
Author Topic: Do you got a girlfriend?  (Read 21426 times)


  • Normal
« Reply #90 on: May 31, 2005, 05:12:32 PM »
I probably couldn't go out with a girl that was too different from me either; that's why I'm single.

Thank you for visting my world, come again ... Now entering reality, welcome back.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • In flames
« Reply #91 on: May 31, 2005, 08:44:06 PM »
To answer the original question, yes.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #92 on: May 31, 2005, 09:12:48 PM »
My last comment on this matter: Todd never fell in love with anybody.
That was a joke.

« Reply #93 on: June 01, 2005, 09:42:52 PM »
I'll answer the original question as well:

I'm currently not dating anyone, but I'm planning on asking out this one chick who's just too awesome for me not to. The only downside is, she's what, 19, and I'm 17.

Edit: Well, what am I saying? It's not really a downside; it's actually an upside. It's just the part that makes her harder to get.

"In the Glorious Company of Bands of Heroic Men, Who Are Also Brothers?"

Edited by - Celedux on 6/1/2005 8:43:34 PM
"In the Glorious Company of Bands of Heroic Men, Who Are Also Brothers?"

« Reply #94 on: June 02, 2005, 08:12:47 PM »
Hmm. This is a tough one. I just went through a breakup, although mutual (I think) it was still a breakup.

My ideal girl is very intelligent. But not extremely outspoken. Of course, she's gotta be nice. Also, she wouldn't need any kind of hint or suggestion from me to be intimate. I like physical contact, and I like attention and LOVE to give attention.

She wouldn't be too independent because I like to help and I like to do things for her. But independent enough not to rely on me for everything, be a dits, or clumsy. And this is one of my pet peeves, but I really like punctuality. No being late. I think that a girl that wants to be a little early is attractive to my mind. I'm drawn to people like that. (well sort of :: cough :: screech :: cough ::)

Also, I would enjoy being with her out of school and not at my or her house. She has to have a sense of adventure. I really like adventure, like a sudden want to just go riding in the countryside, or a hike through the woods, or a random call wanting to go to the local mall or see a movie.

Also, this is a big thing I believe for everyone, she MUST accept me for who I am. I shouldn't have to hide one thing about myself from her that may change the way she feels about me. It sounds demanding with the "MUST" and all, but it is a must. Also, she, like myself, would keep little things secret just to keep them erm 'sacred' i suppose. Y'know those little moments where you look into her eyes and you know she's the one, or the first kiss. Stuff like that. Those moments are the most precious to me and I wouldn't be with a girl if she didn't keep the secret moments 'sacred'. Also, she must be her own person.

 Not letting friends control who she is or letting a friend get in the way of us as a couple. When I ask for privacy, I don't want a nosy friend tailing us five feet away. Also, I'd respect her even more if I'm not head over heels for her by now, I'd probably implode with love if she were that way. It means she is somebody completely original and lets no outside fluences affect her.

Also, she's gotta love music. Music is the life of everything in my opinion. As Jimi Hendrix said, "Acting, Music, Art, andything like that is very earthly and it can be replaced by nothing." It'd be nice if music were a strong trait in her. Singing. . .playing, whatever.

Anyways, there's my very ideal girl. However, there seems to be many, I understand that there is no such thing as perfect and Four or five out of the ones listed would be VERY Ideal in my eyes. Speaking of eyes. It would be nice if she were attractive, however, I do not let my eyes judge who I would date.

Well, there you have it, the perfect girlfriend for Gunblade88

Edited by - gunblade88 on 6/2/2005 7:16:22 PM

« Reply #95 on: June 05, 2005, 08:34:15 PM »
just so ya know, i broke up with my girlfriend today, and I'm taking the girl I like to prom on Saturday.

I am the best person in existance!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #96 on: June 06, 2005, 01:05:35 PM »
GB: You sure know what you're looking for!

Todd: Sorry about that, man.

MegaB: But what do you like about her? :)

If this post is edited, as it probably is, you may be wondering why.  Well let me tell you.  Each of YR’s posts are carefully revised and polished over and over to give you, the reader, the most enjoyable and entertaining material possible.  With his posts you have his own personal guarantee that they are of high quality, contain well-thought out wording, and most likely have a bit of humorous content to keep you interested.  That, my friend, is the Yoshisaurus difference.
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #97 on: June 06, 2005, 07:00:18 PM »
I came here to scream in you people's faces.
That was a joke.

« Reply #98 on: June 06, 2005, 08:50:30 PM »
I don't know...i feel something for her that i never felt for my girlfriend...and i think she likes me...when i asked her, there was absolutely no hesitation, and she said yes so gleefully.

I am the best person in existance!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #99 on: June 06, 2005, 10:11:36 PM »
Who wouldn't say yes to the stud that is Toddathon? ;)

"All this guy ever does is eat, sleep, say stuff, DDR, and wear glasses."

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #100 on: June 06, 2005, 10:57:07 PM »
 I'll bet his Ex wouldn't. Again.


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #101 on: June 06, 2005, 11:04:07 PM »


"He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep for the sake of what he can never lose."

The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.

« Reply #102 on: June 07, 2005, 03:34:50 PM »
Wow, thanks for bringing that picture back to life, i thought it was gone forever.  That was me about 3 years ago, and I lost that picture last time my computer crashed, but thanks for bringing it back.  I like that picture.  And thanks for saying yes.  LMAO!  But yeah, things are going good with the new girl, i shall ask her out this saturday either at prom or right after, depending on how the night goes.

I am the best person in existance!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #103 on: June 10, 2005, 09:50:18 PM »
Good thing he didn't leave his pointer on the picture for a second.  Watoad, you're so mean. XD

If this post is edited, as it probably is, you may be wondering why.  Well let me tell you.  Each of YR’s posts are carefully revised and polished over and over to give you, the reader, the most enjoyable and entertaining material possible.  With his posts you have his own personal guarantee that they are of high quality, contain well-thought out wording, and most likely have a bit of humorous content to keep you interested.  That, my friend, is the Yoshisaurus difference.
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #104 on: June 11, 2005, 06:16:22 PM »
It's nothing to gloat about, but you're actually right on some levels, Yoshisaurus. In this case, though, I was just giving a little extension to Lizard's joke/comment and consciously had no ill intent or motive. Notice that both of the words I posted are in quotes, which is the case because they were actually "spoken" by the person or people referred to in Lizard's post.

Back to the topic of this thread, I actually have something new to say about it: As far as I can see, my future holds no dating or girlfriend relationships whatsoever. It seems that the next female with whom I develop a significant-other type of relationship, if there is one, will be my wife.

More text coming your way extremely soon, by the way, Mr. Rex. ~_^

"He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep for the sake of what he can never lose."
The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.
