
Author Topic: Pause  (Read 11405 times)

« on: April 18, 2006, 09:43:05 PM »

This topic is all about the video game phenomenon known as "pause".  Here we can discuss any thoughts relating to "pause", but I will provide some starting points.  Please help yourself:

  • What's the longest you've ever left a game paused?
  • What's your favorite pause screen or sound effect?  Why?
  • Have you ever lied to your mom about being unable to pause?
  • If you added up all the pauses you've ever done, how much of your life has been spent in pause mode?

If leaving my DS in sleep mode counts as pausing, my record is two days.  Otherwise, I've been known to keep my Super Nintendo paused for several hours to go out for ice cream or a bike ride.
Today's actually... nobody's birthday!  Quick, hurry up and make a baby!


« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2006, 09:51:54 PM »
Pausing for too long severly bothers me, I'd rather lose some data and shut off a system before leaving it on while paused for hours.

The best pause I've ever seen is SSBM. Being able to move the camera and focus in and out on all players is great. This way, while you are out getting a drink, your friends aren't tempted to unpause the game and kill your uncontrolled character. Really great.

Was anyone else bothered by not being able to pause Mortal Kombat?

« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 09:59:52 PM »
Three days on Super Mario Sunshine... o_O

« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2006, 10:18:56 PM »
Lately, I've come to realize the error of my pausing ways and have begun using the Start button more responsibly--just so you don't think I'm some kind of pausing psycho like Khold.  Sleep mode is a different story, though.  It's not nearly as taxing for the system.

And I am usually bothered by any game that has no pause function--but I can't think of any off the top of my head, and I never played much Mortal Kombat.
Today's actually... nobody's birthday!  Quick, hurry up and make a baby!

« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 10:43:41 PM »
I told my mom that I couldn't pause on PP:TTYD so that I could stay on for an extra 5 minutes. At another time, I paused Paper Mario: The thousand year door for about 6 hours and was scared all the time about if it got turned off. And I left legend of Zelda: The wind waker on for 3 days, because at the time we didn't have a memory card and my brother, after 3 days, turned the game off and now I have to go to that island with the bird things again.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2006, 11:37:32 PM »
When I downloaded the Electroplankton demo at E3, I kept it on my DS via sleep for about a week. Watoad had the Meteos demo for a long, long time the same way.

I really like pausing in Viewtiful Joe. The director says a unique thing on each level, and I really like his voice.

What bugs me is games where the game time still goes up while paused. You aren't doing anything, you don't have the capability to do anything, and you probably aren't even there.


  • Banned
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2006, 08:26:28 AM »
In Bionic Commando, pausing actually gave you a strategic edge; it was a map.


  • Kansas
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2006, 08:41:27 AM »
When I was a youngin' I used to pause a game for only one reason: that is, to eat. NOw this may seem foolish, yet when I was a tiny guy, my grandma wouldn't have it if I played through dinner. So, I would always pause SMB3. I never usually pause games anymore. But I remember my Grandma saying one thing.... DONT PAUSE IT TOO LONG, OR IT WILL BE BURNED INTO THE TV. I thought, what better, Mario permanently etched into my grandma's TV, SWEET!
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου


« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2006, 09:01:11 AM »
My friends left Star Wars Episode II (the movie DVD) paused for too long and now there's a purple shadow of Mace Windu's lightsaber stuck on there.

« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2006, 12:42:28 PM »
My big brother told me that if I didn't turn off the playstation 2, it would get burned into the screen. My mom would kill me if it did.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2006, 01:55:45 PM »
On Halo 2 multiplayer, there was no pause. You press START, and it'll bring up a bunch of menus, but the game won't pause, and your character will still be able get hit.

It wasn't pausing for two reasons,
if one character paused in a game, every would have paused.
It would have been cheating to not get hit when paused. People could just go through a whole game in pause. They would still win.

The longest i ever had any system on was for 6 hours. The n64, and Mario Party 1 was on.

I do keep games on of when i eat, read, or when i can do something really quickly and come back. The TV gets turned off though.
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2006, 02:34:41 PM »
The TV gets turned off though.

Exactly.  I don't know why people are fretting so much about burn-in when you can just turn off the TV.  Though, I do admit Koopaslaya's grandma is smarter than the average bear in that she even knows what burn-in is.  Hooray for grandmas!
Today's actually... nobody's birthday!  Quick, hurry up and make a baby!


  • Bruised
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2006, 04:46:54 PM »
Whenever I pause a game to eat, I turn the TV off.
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2006, 05:39:37 PM »
I also think that the pause feature in SSBM is pretty nifty. I like pausing in cool positions, such as dodging a kick or something.
Alas! I have returned. (3/22/07)

« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2006, 06:00:44 PM »
Yeah! You gotta love the SSBM pause. But I can't find out how to exit the game from the pause menu if it's not on training. I have to press the restart button. This makes me think: Wouldn't it be cool if the TV burned in a cool screenshot from SSBM on your TV, the one you didn't use?
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie
