My wife and I won't stop fighting about my mom. My mom likes to offer us help, but my wife thinks she's being too nosy/bossy/etc. I don't feel that she's overstepped any boundaries. She's just been offering advice. Advice nobody has to take, and yet it somehow still ticks my wife off.
Like right now: my mom knows the trade in value for my truck (Tiny), and has been helping us look for a different vehicle. She's found a pacifica (which would be better/more reliable than Tiny) but we can't afford to even trade right now. But it's getting to a point where we may not have a choice: Tiny wouldn't start up again today after recently having his altenator replaced. The engine lights say the battery needs to be replaced, but he's also sat there for almost a week, since I was out of town to see my kids (and it has rained on him).
For whatever reason, he doesn't start up well after he's been sitting there and it rains.
This isn't the first time it's happened, but I've had enough and want to trade, but we can't afford any kind of car payments, but.. GAH! I'm so frustrated. I want a new vehicle, but.. well, you know..