
Author Topic: EarthBound 2: Dreams Come True  (Read 5637 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2006, 05:52:42 PM »
When i saw that title, I first though it was some kind of joke. I says to myself, "Glorb, you knows what? There ain't gonna be know Earthbound sequel!" But i was wrong.

« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2006, 10:45:48 PM »
When i saw that title, I first though it was some kind of joke. I says to myself, "Glorb, you knows what? There ain't gonna be know Earthbound sequel!" But i was wrong.
Someone should take off the "Dreams Come True" part of the topic.

Anywhoo.. Please excuse me while I switch to fanboy mode.

<fanboyism type="earthbound">

Holy butter biscuits, guys!! The creator of Earthbound has launched a website that periodically updates with AWESOME new preivews of the videogame coming out this April.

As of right now, they have the "Mother 3 Love Song", a brand new song from the upcoming sequel as well as three screen shots from the game.


Let me say that again.


THEY ACTUALLY RELEASED THREE ACTUAL SCREENSHOTS FROM THE ACTUAL GAME.  Do you know how MASSIVE that is?!??!  Oh man, they MUST release this in the US.  MUST.


So yes.  I'm quite excited about this game.
lumpia (LOOM'·pee·ah") n.
A Filipino variation of the egg roll. It consists of more meat, less vegetable and is generally better tasting. :p

« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2006, 07:34:15 PM »
I think I have (or at least had) that ROM of Mother (Earthbound Zero) somewhere, 'cause I know I've played it.
I didn't get far in the game. The graphic styles were very similar to the SNES Earthbound, though I thought the main character looked really dorky.
But it started out very similar to EB(SNES), in the fact that you named yourself and friends.
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.
