As the result of lots of snow the last month, the freezing level rising (*coughglobalwarmingcough*), and fairly heavy rain, it's flooding again.
I believe I mentioned this last year, but in case anybody forgot or didn't care in the first place there was a record-breaking flood 'round these parts in December of '07. Stores ruined, schools closed, homes (my grandparent's farm included) ravaged, the like. Now, a little more than a year later, it's back and threatening to be even worse. No one can say for sure what's going to go down, but predictions are not one, but four rivers could flood, hitting more places (like my dad's business/our "legal residence"--long story--which escaped unscathed last time, along with our out-of-town "country home' on a secure hill) harder than in, if not years, decades. School got out early, sandbags are already placed, and important items are in high places. We're staying "in town" for the time being, which is bittersweet because at least I have broadband wireless and am closer to friends/relatives.