
Author Topic: I Dreamt About Two Of You  (Read 64997 times)

« Reply #135 on: April 16, 2004, 08:19:25 PM »
I never dream about flying, but I frequently dream about falling. When I'm about to hit the ground, I always wake up and find that I've fallen out of my bed.
I've actually heard that if you dream that you're falling and you DO hit the ground in your dream, you die. But then again, they can't really prove that I guess.

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Normal
« Reply #136 on: April 16, 2004, 08:25:06 PM »
I thought you die in real life if you fall in the Matrix...  Anyway, whenever I realize that I'm dreaming, I usually wake up.  And I did fall in a dream once, and when I woke up, I was laying in my bed and I was all hot.

Signature under Construction.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #137 on: April 18, 2004, 09:07:01 PM »
I had a dream that JJ, MegaByte, and David were murdered and Deezer was Injured by some randm murderer during a meeting. And thenm ext day in the Dream, Deezer made a very sappy update about how he lost his friends...
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #138 on: April 19, 2004, 03:28:18 PM »
I have fallen and hit the ground in a dream. It felt like it would normally, without pain. And I didn't die. Or did I?

"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man."- Jack Handey
This is a secret coded message.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #139 on: April 20, 2004, 10:14:26 PM »
I had this dream yesterday where I got drunk. Interesting, but I don't remember much about it, except the following quote:

"Listen, all I know about Mario is that there's 3 of them. There's Mario, there's Green Mario, and there's the [explitive] that doesn't shut up. Man, I hate her."

I dont know, either. Although that reminds me of a quote from the Simpsons, structure-wise.



  • Normal
« Reply #140 on: April 26, 2004, 10:46:54 PM »
I had a weird dream with Deezer and David Dayton.  I dreamt it was cloudy out, and I went into this day care center and had to spend the night with a bunch of other kids.    We all slept on the floor with sleeping bags.   So some of us were standing up and pretending to be other people and talking in funny voices, which was annoying most of the girls, who looked eleven or possibly twelve years old.  So they were telling us to be quiet, and then two guys walk in, and it was none other that DEEZER and DAVID.  They looked pretty accurate to real life, too.  Apparently they ran the day care center, and they were complaining about us kids not going to sleep and making a bunch of noise.  Like I remember Deezer saying something like, "Why won't you guys just go to sleep?" in this tired frustrated voice.  That's all that has to do with them, though, I remember after that that it was suddenly the next day in my dream and I was leaving, like walking out the front door, but I kept coming back just to hang with the other kids, which were all younger than me, about eleven to nine years old.

So Sapphira may be Chupperson's sister, but Deezer and David are my BABYSITTERS.

A day without sunshine is like night.

Edited by - Markio on 4/26/2004 9:47:46 PM
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #141 on: April 30, 2004, 12:34:48 AM »
A few days ago, I had a strange dream about a 12- or 13-year old curly-haired boy named Insane Steve. It was very odd, and involved "Steve" wanting to go into a cave that happened to be located in the rear area of my grandma's bookshop.

I often have dreams that involve memories from what I percieve to be several days ago in my dreams, even though I never knew anything about them before I started dreaming. Anyway, last night was one of those dreams.
I had apparently been imprisoned in a room in some sort of detention compound. I had also apparently been searching for a way to escape for several days. I eventually found a device to open the door on the other side of my room there, which would lead to freedom. I used the device, and nothing happened. I plugged it in, (with two cords in two outlets) and tried again. This time, the door opened, and I escaped. Then for a while some people who may have been friends of mine noticed I escaped and wondered how, and then I was in the parking lot of this place, and my mom was there with her car to pick me up. I rushed back inside to collect my violin. Then I escaped again. When I got in my car, I had not my violin, but what appeared to be a Sega CD and some games. Then, I was driving some sort of vehicle and talking to a crazy space chick in a strange streamlined space car who was attempting to stop a meteor from crashing into the Earth. We cut the meteor into pieces and threw them down a cliff. Eventually I ended up at Sapphira's house, said something about "Oh, hey sis," or something, and proceeded to go with her and a friend of hers into some house to complete a secret mission to find an enemy spy or something.

Exactly what that mission was, I may never know, for I woke up then.
That was a joke.

« Reply #142 on: May 10, 2004, 09:27:06 PM »
The funny thing is, I WANT to dream about TMK, cause all these dreams are so funny...
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #143 on: May 17, 2004, 05:13:42 PM »
Me too. It's probably the only way we actually interact.

I need some yarn, to make a wick- I''m saving up all my earwax to make a candle.

« Reply #144 on: May 18, 2004, 06:04:00 PM »
The only dream I have had that I would consider a great dream was the one of a crazy man which looked like a young Bill Gates (You know, that mugshot of Bill when he was about 16-20 years old), was killing everyone in the Islip area (Meowrik should be familiar with what I am talking about). It was weird, I really don't remember exactly how iit started out, I believe he was on the roof of someone's house with a sniper machine gun thing, shooting everyone with a maniacal laugh coming from his direction. Most people managed to survived, but the death rate got worse after each day he attacked. A police man supposedly caught him (which was actually one of my online friends) and was wrongfully charged with the death sentence and torturing his older brother.

The next day, I was at school (This dream was a year ago, when I was still in Middle School) When the crazy man's voice was over the PA, and he mentioned about killing all the kids, and when he finished, the ceiling flew off the second floor and he was flying around the school, shooting random children in each room. I managed to escape to the first floor, where children were running around screaming, there was broken glass and rubble everywhere. I just slowly walked through the halls, and excused myself from the rest of school, seeing as it was a safe thing to do.

When I got home, it was night, most of the neighborhood was destroyed by him, including my house, where the first floor remained intact, while the second floor had broken windows (except one), my Gamecube broken on the floor, and all my Gamecube discs chipped and shattered, scattered all over the floor. I just layed on the bed, quiet, trying to fall asleep. Then I heard his voice saying "Hey, I forgot to break this window!", and shot through it, shattering it. He then flew through it, and threw me off the bed onto the floor, where I landed on the broken glass, cutting myself. He then pointed the gun at me, asking me if I had any final words. (I did have some, but they were too profane to post here.)

After I said it to him, he yelled "Wrong answer!" And shot me in the chest after I tried to get up. Once I fell unconscious, the dream didn't end, it continued, in a 3rd person view. It showed me dead on the floor, in my own blood. After awhile, he continued to kill everyone, and went to the hopsital, turning off my online friend's brother's life support, causing him to die. A few hours later, it was morning, and bodies were littered all over the ground. The crazy man stopped laughing, and shot himself in his right temple. Then the camera showed al the bodies, while the song "Can Still See the Light" from PSO played.

Wow, that was a long post...
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #145 on: May 23, 2004, 03:33:57 PM »
I dreamt last night that all the members of the Fungi Forums (including myself) and all of TMK's staff were walking across a wooden bridge, supported by ropes. The pack was led by Deezer. The sky was dark and cloudy, and the air was cold and foggy. There were waves that tried to sweep the people off the bridge. Our mission was to stop Bowser's children from destroying a town on an island, which we were heading to. We defeated the seven children and saved the day. Then Deezer invited everybody to his house where we had a delicious victory dinner.

I need some yarn, to make a wick- I''m saving up all my earwax to make a candle.

Edited by - nintendoexpert89 on 5/23/2004 2:35:01 PM

« Reply #146 on: May 23, 2004, 06:06:59 PM »
My dreams are very seldom, and often only involve movies I've recently seen.

The other night, I dream'd that I was Old Yeller saving some kind of racoon, then it bit my face, and I was all foamy and rabid, so a little boy started shooting at me. I was the "One" again and stopped the bullets in mid-air, then I jumped up, pushed pause, rotated the camera, and did some mid-air kung-fu.

Let me away from this boulder!
Let me away from this boulder!

« Reply #147 on: June 03, 2004, 02:46:48 PM »
I had a dream were I was watching some sort of Website Awards thing on the internet. All of the mods were there waving to the camera, but the people from the other websites didn't seem to be moving. Also, it was Thanksgiving, and my dad was cooking dinner out on the grill. He was serving some sort of vegetable that looked like chunks of powdered donut. And, there was a very special episode of Bernie Mac on that night, seeing as how he recently died.

"There''s never enough time to do all the nothing you want."- Calvin
This is a secret coded message.

« Reply #148 on: June 03, 2004, 04:18:40 PM »
Once, I dreamed I was walking into my bedroom for no reason, but it wasn't my bedroom at all, it was a giant ocean with a whale.  So for no reason I climbed on the whale and took a ride to the other side of the giant ocean, which strangely took about 3 seconds.  Then I woke up and had fallen off my bed.

$100 invested at 7% interest for 100 years will become $100,000, at which time it will be worth absolutely nothing.
-- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggy" until you can find a rock.

« Reply #149 on: July 01, 2004, 06:48:53 AM »
I had a very elaborate dream (some of it composed of metaphors) last night that involved much of the staff and others. Because I can't remember most of it, it is very confusing and it is very hard to describe. I divided the dream into three parts, probably the only parts I can recall.


In the dream, there were hundreds of envelops lined on the walls in a big, wooden room with a sign above the doorway reading "FUNGI FORUMS PROCESSOR". Written on the envelops were people's names of the staff and all the members of the forums. A person's envelop holds magical messages that were sent from them and into the forums. The average of 3 messages per minute flew in from a shaft and on a conveyor belt. The messages were in the form of written memos. I picked up one and it read in this precise format:


FUNGI FORUMS- Message from the poster

Topic: General Chat / Classic quotes from forum members
Poster's Name: Vidgmchtr
Poster's Password: *******

"BLESS ME WITH YOU CHUPPYNESS" - Me, I made that typo in the chatroom because of the stupid keyboard. I believe we were talking about Chupperson being a god, or something....

[Blank Checkbox] Using HTML
[Blank Checkbox] Including signature
[Blank Checkbox] Remember details

This message was submitted 25 June 2004
Webmaster: Dan "Deezer" W.


(I read this actual post right before I went to bed.)

They were sorted into a machine and into the envelops, where they glow for a moment, then go back to normal. A screen on the ceiling read "19 messages posted today".

I inferred that this is actually where the messages that people post are sent and processed in their evelops and are displayed on the forums. All the forum regulars' envelops were colored golden like "regular" envelops, and Mods/Admins' envelops were colored white. The staff's envelops were colored red, except for Deezer's. I spotted Deezer's envelop, which was the only one colored blue. It stood out from all the rest. The envelops of those banned had a big No sign stamped on them, so the messages sent from the banned person couldn't process and couldn't be posted; they were sent into a trash can. I spotted a whole row (that took up one line on the wall) of stamped envelops. I looked at the names, and they were all the same person.

Also in the room was a desk with an old computer on it. In addition, on the desk was a typed list of all the registered people in the forums, and a few papers with some notes and HTML sqiggled on it. I realized this is where Deezer runs the operation of the forums and controls all who enter. Then the dream faded somewhere else...


I sat at a desk in a dim classroom, and all around me were people I didn't know. I realized somehow these were all the active members in the forums. I looked around to see if I could pick out anybody I reconized. I saw Sapphira smiling, but she was holding a bottle of Palmolive, and standing next to a pile of unconscious bodies with foaming mouths. Deezer was sitting at the teacher's desk reading a book entitled "Come Back Jokes for the Bored". Chupperson was listening to music on a walkman. That's all I remembered of that part...

*** PART 3: MISSING ***

I had suddenly gone missing, and nobody knew where I was. I ended up back in the room from PART 1, and the messages going along the conveyor belt were written grievences for me (which I doubt will happen in real life, BTW). I then ended up in the sky, which was becoming pink. The clouds became monster fogs, and headed to Earth where they were about to devour the members of the forums! Then everything afterword I can't remember.

That was I recall of my dream. BTW, I wonder if I have appeared in anyone else's dreams yet...

Friends? Heh, these are my only friends- grown-up nerds like Gore Vidal; and even he''s kissed more boys than I ever will.

Edited by - nintendoexpert89 on 7/1/2004 7:00:23 AM
