
Author Topic: Religion  (Read 73081 times)

« Reply #240 on: April 19, 2004, 04:17:22 PM »
I once knew a kid who made fun of others bacause their religions contained more than one god.  He said that what they believed was phoney and all of this other trash.  People should be able to velieve what they want.
Ex: Hindu, Shinto, etc.

"There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people."
"There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people."

« Reply #241 on: April 19, 2004, 04:43:25 PM »
I believe in evolution, but not the kind of evolution that most people think of when they hear the word.  The evolution I believe in is:

Let's say on some remote island, there is a species of birds.  These birds have to have a special kind of beak to get food from flowers.  Now let's say that humans discover the island.  Suddenly, there's a lot more food for the birds now that humans have appeared.  So they can adapt their beaks to suit their new food source.  That's the kind of evolution I believe in.

The kind of evolution I don't believe in is that we came from a primordial soup.  For that to be true, we would have evolved from tiny strands of amino acids linked up to form protein.  But scientists have failed to prove that amino acids, when exposed to conditions such as found in a warm pond on early Earth, can link up to form proteins over and over and stay that way.  All of the experiments done by scientists have proven that amino acids can link up, but they can't stay linked up without the scientists' interference by, say, removeing the linked ones before they have a chance to break apart again.  And even when they do link up, the DNA sequence is all wrong for life to evolve from it.  It's like arranging Scabble letters to form the word PROTEIN.  You or I can do it easily, but random processes in nature can't.  The letters always end up spelling TNOIRPE or some other mixed up sequence.

Anyway, that's my opinion, and I'm sticking by it.

btw, Tell me your belief at A Survey This Is

Bozone, n.:

The layer of gas surrounding a person which prevents good ideas from penetrating.

Edited by - ¥tterbiJúm on 4/19/2004 3:46:31 PM

Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggy" until you can find a rock.


  • Kansas
« Reply #242 on: April 19, 2004, 05:14:02 PM »
So you believe in Darwin's theory of Natural Selection then. Basically survival of the fittest. The birds that can adapt can live, and the birds that can't don't.

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« Reply #243 on: April 19, 2004, 06:29:08 PM »
All Darwin said was decent by modification.

Decent by modification.

Do you believe yourself to be exactly like your parents? If not, then you agree with Darwin.

He didn't know what amino acids or DNA were.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”


  • Old Person™
« Reply #244 on: April 19, 2004, 07:08:31 PM »
¥tterbiJúm, it only had to happen once.  A random generator can eventually spell Protein.  DNA is much more complex than your analogy, but it could happen.  I am not saying it did, but it does logically make sense.  Just because someone or ones in a certain time can't do something doesn't make it impossible.

What's more interesting than where and how the protein and DNA came to be is how the Mitochondria and their DNA got in every cell.  I think that the original single celled organism (which had it on DNA) obsorbed a mitochondria (including its DNA).  These twos relationship was then mutually beneficial so they replicated together.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Kansas
« Reply #245 on: April 20, 2004, 04:12:13 PM »
Ok so I said that I wasn't going to post the 5 proofs for the existence of God. That was a lie. I am going to do it, as soon as I find my [EDIT] theology binder. So untill I do... Well.... I dono..... But I t will be up by tomorrow!

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Edited by - Koopaslaya on 4/26/2004 3:18:14 PM
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  • Kansas
« Reply #246 on: April 20, 2004, 06:57:56 PM »
1 of 5
Because things exist, and because nothing can cause itself to exist, therefore, whatever existss must be the result of some other cause.
And because that cause could not have caused itself to exist, or it would have never existed in the first place, therefore, that cause must be the effect of yet another cause.
And because this process of cause and effect could not go back infinately, or it would have never started in the first place, therefore there must be a first uncaused cause, which can only be God.
2 of 5
Because things change, and because nothing can cause itself to change, therefore, whatever changes must be the result of some "changer".
And because that changer could not have changed itself, therefore, that changer must be the result of yet another changer.
And because this process of changing could not go back infinately, or it would have never started in the first place, therefore there must be a first unchanged changer cause, which can only be God.

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Edited by - Koopaslaya on 4/21/2004 2:06:25 PM
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  • Old Person™
« Reply #247 on: April 24, 2004, 12:17:55 AM »
thoelogy?  Sounds like Saph's spelling and grammer checking are slipping.  I haven't seen her use soap lately either.  Is she even here.  Will the real Saph please stand up.

I think your philosphical "proofs" don't proof anything.  They sound more like ancient greek theology than proofs.

I also think the quantum theory of wave colapse comes closest to proving the existence of a creator than anything else.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #248 on: April 24, 2004, 09:09:03 AM »
Survival of the Fittest doesn't apply to humans. Wheras most animals seem perfectly content to let their weaker members die off, human beings, due to their tendency to feel for things, make absolutely sure that other members of the species live long enough to reproduce and copy whatever flaw they had into future generations.

Perfect example: How many people today have 20/20 vision? I honestly don't know ANYONE in my class with 20/20 vision. Everyone has glasses or contacts. I am no exception; I am something like +-4.0 (Can't remember which, I think -) ... so yea.



  • Inquiring
« Reply #249 on: April 24, 2004, 09:24:35 AM »
Oh? Shouldn't that be....?

"Thoelogy"? Sounds like Sapph's spelling and grammar checking are slipping. I haven't seen her use soap lately either. Is she even here? Will the real Sapph please stand up?

>:P  I'm here. I just don't post as much anymore, but I'm certainly around.


Wise men talk because they have something to say;

fools, because they have to say something.

"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #250 on: April 24, 2004, 06:51:40 PM »
Ah haw haw. Like the pot callin' the kettle black.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #251 on: April 24, 2004, 07:05:06 PM »
I think it is closer to "The black crayon calling the kettle black."



  • Kansas
« Reply #252 on: April 26, 2004, 04:16:30 PM »
These proofs that you don't aggree with are not yet completed. When I find the rest of the worksheets they will be concrete. Let me finish...

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« Reply #253 on: April 26, 2004, 06:03:48 PM »
I bet Zeno's Paradoxes would blow this guy's mind, if he buys these.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”


  • Kansas
« Reply #254 on: May 10, 2004, 04:01:30 PM »
Still cna't find the Theology binder, However,IS, yes survival of the fittest DOES apply to humans. Ever Hear of SOCIAL DARWINISM? It has to do with imperilism. Stronger nations takeing over weaker ones. Get It? When I find that binder.... Jusst wait.

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