
Author Topic: Mario Fan Game, because everyone else is :(  (Read 3788 times)

« on: August 17, 2005, 12:06:26 AM »
Actually, no, this started after i learned about CashCrazed's UMB but before I heard about anyone elses. It is highly inspired by CC's UMB, actually. It is more-or-less a (you knew it) Mario Bros. clone. It also, much like CC's UMB, has an Adventure mode, but it is set up differently.

The game is completely based around the story mode (but you can unlock Arcarde and "Super" Arcade later), which is split into 5 chapters (two hidden). Heres the story:

One day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario got sick of saving Princess Peach and everyone else by himself (with the occasional help of Luigi). Bowser was marching his army directly towards Peach's castle, and had requested to see Mario. Mario left the Mushroom Kingdom and went back to the normal world. Soon after getting there, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was under the impression that he had been on drugs the whole time. A voice cried his name. It was Luigi. Mario turned to see a fat man with an owl head, and his assistant, a guy in purple with a Bullet Bill for a head, holding Luigi hostage. Now Mario is chasing them trying to get Luigi back...


PROLOUGE: The End of Mario
Luigi is kidnapped by Arch0wl and BulletBill, and you kill Arch0wl. BulletBill gets away.
PHASES: 1 (0)
BOSSES: 1 (Arch0wl)
AREAS: 2 (Sewer Matainance, Old Subway Station (Boss Fight)

CHAPTER 1: Pursuit
Mario and Luigi are hot on the trail of BB, but he has plenty of suprizes for them...
PHASES: 15 (1-15)
BOSSES: 2 (BulletBill, BulletBill)
AREAS: 4 (Jungle, Abandoned Building, Elevator Shaft (wheefun!), Rooftop (bossfight)

CHAPTER 2: Siege
Mario finds BB's fortress, and is convinced that someone else is behind all of this...
PHASES: 15 (16-30)
BOSSES: 2 (?????, BulletBill (final))

CHAPTER 3: The Death of a Hero
The true villain is revealed... and Mario takes him to the bar and buys him a cold one.
PHASES: 15 (31-45)
BOSSES: 2 (?????, The Ying Yang Twins)

CHAPTER 4: Rebelion
A small group of rebels with Kalashnikovs rebel against the Mushroom Kingdom... and the leader is the last person Mario would expect.
PHASES: 15 (46-60)
BOSSES: 2 (Mecha Mario, Arch0wl + Clones (final))

CHAPTER 5: The Aftermath
Mario plans on taking a nice break after all of his hard work, but he is given the task of cleaning up the remains of his foes.
PHASES: 15 (61-75)
BOSSES: 1 (MechaMario (final))

If I ever post a link to this game, be warned that IT CONTAINS PROFANITY. Yes. And not just because the unedited Salt Shaker makes an appearance.

Anyway... progress is about 10%. The game is still freshly coated in bugs, and I had to remove pixel-precise collision because Mario could hang from his nose on the platforms. Most of the music is taken from various games, as is the graphics (I did the blocks myself though!). I can't think of any more to say... I need to go add some more to Chapter 1...


  • Banned
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 06:53:35 AM »
How are you making it? Is is coded by yourself (like my upcoming game, Mario vs. Sonic World Tour) or made in a game-creation utility, such as Game Maker or The Games Factory. Either way, I have my fair share of exprerience in making freeware games, so I could definately help you out if you need it.
Remember the first rule of assembling a game: ALWAYS HAVE YOUR MATERIAL READY. That means sprites, graphics, sounds, music, and what have you. Never start making a game if you haven't made some sprites yet.

"All your base are belong to us!"
-Zero Wing (Genesis)

« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 10:03:45 AM »
I agree. I at least try to have something done before I start discussing it with others. (Check my demo out at the Mario Fan Game Now Hiring thread). Oh and to the person who is making this game, just google Super Mario Sprites, you will be glad that you did, saves alot of time.
We''re on the moon? You mean, the one that''s up in the sky?
~ Peach having a "blond moment" in Paper Mario:TYD

« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2005, 07:45:47 AM »
I am making this is Game Maker lol. I have most of the sprites ready (for Mario and Luigi), and when I don't have them ready I usually stop and make some (or find them online). I still need to make BB's sprite (based off of an 8-bit Captain Falcon sprite I made a while back for a webcomic), and then probably a lot of custom Mario sprites, and a few more Arch0wl sprites.

« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2005, 05:25:54 PM »
Well, good luck! If you need any inspiration to finish your project, go back to my game's thread and go to the download page. The very last link, V1.00, now works. That's what UMB started out as. Now look at it. If you just keep working on it, revising it, and making it better, it'll turn out great!
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2005, 09:47:47 PM »
Heh... you should see V1.0 of mine... it wasn't even the game, just the engine.!.rar

The actual game with levels and bosses started at 1.4.00. I might link to the other versions later.

Edited by - Kuroneko on 8/18/2005 8:51:36 PM

« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2005, 10:04:25 PM »
You mean you've already had those done? Post some links then! It doesn't have to be perfect.

Edited by - CashCrazed on 8/18/2005 9:05:01 PM
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite


  • Banned
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2005, 04:57:56 AM »
Another thing, what is the name and genre of your game? For some weird reason, all the links you posted won't work on my browser. Go figure. But is the game a shooter, platformer, adventure game, arcade-style...please be more specific. At least tell the name, if it even has one.

"How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us !! You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. HA HA HA HA ...."
-Cats, Zero Wing (Genesis)

« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2005, 10:15:31 AM »
Yup, I have 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.00. I believe the first one that contains text is 1.4.00, and Mario drops an S-Bomb (he is really mad lol).

I think these are the correct links. Copy and paste these into your Navigation Bar:!.rar!v1.1.rar!v1.2.rar

NOTE: Don't try to use those until I confirm that they are correct, if you don't like to be flamed by a simple piece of script.

EDIT: They all work, it is safe to download them ;)

You will need something that opens *.rar archives if you don't already. You can find WinRar here:

Edited by - Kuroneko on 8/19/2005 9:19:33 AM


  • Banned
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2005, 11:32:40 AM »
Thanks for the links, and I got WinRar working. And Mario saying sh*t is the most hilarious, if out-of-place, things I've ever seen.

"How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us !! You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. HA HA HA HA ...."
-Cats, Zero Wing (Genesis)

« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2005, 01:35:15 PM »
Eh, look on Newgrounds, you'll have trouble finding a video where he DOESN'T swear.

Fairly decent game overall though. The number one problem with the levels is that the turtles overlap and get stuck in "turning mode" if one falls on top of the other, and that makes it near impossible to kill either of them.

Say, is Arch0wl a real person? That is, is it somebody's alias? It sounds too much like an Internet nickname not to be.

EDIT: Heh, I removed a letter in the URL so I could see your "custom" 404 page. Did you do that, or is that the work of your web host?

Edited by - CashCrazed on 8/22/2005 12:52:53 PM
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2005, 05:48:56 PM »
Uh... that was me :)

GLORB: Heh, the funny part is that Mario is about the only person that uses dirty words in the whole game (except for The Ying Yang Twins and Luigi (occasionally)).

Yeah, two of the major bugs I am trying to get rid of are the overlaping enemies bug and the stick-to-the-ledge bug. They are the most reported bugs at the other site I go to (other than the "farting Mario bug", where if you press and hold one button, wait a bit, and press and hold the other, he will skid until you release the keys. Yes, someone called it that once). And this Arch0wl is a real person. I dislike him. BulletBill is on of his kiss-ups. His site was (he gave it to a friend of mine, left, then came back and wanted it back but he was modded instead. Spectere's worst decision in my opinion). It is down at the moment, and I feel that it deserves to be because all of his dumb followers and himself that hang out there.

Anyway I haven't progressed much because I got this model of the fascinating SR-71 a few days ago and have been building it.

PS: If you knew how many times I have failed trying to fix that shellcreeper glitch your jaw would drop :)

TEH EDIT: I think I found a way to fix the shellcreepers getting stuck into each other, while looking at CashCrazed's game. While playing his game I noticed that whenever that happens they seem to pop out of each other. Mine does something not unlike that now too, but nowhere near as effective. They can still get stuck in each other in other ways, like popping out of shells into each other, but most of the problem is fixed. BTW this took me like 10 minutes to think of and put in, most of it being testing time before I finished copying blocks. I feel like a total idiot now for not figuring this out before XD

Edited by - Kuroneko on 8/22/2005 6:00:04 PM

« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2005, 04:00:40 PM »
Hope you perfect it! Your game sounds cool.

Mario, Mario, He''s our man, If he can''t triple-jump and ground-pound, no one can!

« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2005, 05:18:43 PM »
Thank you!

Ah, it is about time for an update. I have the room for Phases 6-10 finished, but I need to finish a new enemy. Sidecrawlers are not introduced until the end of Chapter 2, if you were wondering. Here is the enemy chart (fireballs and freezies have not been placed yet):

FIRST PHASE: Prolouge (Phase 0)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 2 (Phase 30)
NOTES: Does not appear in Phases 16-25, they reappear in Chapter 4 and continue until Chapter 5

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 1 (Phase 6)
LAST PHASE: Undetermined
NOTES: Only appears where herded or ghost houses.

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 2 (Phase 16)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 2 (Phase 25)
NOTES: This is a good clue to the mystery boss #1.

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 2 (Phase 26)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 2 (Phase 30)
NOTES: They reappear in Chapter 4 and continue until the end of Chapter 5

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 2 (Phase 26)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 2 (Phase 30)
NOTES: They reappear in Chapter 4 and continue until the end of Chapter 5

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 31)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 35)
NOTES: Clue to another mystery boss. Are almost exactly like Shellcreepers.

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 31)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 35)
Notes: If you cannot guess the second mystery boss by now you are a sad, sad person. Also, never let them get mad or you will be sorry...

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 31)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 44)
NOTES: Being so crafty, they survive your raid on ?????'s castle, but you beat the snot out of them all before you reach the bar. Wow, all in a day's work.

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 31)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 5  (Phase 75)
NOTES: They survive your rampage. Or someone else has access to them. Hmm. They don't appear in Phase 45 because bars in the Mushroom Kingdom don't serve their kind.

FIRST/LAST PHASE: Chapter 3 (Phase 45)
NOTES: Loves barfights, and will gladly pull anyone into them. Kick the snot out of them before they go sober and leave, because they have some nice cash...

FIRST PHASE: Chapter 4 (Phase 46)
LAST PHASE: Chapter 4 (Phase 60)
NOTES: Kick their behinds before they get up and use their Kalashnikovs. Ouch.

FIRST/LAST PHASE: Chapter 4 (Phase 60 Bossfight)
NOTES: If they touch you you become one of them, but you still are reborn on top of the POW block (like always). Beat all 100+ of them by jumping on the top of them (they attack you as balls, but only 4 attack at a time, plus the real one who will not die until the others do).
