halc's NOSTALGIA canon
CDs and Soundtracks
Album info Image
Release date: 2013-11-19
Region: USA
Artist: halc
Arranged by: halc
Performed by: halc
Format: Digital
Total length: 34:09
Website: halc.bandcamp.com

halc's NOSTALGIA canon


Track list

1)The Never Ending Legend (Zelda: OoT & LttP)The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
2)Satch Man feat. WillRock (Mega Man 10)Mega Man 103:27
3)Explode in Peace (Bomberman 64)Bomberman 644:18
4)Choose Your Name Wisely (EarthBound)Earthbound2:24
5)Flower Power (Yoshi's Island)Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island3:21
6)Worst Case Scenario Future (Sonic CD)Sonic CD4:32
7)Oversaturated (Kaleidoscope)Kaleidoscope3:14
8)Nostalgic Memories (Dark Cloud)Dark Cloud4:11
9)Stranded (Super Adventure Island II)Super Adventure Island 24:33