
Author Topic: When dimmensions collide: An RPG  (Read 3572 times)


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« on: August 04, 2005, 08:33:28 AM »
Welcome to:
When Dimmensions Collide!

One day Mario went out for a walk. Suddenly, what appeared to be a giant laceration in the air appeared, and there was a giant light! As Mario was shielding his eyes, a figure popped out: Megaman?!
Megaman: Mario, I've come here to tell you that our two videogame dimmensions, Nintendo and Capcom, are colliding.
Mario: I-a thought a-this a-wassa my universe-a!
Megaman: No, there are just so many extra characters in your section that it takes up nearly half the Nintendo universe. This fluxuation in the character count has caused the other citizens of the Nintendo universe, like the Metroids and the various Pokemon, to become angry. We must advance through your universe with caution.
Mario: A-look a-whose a-talkin-a! Your a-universe issa fulla useless a-characters!
Megaman: Oh, shut up. We have to move. Other videogame characters will join us soon.
Mario: I-a just-a hope a-that a-the Sega universe-a doesn't collide-a --
Megaman: Oh, crap, it just did.

You can choose to be a video game character, any character, good or evil. You can be Mario or Pac-Man or Shadow the Hedgehog, I don't care. When you begin, you start at level 1, with 30 HP (hitpoints, can be leveled up to a maximum of 99) and 20 FP (fight points, can be leveled up to 70). You can have a minimum of 2 attacks (must be relevant to the character) and a maximum of 7. They can inflict anywhere from 2 - 20 DP (damage points), but attacks with 15+ DP must charge for 6 turns (posts) before they can be used. If I spot you constantly repeat-posting or getting people to repeat-post for you just so that you can use an ultra-powerful attack, then your character will be killed and you'll have to start over. If you still do it, then I'll change the rules and make it worse for everybody. Understand?

You can choose any of the following to be your weapon:
Knife, (1DP), sword (2DP), energy sword (3DP NOTE: you must be at level 2 to use this weapon), lightsaber (3.5DP NOTE: you must be at level 3 to use this weapon), phaser (5DP NOTE: you must be at level 4 to use this weapon), aiot gun (7DP NOTE: you must be at level 5 to use this weapon), riot gun (10DP NOTE: you must be at level 6 to use this weapon).

I'll be like the "dungeon master" (I'll tell major plot points). You can fill in dialogue, attacks, minor plot points, etc.

Now get playing!

"We get signal. Somebody set up us the bomb!" "What you say!" "All your base are belong to us!"
-Last Alert (PS1)

Edited by - Glorb on 8/5/2005 9:15:18 AM


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« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 10:25:03 AM »
I guess I'll be Megaman. I've got dibs on Megaman! (NOTE: Since I'm the dungeon master-type thing, I start at level 5.

LV: 5
HP: 50
FP: 40
Attacks: P-Shooter (causes 2DP), Snake (causes 4DP, never misses), Needle (causes 8DP), Gemini Beam (causes 12DP, bounces around until it hits something), Head-Butt (causes 25DP and doesn't have to charge, but Megaman takes 15DP at recoil), Drill (causes 15DP), and Heal (heals 15HP to Megaman or nearby character).

"We get signal. Somebody set up us the bomb!" "What you say!" "All your base are belong to us!"
-Last Alert (PS1)

« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2005, 01:06:47 PM »

It''s like I''ve died and gone to heaven but they found out it wasn''t my time so they sent me back to a brewery~Peter Griffin

Edited by - white_arrow on 8/10/2005 12:07:12 PM
OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2005, 02:28:01 PM »

(starts at level 7 because he is the kind of person who can kill anyone if he dodges them)

LV: 7
HP: 100 (3 hearts)
FP: 100

Can use any item in inventory

current inventory

Wooden Sword - 20 damage
Wooden Shield - -10 damage from enemy's attacks
Magic Potion (2)
Boomerang - (stuns opponent for a turn)
Bow and Arrows - Does 15 Damage to opponent (only blockable with shield)

Edited by - kurtvegita on 8/14/2005 1:34:42 PM


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« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 08:35:35 AM »
Megaman: So you're that Link I keep hearing about?
Link: Yup, that's me.
Mario: So-a, howsabouts a-we a-go to see-a this-a other dimmension-a?
Link: Fine with me.
Megaman: Hey, what's that?!
*dimmensional rift opens*
Mario: I-a think-a that's a-it.
Link: Let's go inside!
Rift Guardian: Not if I can stop it!
Megaman: Oh, crap. C'mon, Link and Mario, let's fight that thing!

"We get signal. Somebody set up us the bomb!" "What you say!" "All your base are belong to us!"
-Last Alert (PS1)

« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2005, 10:42:30 AM »
Rift Guardian

HP: 500

« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2005, 06:49:16 PM »
Kirby joins the squad!
Attacks: Final Cutter, does 5 damage points.
Stone Block: Does 6 damage, but takes one turn to charge.
Copy: Uses enemy attack for 2 turns, takes 5 FP to use.
Hammer: Does 6 damage, but Kirby gets 3 damage in recoil.

Weapon: Knife

EDIT: Whoa, 500? Is it possible that I could start on level 7, or could the enemy HP be lowered?

"You fools! You''ve messed with the natural ordaaaaaaa!!!"~ The story telling crow from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 8/16/2005 5:51:03 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2005, 08:10:33 PM »
Whatever happened to my RPG...

It''s like I''ve died and gone to heaven but they found out it wasn''t my time so they sent me back to a brewery~Peter Griffin
OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2005, 12:50:03 PM »
Start on 5 or 7

« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2005, 10:50:43 AM »
I'll be a regular green shelled koopa. I don't know hoew high his stats should be so I'll start at Lv.4 and my stats will be Hp:20
I am Doc. Cann.E.Bol. I am a cannibal?! Huh! Who knew?

« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2005, 10:52:48 AM »
Oh and I choose the lightsabre (it's going to be purple like mace windu's)
My attacks are Shell shocker 16 Dp
whack 3 Dp
Throw shell 20 Dp (his health drops to five for that turn when he does because he only has to wait 3 turns)
Trip enemy 1 Dp(stuns enemy for 1 turn)
Also If I sacrifice half my Fp I can do the move "Calvary". Ibring out Bowser and two other koopas to help out for 2 turns

Edited by - Luigi #98 on 8/23/2005 10:00:32 AM
I am Doc. Cann.E.Bol. I am a cannibal?! Huh! Who knew?

« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2005, 11:59:30 AM »
I am Ridley from Metroid. Cower in phear.

(And, what is with everyone starting at levels higher 1? I do not understand XD. Glorb is level 5 because he is the DM; everyone else is supposed to be level 1, no?)

LVL: 5, because I am a big mean dragon guy (everyone else is :( )
HP: 75
FP: 50
Attacks: Tail Swipe (10 DP, but 2 turns to recover energy from it afterwards), Claw (5 DP), Gnaw (15 DP, but -2 HP from tooth damage, plus recharge time is 3 turns)
Weapon: Myself

Ridley: I'm your friend. No, really. :'(

Edited by - Kuroneko on 8/23/2005 11:01:06 AM

« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2005, 12:45:50 PM »
Koopa Jumps at Rift guardian from behind and attacks with his lightsabre!
Rift Guardian: Hp: 500
Koopa: Oops! It's not even turned on! Man I'm stupid.
I am Doc. Cann.E.Bol. I am a cannibal?! Huh! Who knew?

« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2005, 03:23:12 PM »
Stabs rift gardian with flurry of sword blows, does 80 damage


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« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2005, 06:14:10 PM »
Megaman: Hey hey hey! Why are we all fighting?! I guess I wasn't clear enough before. The Sega dimension has already collided with this dimension, so Sonic should appear right
Sonic: Hey, how'd you guess?
Megaman: You just arrived. Anyway, we need to get to Bowser's castle. I hear he has teamed up with Eggman and that wierd Goth kid from those old Commander Keen games.
Sonic: You mean Mortimer McMire?
Megaman: Shut up, nerd. As I was saying, Bowser, Eggman and Mortimer have teamed up to make a giant killer robot. We must all go to their new stronghold and defeat them. Ridley and Rift Guardian, front aaaand center!
Ridley and RG: Yeah?
Megaman: You fly recon over to the north and scope out the castle. Link!
Link: What?
Megaman: You go into the nearby woods and secure some weaponry. Everyone else, uh...follow me.
Mario: Where-a?
Megaman: We'll go get some armor and stuff at the local shop. Here, you each get twenty bucks each.
Sonic: Hey, I only goy $9!
Megaman: That's cause you're a hedgehog!
Sonic: Racist!

"How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us !! You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. HA HA HA HA ...."
-Cats, Zero Wing (Genesis)
