Mario: Oh! And by the way, say hello to Luigi for me! Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee hee hee he-

(Jonas wakes up at the same time Celis does. Jonas is not as shocked as last time. He takes a deep breath. In ten minutes, the train will arrive. Celis wakes up, looking forlorn. Jonas pretends not to notice. Gripping Eisader tightly, Jonas prepares for departure.)

Celis: You know…I can’t believe they let you bring that staff on…and that you were able to convince them it was just a walking staff.

Jonas: That’s erm, rather random.

Celis: (Sigh…) I’m not feeling very well. I have an odd feeling…about Wes…

Jonas: …

(The train stops. Celis and Jonas depart. The train goes off towards Hakahsh. Celis and Jonas turn towards the Harsofol Palace. In six hours, the Blood Masks would arrive, and chaos would break loose…)

                                                TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #64 on: August 29, 2010, 07:11:35 PM »
                                                                            PHASE 52
                                                                   Memories of Blood Mask

                                                                  (The clock on the wall quietly ticks, as the messenger arrives. It is almost 6:00…in two hours; the Blood Masks would attack the United Cities from the inside, and the outside. The Blood Masks second-in-command, Bajai, already sits in the throne in the Harsofol Palace. He had silently entered, killed all the guards, and had then proceeded to kill King Okken himself. Nobody in the city was even aware that the king was dead. The message from the messenger was simple-a group of three had entered the city- a Heiho, a unidentified Boo, and-the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom (if she was there)- Celistar. And two of them planned to come warn King Okken of the approaching Blood Mask army. This would have been a problem, if the great leader of the Blood Masks had not had a group get on the inside. Getting into the cities was difficult, because of the holiday.

But two days ago, they had entered through the most unlikely place-the northwestern city, Hakahsh. They had destroyed Hakahsh, and destroyed the spots that trains would leave, and arrive from. Any trains that went there would crash, and kill everyone aboard. Getting into the palace was easy. In the middle of the night, anyone who happened to cross them was killed instantly by Bajai. Taking the palace was an easy matter. Two days before this, he and Lord Blood Mask had planned the attack, in the Blood Masks hideout.)

Lord Blood Mask: Bajai…as my second-in-command, you will lead the first attack against the cities…a sneak attack, through Hakahsh.

Bajai: …My lord…?

(Lord Blood Mask describes the plan in great detail.)

Lord Blood Mask: Pick your own group to lead the attack. I need these cities.

Bajai: Yes, my lord!

Lord Blood Mask: …Bajai. This Fire Staff…I don’t want it any more. Take it.

Bajai: …What? …Sir?

Lord Blood Mask: I don’t need it. You deserve a reward…

Bajai: Oh…thank…thank you, sir!

Lord Blood Mask: It should…help with your minor conquest.

(It had been four days earlier, while traveling, that one of the underlings had found the staff, deep in the Subconian Jungle…)

Underling: Ow!

(One of the underlings trips, and breaks his leg. Bajai goes over to investigate, and finds a strange, hard, wooden staff. But at the end, contained in a glass globe, is a small fire. Bajai calls Lord Blood Mask over.)

Bajai: Look at this sir! A…elemental staff! One of the only six…

Lord Blood Mask: The Fire Staff…Elemental Staffs! This is the key. If we can find one of the two great Elemental Staffs…Light and Shadow…our goal will be within grasp…!

Underlings: Aughhh…

Lord Blood Mask: What happened to him?

Bajai: The fool tripped on the staff. It was sticking out of the ground.

Lord Blood Mask: How unfortunate. Is his leg broken?

Bajai: From the snapping sound, it would appear so.

Lord Blood Mask: He can’t walk? Well, let’s try this. Give me that staff.

(Bajai hands LBM the staff.)

Underling: No…no, please, sir, no, I’ll-

Lord Blood Mask: You can’t even walk, can you. You’re a waste of time, and supplies.

(Lord Blood Mask points the staff at the underlings. A bolt of fire shoots out, and engulfs the fallen underling. The troops march away, the screams continuing until they are too far away to hear them. Apparently a slow-burning fire. Two days ago, a travelling merchant had stopped by, while the Blood Masks were travelling through the Otapuku Meadows, apparently not knowing who the group was.)

Travelling Merchant: I have many things to sell…what do you want?

Bajai: You’re a merchant? I’ve never heard of a Boo merchant, and I don’t see anything to buy!

Travelling Merchant: Hee hee… (The Travelling Merchant pulls out objects from seemingly thin air.) I can store just about anything in the 8th Dimension!

Random Underling: 8th…Dimension?

Travelling Merchant: The Empty Dimension. I have the ability to store anything in this Dimension!

Bajai: …How?

Travelling Merchant: Are you going to buy something, or not? I have a lot, just can’t give you any food. I’m running low on food, and I really hate being hungry!

(The Merchant doesn’t even notice Lord Blood Mask’s huge form standing behind him. He grabs the Boo before he can disappear, or fly away.)

Lord Blood Mask: How about…you give us everything you have…or…we find out if Boo’s breathe. (Lord Blood Mask gestures over to a flowing river.)

Merchant: Oh, don’t worry, we breathe, hee. So, uh, I guess you don’t have to find out!

Lord Blood Mask: No, I’d like to make sure. Maybe you’d like to give us everything you’ve got?

Merchant: Um, maybe I would. But not the food, please?

Bajai: …

Lord Blood Mask: …

Merchant: Hee…heh…he….just kidding.

(The Merchant pulls out a huge multitude of items. At the end, he pulls out a bag of cauliflower. Bajai stares mournfully.)

Bajai: Vegetables? That can’t be all. I hate vegetables.

Merchant: No, really. That’s all. I’m allergic to meat.

Lord Blood Mask: A Boo allergic to meat? You think we’re going to believe that? FALKOR! Get over here!

(Falkor walks over.)

Bajai: Falkor here’s going to tell us if you’re telling the truth. And if you’re not, you’re going to become practice for our archery squad.

Merchant: No, wait! I…have some more food. But it’s more vegetables! And some fruit.

Bajai: Oh, right. Falkor!

Falkor: He’s telling the truth.

Bajai: Whatever. Give us it, anyway!

Merchant: (Sigh)

(From some invisible tear in the air, the merchant pulls out broccoli and apples.)

Merchant: That’s it. Really. …And now I’m all hungry…

Lord Blood Mask: A stupid Boo who’s a vegetarian. Get lost.

Merchant: Um…thank you for not killing me.

Bajai: We have some practice!

(The sounds of bows TWANG in the distance.)

Merchant: Aah!

(The Boo disappears, just as the arrows fly through where he had been.)

Bajai: …

(Nine days ago, when the Blood Masks were crossing the Southern Mountains, Lord Blood Mask had told him who he, the leader of the Blood Masks, really was, during the night…)

Lord Blood Mask: Bajai…I…feel a need…to tell you…who I am…

Bajai: I already know who you are. You are the leader of the Blood Masks…you saved my life two years ago…

Lord Blood Mask: No. Why I am like this…huge…beneath my mask…and robes…deformed.

Bajai: Er…?

Lord Blood Mask: Why…my hands are like this…

(Lord Blood Mask holds out a bumpy hand. At the tips of his fingers are small, sharp claws.)

Bajai: …

Lord Blood Mask: Do you know how old I am?

Bajai: …No.

Lord Blood Mask: I was created sixty years ago.

Bajai: …Wh-what…?

Lord Blood Mask: I awoke for the first time ever, falling outside of some storage tank. The first sound I ever heard was the dying gasps of the one who created me. When I looked up, seconds later, he was dead. An ugly fellow. A human. One of the few in the world. I knew how to walk, from some previous life. I could read too. His name was Nask. He had no last name. I was one of countless experiments that he had held in the lab…and elsewhere. All having to do with genetic and biological experiments. I was unfortunate enough to once wander into an unmarked room, full of…

Bajai: …

Lord Blood Mask: There was a kitchen, full of food. After I ate for the first time in my second life, I found a notebook, entirely about me. The fifth Heiho experiment. The first three died instantly. I found the fourth in a cage. He…it was alive. But it was horribly twisted. I felt sorry for it. The last time I felt sorry for anything.

Bajai: …

Lord Blood Mask: When I left that horrible place…I found myself in the southern part of Sub-Con.

Bajai: Around where our journey started?

Lord Blood Mask: No. I was in the far east…right near the Dream Mists.

Bajai: The Dream Mists?!?

Lord Blood Mask: I barely escaped alive. After traveling for miles to the east, killing whatever I could find, and eat…

Bajai: …

Lord Blood Mask: I found the south-western village Nies. The villagers were scared of me. From what I heard them calling me, I realized…they knew.

Bajai: …Knew what?

Lord Blood Mask: They knew about Nask’s experiments…and that I was one. They knew. In my rage, I killed them.

Bajai: …

Lord Blood Mask: In the next town I came to, they attacked me…they didn’t know anything. So I killed them too. I hid for a while. When I came back to the real world, I still hated everything. I hadn’t even noticed, but it had been almost sixty years. I gathered people, threatening to kill them, to join me, to help me take over, not telling them my true goal. And I hated them all.

Bajai: Do you hate me?

Lord Blood Mask: No…because you know the truth, as I do…everyone must experience true pain…like me…and you, when I saved you. Although I wasn’t truly awake…I felt him altering me…from whatever previous life I had. It’s why I made you my second-in-command. I could tell you went through true horror. And together…we will make the world experience it.

Bajai: Yes…Yes sir!

(Bajai had wondered why he had been chosen as the second-in-command. But learning of Lord Blood Mask’s purpose made it all make sense. He had gone through a terrible horror. Mario almost killing him…and then his gang of Toad’s beating him up. If Lord Blood Mask hadn’t come…)

(Bajai returns to the present from his memories.)

Bajai: Mario’s daughter is coming. She must feel true suffering…when those two fools enter the Palace, take them to the dungeon. And torture them.

(Bajai is very excited. Mario’s daughter will captured. Lord Blood Mask will reward him. He can already hear the scuffle down the hall. Tonight was going to be a good night for Bajai.)

                                                TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2011, 10:13:18 PM »
I sincerely hope no one expects me to have any recognition of time. If so, I'm sorry. I'm sure anyone who's been actually trying to read this is fed up with ridiculously long time gaps, and I'm sorry. I still post this just in case some newcomer starts to read from the beginning, or someone is still waiting. Please don't hate me. My schedule will always be messed up.

Phase 53
A Short Diversion
                                                                                                     (1:30 PM. Five and a half hours before Celis and Jonas enter Harsofol Palace, Wes finally re-emerges from the Warp Pipe he took when leaving The Pipes. Just as Wario said, Wes climbs out in E.Gadd’s house-in the library, where he had a mini-adventure four days ago. Just like that time before, the place is pitch-black.)

Wes: Why’s it so dark?!? It’s the middle of the day…

(It’s an easier journey through the library, since there aren’t bookshelves falling down everywhere. Wes is almost near the door, when some invisible force pushes him back.)

Wes: What the-?!

Boo: I wouldn’t step there, if I were you, great one!

Wes: You?!?

Boo: The old man’s dead. This place is mine now.

Wes: …He is?

Boo: Heh, just yesterday. He finished his project, though.

Wes: His project…you don’t mean-?!?

Boo: Some kind of transport device, I think.

Wes: The Time Machine…

Boo: Heh heh, like I care. Anyway, you can stay here for a little bit great one. If you came from The Pipes, you’ll want some rest.

Wes: Uh…thanks. …How do you know where the pipe leads?

Boo: Some fat weirdo visited a few weeks ago. Apparently a friend of the professors. Won’t he have a surprise!

Wes: … (Must be talking about Wario)…

Boo: Anyway, I suggest you walk around that spot. I dumped the professor there. He was stinking up the main room.

Wes: That’s disgusting! Why didn’t you bury him?

Boo: Skeletons add great atmosphere to haunted houses!

Wes: That’s sick…

Boo: Hee hee!

(Wes dodges around the unseen body, and enters the main room. Right in the center is the Time Machine…a mechanical chair.)

Wes: Hmm…I didn’t think it would just look like a chair…

Boo: Hee…me neither!

Wes: ! Are you going to follow me everywhere?

Boo: Only while you’re in the house.

(Wes sighs, and then looks at the Time Machine.)

Boo: I don’t mind.

Wes: If it’s about the Time Machine, I wasn’t going to ask! It’s E. Gadd’s…

(Wes starts to walk towards it.)

Boo: And if I was listening correctly…wasn’t it built for the princess?

Wes: …

Boo: Have fun! Don’t screw up the current world, or anything!

Wes: I’m not going that far back…

(Wes sits on the chair.)

Wes: Hmm…? …Ah!

(Wes finds a keyboard sticking out of the side. It’s on a rotating holder, so he pulls it to the front.)

Wes: Year...29 AMA…Month…September…Day…19th…Time…5:16 PM…

Boo: 8 years ago? Hee hee…that could mess stuff up…

Wes: Shut up. Location…Nasidius…

Boo: Never heard of that place! Must be a hick village!

Wes: Quiet.

(Wes pulls the lever on the left side. With a flash of light, Wes and the chair disappears. Half a second later, he reappears, and falls to his knees.)

Wes: [darn]…it…

Boo: Hmm…? Mess something up? I don’t feel different!

Wes: No…I didn’t mess anything up. Nothing changed. Nothing.

Boo: Hee…that’s good, isn’t it?

Wes: I’m leaving.

Boo: Oh…?

Wes: I have to get back to Mushroom Castle…tell Penter that Celis has everything under control…

Boo: Don’t you want anything to eat?

Wes: …I’m not very hungry anymore.

Boo: Hee hee. Come back anytime you want. It’s a little lonely around here…

Wes: Goodbye.

(Wes leaves without another word. Tomorrow morning, Wes will arrive at a ruin called Toad Town.)

                                             TO BE CONTINUED…
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 10:15:02 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #66 on: March 19, 2011, 09:11:40 AM »
                                  PHASE 54
                             Search of the Staffs

Jonas: Erm, that’s odd…there’s no door guard…

(Celis and Jonas have walked into the eerily quiet Harsofol Palace. It’s quiet for a little bit, anyway. Seven Shy Guys drop from the ceiling, attacking Celis and Jonas. Celis immediately smashes her fist in the face of one of them. Jonas panics and falls back…but then swings out Eisader, which shoots a freezing beam of ice at one of the Shy Guys. The opponent is frozen solid.)

Celis: Wow. How’d you do that? (Celis smashes another Shy Guy.)

Jonas: I…don’t know.

Celis: There’s another behind you! (Celis punches another Shy Guy in the gut, and then kicks him upwards.

Jonas: Take…this! (With a quick swing, Eisader’s icy orb hits the opponent in the face…smashing into a million fragments, and breaking the attacker’s face. Quicker than before, the Ice Staff reforms.)

Celis: Alright, where’d the last two go-!

(The last two Shy Guys leap from each side of Jonas, and grab his arms. The Ice Staff falls…but one of the Shy Guys catch it, and hold it to Jonas’s neck…or where his mask ends, anyway…)

Shy Guy: I’d s-suggest y-you suh-surrender.

Bajai: Good job, Falkor. And yes, I too, suggest you surrender.

(Bajai emerges from the doors at the end of the hall, his mask twisted in a gloating leer.)

Celis: Crap.

Bajai: Take them to the dungeons. When Lord Blood Mask arrives, they will be treated to an great misery.

(A spear guy appears from behind Celis, and stabs at her. Celis follows Jonas, who is dragged by Falkor, and another Shy Guy. They are thrown into the dim dungeon. It is small, wet, and cold.)

Falkor: I-I fuh-think I’ll b-be tay-taking this.

(Falkor leaves with Eisader. The other Shy Guy follows him, along with the Spear Guy.)

Jonas: That’s mine! You…jerk…

Celis: Just great. How are we going to get out of here, now?

Jonas: They…took…my…Ice Staff…

Celis: I know! We need to get out of here, get it back, and find out what’s going on.

Jonas: It’s pretty, erm, obvious to me. The Blood Masks already got in.

Celis: Then why isn’t the leader here? That guy said that he’d…torture…us when their leader got here.

Jonas: The leader must have sent ahead a party to overtake the castle. I don’t think anyone in the United Cities knows, though. It must have been during the night. Most people in the United Cities don't go out at night...

Celis: What a mess…we…have to find a way out of here.

Jonas: (Sigh)

(Two hours pass. Celis’s desperate attempts to find a way out are pointless. The bars are unbreakable, along with the walls. Eventually, two Shy Guy guards come down the stairs.)

Shy Guy Guard: Time to go. Lord Blood Mask wants to see his prisoners.

Celis: He wants to see us? Is he lonely already?

Shy Guy Guard: Do not talk. (He violently yanks Celis out. She turns and punches him in the face with her free hand.)

Celis: You idiots are unguarded! Jonas, stand back.

Shy Guy Guard 2: You-!

(He turns to run. Celis grabs the back of his cloak, and throws him to the ground, knocking him out.)

Jonas: Erm…wow.

Celis: Let’s get your weapon back…and meet this “Lord Blood Mask.”

(Celis leaps up the stairs, with quick jumps and bounds. Jonas runs afterwards. The main hall is still empty. Celis turns to the doors at the end of the long hall…and yank them open, Jonas gasping right behind her.)

Jonas: Nice…move.

(Inside is the throne room-and it is huge. Packed inside is the massive Blood Mask Army, all standing in formation…and at the very end of the hall, on the two thrones (which are not actually used for the revolving governments, just for historical purposes) sits Bajai…and Lord Blood Mask. Jonas’s mask almost falls off. Lord Blood Mask is a giant, hulking twisted form of a Heiho-his mask is black, with thick red strips of paint running around and down from the eyeholes, and mouth.)

Lord Blood Mask: …And there they are.

(None turn around. They all have the same mask design as Lord Blood Mask, and through training have learned never to turn from Lord Blood Mask during a speech.)

Lord Blood Mask: Ignore them. Go and take over the cities!


(Surprisingly, the Army rushes past Celis and Jonas, and does not attack them. Celis tries to grab at them…put they slam into her, and she falls. Eventually, the room is empty, except for Lord Blood Mask, and Bajai. The two stare down at both of them.)

Lord Blood Mask: Bajai has told me about you. Coming here…to warn the old king…and stop me…

Celis: So you’re Lord Blood Mask? Pretty original of you, naming your army after yourself.

Lord Blood Mask: Hoff…hoff…hoff…Lord Blood Mask was never my name. I have no name. The world gave me the name, after my army.

Jonas: What have you done with the King?!?

Lord Blood Mask: Dead. Bajai here set him on fire.

Jonas: Wh-what?!

Bajai: Haven’t you seen my staff? (Bajai holds up the fire staff. It burns brightly.)

Jonas: The Fire Staff?!?

Celis: Fire Staff? How many of these things are there?

Bajai: Six. Fire. Water. Earth. Lightning. Shadow. Light.

Celis: Ha! Well, you’re wrong. Jonas has…had an Ice Staff!

Bajai: You stupid girl! The four main elemental staffs-Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning-have the power to transform into a weaker, secondary elemental. In your case, Water can become Ice!

Jonas: Where is my staff?!?

Lord Blood Mask: Falkor is practicing with it. He will be my new apprentice. Once the Blood Masks collect all the Elemental Staffs, the world will be ours, without a doubt.

Bajai: It is the perfect plan, sir…

Lord Blood Mask: Now then-

Falkor: L-lord B-blood muh-mask! Th-the stuh-staff! It’s reh-reacting!!!

(Falkor pushes Celis and Jonas out of the way from behind and rushes into the middle of the room. He places the staff on the floor…and it begins to turn. It spins around nearly eight times…and stops pointing to the southwest.)

Bajai: It’s…in Giglomorsh?!?

Lord Blood Mask: No…no, I knew it! It’s in Mt. Noc. That famous place…

Bajai: If it’s the Ice…er, Water Staff we are using…it must be pointing to the Shadow Staff!

Lord Blood Mask: We leave immediately. Come, Bajai.

Celis: Where do you think you’re going?

Lord Blood Mask: Grr! Bajai! Take the Water Staff. We will need it to get to the right spot on Mt. Noc. Falkor! Prove yourself. Kill the girl and the other.

Celis: You’re not going any-whoa!

(Using the Fire Staff, Falkor shoots a fire ball at the door…plus Celis and Jonas. They leap out of the way, and the fire engulfs the main door, leading outside. It quickly burns to ash. Lord Blood Mask and Bajai hurry out, surprisingly fast.)

Celis: You-!

Falkor: Y-you w-won’t be stuh-stopping L-lord Bluh-Blood Ma-mask.

Celis: Nice stutter. Jonas, you might want to back up. I’ll deal with this idiot.

Falkor: D-die!

(Another burst of flame. Celis leaps forward, then rolls to the side as another flame scorches the floor. With a spin on the floor, shoulder on the ground, Celis trips Falkor, who falls, dropping the Fire Staff. It bounces once, and then falls with a clatter. Jonas runs up and picks it up.)

Jonas: Thanks Celis! Now then-

Falkor: P-please…

(Celis gets up, and starts to walk to the door.)

Celis: Let’s leave him. We’ve got to catch up to Lord Blood Mask.

Jonas: …If you say so.

(They both walk to the door. Behind them, Falkor leaps up, and runs at them arms outstretched.)

Falkor: Yuh-you didn’t let m-me finish! P-PLEASE D-DIE!

(Celis shoves her shoulder back, hitting Falkor right in the face. He falls back, blood drooling out of his mouth-hole.)

Celis: It’s probably his nose bleeding. Let’s get outta here.

(Celis and Jonas leave. All around them, Harsofol is being destroyed by the Blood Masks. Jonas looks pained.)

Celis: We don’t have time. Where is Mt. Noc?

Jonas: As the staff showed…south-east of here. They must have used a magical incantation with the staff…

Celis: Magical incantation?

Jonas: The staffs must have the power to point to the two most powerful ones. The secret needs to just be unlocked by incantation.

Celis: …


Celis: How are we going to get to Mt. Con, anyway? Can we cross the river?

Jonas: I have a, erm, plan.

(Jonas holds up the Fire Staff. It glints in the hot sun…)

                                               TO BE CONTINUED…

« Reply #67 on: March 20, 2011, 01:41:08 PM »
                                                                      PHASE 55
                                                             The Great Confrontation

                                                               (Mt. Noc is not a particularly high mountain. It does, however, have large amounts of rock crumbling down the side, and a violent waterfall rushing down from the highest plateau. Logs fall down the water in great torrents. At the very top of the plateau, Lord Blood Mask scrambles about in the dust, digging furiously.)

Lord Blood Mask: Put the staff on the ground! NOW!

Bajai: S-sorry!

(Bajai places the Water Staff (currently Ice Staff) on the ground. It spins until it faces north. Bajai continually places it on the ground…until it continually spins.)

Lord Blood Mask: Yesssss…! My gamble was successful! The Shadow Staff…is on THIS mountain!

Celis: Too bad you’re not getting it.

Lord Blood Mask: GRAGH! You!

(Lord Blood Mask swings around dramatically.)

Lord Blood Mask: How…did you get here so fast?!? The rapids…one of the most violent in the world…and…

Jonas: With…this!

(Jonas holds up the Fire Staff. It glows fiercely.)

Jonas: With the fierce fires of the staff, the rapids split into a dry path.

Lord Blood Mask: WHAT?!? But…Falkor…?!?

Celis: Knocked him out. He’s gonna have a nasty nosebleed when he wakes up.

Lord Blood Mask: [darn] you! Bajai! Kill them! I have to find the Shadow Staff…!

(Bajai leaps at Celis and Jonas, the Ice Staff held high…but then it changes into a Water Staff.)

Celis: !

Jonas: Leave me. I can face him…stop Lord Blood Mask! If he digs up the Shadow Staff…he’ll have Sub-Con for sure! Maybe even the world…

Celis: Be careful…

Jonas: No Cel…YOU be careful.

Celis: …

(Celis turns to face Lord Blood Mask who has been digging desperately at the ground. Suddenly, he shrieks with excitement…the end of the staff is sticking out of the ground. Celis rushes at him, about to punch-but he grabs her fist with his huge malformed, clawed hand and starts to throw her at the raging river. She kicks upward, knocking him back, and releasing her. He trips backwards over the Shadow Staff, and falls onto his back.)

Celis: You are not getting that staff.

Lord Blood Mask: Grrraggghhh!

(Behind them, Bajai fires bursts of water magic at Jonas. Jonas tries to use the incredibly  hot fire magic he had used to separate the waters before-but the Water Staff’s water is more powerful than its elemental weakness.)

Bajai: Ha! You can’t defeat me…fire is always weak to water…maybe if  you had the Lightning Staff…hah ha ha ha!

Jonas: Shoot…but…the four main elemental staffs have a secondary element…what…is the Fire Staff’s…?

Bajai: Whatever it is, it will surely be weak to water!

Jonas: I have to find out…!

(A explosive beam shoots out of the Fire Staff. Bajai barely dodges, cursing violently.)

Bajai: You think you can defeat me when I’m not looking! Try to beat this!

(Bajai raises the staff…and a wave of water covers him completely. He is now in a watery bubble...completely invincible against fire.)

Bajai: Just try to beat me now! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Jonas: I have to figure out…the other state of the staff…

(Behind them, besides the raging waters, Lord Blood Mask rushes at Celis, brandishing sharp claws. He slashes at her, and she jumps upwards, landing down on his outstretched hand. He shrieks.)

Celis: You sure scream a lot…who are you really, anyway?

Lord Blood Mask: I…am nothing! I am Lord Blood Mask! And I will be the God of The World once I kill you…I will make the world suffer! Like I did…

Celis: ???

Lord Blood Mask: I was created by Dr. Nask…the world’s greatest chemical biologist. I am his last creation…and his greatest!

Celis: Dr. Nask…?

Lord Blood Mask: I will make you bleed!

(Lord Blood Mask rushes at her. Celis leaps out of the way-a bad move. Lord Blood Mask wrenches the Shadow Staff out of the dirt.)

Lord Blood Mask: Heh heh HA! The world…and you…are doomed!

(The Shadow Staff held up, a sinister black cloud is formed in the sky. It starts to move towards Celis…slowly, but unstopping.)

Lord Blood Mask: Once it touches you, it will enter your lungs…and stop all breathing. A fitting end for a pampered princess!

Celis: Pampered…?!? You know nothing!

(Above them all, a giant thundercloud appears from nowhere. Frozen water in the shape of a thunderbolt slams to the ground.)

Lord Blood Mask: The power of the Shadow Staff is endless!

Celis: Ice magic!?! Isn’t there a Water Staff…?

Lord Blood Mask: The Shadow Staff holds the power of the two elementals associated with it-Earth and Water. Likewise, the Light Staff controls Light, Fire, and Lightning.

 Celis: Explaining the whole thing rather well, considering we’re in a fight.

Lord Blood Mask: Not much of a fight…you’re going to die!

Bajai: (Screaming)

(Lord Blood Mask and Celis swing around. Bajai’s watery shell is boiling. Bajai is trapped in a coffin of scalding hot water. All around the shell is a mist…flowing from the staff Jonas is holding outwards.)

Jonas: Steam! The secondary elemental for the Fire Staff…Steam! Gaseous heat will penetrate even water…

Lord Blood Mask: Grr!

Jonas: Celis! I’m the one who begged for your help…let me do my part!

Celis: (Running to the left, dodging the giant black cloud.) Thank you!

Lord Blood Mask: I’ll kill you all!

(With another wave from his staff, explosions of lightning, water, and pure shadow energy volley out of the staff, straight at Celis and Jonas. Celis leaps to the left…Jonas to the right. He almost falls in the river, a log nearly catching him in the side.)

Jonas: Garahhh!

(Jonas fires a quick burst of fire. Lord Blood Mask douses it with water.)

Lord Blood Mask: Don’t even try steam! Heh heh heh ha!

(Celis slams her foot into Lord Blood Masks back. He nearly falls, but swings around and grabs at Celis. Her punch almost reaches his mask/face…but instead hits the neck area.)

Lord Blood Mask: Gurgh hurg hurg hurg!

(Lord Blood Mask grabs her arm, and hangs her up in the air.)

Lord Blood Mask: Once the Shadow Cloud touches you...! Cold death!

(The Shadow Cloud is already floating towards her. Celis struggles desperately, but Blood Mask’s grip tightens, and the claws tear open her skin. Blood runs down her arm.)

Lord Blood Mask: Experience pain like you never have before! Gurgh hurgh-GAGH!

(A beam of ice hits Blood Mask in the arm, freezing it completely. Celis breaks free-literally breaking off four of Blood Mask’s fingers.)

Lord Blood Mask: WHAT-!?!

(Jonas holds the Fire Staff and the Water Staff in each hand.)

Lord Blood Mask: Both?! You can use BOTH!?!

Jonas: …It appears so. Face me! I am the protector of Sub-Con-!

Lord Blood Mask: Protector of Sub-Con? Protector of nothing! 

(Lightning fast, Lord Blood Mask sends a torrent of water at Jonas-but Jonas has already drawn the Ice Staff-freezing the water shooting out of the Shadow Staff-all the way up to the staff…and Blood Mask’s hand. Blood Mask drops the Staff from pain…right into the roaring river. The Shadow Staff goes flying off the waterfall…and bounces off a log, into the darkness.)

Lord Blood Mask: YOU-!!!!! AaaarrRRRGGGHHHH!

(Lord Blood Mask jumps at Jonas…who sends a flame from the Fire Staff. It enflames the Shadow Cloud, destroying it, but Lord Blood Mask drops down, and then kicks Jonas across the river, and right by the edge of the cliff. The Water Staff falls on the ground…the Fire Staff falls off the edge.)

Celis: Jonas!

Lord Blood Mask: I think he’s dead. But I’ll make sure after I break your neck.

Celis: Just try!

(Lord Blood Mask nearly skims over the ground, like he’s floating, hands outstretched, claws blood stained. Celis starts to step back…then rebounds and jumps on his hands, punching straight into his face. Blood Mask falls back with a roar.)

Lord Blood Mask: You…can’t…beat me…die, [darn] YOU!

(Lord Blood Mask backs up to the river, where he grabs a giant log out of the water.)


Celis: Good for y-

(Lord Blood Mask swings the log at Celis. He actually scores a hit, sending her flying. Celis quickly slams her feet into the ground before she tumbles off the side. A giant red mark covers the left side of her face.)

Celis: N-not bad…

Lord Blood Mask: Grrrrrahhhh!

(Celis runs at Lord Blood Mask preparing a punch. Lord Blood Mask swings his log at her hand-which she draws back, and then punches his face with the other. Blood Mask quickly knees upwards…hitting her legs. Celis is stunned for a moment. A moment too many. Blood Mask brings the log back, slamming her head again. Celis isn’t thrown very far, but blood has started to run out of her mouth, and two tooth have fallen out.)

Celis: [darn]…you’re…the strongest I’ve ever fought.


Jonas: C-Celis!

Celis: Jonas?!

(Jonas has gotten up, from across the river, he weakly grips the Water Staff in his hands.)

Jonas: Celis…I’m…I’m going to freeze him straight in the stomach…and then you have to knock him…into the river…

Lord Blood Mask: You…think I can’t HEAR YOU?!?

(Lord Blood Mask turn around, to cross the river and attack Jonas.)

Jonas: Heh heh…I knew you’d lost some of your mind…you’re fully open.

Lord Blood Mask: WH-!

(A powerful shot from the Water Staff (turned Ice Staff) explodes into Lord Blood Mask’s stomach. Celis jumps-and then kicks sideways hitting Lord Blood Mask right after the explosion. With a shriek, and a horrifying cracking sound, he falls into the river, hitting his neck on the side of a log. Another disturbing crack, and he tumbles down the waterfall, hitting more logs along the way.  Finally, he disappears into the darkness. Celis jumps over the river, and runs over to Jonas.)

Celis: Are you okay?!?

Jonas: I’m…I’m…okay. Great, even. Celis…he’s dead, (COUGH) isn’t he? The…Shadow Staff fell over the waterfall too…

Celis: Definitely. Even if he survived breaking his neck three times, the fall to the bottom would’ve killed him.

Jonas: Aaahhh…I’m sorry I dragged you into this Cel…but I knew…

Celis: …

Jonas: …you were the only one who could, erm, do it.

Celis: (His accent suddenly came back…!) Jonas…

Jonas: Erm…I’m kind of tired. I’ll…take a nap.

Celis: Jonas…wait!

(Jonas has already fallen asleep. Fighting the temptation to fall asleep, Celis carrys Jonas down the mountainside. The Water Staff almost falls from his hand, so Celis sticks it in her pocket. The way down the mountain is peaceful, until they reach the rapids. Celis tries to use the Fire Staff, yet nothing but a weak little flame crawls out. But then Celis sees the boat that Lord Blood Mask used to cross the river. She tries to steer it, and manages to get the boat across the rapids, but crashes on the shore. Carrying Jonas, she enters the southwestern city-Giglomorsh…and hears cheers. Instead of an onslaught of Blood Masks, regular Shy Guy citizens are in the streets. On the ground are Blood Mask Masks scattered on the ground.)

Celis: Wha-?

Shy Guy: The attack is over! The Blood Mask Army were being mind controlled…but with the leader dead, they’ve all awoken!

Celis: …? Mind controlled?

Shy Guy 2: We were. Lord Blood Mask…no, that freak…he had some strange liquid in his claws…that controlled you. He’d inject it in your neck. But he’s dead!

Celis: (They must be telling the truth. There’s no way they’d know if Blood Mask was dead or not…)

Shy Guy 3: Wait…she…and the guy she’s carrying…they’re the ones who killed him!

Celis: How-?

Shy Guy 2: You’re right…his last thoughts were of great hate for you…and your friend…

Celis: Great hate, huh? That's...predictable.

(A brief flash of darkness. Celis almost falls over.)

Celis: Ahhh…I’m feeling a little…

Shy Guy: Out of it? Get her to the hospital, ‘fore she falls over!

(Celis almost falls over from exhaustion again, but is helped by two Shy Guys. She’ll wake up the next day.)

(One hour earlier, at the time of the end of Celis's battle, in Koopa Castle, Malpix was in a half-sleeping, half-waking state. He had discovered two new feelings since he had finally taken over the castle…the feeling of being tired…and the feeling of sleep. Both were exhilarating, for one who felt artificial, even to himself. But right in the middle of the sleeping state, a fierce, psychic message pierced his mind.)

???: Brother…

Malpix: Who’s there??? Who speaks-

???: I am dying even as I speak…I must tell you…of one you must kill…

Malpix: Kill? I kill only who I feel to. No matter who you think you are, I take no orders.

???: Our third brother has already agreed, so I speak to you as well…kill Celis, princess…queen of the Mushroom Kingdom. She will kill you.

Malpix: I have never heard of this “Celis” and she will not have heard of me. I have no reason or need to hunt down this person.

???: Will you not seek my revenge?

Malpix: Brother…ha! I have no brother. I was mutated and partially created by a scientist-

???: As was I. Dr. Nask.

Malpix: What?!?

???: My body has already died…I have little time…let me join your body…we will be strong…

Malpix: Ha! No. I know you’re lying. Dr. Nask dissapered…

???: He went to Sub-Con, and died. I was created in Sub-con.

Malpix: Could it be?!? Dr. Nask created more than me…?

???: Quickly…let me join you…

Malpix: No.

???: The girl is insane. She will hunt you down.

Malpix: …

???: Quickly-

Malpix: If you think you can form with me-you’re insane.

???: Gagggh-

Malpix: I’m waking up. Goodbye.

???: NO…! LET ME-!

(As Malpix starts to wake up, he feels invisible tendrils begin to stick to him. Malpix desperately shakes them off, and wakes up in a cold sweat, still sitting in the uncomfortable throne. Speckian jumps in surprise as he snaps awake.)

Malpix: Celis…

Speckian: WH-what? The girl...?

Malpix: You know this "Celis"? Tell me everything you know...!

                                             END OF BLOOD MASK SAGA
                                                    TO BE CONTINUED…


  • Max Stats
« Reply #68 on: March 23, 2011, 01:01:50 AM »
These are great; I can actually picture the events in my head! How long does it take you to write these up?
The Mario series is the best! It has every genre in video games but RTS'! It also has a plumber who does different roles, a princess, and a lot of odd creatures who don't seem to poop!

« Reply #69 on: October 17, 2011, 05:22:18 PM »
                                                                                                 PHASE 56
                                                                                             Upper Management

                                                                   (October 20th, 37 AMA. 12:25 AM. Wes finally reaches Toad Town, and almost trips in surprise. Toad Town is a desolate wreck. And the quiet is stunning. Early, early in the morning, Toad’s nervously escaped with their families, away from Mushroom Castle and Toad Town, away from the “Insane King” Penter. None have stayed, except those who are dead. Even the Sacharials have fled, along with the Toads, to Mushroom City, in the west. But in the castle, Toads still live. Hopelessly trapped, the last guard that attempted to leave almost made it down the hill…before Penter, suddenly up in the tower, beamed him through the head. The guards continue to bring him wine and other offerings, hoping to please him, almost leading to a twisted religion…exactly as Azine, who peers out through Penter’s eyes, wants. Some guards have attempted to find a way out through the dungeons…perhaps a secret passage. Already tense beyond measure, and strung beyond belief, they turn and run, at what appears to be the sounds of ghosts. Rumor has spread throughout the castle that ghosts of the campaign that Peach ran, right before she died, were infesting the dungeons. None of them even guessed the simple truth…that Wes would soon discover himself…)

(Back in the ruined Toad Town…)

Wes: What…the…hell…?

(Wes nervously steps forward...almost onto a Bob-omb. The ticking sound tips him off before he steps down, and he bounces off to the side. The Bob-omb blows up, sending a rain of gravel at Wes. It bounces off, but a particularly big piece leaves a welt on his arm. Already in a bad mood, Wes angrily steps towards the castle.)

Wes: Ughhh…I’m too tired for this…

(The large entrance doors lie on either side of the stone path, blown open by the Sacharial’s bombs, detonated by Penter’s crazy attack.)

(Suddenly, a terrible thought strikes Wes-what if the Koopa Kingdom attacked? And had taken over, maybe killed everyone? But, then again, shouldn’t guards be rushing out to capture him, or question him…?)

(Slightly panicking, Wes runs into the dark door of the castle…and right into a group of Toad Guards. Behind them, Penter is propped against the wall…brought down from the tower, after he had spotted Wes approaching the castle.)

Penter: Ahhh...Wes. It's been a long time, hasn't it?

Wes:'s been six days. But I'm not here to talk about that. I've come back to tell you that Celis should be okay, and that she should have reached the United Cities by now.

Penter: Yes. I have heard messages of the Blood Masks collapsing, and that it was due to a princess...

Wes: She did it...!

Penter: It was nice of her to do saves me from the trouble of heading over there.

Wes: ...Heading over there? You were totally against the idea of going anywhere near there. What are you talking about? You changed your mind?

Penter: My partner Azine told me it was for the best...and due to his eye-opening revelations, I must believe him...

Wes: Azine? ...Never mind that. Why's the castle in a wreck? What happened to Toad Town...?

Penter: Oh...I decided that I didn't like Toad Town. With the bombs in the village, I was able to make quick work of the place.

Wes: W-what?!? Penter...what the heck is going on?!?

Penter: Azine has opened my eyes. We will take the world...and crush it.

Wes: Penter...! You've...cracked, haven't you? The stress...?

Penter: You believe I am merely crazy? Feel this-!

(Penter sends out tendrils of lightning, engulfing Wes, releasing an explosive shock. Wes is now kneeling.)

Wes: Don't force me to do this...guards! Why do you support this crazy man? Has he really threatened you into total slavery?

Guards: You do not know what you say...he is truly possessed by a great entity...

Penter: Trust me, I definitely could not create lightning before Azine took me.

Wes: Maybe you are possessed by a demon...or you are simply insane. Either way...I have to clear this up before Celis returns. She won't be happy...

(Suddenly, Wes sends out a burst of fire magic. Penter leaps to the side, and sends several guards into the path of fire. They are badly burned, and fall to the ground. Penter is now slightly floating.)

Azine: Elemental magic...! Quite impressive...Maguskoopa.

Wes: (Whose voice was that...? And how did he know...?!?) Penter...stop this. I don't want to fight you...

Penter: Who said you had to? You appear to be adept enough to help me.

Wes: Really? A ruling offer? You didn't actually think I'd accept did you?

Penter: Ah...well, in that case, I want to try something on you. Azine's power have begun to awaken, so-

(Wes prepares to dodge some kind of magical attack, but instead what feels like an invisible rope comes from behind and quickly ties him.)

Wes: What the-!

(Penter swings Wes around the hall, smashing him into high stone walls, and into a ancient tapestry.)

Penter: Hm, I like this one. If only I had it when that Duplighost was here...

(Hopelessly tied, Wes is unable to perform magic, and after a fifth crash into the wall, he blacks out. Noticing this, Penter cancels out the rope magic, dropping Wes eight feet.)

Penter: Well...I feel so positive today...! Guards, take the Koopa to the dungeons. Maybe he'll be smart enough to reconsider next time.

(The guards drag Wes down the dungeon stairs. Penter slips down to the floor and slumps with a deranged grin. World destruction looks ever more hopeful.)

 (A day later in Mushroom City, a sudden and unpredicted meeting has started. Three leaders of a certain cause have met to discuss the plans of their group. One is the leader of the faction that patrolled Toad Town. Another is the overall leader, who had always been centered in Mushroom City. The last was a bit of an enigma to an outside viewer, but close inspection would reveal him as the funder of the operation. Earlier that morning, the leader of the Toad Town faction, otherwise known as Zerek, had quickly requested a meeting on his arrival in the city. The funder of the project had somehow predicted this, and had arrived from his established mansion two days earlier. All came to the meeting entirely ready for reports from each other.)

Luigi: Zerek...why are you always so flustered? Nervousness is not the sign of good leadership.

Zerek: Ha, you weren't at Toad Town yesterday. The place is a terror. Our bombs were supposed to control the town, but the nut running the castle in the princess's absence has some bizarre supernatural power.

Luigi: Oh? Please indulge me. Is it a MOD power? I assume a Ztar one?

Zerek: Don't jump to conclusions, oh rich one. My spy, a Duplighost, reported that "King" Penter believes he is possessed. From the things I've seen him do, I would agree.

???: Possession? By what? A demon?

Zerek: Something called Azine, sir. Rumors had been seeping from the castle. I actually doubt we ever needed a spy in the first place...

???: A demon. We need to purge it, and take over the castle immediately. We will send troops back to face it.

Luigi: No. We need to wait. I have no doubt you have heard of the princess's exploits. When she returns, she will want to head for the Mushroom Castle. The Mad King will strike her down, and on the off chance he doesn't, we can move in after she is weakened.

???: Luigi, you seem to believe that the goal of the Sacharial is to take down your niece. As much as I would love to see her suffer...we need to take over the Mushroom Kingdom first.

Luigi: She is the official leader of the Mushroom Kingdom. To kill her is to take the throne.

???: I don't care, I want to take the castle and mock her from there. Her anger will burn brightly...and set off her "bomb" so to speak.

Zerek: You-you want her to become..."Super"...!!!

???: Yes...I want to see her anger, and still strike her down. I want her to reach an epitome of anger and hate...she'll be just like me...

Luigi: While that's all very nice, I'd like to remind you that I'm funding the project. If you go in a...bad direction...perhaps I'll stop funding your explosives.

???: ...I recede then.

Luigi: Smart choice. Even if she survives the Mad King, she cannot take the force of Lethal Bob-ombs, and survive.

(The person at the head of the table begins to speak, but Luigi swiftly interrupts him.)

Luigi: Four or five, in an enclosed area. I've heard that open river sides and singular explosives won't work.

???: You-!

Luigi: I call this meeting adjourned.

???: Must I remind you that you are not the leader?

Luigi: I have nothing more to say, or hear. Send a message to my mansion in five days, and tell me if she's dead by then. If you need, I'd be glad to step in, and help strike her down. The old mansion is getting rather boring...

???: Don't ignore me! You-

(Luigi leaves, throwing the Sacharial leader into a rage.)

???: That green *******! If I didn't need his money he'd be dead! He thinks he's so great because he's Mario's brother, but-

Zerek: Please sir, we must concentrate on the princess. You still hate her the most, don't you?

???: ...Yes. I...I do need to concentrate. Ugh, the room is spinning from my anger, how it used to be when I'd think of the great Celis, after what she did.

Zerek: After we kill the princess, we can destroy her uncle as well, can't we? He's rich, but he's not a warfare type person. We easily outnumber him in weaponry.

???: That is...yes. In five days, after we've killed Celis, we tell him that we haven't, sending him here. As long as he's not in his own territory, it should be easier to kill him, blow him up with a few bombs. Just need to make sure we kill him before he goes "Super"...

Zerek: Exxen, I will not fail you. What are your next orders?

Exxen: Make sure Penter does not approach this city, and if he does...throw everything we've got at him.


« Reply #70 on: October 18, 2011, 03:59:54 PM »
There was a timeline here! If you are reading this right now (sometime after July 17th, 2013) know that THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM is coming BACK and that this timeline had some accidental SPOILERS in it. I am currently working on a huge recap with a corrected timeline.

Stay tuned!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 10:44:00 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #71 on: October 19, 2011, 03:13:58 PM »
The Message

                                                                     (A day after the Sacharial meeting, Celis wakes up in a hospital in the city of Giglomorsh. She has been out cold for a day, and the sun is already setting on the second day. She is alone in a sobering room. The walls are white, and there is little more than a potted plant on a table. The room is empty of people, except for her.)

Celis: [darn]...what a headache.

(Other than a piercing headache, Celis is relatively fine. MOD powers have worked wonders again. The door leads into a sparse hallway. No one is there, either.)

Celis: Where are all the Shy Guys...?

Jonas: They're erm...celebrating...

Celis: Jonas!

(Celis whips around, and stumbles a little. She's still slightly tipsy.)

Jonas: I was wondering how long you'd...erm...sleep. It's almost been two days...

Celis: Two's felt so much longer than that...

Jonas: I was, erm, worried. You had taken quite a blow to the, erm, face.

(Celis brushes her fingers along the huge red mark on her cheek. It is fainter, but still starkly contrasts with the normal face color.)

Jonas: Actually, erm, most of the doctors thought you wouldn't wake up for a week...

Celis: Heh, I'm pretty resilient...

Jonas: I guess...Celis, erm, are you leaving? I mean, are you leaving, erm, now?

Celis: Leaving...well...

Jonas: I mean, erm, just for a few days...everyone is celebrating...the festivals will be, erm, delightful.

Celis: I would, but...Wes! How could I forget...if the pipe we took brought us to the Desert Hills...Wes is...somewhere else...

Jonas: Oh...! Wes...

Celis: If he's not here by now, he must be...

Jonas: Ansetzu...the Pipes...

Celis: Ha rest for the weary. I'm going right away.

Jonas: What?!? Erm, Celis! The Pipes...Wes is probably...

Celis: I know what The Pipes are! An endless maze of death. But I'm not leaving him there-

Jonas: Celis, this is, erm, stupid! I know I begged you to come after, erm, going to the Koopa Castle, but, erm, you can't keep doing this...

Celis: He's my...friend...(and he's a MOD...) and I did all of this for you, didn't I?

Jonas: Please...didn't, erm, Mario ever tell you...

Celis: Alright, I'm leaving. After I find Wes, I will bring him back here, and we can-


Celis: -we can, we...


Jonas: Celis...? ...Erm! What the-!

(The entire hallway wall starts shimmering and the spot right in front of Celis starts to bulge outwards. A Koopa's face starts pushing out-it's Wes.)

Celis: Uh...?!


Wes: Celis...(cough, cough)...I'm back at the castle...Mushroom Castle. There is...(cough) Penter...Penter's...something's happened to him. He's gone crazy...and he's powerful. He has magic...(cough)...Celis, hurry. He's been keeping me in the dungeon, and-

(The message suddenly fizzles out. The face blends back into the wall, and everything goes back to normal. Celis stands in utter shock.)

Celis: What...was that? Magic?

Jonas: Erm...yes. (I promised Wes...) I don't know how, but he somehow, erm, sent us a message...

Celis: But...he's back at the castle...he's not lost in The Pipes.

Jonas: Who is, erm, Penter?

Celis: He's...he is kind of a guardian for me...kind of a mentor. You may have seen him right before we left to come here, but... Gah! I'm sorry, but...something's happening. I have to leave.

Jonas: It's, erm, alright. He said you should hurry...I should...

Celis: No way. You're staying here. You've saved your should celebrate with everyone else. It's different for me...something's happening in my homeland...but yours is safe.

Jonas: Erm! Calm down. If you don't want my, erm, help...

Celis: Don't be like that. There is a reason...a GOOD reason...that I am constantly doing these things...but I can't tell you. I'm sorry. I'm not even sure what it all means myself...

Jonas: Alright, erm, alright! I'll stay. But be, erm, careful, Celis. Whatever your, erm, reason, you can't go on forever. You have to take some kind of a break...

(Celis starts walking down the hallway. Right before leaving, she turns back to Jonas.)

Celis: were incredibly talented with those should seek them out, if you want an adventure. Goodbye...and good luck.

Jonas: Good...bye.

(Celis disappears.)

Jonas: Neither of us, erm, are good with goodbyes. That's probably the best way it could have ended.

(Jonas stands for a few more seconds, and then turns in the opposite direction down the hall. A loud parade starts outside. Everything marches on.)

(Half an hour earlier, Wes sits in the Mushroom Castle dungeons. It is surprisingly warm, and slightly vibrating, almost as if power was radiating out from the new king. He has been stuck there for two days, but he has been relatively well fed. Another Koopa prisoner there, Jagger, has held there for four days, captured simply from wandering nearby. Penter has either forgotten about him, or still deciding what to do with him. The guards aren't going to question him...)

Wes: could be worse. It could be cold, like the dungeons at Koopa Castle.

Jagger: You've been there? And escaped? That's impressive.

Wes: Ah, yes. Well, I've seen them-not been in them. You have too, haven't you?

Jagger: What?

Wes: I just remembered where I've heard your name used to work for Bowser, didn't you? You were one of his old lieutenants, back when that metal demon Smithy fell from the sky...

Jagger: you were one too, eh? I'm famous?

Wes: Somewhat. Since you never returned afterwards, you were branded as a traitor. Bowser encouraged a hate for you.

Jagger: What?! That spike-tailed *******. I told him-

Wes: It doesn't matter what you told him. (Sigh) I'm guessing he didn't do it when you were around, but he started to make an example of someone every month. Everyone agreed he had started going off the deep end more than a year before Mario was killed. I imagine Mario's death simply made him crazier. He wanted to finish him off.

Jagger: Eh. He was better in the older days. We'd try again and again to kill Mario, and he'd never give up. Many of us had endless optimism. What a [darn] waste. All that for him to be killed by some third party...


Wes: Who do you think it was?

Jagger: What?

Wes: (Third what...) Who do you think killed Mario with the mystery weapon? Whoever it was gave it to Bowser. We had started making it, but...

Jagger: Who did it? Heh. Well...where would they get this mystery technology like that? I'd heard that some weird lab has opened up in the northern reaches of Sarasaland. Then again, The Pipes are always an option...Mario came from there. Be fitting if his death followed him here.

Wes: I thought so too, but...The Pipes are...a pretty awful place. For someone from his own world to follow him here with such precision...

Jagger: His green brother did it.

Wes: I don't know. I always thought there was something strange to that story...I've heard that-

Penter: Good evening.

(Penter stands at Wes' side. He has gotten there without making a sound.)

Wes: Penter! [darn] it, what is-

Penter: I am not here to talk. My master has told me of your power. I will take it. A Maguskoopa's energy will certainly help us.

Wes: If my hands weren't chained...I would set you on fire. But I suppose a "no" will have to do for now.

Azine: Do it. I can smell the magic of this is... ...Do it! DO IT NOW! NOW!

Penter: How?! Wait! Give me ti-

Wes: How what?


(Penter's arms shoot up with unnatural speed. His pupils disappear, and pure white eyes stare straight at Wes; there are no veins, even. An intangible, red substance starts to ebb out of Wes, into Penter's palms. Wes starts sweating.)

Wes: Oh [darn] it...he really can...

Jagger: What the hell is happening?!?

Wes: He's taking my magic...he's taking a piece of my soul! Alright...I didn't want to do this...but she has to know. If I don't tell her...she may take her time. And she can' a menace now.

Jagger: What are you talking about?!?

Wes: ...

(Penter has gone into a trance absorbing Wes' energy. With great effort, Wes turns his head to the wall, and dips his face in. Jagger swears, and then faints.)

Wes: (With the last of my magic...heeee...I should have done this earlier...this is just plain cliché now...)

(Wes' face reemerges in a blankly white hallway. Celis and Jonas look like they were having a conversation before the wall had a face.)

Celis: Uh...?

Wes: Celis...(cough, cough)...I'm back at the castle...Mushroom Castle. There is...(cough) Penter...Penter's...something's happened to him. He's gone crazy...and he's powerful. He has magic...(cough)...Celis, hurry. He's been keeping me in the dungeon, and-


Wes: ...!

(Mushroom Castle...)

Penter: ISn't that cutE? HE WaS trying to SEnd a mESSagE!

Wes: Oh god...

Penter: All thiS fEElS So good...I can't imaginE hoW tErriblE it muSt fEEl not to havE it!


Penter: CEliStar iS going to Want to rEScuE you, iSn't ShE? You Will bE a GREAT tokEn! But...

("Penter" turns to the fainted Jagger)

Penter: ...hE faintEd prEtty fast, didn't hE? HE muSt not knoW What happEnS in thE MuShroom Kingdom Every day! HEh...hEE hEH hEE...!!!

(Like anyone would do, Penter snaps his fingers. Jagger is completely engulfed in flames. He wakes up just in time to start dying a painful death. Penter grins.)

Penter: WE'rE gonna be having SomE fun from noW on!

Wes: ...


« Reply #72 on: October 21, 2011, 02:53:06 PM »
Sea Whispers


(, isn't it?)

Celis: Oh! Uh...what?

Crewmate: Isn't it a nice day? Our last few trips have had terrible weather. Our first mate was tossed overboard the last time, and was taken by a Blooper.

Celis: Uh...really?

Crewmate: It was definitely something big! We heard im' screaming, and when we looked over we saw him disappear into the darkness!

Celis: What?! Shouldn't you be more worried?

Crewmate: Ehh, there's been worse.

(A day after receiving Wes' message, Celis was offered a ride by a boating company to take her to the Sunny Fields, west of Mushroom City. The boat has already made it into the Alpha Ocean, mostly clinging to the shore, and is expected to make landfall early the next morning. Celis ends up spending the time with a Shy Guy crewmate...)

Crewmate: Haven't you ever been 'ere before, princess?

Celis: (!'s probably all over the city that the Mushroom Kingdom princess saved them...) Once...kind of. I took a plane ride over it, to Yoshi's Island. (Toadsworth died, I think that's when my mother went crazy, and Toadbert got captured there. Fun time.)

Crewmate: Oh! I've been there once! Saw the old Yoshi Chief before he was murdered!

Celis: Murdered!? He was...(I never did ask how he died...)

Crewmate: Oh yeah. Stabbed to death, apparently. Couldn't 'ave been a Yoshi. They aren't so good with their arms.

Celis: That's...strange. (His funeral...we came the day after he was killed......! That Magikoopa was there...the Apprentice...or something. Did he...?)

Crewmate: Yeah...well, I 'ere strange stuff everyday. Why, I heard the Koopa King Bowser died!

Celis: ...

Crewmate: And his son is desperately holding the castle. But there's so much chaos in the Koopa Kingdom, they're bound to collapse soon enough! Civil War ho!

Celis: His son? Which son?

Crewmate: His oldest, of course. Nobody's seen the others, anyway. Some people even think Ludwig killed the rest of them!

Celis: (Ludwig? [darn]! Does that mean he has the Weapon now?) He killed his own siblings? Do you know anything else?

Crewmate: Ha! Anything else? You wouldn't believe the story's I hear...f'r instance-

Celis: Wait...why are we getting farther from shore?

Crewmate: Ah, you don't mind that.

Celis: What? I do mind. Staying by the shore is the fastest route to get to the Munu River.

Crewmate: Maybe we ain't goin' there...

Celis: What?

Crewmate: I'm thinkin' you'll be worth some good money to those Toad's back at the castle...

Celis: You're going to try to take me hostage? You do know what happened when that Blood Mask crazy tried to-

Crewmate: Aw, I'm kidding. Just wanted to see if you'd believe me.

Celis: !

Crewmate: But seriously, you gotta be careful. If everyone on a ship tried, they could tie you down. I'm surprised you took this ride. There's been a lot of bad stories about ships...

Celis: Great, funny, ha ha, but really, why are we going away from shore?

Crewmate: There are some whirlpools a little farther ahead caused by giant Bloopers. They pull down ships, and-

Celis: more Blooper stories. Please? Tell me about the ships.

Crewmate: (...Heh...) The ships? Oh...well, about two weeks ago, a disease broke out all over the Mushroom Kingdom.

Celis: What?! I didn't hear about this...

Crewmate: MHV. Muscular Hormonal Virus. Toad babies are still getting it, but it's not labeled as a disease anymore. It's causing them to get stronger.

Celis: There aren't any side effects...?

Crewmate: Nope. Except for the bad part about the ships. Ship crews started hearing about this, and didn't know how long it'd last. Well...the worst of the ships started taking babies. For future crews.

Celis: Kidnapping babies?!?

Crewmate: Yep. They wanted to get the strongest before the disease died out...and so they did. Many of the babies are so strong already that they can help clean the ships...they're very impressive.

Celis: Don't tell me...

Crewmate: Heh, no, we don't 'ave any. Our captain is a nice guy. I saw one at an auction though. I still feel guilty. I didn't even try to save it. I was sure the crowd would take me down.

Celis: It's...alright. (I suppose if I wasn't a MOD...I wouldn't take risks. But...that's not what a good person would do. A good person would take risks just to help people...they wouldn't need to feel safe enough to do it...Did my father know he was a MOD? Did he take risks against his own health? Did he know he was special?)

Crewmate: Gehh...maybe I've been talking too much. I'd better go back IN!

Celis: (Celis jumps a little) Calm down! Sheesh...I said it's alright. I wouldn't blame you for it...

Crewmate: Sorry, sorry! I'm not angry. We're getting near Vibe Island. It's got some kinda' radioactive properties. They charge your emotions-up, down, all-around...

Celis: Vibe Island...! (Where have I heard that...?) Vibe you think islands are kind of sad? All alone, out in the water-? ...Mmph! You're not kidding...

Crewmate: We have to go past em' every time we sail to the Munu River. It's so much fun! You should see how some people get-ARGG...There are four kinds of vibes that place leaks out...Joy, Gloom, Rage, and Calm. They're all irritating, 'cept for Calm. They twist yer words right around!

Celis: How much longer are we going to have to RIDE AROUND THIS THING?!?

Crewmate: Another hour. Yer probably going to want to take a nap downstairs. But even your dreams get affected in this place. It'd be terrible if you had a nightmare...frickin' gloom. It's the worst of all. Makes you so [darn] sappy...well than again, mebbe joy...

(The Crewmate starts to walk off. Celis turns to go down into the ship, but turns at the last moment.)

Celis: Wait...I never even asked your name...!

Crewmate: Ah, who 'ares about that princess. I'm just a worker. If you really want a name...'ow about...Binaar. Name of my ship mate that got tossed overboard last trip. I always wanted his name.

Celis: wanted

Binaar: 'ave a nice nap!

(Binaar disappears around a ship corner. Celis stands for a moment, and then decides she's heard weirder. Time for a extremely fitful nap.)

(Far away...)

(Luigi's Mansion)

Luigi: Call a party.

Hintrium: What?

Luigi: Call a party. Invite everyone on this list. Go to their homes, and invite them here. Four days.

Hintrium: Four...? But, um, father, aren't you going back to the Sacharials in three...?

Luigi: That is a subplot. The main plot is that we will hold a party, and they will come.

Hintrium: You've invited everyone you know...father. And...!

Luigi: Invite her last. She'll either be in the city, or the castle wreckage. And if she has any friends with her...invite them too.

(Luigi turns around. Hintrium, gets the point. Time to go. He flies out the window with the list. It was nice being a Star Kid, but not being able to join his real family in Star Haven was a disappointment. Still, Luigi was better than nothing. And he had a surprising amount of friends.)

To Be Continued...
